*Beams, admiring new car decoration* Anyway, I wrote this entry yesterday, then somehow deleted it, and so I'm going to give it another try. I seem to get asked the same 3 questions very often, so I thought I'd answer them here, on my diary. *Cracks knuckles in preparation* Here we go...
1. Say, Holly, why do you love Harry Potter so freaking much? Well kids, J.K. Rowling is, without a doubt, the best writer of her time, and I don't think anyone could so much as skim through her books without becomming completely immersed in them. The exciting and, more often than not, dangerous escapades of Harry and his friends, Hermione and Ron, are so awe-inspiring that I pity the fool who doesn't love the Harry Potter books.
2. How come you're a vegetarian? When I was 7 years old, my mom became a vegetarian because she's very health-conscious, plus she was becomming aware of the horrible abuse animals are put through before they're put to death and molded into sausage patties. When I learned what was going on in those slaughter houses, I proclaimed that I could no longer eat anything that once had a face, either. However, I haven't been very good about the health thing... I still eat a ridiculous amount of carbs.
3. O...kay, why is it that most of the TV shows and movies you watch are animated? I mean, aren't cartoons for kids? Nope! In fact, cartoons such as Daria, The Simpsons, Clone High and all the shows on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim are intended for adults. But that doesn't mean I don't like cartoons like The Little Mermaid, Anastasia and The Prince of Egypt too. *Shrugs* They're good, clean fun, and I don't know why some folks seem to think that those movies are childish.
Allllllrighty, time to get back to my new book! *Hugs for all*
--Holly :-D
P.S. Woo hoo, FOD is working right again!
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