Well, I certainly have a list of problems, and I have missed *so* much school because of them lately. But my dad doesn't even care what's wrong with me. Actually, he doesn't even *believe* I *have* anything wrong with me. He thinks everyone should go to school every day just because that's what he always did.
I scarred my legs up pretty bad the other day when they went numb and I fell down the stairs, and they really hurt bad today, so I couldn't get out of bed. My freaking brother had to go and call Dad at work and inform him that I wasn't going to school. Dad wanted to talk to me and, of course, all he did was yell at me. I tell ya, that guy has no sympathy for *anyone*! He said, "YOU GET TO SCHOOL BY 10:00, OR I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU SEE YOUR MOM ANYMORE!" He says he can take her to court and prove that she's an unfit mother. Hello?! Doesn't he see who's the unfit parent here?! HIM! I can't take much more of him. Why do I even stay with him to begin with? I love the guy, but... *sighs* he sure is hard to put up with most of the time.
Dad is really confusing because one minute, he'll be screaming at me, and sometimes Zach, for every little thing he can possibly think of. "HOLLY, YOU MISSED AN HOUR OF SCHOOL TO GO TO THE DOCTOR! YOU CAN'T BE MISSING SCHOOL FOR *THAT*!" "ZACH, YOUR KLEENEX DIDN'T GET IN THE TRASH CAN!" "YOUR MOTHER'S AN IDIOT!" "IF YOU DON'T GET THIS STEREO OUT OF HERE, I'M GOING TO STOMP IT!" UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH! Then, the next minute, he'll be all happy and walking around singing his "Holllllllllllllllly Rachael!" song, and his "Oh, Zach-ya-boy!" song. He is so extremely manic depressive, and he will not admit to it for anything. Zach says, "Holly, you always accuse everyone of being racist, or manic depressive." Um... did it ever occur to him why I accuse people of that? Because they are! And Dad is both of them! ARRRRRRRRRRGGGH. *Sighs*. Okay. I can't seem to vent very well through typing, so I'm going to shred some napkins now. See ya.
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