Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Ask Holly

*Looks up from delightful new book* Oh, hello! Guess what I did yesterday? I went to Border's with Zach and Tracey, intending to buy a book that did not have "Harry Potter" in the title. I failed this task miserably, as I immediately spotted a book that's roughly the size of Hogwarts, a History called, Wizarding World Press' Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter (Analysis of Books 1-4) by Galadriel Waters and assisted by Professor Astre Withrandir. I'm sure I looked like a dork, gasping and doing a double-take of the book, then picking it up and exclaiming happily over it to Zach, but I didn't care. I bought the book with my birthday check from the grandparents Z., and started reading it the second I got home. It's awesome! These folks completely analyze every last aspect of the 4 HP books, and they even predict what will happen in the 5th book! It's wonderful, and I highly reccomend it to all you other "HP Sleuths" (as the books calls us) out there!

*Beams, admiring new car decoration* Anyway, I wrote this entry yesterday, then somehow deleted it, and so I'm going to give it another try. I seem to get asked the same 3 questions very often, so I thought I'd answer them here, on my diary. *Cracks knuckles in preparation* Here we go...
1. Say, Holly, why do you love Harry Potter so freaking much? Well kids, J.K. Rowling is, without a doubt, the best writer of her time, and I don't think anyone could so much as skim through her books without becomming completely immersed in them. The exciting and, more often than not, dangerous escapades of Harry and his friends, Hermione and Ron, are so awe-inspiring that I pity the fool who doesn't love the Harry Potter books.
2. How come you're a vegetarian? When I was 7 years old, my mom became a vegetarian because she's very health-conscious, plus she was becomming aware of the horrible abuse animals are put through before they're put to death and molded into sausage patties. When I learned what was going on in those slaughter houses, I proclaimed that I could no longer eat anything that once had a face, either. However, I haven't been very good about the health thing... I still eat a ridiculous amount of carbs.
3. O...kay, why is it that most of the TV shows and movies you watch are animated? I mean, aren't cartoons for kids? Nope! In fact, cartoons such as Daria, The Simpsons, Clone High and all the shows on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim are intended for adults. But that doesn't mean I don't like cartoons like The Little Mermaid, Anastasia and The Prince of Egypt too. *Shrugs* They're good, clean fun, and I don't know why some folks seem to think that those movies are childish.
Allllllrighty, time to get back to my new book! *Hugs for all*
--Holly :-D
P.S. Woo hoo, FOD is working right again!

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Madlib Charades

5 good things to touch

1. My kitties' fur. Daria's fur is all punked up and soft, and Amy's is puffy and fluffy. *Hugs fur babies*

2. My dog, Chyna's fur. It's not nearly as soft as kitty fur, but the fact that Chyna appreciates being pet much more than Daria and Amy do, I love petting her.

3. My computer keyboard. Clicking away on these keys makes most of my stress go away.

4. Those nifty watersnakes you can buy at joke shops and the Rainforest Cafe. Hee, you never know when it's going to slip out of your hands! Fun, fun, fun.

5. Play-Dough. Is there anything more fun to touch than that?

Five things you'd buy with $1,000

1. Perfume that I am not allergic to. *Glares at Cancun perfume*

2. A nice, working stereo for my mom.

3. A treadmill. This whole "do stupid dance moves I learned when I was still in dance class" workout routine I've recently picked up is not nearly as fun as walking on a treadmill.

4. Lots of Peta merchandise for both Mom and myself.

5. A professional painter person to paint my room in blue and green tones for me.

5 things you've owned over the past ten years

1. Jodie, my luffly blue and purple teddy bear.

2. All of the very talented Miss Amy Grant's CDs.

3. A ventriliquist dummy that I quickly began to fear, before handing it over to the folks at Goodwill.

4. The Sims... and numerous Sims expansion packs.

5. My AIDS awareness bracelet.

5 Cravings

1. Olive Garden breadsticks and angel hair with marinara (not to mention their awesome peach iced tea.

2. To be able to hang out with Zach, Sarah and Bobby like I used to do every single weekend.

3. A trip to Vegas--and Disney World and Cedar Point, while we're at it--with all my theatre kiddos, friends from elsewhere, and family members!

4. To have some puppies and/or kitties here at Dad's house.

5. Lots of money so I could give it to my mom, and then perhaps she wouldn't have to work anymore.

5 current songs

1. "Avenue of the Stars"--Jennifer Love Hewitt

2. "I'm Still Here"--Johnny Rzeznik

3. "Free"--Faith Hill

4. "What a Way to Wanna Be"--Shania Twain

5. "How Long"--Lifehouse

5 Current Thoughts

1. My birthday is so totally happening in 8 days!*Throws confetti everywhere*

2. Wow... I hope to one day find a guy as good as Don.

3. Cramps are 0 fun.

4. I just joined "Kindred Spirits", the best dang Harry/Hermione fan site anywhere!

5. I've got to get started on my research paper for English (on the historical figures that the Clone High characters are clones of). This is going to be sooper fun!

