Friday, December 29, 2000
Oh, dude! I forgot. Here's what I got for X-mas
The first stop, on Christmas Eve, was Grandma Shoup's house. She gives everyone stockings. In my stocking, there was a heart-shaped necklace, a Grinch thingie, lotsa candy, and fruit. Fruit is important to Grandma because when she was little, all they got in their stockings was fruit. So she gives it to all of us. Also, I got 50 bucks there.
The second present stop was Dad's house, on Christmas morning. I got a CD player alarm deal, an Ally McBeal book, a nice sweater, a butt-load of blank tapes, Parasite Eve II, Simpsons Clue, and Simpsons Trivia.
The next stop was Aunt Barb's, Christmas afternoon. Grandma and Grandpa Z. got me a huge makeup kit, nail polish pack, a lot of money, Taste Berries For Teens, a CD wallet, and Stepmom. From the Boas, I got another CD wallet, 20 bucks, and a bunch of gift certificates to the movies.
The last stop was Mom's house, Christmas night. I got a *ton* of really cool clothes, a sparly green bear, and the makeup I wanted.
Welp. Yup. It was fun.
Sunday, December 24, 2000
Food is such a brilliant invention
Well, today, my Grandma Shoup and I decked the halls with pounds of food. I went to, and got all these really good vegan recipes. We made these crescants, potato soup, and chili powdered Chex Mix. Finally, I cooked something! Me, Holly Zintel, the chick who's never actually cooked anything in her entire life! Hurray! And the food actually turned out awesome! This year, I have some dishes to bring to my Aunt Barb's house. I'm no longer the poor, pitiful chick in the family who can't cook! Woo hoo!
Whew. Okay, I just needed to get that out. I should really be getting to bed, seeing as it's 2 AM and all, so... HOLY GUACOMOLI! It's Christmas Eve! My favorite day of the whole, entire year! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAH! IT'S CHISTMAS EVE! I'm going to Grandma's and doing the candlelight service at church! Hurray!
Talk to whoever's reading tomorrow... ON CHIRSTMAS! YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!
--5-year-old trapped in a 16-year-old's body,
Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Friday, December 22, 2000
Most Meaningful Somethin' Er Other...
I don't know how meaningful it is, but my mom is friends with this woman named Sally who has this heart disease, and she's had all these cool angel experiences, and stuff. Sally has a little girl named Brianne, who is five years old, and Sally could only afford to get Brianne one Christmas gift.
A sweet five-year-old little girl who believes in Santa with only one Christmas gift. What's wrong with this picture? Oh, let's see... everything? When I was five years old, I got about 70 Christmas presents! This little girl wouldn't even get a *stocking*, for God's sake!
The other night I was thinking about this situation, and thought something had to be done about it. I gathered up all the toys I could find that were just sitting there in the corners of my room from past Christmases, most of them never even touched more than once. They all looked brand new, still with their tags attatched, and everything. I filled up a bag full of those TY Beanie Baby things I used to feel the need to collect and not play with, stuffed animals I probably forgot about right after Christmas, purses, brand new packs of lip glosses, childrens books, and such.
I don't know if any of that stuff is Brianne's kind of thing, but let's hope so, and let's hope she thinks it's from Santa Claus. I believed in him till I was 11. That's just five years ago, and I remember how fun it was to play with all those new toys on Christmas morning. I hope Brianne's likes her presents from "Santa." :-)
Thursday, December 21, 2000
The Musical Fruit
Probably Wilson Phillips.
2. WHAT WAS THE FIRST RECORD YOU EVER BOUGHT? I honestly have no idea whatsoever.
Probably Debbie Gibson and Goofy Greats.
4. IS THERE A SONG THAT REMINDS YOU MOST OF YOUR CHILDHOOD? "Hats" by Amy Grant. In second grade when all the other kids were singing crap like "Take Me Out to the Ballgame," I sat by myself, singing "Hats."
"Split Personality" by Pink
Woo! Yeah! Holly's favorite part of a movie! Oh, right, getting around to answering, "Our Love" by Amy Grant. Aw...
"Can't Take That Away From Me" by Mariah Carey.
Psha! Hello?! There would be like 5 million scenes where I sit there and watch Daria and eat PBJ.
7. IF APPLICABLE NAME A SONG OR CONCERT THAT BROUGHT YOU TO TEARS. I cry when I listen to "Sweet Jesus" by Gary Chapman, "Can't Take That Away From Me" by Mariah Carey, "Hello, Goodbye" by Michael W. Smith, "This Was Her Time" by Michael W. Smith, "I Believe in Love" by Jennifer Love Hewitt, and "Two Beds and a Coffee Machine" by Savage Garden.
Happy: 'N Sync, Mandy Moore, "Weird Al" Yankovic...
Sad: Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, Savage Garden...
Angry: Garbage, Pink, Bif Naked...
9. NAME ONE MUSICAL ARTIST YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE BANISHED! Eminem! Oh, *PLEASE* let him be banished! And I'm going to add Kid Rock, just for good measure.
10. NAME ONE MUSICAL GENRE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE BANISHED. Rap or country. Pick a least favorite.
12. WHAT NOW DEFUNCT BAND WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE REUNITE (LIVING OR DEAD)? Wilson Phillips, the band I loved when I was a little girl, and still love today. The Bangles were cool, too. ();-)
13. NAME AN ALBUM THAT IS PERFECT ALL THE WAY THROUGH~~NO FILLER, NO BAD STUFF. "Millennium" by the Backstreet Boys and "Heart in Motion" by Amy Grant.
14. MUSIC THAT COULD BE CONSIDERED A GUILTY PLEASURE. Perhaps that "It Wasn't Me" song by Shaggy, or that "Faded" song by Soul Decision.
15. IF YOUR MUSIC COLLECTION WAS ABOUT TO GO UP IN FLAMES, WHICH FIVE CD'S WOULD YOU SAVE? Heart in Motion: Amy Grant, Lead Me On: Amy Grant, House of Love: Amy Grant, one of the Christmas Amys, and Plus One.
16. IS THERE A SONG THAT DESCRIBES YOU OR A SITUATION YOU'VE BEEN IN SO WELL THAT YOU COULD HAVE WRITTEN IT? Actually, I always compare songs to Daria fan fiction, which is something that probably no one else in the entire world does. Just to say so, I think "To the Moon and Back" by Savage Garden is exactly Daria, all the way.
Simply Irresistable and The Grinch.
Empire Records.
vocals: Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith.
backup vocals~~~~ 98 Degrees and Mandy Moore.
Rhythym guitar~~~Uh...
Lead Guitar~~~Um...
Bass~~~Hmm... Wow, I feel stupid.
Drums~~~How 'bout that hottie from Eve 6.
23. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ALL TIME VIDEO? "Freakin' Friends" by Mystik Spiral. I also like "Californication" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and "Smells Like Nirvana" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.
24. CURRENT FAVORITE RADIO HIT. "Where Are You, Christmas?" by Faith Hill.
25. DO YOU SING OR PLAY ANY MUSICAL INSTRUMENT? Steel drums. I was forced to. But they're pretty cool. I just suck at them is all.
Wednesday, December 20, 2000
Why do I have to be so sensitive?
Sarah, Zach and I have spent the last couple of days at my mom's house. Every time I tried to get on the computer to type the script to my movie, they would start making out! It doesn't bother me that they're always kissing, it bothers me that I can *hear* it. I can never help gagging when they're making out, and they're like, "Oh, Holly, quit making fun of us!" I'm serious, though! I'm *really* nauseated when they do this. I wish they would *stop*. Ugh.
All my mom talks about is her boyfriend, Ron, who never shows up for anything. They make a date, he doesn't come, five days later, he comes up with a "great" excuse for why he wasn't there, and didn't call. She buys the excuses every single time. Everyone keeps telling her, "DUMP HIM!" It's so clear to us, but she's such a sucker for sweet lines, bless her heart, she keeps being his girlfriend. Whenever I try to talk to her about anything, she starts in on something different about Ron.
Well, I thought, cable internet was just installed at my dad's house, it'll be fun to go there. I was wrong. My dad wouldn't let me go on the computer because I didn't have any proof from my teachers of how I was doing in school. I told him I was doing terrible! How much proof does he need to be convinced that his daughter sucks in school?
After Dad told me I couldn't use the computer for break, I cried hysterically. It was just a flat-out tantrum, truth be told. I was really upset about how nothing had been going my way for the past two weeks. I started hyperventalating before we went out for dinner, and I couldn't even calm down in the restaurant. Finally, my dad gave in to letting me use the computer. I think he was embarrassed that I was crying in public, and he was trying to shut me up. He had me do some housework, and tomorrow, I have to do more of it, plus make a list of things I'll do to improve my grades when I get back to school.
I cry when I get punished, but I don't think that it's always a tantrum, like it was tonight. I just can't take yelling. I don't care if it's someone yelling *at* me, or around me. It's all horrible. I think I have a permanent headache... it hasn't gone away for a week. Ugh.
Well, hopefully, I'll be a bit cheerier, and less moody, for God's sake, in my next entry. See ya.
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
PS: Dang, I'm getting paranoid and jumpy!
Tuesday, December 19, 2000
My Story of Daria
My obsession with Daria is actually kind of ironic. Daria stands for cynicism, sarcasm, anti-sappiness. My previous TV show obsessions, however, were all *about* sappiness, preppiness, and allllll that wonderful stuff that Daria hates. I was into soap operas, Clueless, Sabrina the Teenage Witch... Daria wasn't exactly the type of show anyone would have that I'd be into.
The first episode I ever saw of Daria was "Too Cute." I just loved Quinn, I thought she was so cool! But then I saw what a snob she was, and realized that the show was cool because of Daria's outlook on life. She had some snappy comeback for every stupid comment that was made, and I thought it was hilarious. However, that didn't get me hooked on the show. I just sort of thought it was pretty good at that point.
