Stolen from: Kettle Korn POPcorn!
1. What did you wish your name was? I've never wished for a different name.
2. Did you have an imaginary friend? When I was in like, 4th and 5th grade, I imagined that soap opera characters hung out in my back yard. I was a strange child.
3. If yes, what was his/her name? Well, there was Powel, Rebecca, Todd, Marty, Patrick, Jessica & Christian...
4. Did you want to get married? I've been planning my wedding since pre-school.
5. How many kids did you want to have? 2.
6. What did you want their names to be? It depends on what my obsession was at the time. If I was in 2nd grade, I wanted my kids to be named Ariel and Eric.
7. What kind of a perfect life did you want to live? I used to want to live on a farm with Tim (my crush), but I didn't want to eat the animals (I still don't!), I just wanted to play with them.
8. What kind of house did you want to live in? One that was next door to my parents.
9. Did you play with dolls or army toys? Dolls.
10. What was your most favorite toys' name? Strawberry Shortcake. My brother won her for me out of the Big Choice.
11. Who was your childhood hero? Paula Abdul.
12. What was your favorite article of clothing? Tights! I always wanted to look very girly, and I wanted to wear a dress with tights *every day*.
13. Who did you want to be like when you grew up? Paula Abdul.
14. What did you want to be when you grew up? A singer/dancer/actress, like Paula Abdul.
15. Who were some of your best friends? Jessie, Ashley, Shannon, Jennifer, Kelly, Jana, Danny, Kyle...
16. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike? 7, I think.
17. What was your favorite food? It was different every year.
18. Who was your favorite baby-sitter? Well, my only babysitters were Grandma and Grandpa Shoup, and they're the *best*!
19. What did you think it would be like to drive a car? Scary! I didn't want to drive, ever. I'm still not *too* fond of it.
20. Did you ever own anything that had to do with My little ponies, Rainbow Brite or G.I Joes? Absolutely! I had about 360 My Little Ponies.
21. Did you play with Barbie and Ken dolls? I thought Ken sucked because he had plastic hair (what's up with that, anyway?) but I played with Barbies all the time.
22. Did you play with baby dolls? Sure did! "Baby" was my first word, and I *loved* my baby dolls.
23. Did you ever have one of those play kitchens? Um... I don't think so. But I did have plastic McDonald's food!
24. Did you ever own a Cozy Coupe? What?
25. Do you remember shows like, Ducktales, Tale Spin, Gummi Bears or Lunch Box? I LOVED Ducktales and Tale Spin, but I have no clue what Gummi Bears and Lunch Box are.
26. Did you ever own a power wheels car? Nope. Zach did, though.
27. Did you ever watch the show "Puff the Magic Dragon?" Yeah, that show rocked!
28. Who was your favorite pet? The only pet I had when I was little was Tinsel, my very first kitty cat. I loved her, she was adorable!
29. Did you ever believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny? Of course! My mom told me they weren't real in 6th grade (yeah, yeah) and I was like, "Oh, RIGHT, Mom! Suuuuuure, Santa's not real!" I did *not* believe her.
30. If yes, who did you think the santas and easter bunnies at the mall were? Their helpers, of course!
31. How did you feel when you learned how to tie your shoe finally? I was like, "Wow, velcro sure was easier..."
32. Did you ever have one of those slap-on wristbands? Yup! Oh man, do I ever love *those* things...
33. Did you ever wear stick-on earrings? Heh, no. I got my ears pierced when I was a baby.
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