Saturday, October 21, 2000

Holly Day

Zach was reading my journal (I let him), and he found out that I get jealous sometimes when he and Sarah leave me alone while they go, make out. He and Sarah set up this "Holly Day" thing, devoted to me. They promised not to make me feel left out on that day, and said I could choose whatever we do. I thought that was very noble of them. Well, today was Holly Day! I chose to go, see "Bedazzled" with Mom, Zach, Sarah, and Bobby, and to go to the Pumpkin Patch. Bedazzled was awesome; I just loved it to pieces! Anyhoo, though, Sarah and Zach, as usual, weren't getting along too well tonight...

Mom, Zach, Bobby, and I were all playing Trivial Pursuit, and I was having a ton of fun because I was winning, and I usually suck at that game! Sarah wasn't playing because she wanted to write her story instead. Zach didn't like the fact that she wasn't playing, though, and kept saying, "Sarah, you can't talk to us while we play the game since you're not playing it." Well, the last time she tried to talk to us, and Zach told her to shut up, she was trying to tell us that she had been having such a bad week, she was about ready to cry! The poor girl... I felt really bad for my friend, and didn't think that my brother was helping anything, so I went into my room, where Sarah was hiding, and tried to give her the best advice I could. I don't even know if I helped at all. They're all made up now, so everything alright, but I sure was scared there for a minute.

Mom is having a hard time with Ron, too, and I can't seem to help her with that. Bobby and I were both trying to give her advice, but it didn't seem to work out too well. I asked Bobby why I was no good at helping people, and he said, "All you can do is try. You do your best to help the people you care about, and that's all you can do." I know he's right, but I always feel guilty when I can't give someone the advice that will solve all of their problems.

And there's just one last problem. No one really knows about it... I can't really bring myself to tell them, because... well, it's just weird. There's this guy, and he keeps hitting on me, and it's creepy. No one *ever* hits on me. *Ever*. But... see, he asked me out like, five times, and... I just kind of acted like he was kidding for some reason. I like him because he's cool, and I have fun with him, but I haven't ever really thought of him like that. AND I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONE WITH GUY PROBLEMS! I'M THE THERAPIST! NOT THE PATIENT! ARRRRRRRGH. See, he has this way of acting like he's kidding about everything... but he didn't sound like he was kidding then. I don't know what to do...

Well... these hardly sound like "hilarious antics of Holly," huh? Heh heh. Oh well. Perhaps next time, I'll have something hilarious that happened to me. So, let's hope I spill Slurpee all over the carpet in a rich guy's house, have him catch me, and I blame it on someone else, and they get thrown in jail tomorrow! Yeah! That should be good. Okay. Adios for now!

"Oh, sure, *everything* sounds bad if you remember it."--Homer J. Simpson

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