"Road Worrier" was the second episode I saw. Daria had such an adorable crush on Trent... she got all nervous around him, and Daria *never* got nervous. She was cool, collected, and could handle anything with sarcasm. Not Trent. I loved it! There was a possibility of a hook-up here... I *had* to keep watching.
I watched Daria for four years. She never hooked up with Trent. But I watched and taped every episode, hoping that she would. Daria went out with nerdy Ted, had some sort of weird chemistry with that cousin of Upchuck, and had... *something* going on with Tom, Jane's boyfriend. I still clung to that last thread of hope. Daria and Trent *HAD* to happen. They just had to! My life would be over if they didn't! I figured I would turn into some sort of weird hermit, or have a nervous breakdown, or something.
Well, Daria hooked up with Tom, and there was this huge thing where Jane couldn't stand the sight of Daria because she stole her boyfriend. Thorough all of that crap, never once did anyone mention that Daria was still supposed to have a crush on Trent. I mean, hello?! I've been waiting! And it never happened. Oh, I was pissed. I cried once or twice. Then nothing. I was just sort of over it. It was really weird to not really care all that much because I'd expected my entire life to end.
Well, now I can at least I can pay attention to the rest of the characters on the show instead of constantly thinking, "Are Daria and Trent gonna hook up? Are Daria and Trent gonna hook up?" You know, it's weird. There were other interesting characters on the show the whole time. Whoa. Well, okay. I think I've explained my obsession to the point where you're more confused. My job here is done. Thank you and goodnight.
PS: Now I think Jodie and Mack are my favorite couple on the show. Aren't they sweet? Awwwww....
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Monday, December 18, 2000
My Story of Veganism
Animals? I had no idea I'd been eating REAL DEAD ANIMALS all these years! Bill Knapps always had cute names for their food like "The Elephant" and "The Hippo." I'd long since asked my parents if I was really eating elephants and hippos, and they'd said no! I thought chicken and turkey were just like the meals at Bill Knapps. Now that I knew what I was eating, I gagged, and pushed my turkey sandwich away. Even though I'd been eating turkey, the first thing I thought of were fish... like we kept at home in the aquarium. There was no way I'd eat meat ever again.
Mom and I seemed to be getting sick quite a bit after we became vegetarians. She'd miss days of work, I'd have to get out of school to go to the doctor's office... My dad and my grandma Z. said that we *needed* that meat, and that's why we were getting so sick. Actually, though, it turned out that my mom was having attacks from her Lupus, and I was allergic to dairy.
I was like, "Nooooooo! How am I going to eat pizza?! I won't get to drink milk anymore! What am I going to do?!" To make the transistion easier for me, Mom gave up dairy, too. We ate our pizza without cheese, and it actually wasn't that bad. Soon we subscribed to PETA, and got the internet. We learned what they do to those poor dairy cows, and we didn't even *want* the dairy.
I can't understand people who eat meat. My friends and family (except for my mom) are all carnivores, and they see no problem with it. Once I learned what I was eating, I felt sick. Why don't they? Mom and I show them the articles on how these animals are tortured, and put to death. Of course, they don't understand me either, for some reason.
In conclusion, I'd just like to say, EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Leather is gross, and I hate sitting on it in my dad's car!!!! GARRRRRRRRGH!
Okay. See ya next time.
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Sunday, December 17, 2000
Surveys are such a great waste of time...
1. Who was the last person you yelled at? My dad... he yelled at me first, though.
2. Who was the last person you kissed? I kissed Zach-bear on the head last night and he got mad.
3. What was the last memorable book you read? Petals on the River by... um... I guess it wasn't that memorable after all.
4. When did you last dance? Yesterday.
5. Whats the last thing you want to hear from your parents? "We're getting back together!"
6. When did you last go for a walk in the park? Um... the summer of fifth grade.
7. When did you last do your ironing? I don't do ironing. I'm far too lazy.
8. When was the last time you smiled all day? Wow, that would hurt. I don't think I ever did that.
9. What color of socks do you normally wear? White.
10. Did you ever attend a private school? No... uh, the school I'm going to now is kind of exclusive, though.
11. Do you like stuffed animals? Love them and have too many of them.
12. Have you ever smashed pumpkins? No.
13. Do you read labels when shopping for food? I don't shop for food.
14. Can you quote Shakespeare? Yeah. I know all of the Romeo and Juliet movie with Leonardo DiCaprio.
15. Do you like playing baseball? No.
16. Are you a neat freak? No, I'm a messy freak.
17. What is the worst injury you have ever given someone? Um... I hurt Sarah's wrist a little once.
18. Do you ever eat lemons plain? No.
19. Have you ever fired a gun? Do Super Soakers count?
20. Dd you own any knee-high boots? Nope.
21. Are you attached to extreme people? Yeah. There was this one time when we all stayed up way past midnight...
22. Do you like swimming in lakes? I don't like swimming at all.
23. Have you ever streaked at a football game or any other public event? No, but thanks for the idea, I'll do that tomorrow.
24. What is you favorite gemstone? Tiger's eye.
25. Have you gone on many blind dates? Oh, lemme count... is negative 5 a lot?
26. Has someone done something extra nice for you? Yup. That one time, everyone decided to have a "Holly Day."
27. Did you have a crush on any of your teachers? No. But I cracked up at everything Mr. Frillicci said.
28. Have you ever been lost in a bad part of a city? Yeah, it was creepy in this one part of Nashville, and it was night, and my mom and I didn't know where we were at, and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
29. Would you rather have a mint or fruit flavored gum? No gum at all, thanks for the offer.
30. Do you have road rage? No, because I like sitting in the car for long amounts of time.
31. Have you ever eaten grass? No.
32. Do you ever eat food right out of cans or jars? Yeah, those huge popcorn bins.
33. Has your mind ever gone blank? ...
34. Have you ever met anyone interesting at the laundry mat? Nope. My parents do my laundry.
35. Do you have recurring dreams? Yeah. That one where Bobby killed everyone.
36. Are you kind? Indeed!
37. Would you give a needy person the shirt off your back? Yes. On a day that I'm wearing layered clothing. Otherwise, I'd buy them a shirt.
38. Do you have any beanie babies? Only about 50 million. Not nearly as many as my cousin.
39. Would you rather be hot or cold? Cold. It usually means Christmas and my birthday are coming, woo hoo!
40. Is the glass half full, or empty? Well, I have bottled water... it appears to be all full.
41. Do you exercise or work regularly? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!
42. Could you kill if your life was threatened? I don't know. Possibly.
The Theft of Another Survey
instead of Fruity Pebbles.
2. What was the worst thing that happened to you today?
I've only been up for like, an hour, but... uh... I guess
my feet are pretty cold.
3. What was the best thing that happened to you today? I
stayed inside while my mom and brother shoveled snow. Hee
hee... I'm such a jerk...
4. What is your favorite color of jello? I'm a vegan. I
don't eat jello. However, it's quite lovely when it's
green and red at Christmas.
5. What makes you maddest? Animal abuse. GRRRRR!
6. What material object can make you happy? The computer
and the TV.
7. Who, other than your parents, has influenced your
thinking the most? The people at PETA. What a bunch of
brilliant specimans those people are.
8. What is the best place to eat, in terms of atmosphere,
not food? Mama Marie's at the Rio in Las Vegas.
9. What shoes do you wear the most? My gray and blue
Sketchers. AAAH! They're my old school colors!
10. If you could take back one day of your life, and live
it over again, what day would that be, and what would you
do differently? I would go back to the day I fell on my
bike and got that rock stuck in my knee. Or maybe I'd go
back to last Thursday night so I could pay my phone bill on
11. What is the best part of your week? Um... how 'bout the
weekend. That's always jolly good fun.
Saturday, December 16, 2000
Mommy-Bear and Sarah-Bear
who's been my pal since 8th grade. The two of us have a
lot of fun arguing about which member of 'N Sync is the
hottest, and correcting each other's punctuation in the
stories we write.
Sarah's like a part of my family. She's my brother, Zach's
girlfriend, like a daughter to my mom, and, of course, my
partner in crime. She's the only real friend I've ever
had, and I wouldn't be the same without her. And so, I
raise my glass of Mountain Dew to my future sister-in-law.
Hurray for Sarah!
My mom is my best friend, too, but we have a deeper
relationship than the word "friend" can sum up. Mom is
actually more like my soulmate. For as long as I can
remember, she and I have had everything in common. From
the time I was a baby until now, we've watched General
Hospital together, laughed together, and chilled together.
There's really no one I'd rather hang out with more. My
favorite thing in the world is riding along in the car with
my mom, singing along with stuff like Amy Grant (our idol),
the Backstreet Boys, and Blessid Union of Souls.
My mom's had so many guy problems in her life, and I try to
help her through them the best I can. For instance, when
she was getting divorced from my dad, I gave her neck rubs
before she went to sleep. She does the same for me, 'cept
I don't have guys, therefore I don't have guy problems!
Like, when I had mono, she stayed with me every second of
the day, comforting me. She's waited on my family my whole
life, without *any* complaints.
Mom and I are together in everything-- our animal rights
beliefs, our faith in Christ, our excellent taste in
everything (tee hee!), our hatred for breast implants, and
every other detail of life. I have no idea how I would
live my life without her. I'd probably be some weird
szchitsophenic shut-in. Good thing Mom's around. YAY FOR
Monday, December 11, 2000
I'm at school! Gaaah!
to go to the computer lab, which rules because I'm grounded
from the computer.
