For some reason, my dad enjoys buying things in bulk. I think he does it so he doesn't have to go to the store very often. So we just bought about 20 tons of Diet, caffiene free Coke, which is the ONLY FREAKING THING THERE EVER IS TO DRINK IN THIS HOUSE! So, that's good to know. Here's the most boring survey of all time.
Stolen from: sweetie209
1. What is your full name? Holly Rachael Zintel.
2. Backstreet Boys or N*sync? I like 'em both.
3. What color pants do you have on right now? Blue.
4. What are you listening to right now? "Good Enough" by Darren Hayes.
5. What is right next to you now? The... printer.
6. What is your desk made of? Wood.
7. What are the last 4 digits of your phone? 7702.
8. What was the last thing you ate? Sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles at Fuddruckers.
9. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Tickle Me Pink.
10. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? Las Vegas.
11. Do you have a lava lamp? Yes. It broke last week. *Cries*.
12. What were you doing 5 minutes ago? Looking for a survey to take.
13. Do you like snow, sun, or rain? A combination of snow and sun.
14. How is the weather right now? Ridiculously cold for spring, and gloomy-looking.
15. Have you smoked pot? No.
16. What did you do last night? I went to Target.
17. Last person you talked to on the phone? Bobby.
18. What is the nicest thing you find in the opposite sex? A lot of the ones I know are quite hilarious.
19. Who do you like? Tim.
20. Favorite number: 2.
21. How do you eat an Oreo cookie? I eat the frosting, and don't eat the cookie part until there's no frosting left.
22. What makes you happy? Winning at Scattergories, and having long, meaningful chats with my dog.
23. Favorite sport? Quidditch!
24. Favorite Song: Eh... perhaps "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore and "Simon" by Lifehouse.
25. Favorite band/singer: Lifehouse/Amy Grant.
26. Birthdate: Feb. 28th, '84.
27. Eye color?: Bluish green.
28. Height?: 5'7".
29. Do you wear contacts? No.
30. Do you have any siblings? Indeed. I have one brother named Zach, one step sister named Carrie and one step brother named Billy.
31. What school do you attend? I don't.
32. Who are your closest friends? My mom and Sarah.
33. Best advice given to you? "Do not try to teach a pig to sing. It takes up all your time, and usually annoys the pig."--Ernest P. Worrel.
34. What do you want to be when you grow up? I haven't decided yet. Better hurry up, I guess...
35. What is your favorite food? Mom's stuffed pumpkin shells.
36. What are your future goals? ...Goals, you say?
36. Whos the coolest person you know? My mom.
37. Who is the funniest person you know? Zach.
38. Favorite movie? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
39. Favorite day of the year? Christmas.
40. Favorite girls perfume? Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin from Bath & Body Works.
41. Favorite mens perfume? Men wear perfume these days?
42. Do you like to dance? Sure. *Does a lame version of the Macarana*
43. Are you too shy to ask someone out? No. I'm working on getting more shy, though.
44. Favorite brand name? Goodwill.
45. If you could change your name? Nah, I'm set.
46. Worst sickness you've ever had? Perhaps the time I was dehydrated this past January. Or when I had the Asian flu. Or when I had mono. *Shrugs*. I get really sick *a lot*.
47. Have you ever been in love? No.
48. What is your 1st sons name going to be? Carson Scott.
49. what is your first girl gonna be? Autumn Kate.
50. Do you like scary movies or happy? Happy.
51. Night or day? Night.
52. Favorite Cd? My own burned "Best of Harry Potter Fan Fiction" CD.
53. Summer or winter? Winter.
54. Lust or love? Love. Duh.
55. Hugs or kisses? No hugs, no kisses, just hand shakes, as Bobby would say.
56. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I wish to be thinner.
57. Do you consider cheerleading a sport? Absolutely!
58. What did you think of this survey? It kinda sucks, actually.
59. Do you want your friends to write back? Seeing as it's posted on my FOD, no...
60. Who is least likely to respond? Um... dearie, see above.
61. Who is most likely to respond? " "
62. Your location? Michigan.
63. shoe size? 11.
64. Do you care about the way you look? Yeah. Just not enough to stop eating Snickers.
65. Do you have big ears? No.
66. Do you have a crush, if so who? Yeah... Tim. Didn't I already mention this?
67. Do you like to give advice? Yes, I do.
68. Class clown? Where?
69. Who do you think is the most likely to not do drugs? No one I hang out with.
71. In the past week have you cut your hair? No.
72. You really love? No.
73. Who’s hair do you really not like? Ellen's.
74. Think is really skinny or anorexic? Jenny.
75. In the past week have you been mean? Yeah... sorry.
76. How many hours did you sleep last night? 12.
77. What color is your hair? Brown.
78. How old are your parents? 47 and 47.
79. Have you lied in this survey? No.
80. Are you telling the truth? *Sigh*. Yes.
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