5 Most Wanted Items

1. Pretty new aqua-colored sources of light for my room @ Dad's.

2. A good part in the upcoming play.

3. Some iron-on transfers so I can make numerous Harry Potter shirts & hoodies.

4. The Anastasia DVD.

5. $5,000,000,000 to give to Mom.

Hi kids! How are things? Things are going just swimmingly for me, thank you... if you ignore the fact that for the past few days, I've had a sty on the inside of my freaking eyelid! Can you saw, "YEEEEEE-OUUUUUUCH"? But I'm better now...

Theatre is still the proud owner of my Best Class Ever award. The antics of my nutty fellow classmates this past Wednesday were over-the-top hilarious! *Chortles* We played a wonferfully creative version of Charades that can only be compared to Mad Libs. One member of the class would go outside the auditorium while those of us still inside thought up a noun, an adjective and a verb. Our first Charades character was played by Jason, who portrayed a "Gay, Romping Squirrel"... which wasn't too much of a stretch for him. *Snorts* Then the person who'd waited outside would have to guess what the heck Jason was doing. *Puts Hollarious Stamp of Approval on theatre kids' foreheads.

--Holly :-D

Friday, February 14, 2003

Fun With Talking Inanimate Objects

Goodmorrow, kind sirs and gentle ladies! 'Tis Valentine's Day, and I've nothing better to do than sit on the computer and read Harry/Hermione fan fiction. Although I feel a little like those Star Wars nerds, I must admit that I've thoroughly enjoyed my fan fic-packed day. Just look at this exerpt from MsScribe's "Hush":
"Harry awakens to the sound of something jumping around on the floor. Thud... bonk. "Crookshanks?" he whispers, sitting up to look for the cat he and Ron had adopted ever since Hermione's disappearance. She needs me, don't you understand? There is no time for sleep. I can't imagine what she's doing without me-- Something clinks, and then scuffs up against his bedpost. He reaches for his glasses, blinking twice as he sees Hogwarts, a History, the book he had asked the Grangers if he could keep. It wiggles and falls flat again. We need to go to her. I've waited so long-- "Do you know where Hermione is?" Then the book trembles and its pages open to the section on the forbidden forest. She has been collected.
Muahahahahaha! Oh, do I love this stuff! See, the deal is that this "Collector" guy (well, "Collector" thing) has added Hermione to his collection at his house in the Forbidden Forest. He took her voice away, but now she can have conversations with inanimate objects without moving her lips. Everything can suddenly talk... except for her! *Evil laughter continues, but is cut off when the computer monitor clears its throat pointedly* I'm such a dork.

Mom made some Valentine's brownies for me to take to theatre Wednesday like the sweetheart she is, and everyone enjoyed them muchly... especially Leah, who spent most of the night eating the majority of them. *Grins* You'd never know a girl with a waist that tiny would have such a huge appetite! Of course, she's usually seen with plenty of Metabolife. The class was a blast, as usual. Don and Karen were hilarious as they played a married couple fighting over Don's winning lottery ticket, Shawna and Jennifer was hysterical when they played sisters bickering about whose waistline was smaller, Nick and Jason were awesome as roomates fighting over the volume of Jason's stereo while Nick was trying to watch The Cosby Show, and Leah and Kyle were highly amusing when Kyle came back from vacation to discover that Leah had let all his prized tropical fish die. However, it was awfully sad to find out that Larry could no longer afford theatre practice, and had to drop the class. *Cries and curses Farmer Jack for not paying him enough*
GUESS WHAT, FOLKS? Zach and I worked very hard for 3 days to put together the new song that's on the main page of my diary, called "Holly's Variety-licious Mix"! So, if you have some time, please listen to the song! *Hugs*
--Holly :-D

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Evil, Threat-Bearing Valentine Cookies

