Wednesday, January 30, 2002

Life After Daria

Time: 12:15
I'm wearing: My pink turtleneck sweater and tie-up jeans.
I last ate: Baked potatoes and vegetarian baked beans for dinner.
Song that's in my head: "Blurry" by Puddle of Mudd.

Well, the last Daria movie, "Is It College Yet?" was on last Monday, and it was awesome. Daria graduated and got accepted to her second choice college, which was in Boston, the same town as the art college Jane would be going to. Trent was upset about Jane leaving home, but she assured him that he could visit her in Boston. Daria broke up with Tom, but they're still going to be friends. But dude... check it out. Daria's going to college in Boston... Trent's going to visit Jane in Boston... Daria's an adult now... I'm going to make up my own ending and say Daria and Trent are going to hook up in Boston.

Ever since I first became obsessed with Daria in eighth grade, people have been asking me what I'm going to do when the show ends. They would say, "You're not going to kill yourself when Daria gets cancelled, are you?" *Shakes head*. Those people are just silly. They don't realize I always have a backup obsession. Thank God for Harry Potter! J/K, of course.

I've decided not to return to school after my three-week illness. Instead, I'm going to go to night classes to study the material I'll need to take the GED test. *Shrugs* I feel pretty guilty about all the school time I missed, but honestly, I couldn't help it. I just have too many health problems to get a normal high school education. Between my polycystic ovarian syndrome-induced stomache trouble, my really bad obsessive-compulsive disorder, my horrible restless leg syndrome, and my ridiculously weak immune system, it's impossible for me to get to school very often. Plus, we're moving back to Flint, since Mike's hockey team got stolen from him here in Bay City.

We went to an open house for this really, *REALLY* awesome house that this guy built brand new. Oh man, it's just beautiful... in the loft room, there's a balcony that you can walk out on, and... oh, the whole thing is just gorgeous. And it's only $95,000! But we can't afford that house, so we're going to be stuck with a fairly cool one for $65,000. My step-siblings are going to move in with us, too because Carrie says her mom is acting psycho, and she needs to get out of that house. And Billy doesn't feel right living with his grandma, so that's cool that they're going to live with us. I really like those two. My brother, Zach, should be visiting more often now that we're going to be back in Flint, too, so that's rockin'.

Besides the night classes I'll be taking to study for my GED (Good Enough Diploma, as Chris Rock would say), I'm also going to need to get a job. I'll be 18 on February 28th, which means I'll be off my Dad's GM insurance, so I've gotta work somewhere that'll get me insurance as well as a pay check. I think I'll apply at TCBY, 'cause I'm already there every day. :-)

Alrighty, well, I'm gonna go, listen to Bush's speech. Bush is the man. I think he's pretty hot for an older guy, too... that Laura Bush is a lucky lady. What a dude. Okay, see ya!

--Holly Rachael :-D

Sunday, January 20, 2002

A Survey For the Sickling

1. Do you have anything that glows in the dark? A couple of stick-on stars on my ceiling.
2. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? Most of them off, but a couple on... or just candles.
3. Do you like to be bitten? No I do not.
4. Do you tend to live in the past or present? *Checks calender*. Well, the calender says it's December 2001, so I guess in the past.
5. Do you watch ballet? I haven't since I last watched Save the Last Dance.
6. Do you believe in magic? Why, of course. I'm a Harry Potter fanatic! And haven't you read about those religious nut balls in Lapeer? They say that if I read Harry Potter, I'm going to turn into a witch and put a hex on everyone who dares cross me. Muahahahaha!
7. Have you ever had surgery? Not that I know of.
9. Do you know which signs in the zodiac you are compatible with? No, but all I'd have to do is ask Sarah.
10. Do you know what gelatin is made out of? Pig snouts and horse hooves... I will have NONE OF IT!
11. Do you have nightmares frequently? Indeed I do.
12. Do you worship celebs? No. Wait... Jesus is a celebrity, isn't He? Yeah, I think so...
13. Do you know any gang members? Probably.
14. Do you like your nose? Yes, except when it gets all clogged up, and forces me to waste excessive amounts of Kleenex on it like it's been doing lately.
15. Would you feed a dog under the table? No, my dog sits at the table *with* us, and we pass her food on a paper plate.
16. Do you like abstract art? Mmm... no.
18. Do you listen to music daily? Absolutely.
19. Which sense would you give up if you were forced to? Um... how about... touch... because then I couldn't feel any pain, like my step-brother, Billy.
20. Do you think you create your own reality? ...Sure.
21.Do you snore? Yes.
22.Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides? Back.
23. Do you like the idea of breast implants? Nope. They're just not a good idea.
25. Do you lick stamps? Not after that episode of Seinfeld where that chick died licking stamps.
Where's 26?? <--Right there. Stupid.
27.What disease do you fear the most? Hmm... AIDS and cancer, I think.
28. Do you pray? Constantly.
29. What do lemmings do? Uh...
30. Do you want 2 be baked in a pie? Only if I can eat my way out of the pie... and if the pie is blueberry... mmm...
31. Do you use an electric can opener? No. I'd like to, but I can't figure out how.
32. Do you have a lot of endurance? Nnno.
33. Have you ever gone river rafting? Not *actually*, but I did go on a couple of really fun white water rafting rides at Disney World and Cedar Point.
34. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon? No.
35.Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? I... dooon't know. Both suck, though.
36. Do you have live plants in your house? They're probably not still alive.
37. Do you think balding men should shave their heads? Sure.
38. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed? Yup.
39. Do you think marijuana should be legalized? No.

