Thursday, April 18, 2002

Grandma and Grandpa Are Coming Home!

Time: 10:01 P.M.
I'm wearing: Mr. Rogers "Hello Neighbor" shirt, blue shorts and the cast.
I last ate: Chips and bean dip. I sure am in a rut.
Holly's theme song of the day: "Cable TV" by "Weird Al" Yankovic

Grandma Z. recently called and said she and Grandpa are coming home from Florida tomorrow! Woo hoo! I choose to celebrate by way of GIRLIE SURVEY!

***** Girlie Survey *****

Are you a girl or a guy pretending to be one? [looks down] I appear to be female.

(if you answered "yes" to either of the above questions, proceed)

How many hair products do you use? Shampoo, conditioner, mousse, gel, Dax... 5.

Blow-dryer? I do not like blow dryers. They cause my scalp to overheat. I prefer the towel-dry method.

Curling iron? Those are rockin', but it's too easy to burn yourself with 'em.

Straightening iron? Nah, my hair's curly and I like it that way.

Conditioner: Yes, I use it... right now, it's Lavender scented Suave.

At the moment, is your hair its natural color? Why, yes it is.

Generally, is your hair nice to you? (ie doesn't spontaneously frizz during one class period, brushes without breaking into a million shorter pieces)? It's usually pretty polite. But not in humidity.

How many makeup products do you use? *Counts on fingers* 5 or 6.

Eyes: I usually use Cool Effect eye shadow by Maybelline in Cold As Ice, then I curl my eyelashes and put water-proof mascara on.

Face: N.Y.C. concealer stick and prescribed Sulficette.

Lips: Usually either Lip D'Votion by Bonne Bell in Real Raspberry or a really light, shiny pink color.

Are your nails painted right now? Yup. I've got Maybelline Wet Shine on both my toes and fingers. It's like a peachy-pink color.

How many skin products do you use? Too many. I can't even count them all.

Face wash? Heh, Meijer brand Acne Wash.

Face moisturizer? I don't have one. I've gotta find a nice oil-free one.

Lotions? Secret Crush by Victoria's Secret and a bunch of fun Bath & Body Works ones.

Do you have more girl friends than guy friends? I think it's about equal, actually.

Do you tell your friends everything? Pretty much.

Girl power theme song: "Unpretty" by TLC is a good one.

Favorite girl group: Wilson Phillips and The Bangles! 80s bands! Woo hoo!

Best female performer in history? That'd be my role model, Amy Grant. Upliftingly catchy.

Most annoying girl singer: Nelly Furtado. And Shakira's climbin' the charts on this one.

(at this point I would like to apologize to my male audience members and ask that they skip ahead to the next section).

Is it? Yup, just started today. Blergh...

Do you keep track? No, but my parents get my pills out for me, and if my birth control pills (I use 'em for acne and period regulation), they tell me Aunt Flow will be visiting that day.

Do you usually get cramps? Abso-frickin'-lutely. They *SUCK*.

What food gets you through pms? I usually can't think too much about food when I'm having PMS. I just have to take a painkiller and lie down till the cramps subside.

Do you get bitchy during pms? No. I actually think I get a little nicer during PMS. It's weird.

Is your cycle the same as any of your friends'? My cousins, Lindsay and Allison.

Your mom's? My mom got a hysterectomy a few years back.

SHOPPING [drool] Yeah, shopping rocks right? Most definitely.

Have you shopped in the past week? Yes, I have. I went to Dots with my grandma Shoup and my mom. I bought some shorts, a couple pairs of really cute capris and hair ribbons, a necessity.

Are you an impulse buyer? Absolutely. "Look, something with Harry Potter's face on it! *Yoink*!"

Can you decide on what to buy? Usually, I want to buy about 150 things at once, but I only have enough money for 1 or 2 things. That's always a tough decision.

Who is your favorite shopping buddy? My mom! We have the exact same taste in just about everything. Sarah's really fun to shop with too, but we have almost totally different taste!

Gay/straight/bi? Straight.

Do you have a crush? Yes, that'd be Tim.

How many boyfriends have you had? Serious boyfriends? Sadly, none. *Pouts*.

What kind do you like? The nice, comfortable cotton kind.

Do you like buying it? No. For some reason, I get all embarrassed about buying underwear, and send my mom in to do it for me.

Which pair is your favorite? The ones with the pretty pink flowers on them.

Which bra is your favorite? My really comfortable lacy white one.

Do you wear underwear to bed: Yup.

Do you purposely expose your undies when you bend over: Heheheheheheheheheheheh. *Wipes tear from eye*. No.

***** ALL DONE *****

--Holly Rachael :-D

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