Tuesday, September 3, 2002

Awesome First Day

I went to my first college class today! It was super-fun. I had career exploration, which was taught by the counciler who helped me pick out my classes. She's really disorganized (like me!) but she's so nice, and very cool. When she said we were going to have to pick a partner, I panicked. The people in high school were always so mean to me, so my experiences with partners has not been good.

There were 11 people in the class, so I figured I'd be the odd one out. That was the way it usually happened in high school, unless I had a really good friend in the class. In career exploration, I was the only one sitting in the very back row, so I figured no one was going to come to me either. I was about to get up and search for someone who looked like they might be a nice person when this super-cute sk8er boi-type sat down next to me and asked if I wanted to be his partner. I was thinking, "Well, let me see, am I in my right mind? Yeah, I think I want to!"

This guy's name turned out to be Trevor, which is one of my favorite names. We were instructed to partner up with someone to learn more about each other. Trevor had a really quiet voice, but he was really friendly and talkative. He said he's 19, and works at Little Caeser's in Davison, has two dogs, a cat and a bird, and loves playing the guitar, though he's not very good at it. I told him I like to write, and he was like, "So you would rather be going to Stanford like that guy in Orange County?" Heh. I told him no, but I love that movie! He said it was his favorite. *Shrieks in excitement*

So yeah, I think I'm going to like that class very well! And everyone in there turned out to be nice! Good Lord, does college ever beat the crap outta high school! And tomorrow I'm going to theater practice! Hurray!

Oh, dude! I went for a walk with my dog, Chyna, my mom and my step dad, Mike last night. We were almost home when we saw this stray cat that we thought had finally been given a home! We asked the little girl who had said that she was going to keep the cat, but she told us her mom had said she couldn't have her! So, I scooped up Chloe (my mom named her) and handed the dog leash over to Mom as we all headed home. They said I couldn't bring Chloe in the house, for fear that she might have fleas, but I held her and we gave her some food and water while she was on our porch, anyway.

I wish I could keep her at my dad's house, where we don't have any pets, but for some reason, my dad won't let me have a cat! I don't know why. I mean, we had my first cat, Tinsel, at this house! Maybe he's still torn up about her death... So, I don't know what we're going to do about cute, calico Chloe. We'll probably try to take her to the Humane Society, and visit often to make sure she gets adopted by a good family. *Sigh* Later!

--Holly Rachael :-D

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