Friday, January 11, 2002

On the Brink of Pneumonia

Time: 9:15 P.M.
Song in my head: The Best Buy song. You know, "Turn on the fun, Best Buy."
I last ate: Breadsticks and marinara sauce at Mario's.
I'm wearing: My "It's All About the Pentiums" Weird Al shirt and tie-dyed jeans.

I'm reminded of the computer game, Oregon Trail. You know when your party members keep getting sicker and sicker. It'll be like, "Bob has got the flu." So you choose to rest for about 5 days, and increase the rations, to nurse Bob back to health. But then it'll say, "Bob has got diptheria." So you rest a few more days. "Bob has got anthrax." Uh-oh, we'd better keep resting and increasing rations! "Bob has died." Um... okay.

Well, I feel like I'm on the Oregon Trail. I've been pretty dang sick for about a month now. About two weeks ago, I went to the doctor, and they told me I had a cold. So they gave me antibiotics and said I should increase my liquids. Well, I took the antibiotics and drank a lot of Juicy Juice. When I didn't get any better, I went back to the doctor's on Tuesday. He told me, "Holly, you vould be suvvering vrom a severe case of bronchitis. Vou are... how you say, on ze brink of pneumonia." Well, crap.

I'm taking stronger antibiotics (four times a day for two weeks), and I'm not supposed to go to school because of my constant fever. So that sucks. I've been at home all week, reading Harry Potter fan fiction and watching soaps. As hot as I think Raif on Port Charles is, I feel sluggish. I WANT TO GET OUT! GOOD LORD, LET ME *OUT*!

Oh well. I guess I'm going to go, watch some DVDs and veg out in the family room. Later.

--Holly *cough, cough* Rachael

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Holly Goes to the Hospital

Time: 4:45 P.M.
Song in my head: Nothing... it's just... blank.
I last ate: A couple of chips with some salsa... the most daring thing I've eaten in the last few days.
I'm wearing: My pajamas.

Last weekend, I was getting over my bronchitis very well, and was planning on going to school Monday morning when, all of a sudden... I got a bladder infection. I left the doctor feeling extremely violated on Tuesday morning. So, no school Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday due to a horrible bladder infection.

Wednesday afternoon, Zach brought his ex-girlfriend, Tracey up to Bay City to hang out. We were having a good time, just lazying around, watching American Pie 2 and playing Simpsons Road Rage when I started feeling kind of sick. I decided I'd better turn in early.

I'd only been in bed for about ten or fifteen minutes when my stomach started hurting so bad, I couldn't stand it. I knocked on the wall to get my mom's attention, and soon after she got there, I started puking. Nonstop. For ten hours. With no breaks. Ugh.

I couldn't even keep Gatorade down, and I knew I must be dehydrated, so on Thursday morning, my mom and grandparents took me to a Bay City hospital. After three miserable hours of waiting, a nurse came in and hooked me up to an IV full of this anti-nausea stuff that would hydrate me and make me fall asleep. My mom said I was in the hospital for about ten hours, but I don't remember squat. They say I was all disoriented, and saying stuff that made no sense whatsoever, plus the doctor told me I was so dehydrated, he couldn't believe it.

