Monday, October 15, 2001

If I could be a vegetable, I'd be a carrot!

I got this from Survey Whore!

I see: ...said the blind man.

I need:, I want you, oh baby, oh baby.

I find: I have a penny and a dime in my pocket! I'm not broke! Woo hoo!

I want: Reese Kellentier.

I have on: My Mr. Lucky's shirt and jeans.

I wish: I could date the hockey players.

I love: Chex Mix.

I hate: Those bumper stickers with Calvin peeing on something.

I miss: My cats and dog. :-(

I fear: Kurt will beat me up if I miss any school. Really, he said so!

I feel: A bit hungry.

I hear: Robin getting up to get a book.

I smell: Absolutely nothing.

I crave: Angel hair with marinara from the Olive Garden. Oh, *MAN*, does that ever sound good!

I search: For a way to date the hockey players.

I wonder: How the heck I'm going to date the hockey players.

I regret: Not taking Crouse's jersey while it was being washed at my house!

When was the last time you ...

Smiled? At Mr. Clements when he told me I could take the day off of computer work.

Laughed? When Mom said that she went to bed last night, and Mike sat up, wrapped his arms around her and said, "Let's just sit here and look pretty, hee hee hee!" in his sleep. Heheheh.

Cried? The night before last while watching Stepmom.

Bought something? This morning at 7-11, some Chex Mix.

Danced? Yesterday, in the hotel room.

Were sarcastic? With Kurt and Dupes last night.

Kissed someone? I kissed my dog yesterday.

Talked to an ex? I... dooon't know.

Watched your favorite movie? Like, three months ago.

Had a nightmare? Quite a while ago.

A Last time for everything...

Last book you read: Silent Honor by Danielle Steel.

Last movie you saw: Serendipity, Saturday with Dad.

Last song you heard: "Life is Good" by LFO, in the car on the way to school.

Last thing you had to drink: Root Beer, taking my pills before I left for school.

Last time you showered: Yesterday afternoon.

Last thing you ate: A chocolate donut at breakfast.

Do You...

Smoke? Only when I'm on fire.

Do drugs? Nope.

Have sex? Absolutely not.

Sleep with stuffed animals? Yup, my teddy bear, Jodie.

Live in the moment? Yup.

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope.

Have a dream that keeps coming back? Yeah, that one about Bobby freaking out and shooting everybody.

Play an instrument? Noope.

Believe there is life on other planets? I don't care, but I don't know.

Remember your first love? I haven't been in love.

Still love him/her? Nope.

Read the newspaper? Just the part about the Hurricanes.

Have any gay or lesbian friends? I did last year, but then I switched schools, and everyone here seems to be homophobic except for me.

Believe in miracles? Indeed.

Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? Absolutely.

Consider love a mistake? Nope.

Like the taste of alcohol? I'll never know. I'm never going to drink because I kind of like life.

Have a favorite candy? Skittles.

Believe in astrology? Now you may find it inconceivable or at the very least a bit unlikely that the relative position of the planets and the stars could have a special deep significance or meaning that exclusively applies to only you, but let me give you my assurance that these forecasts and predictions are all based on solid, scientific, documented evidence, so you would have to be some kind of moron not to realize that every single one of them is absolutely true.

Believe in magic? Would they write it in Harry Potter books if it wasn't true?

Believe in God? Yup.

Pray? Yep.

Go to church? Um... every now and then.

Have any secrets? Hmmm... no, Peg.

Have any pets? Yup. Puppy: Chyna, Kitties: Daria and Amy.

Do well in school? (Falls over laughing)

Go to or plan to go to college? Um... perhaps.

Have a major? Uh... no.

Talk to strangers who instant message you? I just tell them I'm a fat German chick who wants their body, and they leave me alone.

Wear hats? Only my sombraro and earflap hat.

Have any piercings? Two, in my ears.

Have any tattoos? Not unless you count that scar on my neck that looks like a division sign.

Hate yourself? Actually, I'm quite fond of myself.

Have an obsession? Do I?! Daria, I tell you, DARIA!

Collect anything? Daria-related items.

Have a best friend? Sarah and Mom.

Wish on stars? Every now and then.

Like your handwriting? It's not so bad.

Have any bad habits? Cracking my joints.

Care about looks? Nah.

Believe in witches? WITCHES?! AAAAAH, WHERE?!

Believe in Satan? Good Lord, he's here, too?!

God? Yes.

Believe in ghosts? AAAAAAAH!

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