I had such an awesome night in theatre practice Wednesday! First, we went around the circle we always start the class in, and talked about what had happened in our week. I swear, theatre people have the coolest lives! Wednesday, I found out that James and Frankie are practically famous! Those two have actually been in movies. I had to ask them, "What are you doing in Flint, MI at Mott Community College's theatre class?" Turns out, their families are here. *Shrugs* So that's sweet!
When Kyle clapped his hands together and exclaimed, "Let's get ready to pantomime!" Lori pleasantly surprised us all by announcing that we'd actually be doing improv. I was thrilled to find out that we were even doing my favorite kind of improv, which can be compared to (or even called a rip-off of) Whose Line is It Anyway?.
During improv, everybody came up with some really great stuff. Kyle played a plastic surgeon who accidentally gave Shawna breast implants, Ivory and I decided to polka for beer (even though I don't drink), Kim O.D.ed on drugs while being Don's cab driver to the movie made up of previews he was seeing with James and Steve, then Shawna confessed in a whisper, from the floor, that she sees dead people.
Toward the end of the class, my partner, Frankie had to leave, as did Rachael's partner, April, so us two kids hung out. As Rachael examined the pictures on my notebook, she voiced the fact that she also feels Daria is best thing to ever happen to television viewers. It was also quite a breath of fresh air (no pun intended) to find out that Rachael is a non-smoker! Don't get me wrong, I think Leah, Kyle and Larry are some of the spiffiest kids on the block, but smokers like them and asthmatics like myself don't always mix. Personally, the only thing I might light with fire and inhale is a scented candle, not a cigarette. So I find that Rachael's definitely a near chickeroo.
This week's essay topic for English was… *echo effect* DESCRIBE SOMEONE YOU KNOW… *end echo effect*. My essay was a very sappily descriptive tribute to my mom and best buddy, Wendy G. Killbreath, called "Living With an Angel." My teacher had us get together in groups of four and beta-read each other's papers. I was in a group with two kids I went to high school with and one with which I didn't. Terrence and Trish told me they were shocked at how extroverted I seem to be when, at Carman-Ainsworth, I was the shyest kid they knew. They said they could definitely tell I'm all about theatre now. Ooh, and they also mentioned that they very much like my paper and they, too, think my mom sounds marvelously angelic! *Proudly holds up essay*
Yesterday, I went to the Grandparents' house with Mom, Mike, Zach and our luffly dog, Chyna, to make Valentine cookies for Mom's work friends. Well… actually, Grandpa, Zach and Mike all sat in the living room and watched The Best of Adam Sandler while Grandma, Mom and I made the cookies. I happily sat at the table, making an intricate icing drawing on the first cookie that was passed to me. Everyone was thrilled with my yummy-looking masterpiece, and I was very pleased with my work. But then Grandma took another batch of heart-shaped dough out of the oven, and I realized we had about 5,608 more cookies to decorate. From that point on, the Holly-painted cookies looked a lot more like glittery sprinkles thrown onto frosting than edible works of art. After a while, Zach came out to the kitchen to see how the cookies were coming (in other words, to see if he could eat any) and decided he would "help" us decorate the cookies. Seeing that Mom's cookies had love messages on them, Zach decided to make some that said such things as "DIE", "I HATE YOU", and "THIS WAS ON THE FLOOR". He got about four of them done before Mom noticed and scraped the frosting off. *Thumbs up*

Monday, February 3, 2003

Honk If Your Keyboard Has a Horn

*Honks keyboad, giggling like mad* ALRIGHT! Everything's comin' out Holly! Dude, Zach got a Dell, so he's never going to bug me about how I'm hogging the computer in the living room again, I'm passing all of my classes with flying colors, my birthday's coming up on Feb. 28th, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will be out in June, and I have plenty of hilarious internet bumper stickers to amuse me until then!

Theatre practice was wildly amusing to me this past Wednesday, as is usually the case. We had to do pantomiming with a partner. My partner, April, and I sucked at this, but some people were hilarious! Don, who never fails to crack me up (and swoon while we're on the subject of him), "posed nude" while his parner, Shawna "painted" him, Kyle and Jennifer "performed" open-heart surgery on a conscious patient, and Leah "killed" her poor "husband", Steve. Our next project was to interview a partner (mine was Frankie) and then act out the surveys we gave each other for the class. For my survey, I played a hooker who was being interrogated by a cop (Frankie). When he asked me, "Where would you most like to go in the world?" I replied, in a Brooklyn accent, "Besides a cheap motel with you, sweet cheeks? Vegas, baby!" It was bloody brilliant fun.
I finally got my arse around to taking the written potion of my driving test last week, and I passed! So I shall be taking the driving potion of that test in 30 days, and then I'm going to see if I can talk my dad into letting me paint my car pink, although I highly doubt this will happen. I was watching this little 5 minute special on MTV a while ago, and the guy hosting the show kindly gave me the instructions on how to create my own seat-covers for my car. I shall print out some iron-on transfer Harry Potter pics, iron those suckahs onto pillow cases, then place the pillow cases over the seats in my car. Then the Harry Potter mobile shall be born at last! Muahahahaha!
*Evil laughter dies down* Speaking of MTV, they sure do have a gnarley new cartoon, don't they? They've got this show, Clone High, where these teenage clones of famous historical figures attend a high school aptly named Clone High. The main character is Abe Lincoln, whose best friends are Joan of Arc and Ghandi, who proudly proclaims, "Hey, man, Ghandi's anti-violence, not anti-comedy." I like him. He's silly. Abe is into Cleopatra, but she's usually going out with JFK. Little does Abe know, his pal, Joan is into him. *Evil laughter proceeds* 'Tis a wonderful show, and I highly reccomend it to all you other couch potato kids out there! *Thumbs up*

Boy, does my room ever look like crap. But don't worry, it won't for long! You see, my room is going to be undergoing some major construction over the next few days--*mumbles* or weeks, and I'm going to do a luffly under-the-sea theme. Indeed, I shall have to ask the good folks at Home Depot how I can blend sea green and blue together to make it appear as though my room is underwater, but I'm sure it'll be fun once I figure it out. Hoo-ray! Oh hey, guess what I did last week? I went to Hicks portrait studio so that a series of photos could be taken of me. It's a good thing I did this since the last professional picture taken of me was probably done in like... 9th grade. So, till next time, good fight and goodnight!
--Holly :-D