I was sent home with some anti-nausea and potassium pills, and told to drink plenty of Gatorade, but stay away from food for as long as possible. I guess I slept all of Friday away, and when I woke up Saturday afternoon, my mom and Mike were puking, so I had to call my dad so he could come, get me, and bring me back to Flint.

I'm finally able to sit up and get on the computer! Woo hoo! That's a huge improvement for me. So, I just wanted to write and say I'm not dead! So that's good. Later.

--Holly Rachael :-} <--Half-hearted smile

Friday, January 4, 2002

The Up-side of Being Sick: Care Packages

Time: 10:40 P.M.
Song in my head: "Standing Still" by Jewel.
I last ate: A really spicy candy cane that I had to spit back out because it was too hot.
I'm wearing: The lovely floral pajamas Mom got me for Christmas.

I don't know what the deal is. I've basically had the same cold for like... three weeks! Sometimes at night, I'll start to believe the cold has left me. But then I wake up in the morning... AND IT'S STILL HERE! AAAAAARGH! It *really sucks*! And no matter how much I dislike going to school, I've got to! I mean, I've gotta get out of high school before I'm FIFTY! GAH!

*Has panick attack followed by sneezing attack, then gradually calms down*. It's not all bad, though. I mean, everybody's really been pitching in to take care of me while I'm sick. My whole family has been pretty much waiting on me hand and foot. And check this out... Tomorrow, my grandma and grandpa Z. are headed to Florida for their annual winter vacation. Well, they heard I was sick, so before they left, Grandpa came over and dropped off a huge box of my favorite popcorn and a care package filled with the best candy, like the Tropical kind of Skittles and mini-M&Ms. It's awesome! So everybody's being really sweet.

Oh man, my dad and I went to see Lord of the Rings the other day. For one thing, I was *so* sorry I didn't go to the bathroom beforehand. And for another thing, I found the movie extremely boring. My dad really liked it, the people sitting near us were all raving about it, and I hadn't talked to anyone who didn't like it... but I was bored out of my mind. *Shrugs*. Ah, I'm probably just not smart enough to understand it. But I don't know what that critic guy was thinking when he said, "Oh, Lord of the Rings beats the crap outta Harry Potter." What a nut-ball. I hope to one day overpower him as a film critic, and insult *his* addiction! HAHAHA! I'll show him!

Okay, see ya!

--Holly Rachael :-D

Tuesday, January 1, 2002

Woo hoo! It's 2002!

Time: 12:46 A.M.
Song in my head: "Overprotected" by Britney Spears.
I last ate: Potato chips with white grape sparkling cider (you know, fake wine) at the Boas'.
I'm wearing: The sparkly, striped pink sweater Grandma Z. bought me for Christmas with jeans.

Well, would'ja look at that? It's already 2002! Wow, 2001 sure flew by, didn't it? You know what's depressing, though? *Hangs head*, I'm supposed to be graduating this year... :-( Oh well.

A lot has happened this past year. Zach and Sarah broke up and got back together a few times, but finally broke up for good. Zach got a new girlfriend, and promptly dumped her. Sarah got a new boyfriend, and seems really happy with him. I inherited a whole new step-family when Mom married Mike, and now I have two step-siblings, Billy and Carrie. Dad, Zach and I went to Disney World and Universal Studios, and I rode my first rollercoaster, and loved it! I went to Cedar Point with Dad, Zach, Sarah and Bobby, and rode most of the rides there, which is a first. Oh, and I'm actually passing classes!

I've decided my New Years resolution is going to be to actually pass all my classes this year. That'd be great, and I'm sure I can make it happen if I put a *little* effort into getting to school on a regular basis!

Tonight, we went to the Redwood Lodge for dinner, but when we got there, they were like, "Oh, you have a party of nine? Sorry, we're only seating parties of four or less, unless you have a reservation." Arrgh! So I suggested the Olive Garden, and WOO HOO! We got to go there! Then we went to Aunt Barb's house, and flipped between all the New Years specials. Daria was on MTV's! Nifty as heck!

I think Lindsay might've had a liiiiiittle too much to drink, because she kept cracking up at stuff, and then yelling at everybody, and then she'd answer the phone like, "Hellooooooooooooooooooooo?!" She was a bit nutty, but it was funny. Lindsay was really mad at her mom because she wanted to go to East Lansing with her friends, but Aunt Barb said she had to stay home and hang out with her family. I was pretty upset that my dad wouldn't let me go out with Sarah, Justin and Samantha, too. But ah well. Maybe next year.

Happy new year!

--Holly Rachael :-D