Yoinked from: Kettle Corn POPcorn!
Do you have a name?: Indeed I do.
If so, what is it?: Holly.
How many years have you been on this planet?: 17.
And on what day did you enter?: February 28th, 1984, a Wednesday.
Have you any brothers or sisters?: A brother named Zach, a step-sister named Carrie and a step-brother named Billy.
Soo...what color is your hair?: Brown. It's got blonde in it, too.
o0o0..and what about your eyes?: Blue/green.
What size shoe do ya wear?: 10 1/2.
Do you have long, pretty nails, or short ugly nails? I have long nails that don't look so great at the moment.
What color are they?: Gold glitter.
Are you listening to anything right now?: Yes.
If so, what?: "God Bless the USA" by Lee Greenwood.
Give off a lyric from that song: "I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free."
What's your favorite kind of music?: Pop.
Are you talking to anyone online right now?: Nope.
What's the worst thing that happened to you today?: I had to sit in the backseat because Sarah likes to sit up front.
Man..that's gotta suck..What's the best that happened?: I went online and read a really good fan fiction about how Daria would deal with the attack on America.
Did you go out and have a life today, or did you sit at home like a loser?: I went out and had a life today.
Do you think anyone's mad at you right now?: I don't think so.
Are you mad at anyone?: Yes. Those weirdos who attacked America.
Are you happy right now?: Sure.
What is the shittiest thing that has happened in the past 3 months?: That would have to be what happened to the whole country.
Let's play some word association!: Okay.
Pot: Bad-for-you drug.
Glass: House.
Can: Toilet.
Coconut: Cream pie.
Ass: Grey dude from Shrek.
Love: Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Pencil: Work.
TV: Daria.
Tree: Birch.
Pudding: Blech.
Wasn't that fun?: Um... kind of.
Ok now. Let's play guess the lyirc!: What the heck is a "lyirc?" Is that what I'm supposed to guess at?
"Don't let the days go by..Could have been easier on you.." : I... do not know.
"He's the farmer barren feilds, he's the force the army weilds" : Uh... you got me.
"I heard that pay back's a motherfuckin' bitch": How terribly filthy, you whippersnapper! Oh, I don't know.
"Dear your name here..It's been a long time, very long time since I've heard your voice" : I don't know.
Ok..enough with the games: Thank God.
Do you like your parents?: Yes, they rock.
Do you like your siblings (if you've got any..)?: Yes.
Do you like anyone in your whole, entire family?: Yup.
Do you like school?: Not particularly.
Do you like *NSYNC?: They rule more than most bands.
What song are you listening to now?: "The Powerpuff Girls Remix."
Give off a lyric from that song: "Sugar... spice... and everything nice... sugar... spice... and everything nice..."
Do you like Napster?: Yeah, but it's gone now.
What was the last thing you ate?: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches dunked in soy milk.
Are you worried about anything right now?: Yeah.
If so, what?: The whole war thing.
Do you spend a lot of time on the phone?: No.
If you do, who are you usually talking to?: When I'm on the phone, it's either with Mom or Sarah.
Do you spend a lot of time online?: Oh, yes.
What do you usually do online?: Go to Open Diary, download stuff from Limewire, read Daria fan fiction, etc.
Gosh...don't preps suck?: No.
How do feel (physically)?: Fine. Which is weird for me.
How do you feel (otherwise)?: Okay.
Isn't this a super-duper ultra mega spiffy survey?: It's not terrible.
Do you like to burn candles, inscence, or anything else?: Candles, yeah.
Are you a pyro?: No.
Do you believe in "God"?: Yeah. Why is He in quotes?
What about aliens?: Eh.
The band Bush rawks. Agree? Sure, they're pretty good.
Size 8 arial, pink fonts are cute, no?: Yeah.
Do you love me?: I don't know who you are.
What's your favorite happy face?: ();-D
What's your favorite sad face?: :-*(
Are these questions, totally, and completely pointless?: Yeah.
Go nuts with your keyboard: I refuse.
Add your own question (be sure to put stars around it, and your name).
*What is the square root of 2?*~Keeley: I dunno.
*If the sky is blue because the ocean is blue, why is the ocean blue?* The sky isn't always blue. And neither is the ocean.
**Do you agree that Rose McGowan is hot? --gloria..aka sUrVeYgLuTtOn or aChTuNgLoR** No, I think she looks pretty weird.
**Although Tom is good for Daria, wouldn't Trent be even better?--Hollarious** Absotively posolutely.
What is your nickname(s): Hollerini.
What song are you listening to now?: "When I Was Your Age" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.
And a lyric from that song?: "There were 73 of us livin' in a card board box."
I'm done: Wow. Great.
Adios amigo: See ya.
Later Alligator: OkayIloveyabuhbye!
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