Thursday, May 9, 2002

Ten In Twenty Ten

Time: 4:13 P.M.

I'm Wearing: "Weird Al" Pentiums shirt and tie-up jeans.

I Last Ate: Peanut butter and jelly w/ soy milk.

Holly's Song Pick For Today: "Breaking Up the Girl" by Garbabge.


Mike is out of the hospital! Woo hoo! He still doesn't feel good, which is quite understandable, seeing as he has epstine bar, mono, pneumonia, hepatitis and gull stones. Poor guy. But he *is* out of the hospital, and I think that's a reason to celebrate! As usual, I choose to celebrate by way of SURVEY!

Yoinked from: Half-baked Surveys

Have you ever given up a certain type of food? If so, what was it and why did you do it? Meat, when I was 7 because AAAAAAAH, I WAS EATING ANIMALS! *Shudders*.

who does the chores around your house? We all do.

what movie do you hope you never see again? Event Horizon. That's some scaaaaary crap.

tell me about the best school-related activity you ever took part in: In 6th grade, we had to make a video with our "group." My group was full of hilarious people, and my insane brother wrote our script. Good times, good times.

what is the one thing in the world that just looking at it makes you vomit, or come close to it? Those brain surgery shows on TV.

when other people vomit, does it make you sick? Yes, it does.

do your clothes match? I suppose. Black goes with everything, right?

have you lived in the same house your entire life? Nope. When I was 7, my great Aunt Mary died, and we moved into her house, right around the block.

what are you reading right now? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, for the 50 millionth time.

do you read magazines? Indeed I do.

what's your favorite book? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

what is it about? Harry's name is drawn out of the Goblet of Fire for the Tri-Wizard Tournament, even though he's under-age. I'm sure there's a better description for it somewhere, but that's the best I can do.

why do you like this book? It's the longest HP book, and it hints a lot that Hermione's into Harry.

what's your favorite poem? I don't believe I have one.

what do you think of:

To Kill a Mocking Bird: It makes me sleepy.

One Flew Over the Cukoo's nest: Didn't read it.

12 Angry Men: Didn't read that either.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Um... I like the ride at Disney World?

Lord of the Rings: I saw the movie. I'm sorry, but I didn't like it.

Clockwork Orange: Didn't read it.

Of Mice and Men: Never read *it*.

the Grapes of Wrath: Never read that either.

Harry Potter: The best thing since sliced bread.

The Scarlet letter: Didn't read it.

Who is your favorite author(s)? J.K. Rowling.

What kind of books are the most fun to read? Harry Potter.

What would you like to read a book about? Harry and Hermione hooking up.

Why don't you write one? I *am* writing one. Well, a fan fic, anyway.

Spell your name backwards: Yllou Leahcar Letniz

what is the latest you've ever stayed up? All night.

what does your pillow cover look like: At my mom's: Harry Potter print, At my dad's: Dolphin print.

sunglasses: Yes, I have some...

Do you like incense: Nope, I like candles.

Do you like the taste of blood: AH! I've never tasted blood, but I'm sure I don't.

What do you want done with your body when you die: I want all my organs donated, then I want to be buried.

What do you daydream about? Going on vacation. *Dang*, I need one.

Who was the first celebrity you ever had a picture of on your wall? Paula Abdul, I believe.

Would you ever consider plastic surgery? If yes, what? No.

Which product would you love to advertise? Vegetarian food.

How do you let others know when you're pissed off? I go into the other room and cry, usually.

Have you ever been sent out of class? A few times, to take a test that I missed.

have you ever had deja vu? Yeah.

whats the freakiest dream you ever had? That one where Bobby shot everyone but me.

what age do you think should be the driving age? I think it's good as it is.

what about the drinking age? 108.

do you think you will drink or get drunk before you are 21? Definitely not. I'm never going to drink.

have you had a nightmare lately? If so, what was it about? Yeah. Last night. It has the story line of a Harry Potter fan fic I read yesterday, but the characters of Port Charles.

do you have a secret you have never told ANYONE? Yup.

do you have a friend of the same sex that you could tell almost anything to? Who? Yup. My mom.

if you were going to commit suicide, how would you do it? I wouldn't.

if you got pregnant when you were really young, like 14, would you have an abortion? Well, seeing as I'm 18 now... Heh, no, I wouldn't.

what is the scariest movie you have ever seen? Event Horizon.

The funniest? Probably Austin Powers 1 or 2. Oh, or Office Space. Or Dirty Work.

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