Thursday, September 27, 2001

Hockey Hotties!

Welp, yesterday Mike and Kurt picked me up from school, and we headed over to the hockey rink. The first guy I interviewed was the really hot guy I mentioned before, Matt Shannon. And good *Lord*, was he ever gorgeous! I interviewed him for about half an hour. I sneakily squeezed an extra question into the Hockey Player Profile questions-- "Are you single or not?" He told me, "I'm *definitely not* single." Crap.

Next up, Cory Dzikowski. Wow. He was really, *REALLY* hot! But he likes rap music. He told me his favorite band was "THA DOGG POUND!" Whoever that is. But at least he was single!

Then I interviewed Adam Smallman, who wants to be called "Moose" for some odd reason. This kid has one lazy eye, and he took an hour with the interview. He grew up on a farm, and his parents had him working on crops or something instead of going to high school. And believe me, it was obvious. Heh, and guess what *his* position in hockey is? "I beat people up," he says. "I'm just here to beat people up." I later asked Mike, and he confirmed it-- "Yup. Moose just beats people up."

Matt Wilkens came in next. This guy was really polite, and not too bad looking, but he is the most concieted person I've ever met! There's a question on the interview-- "How many girls have you dated?" Mike told me later on that when Matt went back out into the hall, he said, "Guys, she asked how many girls I've dated. I said ten and quickly went on to the next question before she could say, 'You mean in the past week?'" This guy says he has about three dates a day. *Rolls eyes*.

The hottest guy, by far, was Brandon Ottenbacher. Whoa. He's 17 (woo hoo!), is Catholic, is from Michigan (alright!), and he's an artist! His future goals are to be situated and comfortable with a wife and kids. Awwwwww!

But I'd have to say my favorite guy of the bunch was Jeff Crouse. He was really cute, and pretty much the only guy whose favorite food wasn't steak. He's 20 years old, his favorite school subject was lunch break, and he loves Rosie O'Donnel! Just like me! He wants to be a golf course designer, says he loves girls with green eyes, and his worst injury ever was a broken heart! And his worst sickness is "home sickness!" How cute is that?! And for the "Boxers or breifs" question, he said, "Nothing!" Holy guacamoli! Heheh.

So, yesterday, needless to say, was really, really fun! I can't wait to tell Zach and Sarah about it. I might see them today because Mom's going to call them to see if they'll pick me up from school. We're going to stay at the hotel WITH THE HOCKEY PLAYERS TONGIHT! WOOOO HOO!

Well, talk to ya'll later!

--Holly Rachael ;-D

"Ow! My eye! I'm not supposed to get pudding in it!"--Lenny

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