Sunday, October 21, 2001

I'm not only a limo driver, I'm also a bar tender

Actually, I'm neither. That's just a good line from The Critic.
I might have stolen this from Crystal456, but I'll bet'cha can't prove it!

A-Z Survey!

A-Age: 17

*B-Best Friend: Sarah and Mom

*C-Choice of Meat: Gross! I'll take veggie burgers, please.

*D-Dream Date: Jonathan Jackson.

*E-Exciting Adventure: Las Vegas!

*F-Favorite Food: Mom's stuffed pumpkin shells.

*G-Greatest Accomplishment: Getting on the Power Tower at Cedar Point... TWICE!

*H-Happiest Day of your life: Mom and Mike's wedding day.

*I-Interests: Daria!

*K-Kool-Aid: Strawberry.

*L-Love: Love, eh? Well... you see... I'll have to get back to you.

*M-Most Valued: My family and friends.

*N-Name: Autumn.

*O-Outfit you love: My fluffy pink sweater and multi-colored jeans.

*P-Pizza toppings: Just sauce.

*Q-Question Asked to you the most: Who the heck are you?

*R-Radio Station: 102.5 WIOG.

*S-Sport: Hockey!

*T-Television Show: Same as I put for cartoon, Daria. But my favorite non-cartoon show is Once and Again.

*U-Ur favorite songs: "One-Sided Love" by Mandy Moore and "Everything" by Lifehouse.

*V-Video: Music video, right? Well, that would have to be "Freakin' Freinds" by Mystik Spiral.

*W-Winter: Yes, that absolutely rocks.

*Xylophone: Hooray for xylohphones! Without them, no one would ever know what to put on ABC lists for "X"!

*Y-Year born: 1984.

*Z-Zodiac Sign: Pisces.

1 comment:

Limo hire said...

I thought was a limo driver, what limo hire company do you work for.