Anyway, I went to Nashville and chilled with Amy Grant! It
was *so* much fun! There were about 100 fans in this
restaurant where Amy Grant and Vince Gill were, and we all
yelled out songs we wanted them to play. In between songs,
people would get up on stage with Amy and Vince, and sing a
song, or say a poem. Some of those fans were really
creepy... they would just burst into tears as soon as they
got on stage. Amy was so adorable because she was five
months pregnant. During the autograph signing at the end,
Amy said, "I don't mean to be rude, but I'm getting sort of
nauseated due to my pregnancy." Everyone went, "Awwww...
really didn't feel that bad for my girl, Amy, the jerks.
After we had breakfast with Amy and Vince, we went to an
Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith and Vince Gill concert. Every
time I go to an Amy concert, I have more and more respect
for her. 80% of the money we pay goes to a children's
hospital. Amy said, "I'm sure every parent knows, whether
a child is eight years old, or eighteen years old, they are
just as precious, and need just as much love." My mom
bought me this adorable little stuffed lamb, and that money
went straight to the children's hospital as well, so we
felt really good about going to the concert.
Changing the subject, on Friday, when I got to school, I
was in *such* an awesome mood. I kept hugging everyone,
and by the time lunch time rolled around, I felt really
brave. My friend, Heather and I walked into the art room,
and I just walked straight up to my crush, Sean, and said,
"Hi. I just wanted to tell you that I think you're really,
really hot. A girl could have fantasies about you. Okay,
thanks for your time." I have no idea why I did that.
Heather thinks I'll never, ever have a chance with him now
because of what my first words to him were. See, I really
like him because he's a vegan, and he's all into animal
rights and everything. I've never met a guy that had the
same beliefs as me, and he does! I really want that guy, I
tell you! *Sigh*. Well, I think I've really gotta go
because he's in the hall, and he's about to come in here, I
think. Smooch!
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Sunday, December 3, 2000
Tee hee! I'm headed for Nashville!
That's right! My mom's boyfriend's not going, so I'm goin'
in his place! We're trying to get me in to the party, and
we're pretty sure I'll be able to do it because Kim Keys,
Amy Grant's manager chick, is so nice. A PARTY WITH AMY
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Soooooooo thrilled, I tell you,
thrilllleeeeeeeeeeed! HURRAY! I'm going to take millions
and millions of pictures! And then I'm going to scan them
and put them on my web site so that everyone can be
jealous! YAY, YAY! And at the concert, we get floor
seats! When we're at the Amy party, she's going to play
her guitar, just for this group of people! I'm soooooooooo
The only problem is, I've missed about 20 days of school
already, and I'll miss 3 more if I go to this. My dad is
*very* touchy about me missing school. Every time I don't
go, I think his head is going to blow up. And if I'm not
sick, he'll be even madder. Crap. Crap, crap, crap, crap,
crap, crap.
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Saturday, December 2, 2000
Listen to what this a-hole *DID* to my mommy!!!!
anything in my entire life. My mom's boyfriend was going
to take her to this Amy Grant concert in Nashville, but
it's not just any concert... SHE WAS GOING TO GET TO HANG
was a freaking party with them! My mom has all but
worshiped Amy since I was 3 years old! Well, all of a
sudden, Ron says...
There's no other way she can get there! Ron was her only
way of going! This would be like, the highlight of my best
friend's (my mom's)life! THIS MAN SUCKS! There is no one
in the world who sucks more than this guy, Ron!
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! What do you think I can do to
make him go? This is so important to her! She cried for
two days straight! She made me and her friend Sally cry,
too! ARRRRRRRRRRGH! This guy is the biggest jerk in
--Very angry Holly
Wednesday, November 29, 2000
Things We Need & Things We Don't Need
1. Eminem music.
2. Sports.
3. Animal abuse.
4. Perverts.
5. The flu.
6. Rap videos.
7. Satanic weirdos.
8. Nail polish for guys.
9. Porn.
10. Drugs.
11. Racism.
12. School.
13. Howard Stern
1. Daria.
2. Vegetarian restaurants.
3. Guys who look like Nick Lachey from 98 Degrees.
4. Cheap makeup with a brand name really close to the expensive brand name so no one will know how cheap you are.
5. Teachers who grade how well a student knows her cartoons.
6. Skittles instead of rain, like in those commercials.
7. Cats.
8. Grinch merchandise.
9. Sims expansion packs.
10. Guys who talk like Trent Lane from Daria.
11. Epiodes of The Family Guy.
12. Places identical to Las Vegas closer to Michigan.
13. The comedic stylings of Norm MacDonald.
Kickin' Off The Holidays
My other favorite Christmas tradition is looking at Christmas lights. We drive around rich neighborhoods and look at all the nifty lights while listening to Christmas music. But I think a lot of families do that.
I also love going over to my grandma Shoup's house on Christmas Eve and hanging out with my cousins. Then we go to church, and have this whole thing with lighting candles, and we sing Christmas hymns, and it's really beautiful. Going to my grandma Z.'s on Christmas Day is fun, too.
Yup. We have a lot more traditions that that, but I can't think of them today. I'm sick! Maybe I'll think of more later. See ya.
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Sunday, November 26, 2000
Obsessed With The Grinch
I wonder where I might go about purchasing some Grinch merchandise... Perhaps I'll rip down all the boy band posters from my walls and replace them with Jim Carrey posters. You know what this means, don't you? I'm going to have to go to Spencer's and get one of those giant Grinch dolls, along with a giant Max. AAAAH, but I've got to buy Christmas presents! BLAST these bloody obsessions!
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
"I'd like to give a shout-out to the west side of Whoville."
Furry Green Guys are Cute
When I was little, The Grinch cartoon always seemed so long. Watching it the other night, I was dissapointed that it was over so quickly. The movie I saw tonight changed all that. The length was perfect, and it still gave me that tingley Christmas feeling that I had when I was a little girl.
I liked how Cindy Lou Who was such a big part of the movie. That little girl was able to see past all of the cheap showiness some near-sighted Whos had come to believe Christmas was. Cindy Lou knew what was up. She knew that no one could be as vile and evil as The Grinch was made out to be. I *liked* that little girl. I loved that song, "Where Are You, Christmas?" that she sang, and was redone by my girl, Faith Hill.
That woman, Martha, was *so* cool! She never even seemed to see what the other Whos saw when they looked at The Grinch. She didn't feel pity, fear, or disgust when she looked at him. She looked at him and saw the man she was meant to be with. It was clear that Martha was always in love with The Grinch, even when he was in his cave for all those years. What a woman, I tell you, what a woman! Her fiancee was such a jerk! That razor gift was just flat-out mean.
The soundtrack rocks! I've been downloading it from Napster. 'N Sync, Faith Hill and Jim Carrey combined? How lucky can you get?! Woo hoo!
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
And the surveys go on and on...
FUTURE JOB: Fashion designer, movie critic, romance novelist, screen writer, or cashier at Blimpie's. Whatever comes up first.
RIGHTY, LEFTY OR AMBIDEXTROUS: Lefty with writing and eating, righty with everything else.
RELIGION: Presbyterian, Christian.
PETS: Chyna, Daria, Amy and Skittlebrow.
SMOKER/NONSMOKER: Permanent non-smoker. You should have seen my grandma's best friend, June's lungs before she died of cancer caused by smoking. I pity anyone who takes it up... they must be *REALLY* bored and stupid.
CAR YOU DRIVE: My mom's white '94 Buick and my dad's blue '98 Buick.
TYPES OF MUSIC: Everything but rap and country.
BAND/ARTIST: Amy Grant, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Mystik Spiral, Scarlet Road, 'N Sync, 98 Degrees, Michael W. Smith, Mandy Moore, Backstreet Boys, LFO, Savage Garden, Ricky Martin, Jennifer Love Hewitt, *OH*, the list is endless, I'll stop there.
SONG TODAY: Today, eh? Uh... how 'bout "Welcome to Our World" by Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith.
CD: Loaded, Ricky Martin; Black and Blue, Backstreet; Running With Scissors, "Weird Al" Yankovic; Lead Me On, Amy Grant; Revelation, 98 Degrees; No Strings Attatched, 'N Sync, and the list goes on...
BOOKS: My favorite Daria fan fiction is "The Undone Series" by Diane Long.
HOBBIES: Reading Daria fan fiction, watching Daria, writing, watching Norm, and doing other highly exciting things such as these.
FAVORITE COLOUR: Pink and green.
FAVORITE GAME: Daria's Inferno, The Sims Livin' Large, Scattergories and Dr. Mario.
FOODS: Linguini with marinara and stuffing.
VEGETABLE: Corn on the cob.
FRUIT: Strawberries.
ICE CREAM: Strawberry sorbet.
CANDY: Skittles and Runts.
NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Strawberry daquiries.
ALCOHOLIC DRINK: That's just as bad as smoking, my friend... You wanna end up with liver cancer, be my idiotic guest.
MOVIES: Is It Fall Yet, Where the Heart Is, Ten Things I Hate About You, Pretty Woman, Runaway Bride, Office Space, Dirty Work, the list goes on...
TV SHOW: Daria. Oh, non-cartoon show? Norm or Ally McBeal.
DAY OF THE WEEK: Wednesday. AKA Daria Day.
FLOWER: Zinnia.
GEMSTONE: Tiger's Eye.
HOLIDAY: Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.
JEWELERY: My Daria watch.
SEASON: Winter.
ANIMAL: Cats, dogs, horses, cows, iguanas, chickens, turkeys, birds, fishes... oh, Heavens, I love 'em all!
THING TO WEAR: Daria shirt.
PHRASE: "I'm cold", "I'm hungry", "I'm helpless."
JOKE: It's just too long!
SLOW/FAST DANCING: Slow. My mommy raised me as a hopeless romantic. ():-)
DIAMONDS/PEARLS: Um... cubic zerconium! HA!
KISSING/HUGGING/F@#KING: Charming. Oh, kissing, btw.
PIE/CAKE: Peanut butter pie and white cake are both good.
