Sunday, September 10, 2000

Which Side of the Family am I From?

On Labor Day, I spent the day with my dad's side of the family. They're so much fun to hang out with because I've studied their characters, and I always know what type of thing they're going to say. Plus, I can impersonate almost everyone on the Zintel side of the family.

Yesterday was my grandma Shoup's birthday, so I got to hang out with my mom's side of the family. The Shoups are a lot different than the Zintels when I look at both families. The Shoups are fun to hang out with because they're so nice to each other and I love that about them.

My mom, Zach, Sarah, and I were all watching old home videos of my family, and everyone was together... both sides of the family. Jennifer and Allison used to hang out with me at the same time, and now they don't even know each other anymore. This is the only thing that has ever upset me about my parents' divorce. It tore the family in two. Don't get me wrong, I love having two Christmas mornings, but it seems so strange. On Thanksgiving, I'm at my grandma Z.'s, and Zach will say, "Okay, we've gotta go to Grandma Shoup's now." Everyone there will get all upset and say, "Can't you stay just a little bit longer?" It's really depressing.

Then I stop and take a look at myself. Everyone's always told me that I'm very nice, and I *really* try to be, which would make me a true Shoup. But my mom tells me she can see the Zintel side of the family in me sometimes, too, and they're thought of as being... well... mean. I don't think of them that way, though. They're all having fun when they fight. It's all an act. But when the Zintel side of me comes out, people act offended. They think I'm really trying to be mean.

People seem to expect me to either be from one side of the family, or the other. I don't know what I am! I'm nice and mean at the same time! HELLLLLLLP! IDENTITY CRISIS!


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