Whew! I finally got to a computer! My focus group decided
to go to the computer lab, which rules because I'm grounded
from the computer.
Anyway, I went to Nashville and chilled with Amy Grant! It
was *so* much fun! There were about 100 fans in this
restaurant where Amy Grant and Vince Gill were, and we all
yelled out songs we wanted them to play. In between songs,
people would get up on stage with Amy and Vince, and sing a
song, or say a poem. Some of those fans were really
creepy... they would just burst into tears as soon as they
got on stage. Amy was so adorable because she was five
months pregnant. During the autograph signing at the end,
Amy said, "I don't mean to be rude, but I'm getting sort of
nauseated due to my pregnancy." Everyone went, "Awwww...
really didn't feel that bad for my girl, Amy, the jerks.
After we had breakfast with Amy and Vince, we went to an
Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith and Vince Gill concert. Every
time I go to an Amy concert, I have more and more respect
for her. 80% of the money we pay goes to a children's
hospital. Amy said, "I'm sure every parent knows, whether
a child is eight years old, or eighteen years old, they are
just as precious, and need just as much love." My mom
bought me this adorable little stuffed lamb, and that money
went straight to the children's hospital as well, so we
felt really good about going to the concert.
Changing the subject, on Friday, when I got to school, I
was in *such* an awesome mood. I kept hugging everyone,
and by the time lunch time rolled around, I felt really
brave. My friend, Heather and I walked into the art room,
and I just walked straight up to my crush, Sean, and said,
"Hi. I just wanted to tell you that I think you're really,
really hot. A girl could have fantasies about you. Okay,
thanks for your time." I have no idea why I did that.
Heather thinks I'll never, ever have a chance with him now
because of what my first words to him were. See, I really
like him because he's a vegan, and he's all into animal
rights and everything. I've never met a guy that had the
same beliefs as me, and he does! I really want that guy, I
tell you! *Sigh*. Well, I think I've really gotta go
because he's in the hall, and he's about to come in here, I
think. Smooch!
--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)
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