Wednesday, December 20, 2000

Why do I have to be so sensitive?

I'm off for Christmas break, so I should be thrilled, and looking forward to me two weeks off, right? Yeah, I thought so, too! If I weren't such a weirdo, I might actually be having a good time!

Sarah, Zach and I have spent the last couple of days at my mom's house. Every time I tried to get on the computer to type the script to my movie, they would start making out! It doesn't bother me that they're always kissing, it bothers me that I can *hear* it. I can never help gagging when they're making out, and they're like, "Oh, Holly, quit making fun of us!" I'm serious, though! I'm *really* nauseated when they do this. I wish they would *stop*. Ugh.

All my mom talks about is her boyfriend, Ron, who never shows up for anything. They make a date, he doesn't come, five days later, he comes up with a "great" excuse for why he wasn't there, and didn't call. She buys the excuses every single time. Everyone keeps telling her, "DUMP HIM!" It's so clear to us, but she's such a sucker for sweet lines, bless her heart, she keeps being his girlfriend. Whenever I try to talk to her about anything, she starts in on something different about Ron.

Well, I thought, cable internet was just installed at my dad's house, it'll be fun to go there. I was wrong. My dad wouldn't let me go on the computer because I didn't have any proof from my teachers of how I was doing in school. I told him I was doing terrible! How much proof does he need to be convinced that his daughter sucks in school?

After Dad told me I couldn't use the computer for break, I cried hysterically. It was just a flat-out tantrum, truth be told. I was really upset about how nothing had been going my way for the past two weeks. I started hyperventalating before we went out for dinner, and I couldn't even calm down in the restaurant. Finally, my dad gave in to letting me use the computer. I think he was embarrassed that I was crying in public, and he was trying to shut me up. He had me do some housework, and tomorrow, I have to do more of it, plus make a list of things I'll do to improve my grades when I get back to school.

I cry when I get punished, but I don't think that it's always a tantrum, like it was tonight. I just can't take yelling. I don't care if it's someone yelling *at* me, or around me. It's all horrible. I think I have a permanent headache... it hasn't gone away for a week. Ugh.

Well, hopefully, I'll be a bit cheerier, and less moody, for God's sake, in my next entry. See ya.

--Holly the "Holy" Zintel ():-)

PS: Dang, I'm getting paranoid and jumpy!

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