Friday, May 10, 2002

*Grumbles Angrily*

Time: 12:58 A.M.

I'm Wearing: "Friendship" Pooh nightshirt and flannel robe.

I Last Ate: A chik patti sandwich.

Holly's Song Pick of the Day: "Excuse Me Mr." by No Doubt.


Guys are such perverts. Do you know what my brother talks about in what he thinks are normal, everyday conversations? Sex toys! He sits here online, IMing his friends about sex toys and porn. Now, he may think I'm a nerd for talking to people about Harry Potter and Disney movies, but at least I'm not addicted to porn!

I'm not saying *all* guys are pervs. I used to have a friend named Anthonie who said he never looked at porn a day in his life, and you know what? Other guys made fun of him for that! They said he had to be gay, because he didn't look at porn. And then there's my step dad. He thinks that porn is utterly disgusting, and thinks there's something wrong with guys who like porn.

But *almost* every guy I've ever known is like, "Huhuh, porn is awesome." Call me old-fashioned, but I've about had it with Zach talking like a drunken sailor, and thinking porn is the greatest thing ever invented! I wonder if he'd be any different if my dad hadn't had porn on the TV when Zach was little. I don't know, but I wish Dad hadn't done that.

Ugh! I love my brother to pieces, but I am so mad right now... What is *up* with *guys*?!


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