Friday, November 24, 2000

Eminem Sucks

Sarah just doesn't get it. I usually don't say that people just flat-out suck, but Eminem just *does*. I mean, come on. You can't just sing a song about killing your wife! That's just not cool. But, noooo. Sarah can't act like a sane person on this matter. She's like, "Ohhhh, Eminem is *so* awesome! There's absolutely nothing wrong with that song. He's soooo talented!" Anyone can grab their crotch while they talk really fast about idiotic things! So, Sarah doesn't know what she's talking about. I think she's just into whatever's popular.

Well, I'm sitting here, making a Christmas mix tape with my Amy Grant, 98 Degrees, Michael W. Smith and 'N Sync Christmas CDs. It's fun. We put up the Christmas tree yesterday, and tomorrow we're putting up the lights on the house, and possibly driving to Frankenmuth to see their big light display. The Germans From Russia Christmas party is coming up! Woo hoo! Okay. Welp, see ya.

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