Wednesday, April 3, 2002

Ah, the Joy of Online Quizzes

Time: 3:59 P.M.
I'm wearing: My "United We Stand" shirt with the glittery flag on it, jean capris and the freaking cast.
I last ate: Corn flakes with soy milk and bananas for breakfast.
Song that's in my head: "How Do I Deal?" by Jennifer Love Hewitt.

So, I went to my therapist appointment last night, and I told her I've been having trouble sleeping because of... well, troubles and worries I'd rather not mention. Turns out, I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, to add to all my wondermous problems. Woo hoo.

Zach's going out on a *date* Friday night! He's going out with mine and Sarah's friend, Samantha! Nift-ay, eh? Do you think it's bad that my brother is dating one of my friends again? Heh. Nah, I'm pretty confident that it'll work out great. Anyway, my mom called last night and told me that Friday night we were all going out to eat for her birthday and my grandparents' anniversary! Uh-oh. So, Mom suggested that Zach bring Samantha along with us. But that's supposed to be their date time... I don't know. We'll figure somethin' out.

Look! I put a new online quiz result on my diary! Huzzah!

Alrighty, I'm gonna, go write commentary on my favorite Daria fan fictions. Later!

--Holly Rachael :-D

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