Awesome! Survey Whore added 15 questions to the Daria survey I posted a while back. So now, naturally, I'm completing the survey.
13. Do you know someone who reminds you of Brittany? Well... Carrie's a cheerleader, but she's *nothing* like Brittany besides that! But every time I go to her games, I quote Brittany's cheers.
14. Of Kevin? This drunk at my school acts a lot like him.
15. Quinn? My mom! Before she got with Mike, she had a date, like every single night! I was always like, "Who's the date of the night, Quinn?"
16. Daria? Nope. Wish I did.
17. Trent? Billy has been compared to Trent because of his sleeping habits... But other than that, I don't know anyone like Trent. I'm with Katherine on this one, if I did know someone like Trent, I'd jump him.
18. Do any of your teachers remind you of Daria’s? Yup. Ms. Klida really reminds me of Ms. Barch's. On the first day of school, I was like, "How come there are no guys in this class?" and she was like, "MEN SUCK!"
19. Is there a food that you eat for dinner every night, like Daria’s family and lasagna? When I'm with my dad, we go to Mario's just about every... single... NIGHT. Ugh. The waitresses don't even take our order anymore, they just bring us the pizza and Diet Coke.
20. Was your dad in boot camp, too? Does he have spasms because of bad memories? Nope. I'm the one with the spasms. :-)
21. Do you have a hangout where all the kids in your town go, like their pizza place? Fazoli's. I don't know why, but when school gets out, everybody flocks to Fazoli's like there's no other restaurant in town.
22. Can you tell me what Daria’s “uniform” consists of? Black combat boots, a black pleated skirt, an orange shirt with a green blazer over it, and those awesome glasses. <-------Yep. She's right.
23. How about Quinn’s? Seasons one through 4, she wore a pink baby tee with a smiley face, blue jeans and clunky brown shoes. But now she wears a short pink shirt with a butterfly on it, the same jeans, and clunky black shoes.
24. Which of the three J’s would you go out with? Why? In the past, I would have said Joey because I like his hair. But then I read Invisigoth Gypsy's fan fiction, and just from the way he treated Quinn in the fics, I'd go for him. 'Course, that *was* just a fan fic...
25. Which member of the Fashion Club do you think is hottest? I'm straight. But I think Stacy is the cutest. And the nicest!
26. Is your mom a workaholic? Is he as bad as Helen? No. My mom works *really* hard, but when it's time to quit working, she's more than ready to quit.
27. Are is your relationship with your best friend more like Daria and Jane’s or Quinn and Sandy’s? I don't think Sarah and I are quite as witty as Daria and Jane... Yet, I don't think we're like Sandi and Quinn either. Well... let's just say Daria and Jane, we like them better. :-D
28. Don’t you think MTV should air Daria more often? Oh, heck yeah. Or, scratch that, I want a whole network where they show nothing but Daria all day and all night. I could throw the remote out, 'cause I'd watch that all the time.
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