Welp, I think all my family's holiday traditions are fun as heck, but there's one I like in particular. My mom made up this thing called "kicking off the holidays." All kicking off the holidays really is is opening early Christmas presents, but we dress it up a bit. My mom makes this big mound of cotton to make it look like a snow mountain, and buries presents under it, attatching ribbons to each present. Then we each pull on a different ribbon, and the presents come out, and the snow mountain collapses, and we all open the presents and yell, "Happy holidays!" It's pretty fun, but we actually haven't done that in a few years.
My other favorite Christmas tradition is looking at Christmas lights. We drive around rich neighborhoods and look at all the nifty lights while listening to Christmas music. But I think a lot of families do that.
I also love going over to my grandma Shoup's house on Christmas Eve and hanging out with my cousins. Then we go to church, and have this whole thing with lighting candles, and we sing Christmas hymns, and it's really beautiful. Going to my grandma Z.'s on Christmas Day is fun, too.
Yup. We have a lot more traditions that that, but I can't think of them today. I'm sick! Maybe I'll think of more later. See ya.
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
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