PEN/PENCIL: Keyboard. Or automatic pencils.
POOL/HOT TUB: Hot tub.
******************HAVE YOU EVER******************
BROKEN THE LAW: Um... I sped up at a yellow light?
PLAYED STRIP POKER?: Hee hee hee hee. On the computer.
COME CLOSE TO DYING: I thought so at the time.
BEEN DRUNK: No, I can act stupid on my own.
BEEN STONED: See above.
************************ WHAT IS*******************
YOUR MOST PRIZED POSSESSION: My Daria watch and Scarlet Road necklace.
WORST SONG YOU EVER HEARD: That one by Eminem where he kills his wife.
WORST FEAR: Um... how 'bout Satan.
ON THE WALLS OF YOUR ROOM: Good Heavens, millions of pictures of hotties covering one room, and millions of pictures of Daria characters covering the other.
UNDER YOUR BED: Board games and dust bunnies.
************************ARE YOU*********************
A GOOD SINGER: No-ho-ho!
A GOOD DANCER: Well, I took dance classes from pre-school to 6th grade, and I still suck. I demand my parents' money back!
A GOOD STORYTELLER: That's one thing I can do.
SINGLE: Indeed.
GOING TO GET MARRIED: Let's hope so.
**************FINISH THE PHRASE*****************
I AM: A Christian and vegan.
I HATE: Hate.
I LOVE: Life, God, my family, friends and pets.
I WANT: Animal abuse to stop.
NEVER FORGET: Jesus loves you. And Daria rules. ():-)
Saturday, November 25, 2000
Little Known Facts About Holly
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Holly Rachael Zintel.
3.Nicknames: "Daria", "Holy", "Peanut" and "Holly Ho Ho."
>>>4. Parent's names: Wendy Wheeler and Ken Zintel.
>>>5. Number of candles that appeared on your last
>>>birthday cake? 2. They were in the shape of 16!
>>>6. Date that you regularly blow them out? Well, I don't usually do it right on my birthday, but my B-day is 2-28-84.
>>>7. Pets: Dog: Chyna, Cats: Daria and Amy, Fish: Skittlebrow.
>>>8. Height: 5'7".
>>>9. Eye Color: Blueish green.
>>>10. Hair Color: Brown with blonde highlights.
>>>11. Piercing: One in each ear.
>>>12. Tattoos: Well, I've got a scar on my neck that looks like a division sign. Does that count?
13. How much do you love your job? I love the fact that I don't have one.
>>>14. Birthplace: McLaren Hospital, Flint MI.
>>>15. Hometown: Flint, MI.
>>>16. Current Residence: Flint, MI. Wow, I'm in a rut.
>>>17. Ever Had the drink Calypso Breeze? No.
>>>18. Been in love before? No.
>>>19. Been to Africa?: No! I don't want to get mauled by a gorilla!
>>>20. Been toilet-papering?: No.
>>>21. Been drunk?: Nope. I'm a goodie-two-shoes!
>>>22. Been toilet-papered?: Yeah, way too much.
>>>23. Loved someone so much it made you cry? My kitties, Tinsel and Stacy that died.
>>>24. Been in a car crash: Slight ones when I was little.
>>>25. Croutons or Bacon Bits: CROUTONS!
>>>26. 2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4. Duh.
>>>27. Sprite or 7 Up: Cherry 7 Up.
>>>28. Coffee or Coffee Ice cream: Coffee.
>>>29. Blanket or Stuffed Animal: Both.
>>>30. Dumper or Dumpee: Well, I enjoy dumping trash over jerky people's heads...
>>>31. Salad Dressing: Italian.
>>>32. Color of socks: White.
>>>33. Number: 2.
>>>36. Movie: "It It Fall Yet?", Ten Things I Hate About You, Where the Heart Is, Office Space, Nothing to Lose, Dirty Work, Prince of Egypt, Anastasia, and a bunch of other.
>>>37. Quote from a movie: "A lobster is someone's pet! Why would you *eat* someone's pet?!"--Molly.
>>>38. Favorite Holiday: Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.
>>>39. Foods: Linguini with marinara and stuffed pumpkin shells.
>>>40. Day of the Week: Wednesday.
>>>41. Favorite new song at the moment: "You're a God" by Vertical Horizon.
>>>40. TV show: Daria.
>>>43. Word or Phrase: "Salt!" and "Think about it."
>>>44. Movies at home or out? Out.
>>>45. Color: Pink and green.
>>>46. Toothpaste: Any kind that's not tested on animals.
>>>47. Restaurant: Bill Knapps and the Olive Garden.
>>>48. Least Favorite Subject: Math.
>>>49. Flower: Zinnia.
>>>50. Alcoholic Drink: Um... no.
>>>51. Sport to Watch: Nuh-uh.
>>>52. Type of Ice: The type that's formed into a swan.
>>>54. Sesame Street Character: Ernie.
>>>55. Disney/Warner bros. movie or cartoon: Aladdin.
>>>56. Fast Food Restaurant: Blimpie's.
>>>57. When was your last hospital visit?: Last spring when someone my grandma knew was there.
>>>58. Favorite drink?: Nonalcoholic strawberry daquiries.
>>>59. What color is your bedroom's carpet?: Blue.
>>>60. What was the name of your childhood blanket? Oh, my parents could afford stuffed animals.
>>>61. How many times did you fail your Permit and/or
>>>rivers License test?: Once.
>>>62. What phrase or word do you dislike the most? Swear words. They bother me because I'm an old person at heart.
>>>63. Where do you see yourself in 10 yr.? Sipping lemonade in a hammock with J.C. Chasez from 'N Sync.
>>>65. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No.
>>>66. Which single store would you choose to max your
>>>credit card? Hot Topic.
>>>67. What do you do most often when you are bored? Go online and read Daria fan fiction or write a story.
>>>68. What words or phrases do you overuse? "Salt", "Think about it", and "Whaaaaaaat's happening?"
>>>69. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away from you?: Rory in Florida.
>>>70. Most annoying thing is: Hunters.
>>>71. Best thing: Watching Daria and cruisin' around, looking at Christmas lights while listening to Amy Grant, 98 Degrees, 'N Sync, and Michael W. Smith Christmas music.
>>>72. Bedtime: 10:00, says Dad. But actually, I'm up until 2 or later without him knowing.
>>>73. Who is the person that sent this to you?: I stole it from Sarah.
Friday, November 24, 2000
My Idol, Amy Grant
This is one of my favorite Amy Grant songs off of her Christmas to Remember album, "Welcome to Our World."
Welcome to Our World
By Amy Grant
Tears are falling
Hearts are breaking
How we need to hear from God
You've been promised
We've been waiting
Welcome, Holy Child
Welcome, Holy Child
Hope that You don't mind our manger
How I wish we would have known
But long awaited Holy Stranger
Make yourself at home
Please make Yourself at home
Bring Your peace into our violence
Bid our hungry souls be filled
World now breaking Heaven's silence
Welcome to our world
Welcome to our world
Fragile finger sent to heal us
Tender brow prepared for thorn
Tiny heart Whose blood will save us
Unto us is born
Unto us is born
So wrap our injured flesh around You
Breathe our air and walk our sod
Rob our sin and make us holy
Perfect Son of God
Welcome to our world
Eminem Sucks
Well, I'm sitting here, making a Christmas mix tape with my Amy Grant, 98 Degrees, Michael W. Smith and 'N Sync Christmas CDs. It's fun. We put up the Christmas tree yesterday, and tomorrow we're putting up the lights on the house, and possibly driving to Frankenmuth to see their big light display. The Germans From Russia Christmas party is coming up! Woo hoo! Okay. Welp, see ya.
Thursday, November 23, 2000
My web site reeks of awesomeness!
Well, I had a pretty darn good Thanksgiving. NO TURKEY! WOOOOOOOOOOO! I ate too many potatoes and stuffed pumpkin shells, though. I was really full.
Yup. Well... that's all I really have to say at the moment. See ya!
--Loyal Tom Sloane-Hater,
Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
PS: *DANG*, the Black and Blue Backstreet Boys CD is good!
"I'll have you know, this is not a pot belly. My belt is too big, and I have to stick my stomach out to keep my trousers up."--Norm MacDonald
Wednesday, November 22, 2000
Don't Eat Turkey Tomorrow! Eat... Pez
Anyhoo, I figured I should list all the things I'm thankful for.
1. My parents are divorced, so I get to have two Thanksgiving dinners! (Us fat people are into that sort of thing.)
3. The next holiday is Christmas!
4. Daria's been on for four years, and I'm still not sick of it.
5. There are so many celebrities setting a vegetarian example, such as Drew Barrymore, Alicia Silverstone and Natalie Portman.
6. Norm is on Friday night!
7. God made stuffing... or, at least, He made the stuff to *make* stuffing with.
8. My family, friends and pets all reek of awesomeness.
9. No matter how bad life gets, there is always Johnny Bravo.
10. My appendix hasn't burst yet.
There you have it. Put on your golden tukes, and thank God Boxing Day is coming up, eh? Happy Thanksgiving.
Saturday, November 18, 2000
Titanic Wishes it Ruled as Much as My Movie
Grandma and Grandpa Shoup told me it's getting too hard for them to go Christmas shopping, so this year, they're just giving everyone money! Well, that works out great, 'cause this year, I need some money! I've got to rent out some places like Farnumwood Presbyterian Church to make the movie, and I want to buy the cast of my movie some clothes to wear for certain scenes. For instance, I've gotta find Sarah a cheap wedding dress somewhere, and I have to find myself and some of Sarah's other friends some bride's maid dresses. Hee hee, this is going to be fun. I'll blabber more about it later.
Tonight, I'm going to see The Grinch with Zach and Sarah so we can spy on my mom and her date, Karl because Karl looks like Brendon Fraiser. Yup. Welp, see ya.
