Friday, February 14, 2003

Fun With Talking Inanimate Objects

Goodmorrow, kind sirs and gentle ladies! 'Tis Valentine's Day, and I've nothing better to do than sit on the computer and read Harry/Hermione fan fiction. Although I feel a little like those Star Wars nerds, I must admit that I've thoroughly enjoyed my fan fic-packed day. Just look at this exerpt from MsScribe's "Hush":
"Harry awakens to the sound of something jumping around on the floor. Thud... bonk. "Crookshanks?" he whispers, sitting up to look for the cat he and Ron had adopted ever since Hermione's disappearance. She needs me, don't you understand? There is no time for sleep. I can't imagine what she's doing without me-- Something clinks, and then scuffs up against his bedpost. He reaches for his glasses, blinking twice as he sees Hogwarts, a History, the book he had asked the Grangers if he could keep. It wiggles and falls flat again. We need to go to her. I've waited so long-- "Do you know where Hermione is?" Then the book trembles and its pages open to the section on the forbidden forest. She has been collected.
Muahahahahaha! Oh, do I love this stuff! See, the deal is that this "Collector" guy (well, "Collector" thing) has added Hermione to his collection at his house in the Forbidden Forest. He took her voice away, but now she can have conversations with inanimate objects without moving her lips. Everything can suddenly talk... except for her! *Evil laughter continues, but is cut off when the computer monitor clears its throat pointedly* I'm such a dork.

Mom made some Valentine's brownies for me to take to theatre Wednesday like the sweetheart she is, and everyone enjoyed them muchly... especially Leah, who spent most of the night eating the majority of them. *Grins* You'd never know a girl with a waist that tiny would have such a huge appetite! Of course, she's usually seen with plenty of Metabolife. The class was a blast, as usual. Don and Karen were hilarious as they played a married couple fighting over Don's winning lottery ticket, Shawna and Jennifer was hysterical when they played sisters bickering about whose waistline was smaller, Nick and Jason were awesome as roomates fighting over the volume of Jason's stereo while Nick was trying to watch The Cosby Show, and Leah and Kyle were highly amusing when Kyle came back from vacation to discover that Leah had let all his prized tropical fish die. However, it was awfully sad to find out that Larry could no longer afford theatre practice, and had to drop the class. *Cries and curses Farmer Jack for not paying him enough*
GUESS WHAT, FOLKS? Zach and I worked very hard for 3 days to put together the new song that's on the main page of my diary, called "Holly's Variety-licious Mix"! So, if you have some time, please listen to the song! *Hugs*
--Holly :-D

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