Wednesday, February 27, 2002

It's Time For Animaniacs


01. When were you born: February 28th, 1984.

02. Where were you born: McLaren Hospital.

03. What was your first grade teacher's name: Mrs. Husted. She sucked.

04. What was your first pet's name and what was it: Tinsel, she was a cat.

05. What was your worst accident (medical): When I was 7, I fell off my bike and got a piece of gravel stuck in my knee. I got like, 37 internal stitches and 12 external ones.

06.What was your favorite cartoon: My Little Pony was my very first favorite, but I also liked The Smurfs.

07. Who was your first best friend: Jessie, a little girl I met in pre-school. I hung out with her because she had naturally curly hair and so did I. Yeah, we were cool...

09. Who was your first boyfriend: I thought Danny was my boyfriend in kindergarten, but I actually just followed him around, kissing him.

10. What was your favorite song when you were in the 5th grade? "Dreamlover" by Mariah Carey.

11. What was your favorite movie in the 2nd grade: Beauty & the Beast.

12. What did you want to be when you grew up: At first I wanted to be a teacher. Then I wanted to be a singer/dancer/actress.

13. What used to be your favorite color: Teal Blue.

14. What was your favorite subject: S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G. Spelling.

15. Did you ever wet your pants at school: Nope.

16. Did you ever get sent to the principal: No.

17. Did you ever steal anything: Nope.

18. What was your worst fear: Either the dark or spiders.

19. What was your favorite toy: My Little Ponies.

20. Did you ever suck your thumb: Nope.


21. What time is it: 6:18 P.M.

22. What's the date: February 27, 2002.

23. What school do you go to: I don't.

24. Who is your best friend: Wendy Killbreath and Sarah Mathews.

25. What is your favorite movie: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

26. What is your favorite song: "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore.

27. Do you have any pets: Dog: Chyna, Cats: Daria and Amy.

28. What is your favorite subject in school: English.

29. What color of hair do you have: Brown.

30. What color of eyes do you have: Bluish green.

31. What kind of music do you listen to: Pop.

32. Do you still watch cartoons: Absolutely! I love Daria and The Simpsons, and the Cartoon Network is my favorite channel. Johnny Bravo kicks arse!

33. What is your favorite t.v. show: Daria and Port Charles.

34. Do you get online often: Oh yeah. When I'm at my dad's house, I am.

35. What's your worst fear: Probably spiders.

36. What's your favorite color: Pink.

37. What state do you live in: Michigan.

38. Do you have a b/f g/f: No.

39. What's your favorite type of food: Vegetarian.

40. Do you drive: Yup.


41.What do you want to be when you grow up: A cartoon voice actress.

42. Do you want to go to college: Yeah.

43. Do you want to get married: Yesiree.

44. If so at what age: Not 22, 'cause that's when my parents got married, and their marriage didn't work out. So how about... 30?

45. Do you want to have kids: Absolutely.

46. What kind of car do you drive (want to drive): I *want* to drive a green VW Bug. I *do* drive a ghetto-looking Buick Le Sabre.

47. At what age do you think you'll live to be: Hopefully, 100 or so.

48. What movie do you want to see next Saturday night? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone again, of course.

50. Do you think you will have to wear "depends" (old fart underwear): Probably.

51. What time do you think you will go to bed when you're 70 (if you plan to live that long): Around 11:30. That's what time my grandparents go to bed.

52. Do you think you will have the same friends as you do now: Yep.

53. Do you think everyone will be jealous of you at your 10th high school reunion: Oh yes, thoroughly jealous that they got a high school diploma and I got a G.E.D.

54. Do you want to be president of the U.S..: No thanks.

55. Do you want to walk on the moon: No, I'm just gonna stay here and... wash my hair. Have fun, though.

56. Do you want to be famous: Yeah, that'd be pretty fun.

57. What kind of housing do you want to live in: A one-story house like this one, but bigger... really, really big.

58. What color do you think your hair will be when you're 50: Brown... because I'm going to DYE it! Ha ha!

59. Do you think you will still have the same personality when you're 60: Yeah. I already act like an old lady. "Stop talking like a drunken sailor! That's not music, that's just noise!"

60. Do you think the sun is going to explode: Good Lord, I hope not.

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