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Thursday, November 16, 2000
Song Lyrics to Live By
"I Believe in Love"
By Jennifer Love Hewitt
I saw the news today
A teenage boy blown away
Another mother's lost her only son
He learned his way at school
That fighting is the golden rule
For twenty dollars, you can own a gun
I saw the words in red
Someone painted "Love is dead"
On the sign above the football field
I had to turn away
It hurts my soul to think that way when love's what's real
'Cause I believe in...
I believe in love
And I believe in the miracles in us
And no matter what they say
They can never take away what I believe in
I believe in...
In 1942, a demon army trampled through
Every inch of her forgotten town
Her family hid away
A secret place above decay
And there they lived and breathed without a sound
She learned to write that year
Of every scream she dare not hear
And every tortured soul she'd one day meet
One day the soldiers came
And marched her family to the train
And left her diary lyin' in the street
And it read...
I believe in...
I believe in love
And I believe in the miracles in us
And no matter what they say
They can never take away
What I believe in...
I believe in...
Why is it that we can't help but look for
The crack of light
In the darkest skies?
When will we learn to understand
That we were right and wrong?
Love's the only thing that's real
So, here we go again
Fighting till the bitter end
Better off to go our seperate ways
And as you slam the door
I swear that I will love no more
But you can't believe a word I say
And that's right
'Cause I believe in...
I believe in love
And I believe in the miracles in us
And no matter what I say
It can never take away what I believe in...
I believe in..
I believe in...
I believe in love
And I believe in the miracles in us
And no matter what they say
It can never take away what I believe in
I believe in love
Love's the only thing that's real
Sunday, November 12, 2000
Better Baby Names
I've been into baby names my entire life, and I like names like Autumn, Ivy, Jesse, and Scott. They're not real common, but they're not real unusual either.
Yup. So, that's my piece for the day.
--"Holy" Holly ():-)
Giddy as a school janitor! Or, i mean, girl!
Now I'm just too grossed out to write. Sarah and Zach are making out and it sounds icky. I'm no longer jealous of them, they're just... gross to listen to! My *pets* even seem disgusted.
Welp... there's only one thing to do at a time like this... compare deserts to famous guys! WOO HOO!
Jamal Woods from Port Charles: Tiramisu, that awesome frozen cappuccino cake stuff from the Olive Garden.
Nick Lachey from 98 Degrees: Baked apple pie with melted caramel and butterscotch from Chili's.
Brian Littrel from the Backstreet Boys: My grandma's homemade gingerbread men! Hee hee... what a cutie.
J.C. Chasez from 'N Sync: Rich, sweet, yummy chocolate cake from Bill Knapps.
Eminem... Marshall Mathers: All that desert I ate that I am now throwing up.
Yep... that about does it.
Everyone's favorite Grandma Z. impersonator,
Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Friday, November 10, 2000
Top Ten Reasons I'm Not President
10. Instead of meat, people would eat strawberry Twizzlers because eating meat would be illegal, and Twizzlers are good.
9. I would insist that my dog, Chyna, be vice-president.
8. No matter how important an announcement was, I wouldn't interrupt ABC soaps to say it.
7. Whatever work I had to do, it'd be put off until I got my dose of Daria in for the day.
6. The news would be interrupted for special Daria-related reports such as, "Fellow Americans, Diane Long has written a new Daria fan fiction. Stop watching the news like a bunch of losers and read it."
5. The Census surveys would ask questions like, "What's your favorite show?" and "If you were stranded on a desert island with two different boy bands, which boy bands would you want?"
4. The National Anthem would be changed to "Horoscope For Today" for "Weird Al" Yankovic.
3. All Elvis impersonators would be altered slightly... they would be Johnny Bravvo impersonators.
2. Guys with stupid names like "Aubrey" would be forced to change their name to "Ed" because Ed is a good name.
1. Abortions for some, tiny American flags for others!
Now, why didn't I get elected? I just can't understand it...
--Wannabe Presidential Candidate,
Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Sunday, November 5, 2000
I'm Inspired! I Must Start a Business!
Last night, I went to work on my matchmaking idea, but I'm going to write a story about fictional people starting a matchmaking service first. The matchmaking service these people run is called "Inevitably United" and I made a big poster for it. Maybe I'll scan it and put it on my web site later. These people I made up, Shane, Miriam, and Kayle hook people up through this service according to their favorite TV shows. Shane's into shows like Norm and Drew Carey, Miriam's into show's like Daria and The Simpsons (like me, hee hee), and Kayle's into soaps like One Life to Live and General Hospital.
I also had another idea. I've been designing prom and wedding dresses since I was about four years old (I've been a hopeless romantic my whole life), and recently, people have been telling me that my drawings are actually good! I thought if I could start my own prom dress designing business, and call it "Prominade," that was rule! Hopefully, I can find a way to start these businesses. I have no idea where to go to ask someone how I would do this! Maybe my school counciler would know, or something. Welp, talk to ya later!
--"Holy" Holly Zintel ():-)
GAAAH! What a creepy dream!
In the dream, my family and friends were trying to figure out who this mysterious local murderer was. Sarah, Zach, Bobby and I all went to the mall to try and look for this murderer in a Mystery Machine type of van.
When we got to the mall, we saw that they'd added an "America Online" store and that it had a small line to wait in. We decided to go there, but when I got up to the front of the line, I saw that my friends had left me, and that the line was now circled in police tape, and a cop greeted me at the door. That freaked me out really bad, so I ducked under the police tape and ran to find my friends. As I was running, I noticed a dark ally that had never been at the mall before, so I went to check it out (for some stupid reason). Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind, and I immediately assumed it was the killer, and my whole life flashed before my eyes. But then he let me go, and I turned around to see that it was Bobby who had grabbed me. I was like, "Bobby, what are you doing?!" and he said, "Let's go. We've got to get to your dad's house right now."
When we got to Dad's house, Sarah and Zach were sitting in the living room, surprisingly not making out like they usually are. I sat next to Sarah on the couch, and the next thing I knew, Bobby drew a gun on us and aimed it at me. Zach jumped up and tried to pry the gun away from him, but Bobby pulled the trigger and shot Sarah. She screamed and I started crying when I saw the blood gushing out of her arm. Zach rushed to Sarah's side, and I got up and glared at Bobby, who said, "Zach's next." I asked, "What can I do to make you stop?" and he said, "Go out with me." Hello?! Before I found out he was an insane murdering psycho, he was the one who wouldn't go out with *me*! I looked at Sarah and Zach again, and then back at Bobby, saying, "Okay." He kissed me, and I was actually enjoying it, but thinking, "This guy shot my best friend! He's killed people I go to school with!" when suddenly, I heard a gun shot. He had shot Zach. I begged Bobby to let me call the cops, but he reminded me that they were all at the America Online store, investigating the murders he had commited. No matter what I did, I couldn't save my brother and best friend.
Dear... God... that was... creepy. I don't know what that dream meant, but I've gotta find some place that does dream analysis. *Shudders*.
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Saturday, November 4, 2000
Holly's Double
I didn't go as Rosie O'Donnel for Halloween, though. I was going to be Andrea from Daria, but I couldn't find the right wig, so I was just a gothic chick. My friends dragged me trick-or-treating for our last year even though we're too old, and it was retarded 'cause I got tired.
Another one I could do is Evil Holly. All I'd have to do is put a goatee on my chin and be like, "Hi, I'm Evil Holly."
Okay, see ya.
--Rosie O'Donnel... or... uh... Holly, I mean. ():-)
"This grouw, it's frenche!"--The Sims
Sunday, October 29, 2000
It's Christmas! Oh, wait... no it's not...
The one time of year I'm completely calm, and everything in the entire world seems perfect and peaceful is Christmastime. Sometimes, I just feel like I need Christmas. Yes, I know Halloween is the upcoming holiday, and I'll enjoy being Andrea (the gothic chick) from Daria, but as soon as Halloween's over, I am breaking out all that is Christmas! YES, YES, I *REALIZE* that the holiday after Halloween is Thanksgiving! I've got to play my Christmas CDs, and get the tree up from the basement, and get the Christmas lights on the house... And this year, I am *so* going to the soup kitchen. Last year, no one would go with me! Sarah and Mom said that they might go with me this year, though. So, that's cool.
Okay. I just wanted to talk about Christmas. I NEED IT, I TELL YOU! IT RUUUUUUUUUUULES! I'll now leave you with me singing "Kiss Me at Midnight" by 'N Sync to myself...
Kiss me at midnight! Dance until the morning light! Partyin' to the new year... all of my friends are here, and then the time is right... Kiss me at midnight!
--Christmas Freak,
Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Thursday, October 26, 2000
Dr. Holly's Continued Anti-Depressant Methods
1. Only play bored games with people who suck at them worse than you do.
2. Stay away from the graveyard! I haven't been there in... (counts on fingers) 'bout five years, and I feel great!
3. Talk in a Norm MacDonald voice all day, saying stuff like, "Who's that dude?" and, "I've never seen so many dead hookers in all my life!"
4. When you go to the nursing home, bring some really good-smelling perfume along. That place desperately needs it, and I'll bet visitors and patients alike would appreciate it.
5. Go to the Humane Society and adopt a companion. You and the dog or cat will never be lonely again.
6. Don't get too attatched to the dude or chick you're going out with. My mom always gets too attatched to her dudes, and *dang* does she get depressed when she gets her heart broken.
7. Don't do drink, smoke, or do drugs. It'll probably seem like it's helping at the time, but it's not. It's making things worse! Soon, your money will all be spent on all the crap you bought, and no one will like you because the smell of you makes them cough or gag. Plus, you'll die quicker. And I don't know about you, but I think the thought of death is a bit creepy.
