1.What is your lucky number? 2.
2.Whats the first number you think of? Um... 2.
3.Write the name of someone of the opposite sex that you know. (Not family!) Tim.
4. Write a second name of someone of the opposite sex that you know. (Not family!) Bobby.
5. Write a friend or family member's name. Wendy.
6. Write a second friend or family member's name. Sarah.
7. Write a third friend or family member's name. Zach.
8. Write a song title. "Crush" by Mandy Moore.
9. Write a second song title. "Me Neither" by Brad Paisley.
10. Write a third song title. "Everything You Know is Wrong" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.
11. Write a fourth song title. "My Cellmate Thinks I'm Sexy" by Cledus T. Judd.
12. Close your eyes and picture yourself somewhere. Where are you? The Flamingo Hilton's Garden/Pool Area in Las Vegas, Nevada.
13. Type a single word to describe what you were you doing in number 12 (strolling, dancing, etc.). Sitting.
Now for the answers...
#3 is the person you truly love.--Cool.
You think about (#3) (#2) times a day.--That's about right.
More than anything in the world, you’d love to be in (#12), (#13) with (#3).--Yep, that's true.
You have a secret desire for (#4), though this person is difficult to figure out.--HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Wipes tear from eye*, yeah right! But the hard to figure out thing is quite accurate.
You care about (#5) more than anyone else in the world.--Yup.
#6, understands you better than anyone else.--Really? Wow.
#7 brings you luck.--Excellent, I'm going to have to hang out with Zach more often.
The song, #8, is what you feel for #3.--Wow, you hit that one right on the nose.
The song, #9, is what you feel for #4.--Heheheh.
The song, #10, reflects your state of mind.--Heheheh! That's about right!
The song, #11, reflects how you feel about life.--Hee hee!
This last one is just about how you should show this to #1 people and you will have good luck and blah de blah.--Wow, good thing I didn't put "3,500" or something, huh?
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