Sunday, December 30, 2001

Trab Pu Kcip

Today Have I ..
Smiled?: Indeed I have.
Laughed?: Yes, that's something else I did.
Cried?: No, surprisingly. Hmm, that's not like me...
Bought something? Yeah, The Sims Hot Date, but I can't play it because I need the first CD to play it, and it's MISSING! AAAAAAARGH!!!!!
Danced? Nope.
Were sarcastic?: I'm sure I was.
Talked to an ex? Yup, I talked to a guy named "X" today.
Watched your favorite movie? No.


*A Last time for everything.......
Last book you read: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Last movie you saw: The Princess Diaries.
Last song you heard: "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling.
Last thing you had to drink: Ice water.
Last time you showered: This morning at approximately 11:00 A.M.
Last thing you ate: A veggie burger and baked potato at Ruby Tuesday's.


*Do You...
Smoke?: Nope.
Do drugs?: No.
Have sex?: No-sir-ee.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Yup. My bear, Jodie.
Live in the moment?: No, I live five minutes ago.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Not recently.
Play an instrument?: Yes. The kazoo.
Believe there is life on other planets?: Couldn't care less, actually.
Remember your first love?: *Thinks*. Nope. Oh wait, I haven't had a first love yet. I'll get back to ya.
Still love him/her?: See above, dear.
Read the newspaper?: I have to for government class... but I'd read the comics anyway.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Nope. But I did at my old school.
Believe in miracles? Absolutely.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Of course.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? Hmm... generally.
Consider love a mistake?: No. Unless you accidentally fall in love with someone who's related to you, and you didn't know about it, like in that movie. That would be a mistake.
Like the taste of alcohol? *Shrugs*, I don't know. I never will, 'cause I'm never gonna drink.
Have a favorite candy?: Skittles.
Believe in astrology?: Of *course* the makers of Teen magazine can predict exactly what's going to happen to me this month. Those magazine people, they're smart.
Believe in magic?: Yeah, but I'm just a lousy Muggle :-D
Believe in God?: Yes indeedy.
Go to church? Occasionally.
Have any pets: Yup. Dog: Chyna, Cats: Daria and Amy.
Do well in school?: Uh... *nervous laughter*.
Go to or plan to go to college?: Well, I *hope* to.
Wear hats?: No.
Have any piercings?: Just my ears.
Have any tattoos? : Nope.
Hate yourself?: No.
Have an obsession? Yup! Two: Harry Potter and Daria.
Have a secret crush? Yep. Two of *them*.
Do they know yet? One of them does. *Hangs head*.
Collect anything? Sims Expansion Packs.
Have a best friend?: My mom and Sarah.
Wish on stars?: Yup.
Like your handwriting?: Sure, it's okay.
Have any bad habits?: Yeah. I crack all of my joints.
Care about looks?: Nope.
Believe in witches? Well... I had a friend who was a Wiccan.
Believe in Satan? Yeah. He's not a nice guy.

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