Wednesday, November 22, 2000

Don't Eat Turkey Tomorrow! Eat... Pez

Or anything but turkey. I'd like to invite a group of turkeys over to eat Thanksgiving dinner with us, but I think my grandmas would freak out. Ah well.

Anyhoo, I figured I should list all the things I'm thankful for.

1. My parents are divorced, so I get to have two Thanksgiving dinners! (Us fat people are into that sort of thing.)


3. The next holiday is Christmas!

4. Daria's been on for four years, and I'm still not sick of it.

5. There are so many celebrities setting a vegetarian example, such as Drew Barrymore, Alicia Silverstone and Natalie Portman.

6. Norm is on Friday night!

7. God made stuffing... or, at least, He made the stuff to *make* stuffing with.

8. My family, friends and pets all reek of awesomeness.

9. No matter how bad life gets, there is always Johnny Bravo.

10. My appendix hasn't burst yet.

There you have it. Put on your golden tukes, and thank God Boxing Day is coming up, eh? Happy Thanksgiving.


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