Sunday, November 26, 2000

Obsessed With The Grinch

Yes, that's right. I seem to be in a Grinch rut. I must see the movie again, it was so splendorous! I'm wondering if I can go tomorrow... and then again the next day! Say, this seems similar to my Titanic rut. And my Ten Things I Hate About You rut, and my Little Mermaid rut. I sure have had a lot of movie ruts in my life.

I wonder where I might go about purchasing some Grinch merchandise... Perhaps I'll rip down all the boy band posters from my walls and replace them with Jim Carrey posters. You know what this means, don't you? I'm going to have to go to Spencer's and get one of those giant Grinch dolls, along with a giant Max. AAAAH, but I've got to buy Christmas presents! BLAST these bloody obsessions!

--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)

"I'd like to give a shout-out to the west side of Whoville."

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