8. Help homeless people out. If you've got five bucks to spare, I'll bet they'd like some fries. You'll feel really good about yourself after you give them money. I saved my allowance for a year in fifth grade to give a homeless guy sixty bucks, and I felt great the whole year afterward!
9. When the Simpsons comes on, record it, and save the tape for a rainy day. You can crack up at your favorite episodes sometime when you're feeling bad.
10. After a hard day of putting up the drywall at the new McDonald's instead of working at GM, you probably feel pretty beat. Remember that butt-ugly sweater in your closet that you never wear that Great Aunt Linda got you for Christmas? Time to exchange it for The Sims Livin' Large! Tell Great Aunt Linda a psycho cat attacked you while you were wearing it.
Welp, that's all I've got to go. I'm grounded, I just snuck on here while my dad was at work. (Kisses computer screen) Farewell, sweet computer! I shall return... when my grades get better! See ya.
P.S. Rory? Are you out there somewhere? Did'ja get rid of yer diary?
Tuesday, October 24, 2000
What Makes Humans So Cool?
Humans are that way, too. We watched a movie in U.S. History today about World War I. It was Christmas Day, and a few Germans came out saying, "Don't shoot! We don't want to fight today! We'll send you over some beer!" Some of the French agreed with them, and everyone was contentedly singing "Silent Night," in their own languages, but together. But just as soon as midnight came, a shot was fired, and the derned people were at each others' throats.
We say that humans are the masters of the world, and that we're so much cooler than animals. People go on killing animals, with that foolish belief in their heads. It's selfish. They think that humans are the best animal just because they, for some reason, want to eat the other animals' flesh?
Liberty and justice for all, eh? What about the animals?! Don't they freaking count?! They're our equals. Talk about discrimination. *Shakes head* Selfish humans.
Sunday, October 22, 2000
Zach Day
Anyhoo, I guess it's pretty much out in the open that I kind of like Bobby. Zach and Sarah read my "Holly Day" entry, and they figured it out. I don't know if Zach's going to tell him. He promised me he wouldn't, but when Zach finds out about something, he tells the whole frickin' town! ARRRRGH! Last night, we were watching Arlington Road, and Bobby wanted to lay on the floor instead of sitting on the couch with me, and Zach was like, "You whine about not having a girl, but there's one."
Alrighty then. I s'pose we're gonna go to the Pumpkin Patch after Zach gets back from droppin' Bobbo the Clown off. Welp, see ya!
--"Holy" ():-)
Saturday, October 21, 2000
Holly Day
Mom, Zach, Bobby, and I were all playing Trivial Pursuit, and I was having a ton of fun because I was winning, and I usually suck at that game! Sarah wasn't playing because she wanted to write her story instead. Zach didn't like the fact that she wasn't playing, though, and kept saying, "Sarah, you can't talk to us while we play the game since you're not playing it." Well, the last time she tried to talk to us, and Zach told her to shut up, she was trying to tell us that she had been having such a bad week, she was about ready to cry! The poor girl... I felt really bad for my friend, and didn't think that my brother was helping anything, so I went into my room, where Sarah was hiding, and tried to give her the best advice I could. I don't even know if I helped at all. They're all made up now, so everything alright, but I sure was scared there for a minute.
Mom is having a hard time with Ron, too, and I can't seem to help her with that. Bobby and I were both trying to give her advice, but it didn't seem to work out too well. I asked Bobby why I was no good at helping people, and he said, "All you can do is try. You do your best to help the people you care about, and that's all you can do." I know he's right, but I always feel guilty when I can't give someone the advice that will solve all of their problems.
And there's just one last problem. No one really knows about it... I can't really bring myself to tell them, because... well, it's just weird. There's this guy, and he keeps hitting on me, and it's creepy. No one *ever* hits on me. *Ever*. But... see, he asked me out like, five times, and... I just kind of acted like he was kidding for some reason. I like him because he's cool, and I have fun with him, but I haven't ever really thought of him like that. AND I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONE WITH GUY PROBLEMS! I'M THE THERAPIST! NOT THE PATIENT! ARRRRRRRGH. See, he has this way of acting like he's kidding about everything... but he didn't sound like he was kidding then. I don't know what to do...
Well... these hardly sound like "hilarious antics of Holly," huh? Heh heh. Oh well. Perhaps next time, I'll have something hilarious that happened to me. So, let's hope I spill Slurpee all over the carpet in a rich guy's house, have him catch me, and I blame it on someone else, and they get thrown in jail tomorrow! Yeah! That should be good. Okay. Adios for now!
"Oh, sure, *everything* sounds bad if you remember it."--Homer J. Simpson
Thursday, October 19, 2000
My Confusing Dad
I scarred my legs up pretty bad the other day when they went numb and I fell down the stairs, and they really hurt bad today, so I couldn't get out of bed. My freaking brother had to go and call Dad at work and inform him that I wasn't going to school. Dad wanted to talk to me and, of course, all he did was yell at me. I tell ya, that guy has no sympathy for *anyone*! He said, "YOU GET TO SCHOOL BY 10:00, OR I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU SEE YOUR MOM ANYMORE!" He says he can take her to court and prove that she's an unfit mother. Hello?! Doesn't he see who's the unfit parent here?! HIM! I can't take much more of him. Why do I even stay with him to begin with? I love the guy, but... *sighs* he sure is hard to put up with most of the time.
Dad is really confusing because one minute, he'll be screaming at me, and sometimes Zach, for every little thing he can possibly think of. "HOLLY, YOU MISSED AN HOUR OF SCHOOL TO GO TO THE DOCTOR! YOU CAN'T BE MISSING SCHOOL FOR *THAT*!" "ZACH, YOUR KLEENEX DIDN'T GET IN THE TRASH CAN!" "YOUR MOTHER'S AN IDIOT!" "IF YOU DON'T GET THIS STEREO OUT OF HERE, I'M GOING TO STOMP IT!" UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH! Then, the next minute, he'll be all happy and walking around singing his "Holllllllllllllllly Rachael!" song, and his "Oh, Zach-ya-boy!" song. He is so extremely manic depressive, and he will not admit to it for anything. Zach says, "Holly, you always accuse everyone of being racist, or manic depressive." Um... did it ever occur to him why I accuse people of that? Because they are! And Dad is both of them! ARRRRRRRRRRGGGH. *Sighs*. Okay. I can't seem to vent very well through typing, so I'm going to shred some napkins now. See ya.
Tuesday, October 17, 2000
What the bloody 'ell is wrong with me?
My grandpa Z. has cancer, so he's been getting this lazer stuff done to him. I've been pretty close to him my entire life, and if he can't beat this cancer, I'm really going to miss him. I haven't lost a grandparent yet, so that's going to be extremely hard...
My friend is thinking about killing herself, and I really, really hope she's going to be okay. She's been talking to school councilers and stuff, but she won't even tell me what's making her so upset.
Dang. I guess all I've got is sad news today. Well... hopefully, I'll have something a bit cheerier to say in my next entry. Later.
Friday, October 13, 2000
SURVEY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
NAME: Holly the "Holy" Zintel.
AGE: 16.
SEX: Female
LIVING ARRANGEMENT: With my mom on her days off, with my dad on the other days. And when I'm hiding from my dad, with my grandparents Shoup.
WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? The Daria logo and a lot of cat and dog fur.
FAVORITE MAGAZINES: Seventeen, YM, Teen People... those girlie ones, in case there's anything about Daria in them. Oh yeah, and Vegetarian Times.
FAVORITE SMELLS: Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin perfume, stuffed pumpkin shells (a vegan dish my mom makes), and garlic (yes, I know I'm a freak).
BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD: Sitting down at the Mirage Buffet after walking around Vegas in the horrible, horrible heat *all day long* instead of just taking the freaking car!!!!!!!
DO YOU GET MOTION SICKNESS? No, I just get sickness.
PEN OR PENCIL? Keyboard. But pencils are cool, I guess.
FAVORITE FOODS: Linguini with marinara from Bill Knapps, stuffed pumpkin shells, stuffing, and mashed potatoes.
FAVORITE ICE CREAM: Actually, sorbet. And strawberry.
DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE: Yeah. "I think I'm really neat 'cause I like to drive a car..."--Tim and Zach's Crazy Radio Hour.
DO YOU SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS? Yup. My teddy bears, Jodie Landon and Lenny Kravitz, and my kitty, Jessica Simpson.
WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR: I drive my mom or dad's Buick right now. I can't have a car till Zach gets a new one, and I get Zach's crappy Oldsmobile. Ugh...
WOULD IT BE? Rory Curtis.
FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK: I don't drink, 'cause I'd like to live as much of life as possible, and don't want to act like more of a retard than I already do. But *non*alcoholic strawberry daquiries rule.
WHAT IS ON YOUR WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? In the room at my dad's house, there's hottie wallpaper (I knew I put too many posters up) so that you can't see the paint. I wonder what color it was... At my mom's, it's all Daria fan art.
FAVORITE MOVIE: "Is It Fall Yet?", Ten Things I Hate About You, Where the Heart Is, Office Space, Dirty Work, Tommy Boys, the Austin Powers movies, the Babe movies, Final Destination, Runaway Bride, Pretty Woman, The Prince of Egypt, Anastasia, and some others I can't think of right now.
ARE YOU A LEFTY, RIGHTY OR AMBIDEXTROUS? Ambidextious, but mostly lefty.
HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS? Under their mother. What kind of an asshole eats eggs?!
WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTOR/ACTRESS: Jonathan Jackson, Natalie Portman, Julia Stiles, Julia Roberts, Ingo Rodamacher, Devon Sawa, Erin Torpey... a buncha people.
DID YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE HAVE WHITE OR COLORED LIGHTS? White. But they're nifty, 'cause they have a snow pattern, and it's really quite mesmorizing.
