Tuesday, August 22, 2000

I Have a Nifty Disorder

I started going to a psychiatrist today who confirmed that I have OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). I already knew that, but it's nice to have it confirmed that I'm a weirdo!

Wanna hear about my obsessions?! Too bad, you're going to! My main obsession is Daria, but that doesn't count, the therapist says, 'cause there's no harm in watching a TV show over and over until I wear out the tapes. However, I've had this ritualistic praying since I was a little kid, and it is pretty darn annoying. My parents taught me the "now I lay me down to sleep" prayer, but when I was in third grade, my mom informed me that I was old enough to make up my own prayer. So, I memorized a whole new one that I made up myself. Crap. Why did I ever do that?! My other obsessions include cracking all my knuckles repeatedly, keeping everything in a certain order, and seeing horrible stuff in my mind that I know won't even happen, but it still freaks me out! Fun, huh?

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