Theatre practice was wildly amusing to me this past Wednesday, as is usually the case. We had to do pantomiming with a partner. My partner, April, and I sucked at this, but some people were hilarious! Don, who never fails to crack me up (and swoon while we're on the subject of him), "posed nude" while his parner, Shawna "painted" him, Kyle and Jennifer "performed" open-heart surgery on a conscious patient, and Leah "killed" her poor "husband", Steve. Our next project was to interview a partner (mine was Frankie) and then act out the surveys we gave each other for the class. For my survey, I played a hooker who was being interrogated by a cop (Frankie). When he asked me, "Where would you most like to go in the world?" I replied, in a Brooklyn accent, "Besides a cheap motel with you, sweet cheeks? Vegas, baby!" It was bloody brilliant fun.
I finally got my arse around to taking the written potion of my driving test last week, and I passed! So I shall be taking the driving potion of that test in 30 days, and then I'm going to see if I can talk my dad into letting me paint my car pink, although I highly doubt this will happen. I was watching this little 5 minute special on MTV a while ago, and the guy hosting the show kindly gave me the instructions on how to create my own seat-covers for my car. I shall print out some iron-on transfer Harry Potter pics, iron those suckahs onto pillow cases, then place the pillow cases over the seats in my car. Then the Harry Potter mobile shall be born at last! Muahahahaha!
*Evil laughter dies down* Speaking of MTV, they sure do have a gnarley new cartoon, don't they? They've got this show, Clone High, where these teenage clones of famous historical figures attend a high school aptly named Clone High. The main character is Abe Lincoln, whose best friends are Joan of Arc and Ghandi, who proudly proclaims, "Hey, man, Ghandi's anti-violence, not anti-comedy." I like him. He's silly. Abe is into Cleopatra, but she's usually going out with JFK. Little does Abe know, his pal, Joan is into him. *Evil laughter proceeds* 'Tis a wonderful show, and I highly reccomend it to all you other couch potato kids out there! *Thumbs up*

Boy, does my room ever look like crap. But don't worry, it won't for long! You see, my room is going to be undergoing some major construction over the next few days--*mumbles* or weeks, and I'm going to do a luffly under-the-sea theme. Indeed, I shall have to ask the good folks at Home Depot how I can blend sea green and blue together to make it appear as though my room is underwater, but I'm sure it'll be fun once I figure it out. Hoo-ray! Oh hey, guess what I did last week? I went to Hicks portrait studio so that a series of photos could be taken of me. It's a good thing I did this since the last professional picture taken of me was probably done in like... 9th grade. So, till next time, good fight and goodnight!
--Holly :-D
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