WHAT IS YOUR WORST PET PEEVE? People who beat animals.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK? Let's change that to Daria fan fiction. "Restoration" by Diane Long. "Why 2K?" by Kemical Reaxion, "Guard Duty" by Invisigoth Gypsy, and "New Eyes" by Nemo Blank also rule.
EXPERIENCED?? I fell off my bike and got a huge rock stuck in my knee. When my mom pried it out, you could see the bone in my leg. It was gross.
HOW MUCH TV DO YOU WATCH? Although 95% of it is Daria, a whole lot.
Zintels, Shoups, Windles, and Asmuses.
I consider myself very lucky in the family department. I actually got to know my great-grandparents and my great-aunt before they died, and not too many people can say that. Hmm... well, I think I'll start by talking about my dad's side of the family.
My grandpa Z. was adopted. He's actually a Leparde, but his family was kind of poor, so the Zintels took him in, because the Lepardes couldn't really afford him, I guess. Grandpa (obviously) married my grandma, and she's an Asmus. My great-grandma Asmus was cool. I remember that she had a glass eye, and it kind of freaked me out, but she was nice. My great-aunt Mary was so, so sweet. I would come over here (I live in her and my great-aunt's house now) and talk to Aunt Mary when I was fed up with getting lectured by dad. She was so understanding, and such a good listener. Plus, the chocolate deserts she kept in the freezer for my brother, cousins, and I didn't hurt. :-) I learn a little more about the Asmuses just about every year when I go to Germans From Russia at Christmas time. It's a lot of fun. It makes me proud to go there, and sing Christmas songs with the people I love. When I look around at Germans From Russia, I feel very accepted, and know that I'm a part of something, and it makes me feel all warm and gooey inside.
My dad met, went out with for four years, and finally married my mom, a Shoup. My grandpa Shoup is awesome, and so were his parents. Great-Grandma Shoup got alzeimers before I got to know her too well, but Great-Grandpa was really cool. He was hilarious! He was depressed a lot, but he said I always cheered him up, and that makes me really happy to know. The Shoups are all just *awesome*. My grandpa, Uncle Raymond, and Uncle Ron are all just hilarious... I just *love* hanging out with them. I don't know very much about the Windles. I know they were a huge family, and my grandma didn't like how her dad and brother smoked.
Right now, I'd just like to take the time to put a huge message in here that's very important to my grandma Shoup, and myself. DO NOT SMOKE! I don't care if you got into it because of peer pressure, 'cause you think you're cool, or 'cause you thought it'd be nice to pick up an unhealthy addiction, DON'T DO IT!!!! My uncle Jerry died from throat cancer, and it was a really gross, gruesome death. In his last few days, he had to blow his nose through a tube in his neck, which he also had to eat and drink out of. Also, DON'T DRINK! My grandma's dad drank a lot and got this weird ulcer thing that he died from. And don't do drugs, just 'cause it's wrong. It'll make ya nutty. And one final message, don't look at porn. It destroys marriages.
Even though my parents are divorced, I love both sides of my family. I still consider us all one family, too. My family members are all my friends. I'd rather hang out with my family than anyone else. 'Cept for maybe Rory.
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel
Everything is Painful & I Feel Worthless
Even without the constant pain, it's just always been so hard for me to get to sleep. I always think of that scene in Office Space where the occupational hypnotherapist is trying to get Peter to relax. It just doesn't work. Then I try to day dream so that, perhaps, I can night dream. But the only thing I can think about is whatever stress I'm under at the time.
There's nothing I hate more than feeling sorry for myself, and that's all I've been doing lately. I've always liked helping other people, but I suck at it. My mom's been having guy problems, and all I can do is say, "Well... maybe it'll work out." I've been hiding from my dad at my grandparents house because I'm getting so scared of him. It's not like he beats me, or anything. But the man has never missed a day of work in his life, so when I miss a day of school, he's like, "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE PUKING YOUR GUTS OUT AND HAVING BLACKOUTS! YOU GET YOUR ASS TO *SCHOOL*!" He doesn't understand how much pain I'm in, because he doesn't *have* all these weird problems. I feel like such a wuss for running away from him. I'm just too sensitive to listen to lectures. All my life, any time he yelled at me, I just burst into tears.
I can't stop crying lately. I feel worthless all the time because I'm not going to school, so I'm not getting anything accomplished. I also feel like I need constant attention. The other night, my mom was in her room, on the phone with Ron, Bobby was playing video games, and Zach and Sarah were in his room, making out. And I just felt so lonely. I'm just like... not myself lately. I'm usually all thrilled about every last part of life, but right now, everything seems to suck. I know it doesn't, I just... I need to make more friends, or something. Geez. Maybe if I smacked myself in the face, I'd feel better...
Well, I suppose I'll stop my whining now. Later.
Wednesday, October 11, 2000
Well... I'm sick. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been sick for two weeks, for God's sake! It seems like I'd be better by now. I was even throwing up blood the other night. My doctor said it was because I have scratches in my throat from coughing too much, and when I swallow the mucus, it makes me nauseated, and then I throw up the blood. Tell me *that*'s not gross. *Shudders*.
I tell ya, Zach's got to stop accusing Sarah of stuff. On Saturday, Bobby, Zach, Sarah, and I went to Mom's house to hang out with her and her new boyfriend, Ron. Zach and I went to pick Sarah up, and the minute she got in the car, he kissed her and said, "Your breath smells like smoke! Have you been smoking?!" She gave him her word that she hadn't been, but that wasn't good enough for him! He kept saying stuff like, "Sarah's been smoking, she's probably got a pack of ciggaretts in her pocket right now!" So she ignored him, and just sat there, fuming. But pretty soon, Zach was like, "Either Sarah stops ignoring me, or she's not going to have a boyfriend much longer." Then he started swearing at her, using every filthy word he could think of, and he even called my mom a whore! Mom kicked him out of the house, but he came back right after getting a Slurpee and gas. Well, geez. That boy needs to get some self control. I don't know why Sarah's put up with him for that long. Even Bobby was glad to see him gone when he left.
Well... I hope Ron's finally going to be the one for my mom this time. All these guys keep breaking her heart. She falls in love way too easily. But, dude... they say they love her, they want to marry her, and that they want to see other people. Geez. My mom can't afford another heartbreak. She really can't, so I hope so much that this guy is going to stick around, and not let her down. I like this guy, too. He actually has good taste in music! He listens to Creed and Matchbox Twenty instead of Kenny Rogers and Reba McIntyre. Amd he likes Tommy Boy. He must be cool. Welp... *crosses fingers* good luck to my mom.
Okay, I s'pose I'll go, do some mad libs now. See ya.
--"Holy" Holly Zintel
Thursday, October 5, 2000
Can't Get Enough of These Surveys...
FULL NAME: Holly Rachael Zintel.
NICKNAMES: "Holy", "Daria", "Holly Ho-ho", and "Peanut."
DOB: February 28th, 1984
SIBLINGS: Z-bear. Er, I mean, Zach. He has a diary, too. His name on here is ElZacho if you care.
PETS & NAMES: Kitties: Daria and Amy, Puppy: Chyna, Fish: Milpool and Skittlebrow.
HAIR COLOR: Brown and blonde.
HEIGHT: 5'6"... *gasp*... and a quarter!
EYE COLOR: Greenish blue.
SHOE SIZE: 11. It sucks because I used to be a ten, and I could buy shoes at Baker's, but not anymore! *Begins sobbing, then falls to her ugly shoes*.
SCHOOL: Mott Middle College.
GRADE: E. Oh! Iiiii see... I'm a freshmore.
BEST FREIND *OR FRIENDS :)*: Mom and Sarah.
BEEN SWIMMING IN A PUBLIC FOUNTAIN? Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! (Quitely) Yes.
RECIEVED AN UNEXPECTED PACKAGE IN THE MAIL? Yeah. A bunch of books and videos about getting a cool job. I think it was supposed to be for the guy next door, since he never goes to work.
RIDDEN ON A MOTORCYCLE? Can't say that I have.
EATEN ESCARGOT? Nope. I don't eat anything I can't pronounce, or identify as actual food.
BEEN ON A MISSION TRIP? If you count when Mom and I went to Vegas to meet Mike. Mission: Mike. Hee hee. We should have made a movie...
SCORED A HOLE IN ONE AT GOLF? Yeah, at Pirate's Park.
BEEN IN AN AMBULANCE? I don't believe so.
LAUGHED SO HARD YOU WET YOUR PANTS? Yeeeeah, act like it never happened to *you*...
THROWN UP ON A RIDE? No, but I cried a whole lot.
STOLEN SOMETHING? Three words: I have Napster.
VISITED THE GRAND CANYON? No, but Hoover Dam was sort of like it... uh, I think.
HAD A DOG TAKE YOU FOR A WALK? Nope. But I'd laugh if I saw that happening to anyone.
HAD SURGERY? When I had ingrown toenails, these doctors cut them out, and they said they'd never seen anyone bleed from the toes that much. I think that counts as surgery.
TOUCHED THE SKIN OF AN ELEPHANT? Yeah. When I was little, me, Zach, Tim, and Allison went to the circus (I didn't know it was wrong then), and rode elephants.
DANCED THE HULA? Probably when I was about four.
W0NDERED WHY THERE ARE BRAILLE DOTS ON THE KEYPAD OF THE DRIVEUP ATM? Braille dots?! I thought that was one of those connect-the-dots things. The people at the bank aren't going to be too happy with me...
RUN IN A MARATHON? Ha ha ha ha!
THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DIE? Yes. I thought I was drowning and my grandpa didn't notice. These two *really* hot guys saved me, though, and it was cool. I told them they were hot, and they thought it was funny because I was like, four years old.
BEEN TO A CONCERT? Yeah. 'Bout eight Amy Grant concerts (Michael W. Smith was usually there, too), two 'N Sync, one 98 Degrees, and a lot of Zach's band concerts.
WALKED INTO THE WRONG BATHROOM? I don't think so, but my dad's famous for that.
BEEN RESCUED BY A LIFE GUARD? Yeah. The stupid swimming teacher pushed me off the diving board! Now I have a permanent fear of water...
GOTTEN BEAT UP? Yeah, in third grade, my brother beat me up for a couple of 6th grade chicks that sucked.
EXPERIENCED DEJA VU? I think I was asked this question in a previous life...
GOTTEN A TATTOO? Not unless you count the removable kind that say "'N Sync."
BEEN ON TV? I thought I would be after the whole Clinton thing at my school, but I think the ABC 12 people heard me say that I didn't like the president.
KNOWN SOMEONE THAT WAS STRUCK BY LIGHTENING? Not unless you count my modem a person.
BEEN LOCKED OUT OF YOUR HOUSE? Uh-huh. Waiting in the freezing cold without a coat sucks.
GONE OUT WITH SOMEONE WHEN YOU WERE ON THE REBOUND FROM ANOTHER RELATIONSHIP? No, but that sounds more exciting than not having a relationship at all in the first place!
RIDDEN IN A LIMOUSINE? I don't think so.
BEEN CALLED INTO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE? Yeah. She wanted to take me out to lunch.
DEVELOPED A FRIENDSHIP OVER THE INTERNET? Plenty of 'em. And those two jerks who abandoned me must die! Er, I mean, cry! I'll bet they cry a lot without me! Heh... heh... (nervously glances around).
BEEN KISSING SOMEONE WHILE YOU WERE THINKING OF SOMEONE ELSE? Yeah. I was kissing my cat, Amy, and I thought she was my other cat, Daria. Boy, I felt stupid...
FELT COMPLETELY HAPPY? Yeah. This time when I had a banana Slurpee *and* stuffing!
HAD A B-DAY WISH COME TRUE? No. The Little Mermaid never came to my house, Danny never asked me out, and Daria and Trent never hooked up. *Sigh*.
SLIPPED AND FALLEN IN THE SHOWER? Yeah. It sucked. I got soap in my eye and couldn't see Drew Carey good.
SKINNED A DEER? Ah! Hello?! Huge animal rights fanatic!
SMELLED YOUR OWN BAD BREATH? Well, *I* thought it smelled good.
WALKED ALONG A BEACH IN THE MOONLIGHT? Yeah. My family and I used to go on vacation to Tawas, MI every year, and we stayed at the Holiday Inn on the beach.
TOUCHED A PENGUIN? At the zoo. Zoos are wrong. Don't give them money.
GONE COW TIPPING? Whoever wrote this survey sucks, and no, for Heaven's sake!
Wednesday, October 4, 2000
To do before I die:
1. Cry for at least five hours into my cats' and dog's fur.
2. Talk my parents into letting me alternate between their houses twelve times a day.
3. Hug everyone in my family.
4. Finish a freaking story!
5. Say goodbye to all my online friends, and go see them all.
6. Go to Vegas one last time (oh wait, I can squeeze this into the above one. Never mind).
7. Confess to dude I'm in love with that I'm in love with him.
8. Have a quickie wedding.
9. Lose virginity.
10. Adopt two kids and name them Autumn Kate and Jesse Scott.
11. Spend a buncha time with everybody I love.
12. Read the Bible and pray more than I've ever prayed before.
Yup. I wonder if I could squeeze all of that into a week... Hmm... Well, let's hope I'll never have to find out. See ya!
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
FISH RULE!!! WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Show of the day: Port Charles.
Song of the day: "Can't Lose What You Never Had" by Westlife.
Movie of the Day: Office Space.
Person who sucks of the day: Tom Sloane from Daria.
Cartoon Character of the Day: Franklin Sherman from The Critic.
Yup. How 'bout that. Bye.
--New Fish Owner,
Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
Tuesday, October 3, 2000
Another Stolen Survey!
Today's Date: 10-2-00.
Astrological sign: Pisces.
Eye color: Bluish green.
Hair color: It's brown, but I put blonde highlights in it, 'cause they say stupid people are blonde, and I'm sort of stupid, but not all that stupid, so I'm sort of blonde.
Height: 5'6"
A color you like to wear (not fav color): Uh... when it's hot, I like to wear white so I don't melt into a puddle.
A flower you would like to grow in a garden: Zinnias. I don't know what those are, but Diane Long always writes about them in her Daria fan fic' series.
Your lucky number: 9.
A City you would like to visit: New York, so I can see where Daria's made.
Music you prefer to listen to when alone: It doesn't matter if I'm alone or not, but Scarlet Road, Mystik Spiral, boy bands, Amy Grant, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and Michael W. Smith.
The best sex music: Ha ha ha ha ha hee hee hee hee ha ha ha! Uh, how 'bout "Digital Get Down" by 'N Sync or "Caress Me Down" by Sublime, or something hilariously dirty like that.
bands/c.d.'s you listen to lately: 98 Degrees' Revelation, Plus One, and Mandy Moore's I Wanna Be With You.
A movie you can watch over and over: "Is It Fall Yet?", "Ten Things I Hate About You", "Where the Heart Is", "Final Destination", "Nothing to Lose", "Simply Irresistable", "Office Space", and "Austin Powers 2."
Your favorite clothing: Daria shirt and jeans.
Your favorite place to sit at home: The couch.
A motto you like to live by: "All I need to know, I learned from Daria."
Your watch: It's got the Daria logo on it, and it's worked for three years. When it dies, I'm getting another Daria watch.
Your cologne: Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin from Bath & Body Works and Bottled Emotions: Romance.
Your prized possession: My entire collection of Daria stuff.
Your most expensive possession: I don't know, my family buys everything for me.
If your house was on fire and you could only save 4 items what would they be? My pictures.
3 traits you look for in a friend: Doesn't hate me, isn't a jerk, and loves Daria.
friend you have known longest: Mom.
friend you miss most: Randi.
Your 3 best qualities: Uh... best? Well... I'm nice sometimes. People tell me I'm funny at times, and they don't always mean funny looking. And um... I got nothin'.
Your 3 worst: Bad listener, not patriotic enough, have a tendancy to pinch people who eat meat.
Things you are often complimented for: People either like or are amazed by my collection of Daria-related items.
You get embarrassed when: I trip over Norm MacDonald and land on Regis Philban. *Geez*, that's embarrassing...
Makes you happy: Daria, The Simpsons, driving to the French Laundry with my mom, hanging out at Great Lakes Crossing with my friends, writing stories, and talking to Rory. Ever talk to Rory? What a dude. Talk to Rory.
Upsets you: When people eat meat, when people hunt, and when people kick my dog. Stupid people.
Yes or No:
Do you keep a diary? Yeah. This one right here.
Do you like to cook? Yeah, but I suck at it. I'm trying to get better.
Do you have a secret you have not shared with anyone? Yeah.
Do you fold your underwear? That was the secret! Ah, it's out! How will I go on now?!
Do you talk in your sleep? Sometimes I sing in my sleep, but I don't think I've ever talked in my sleep.
Do you eat fast? Not unless I'm really hungry, or in a hurry.
Do you set your clock/watch a few minutes ahead? Well, I don't mean to, but it seems to turn out that way.
Do you believe in love? Yeah.
the end...
Well, this survey kind of sucked, didn't it? Oh well.
People Would Be Less Depressed If...
Ways To Make Life Less Depressing
1. Stop listening to Eminem and start listening to "Weird Al" Yankovic.
2. On your lunch break, go to Chuck E. Cheese and play some Ski-Ball.
3. If work or school gets too hard, call in sick, suck all the goo out of those nifty new Twizzlers, and use them as straws to drink root beer through while you watch Ernest Scared Stupid.
4. Instead of the news, watch Johnny Bravvo.
5. Go to Bath & Body Works and buy some of that Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin perfume I got... ohhhh, that stuff's good...
6. Choose an Office Space character to act like for the day. No one will know what the hell you're doing, but *you'll* be entertained!
7. When a new episode of Daria comes on, take an interest in a main character like Jake. When he comes on, you'll be so glad to see him, you'll crack up at everything he says. The next day, when taking your history exam, you'll *still* be laughing, and the pressure of the test won't get to you so much.
8. Act like Rosie O'Donnel all the time. I do. All you have to do is eat a lot, sing all the time, and quote a TV character in every one of your conversations.
9. Write to a restaurant like the Olive Garden, and tell them there was a bug in your food, even if there wasn't. They'll send you a coupon for a free meal.
10. Try not to think about polar bears.
11. When a problem comes along, ask yourself, "What would Mr. Bean do...?"
12. If you want to get in with the popular group, show them a picture of a *really* hot guy, and tell them you're going out with him. They'll follow you around all the time just to get a glimpse of him, and people will think you're cool.
13. When a waitress asks for your drink order, say, "I don't know... I'm sort of in a Spriteful mood today... what do you suggest I do about it?"
14. Go, see my grandma and grandpa Z. They're really hilarious because they fight all the time.
15. Don't watch Fear on MTV. It'll make you paranoid.
16. Get a really different pet, like a flamingo. Then hang a sign on your house that says, "Come, see the flamingo! $2!" You make money that way, plus it'd be funny to have around.
17. Get padded walls in your bedroom, but get them in leopard print, or tye-dyed.
18. Get a religion. Most of the people I see who are depressed don't have one. If nothing else, a religion gives you hope that you're going someplace really sweet when you die instead of nowhere.
19. Volunteer at the soup kitchen. Not only will you be helping people out, but you'll see that you could have a much better reason to be depressed.
20. If you're ugly, either don't look at beauty magazines, or get a makeover, for God's sake.
Welp, kids! There you have it. If you have something that got you over a depression, leave a note on here, or E-mail me. If you don't have an idea, keep your mouth shut.