5 good things to touch
1. My kitties' fur. Daria's fur is all punked up and soft, and Amy's is puffy and fluffy. *Hugs fur babies*
2. My dog, Chyna's fur. It's not nearly as soft as kitty fur, but the fact that Chyna appreciates being pet much more than Daria and Amy do, I love petting her.
3. My computer keyboard. Clicking away on these keys makes most of my stress go away.
4. Those nifty watersnakes you can buy at joke shops and the Rainforest Cafe. Hee, you never know when it's going to slip out of your hands! Fun, fun, fun.
5. Play-Dough. Is there anything more fun to touch than that?
Five things you'd buy with $1,000
1. Perfume that I am not allergic to. *Glares at Cancun perfume*
2. A nice, working stereo for my mom.
3. A treadmill. This whole "do stupid dance moves I learned when I was still in dance class" workout routine I've recently picked up is not nearly as fun as walking on a treadmill.
4. Lots of Peta merchandise for both Mom and myself.
5. A professional painter person to paint my room in blue and green tones for me.
5 things you've owned over the past ten years
1. Jodie, my luffly blue and purple teddy bear.
2. All of the very talented Miss Amy Grant's CDs.
3. A ventriliquist dummy that I quickly began to fear, before handing it over to the folks at Goodwill.
4. The Sims... and numerous Sims expansion packs.
5. My AIDS awareness bracelet.
5 Cravings
1. Olive Garden breadsticks and angel hair with marinara (not to mention their awesome peach iced tea.
2. To be able to hang out with Zach, Sarah and Bobby like I used to do every single weekend.
3. A trip to Vegas--and Disney World and Cedar Point, while we're at it--with all my theatre kiddos, friends from elsewhere, and family members!
4. To have some puppies and/or kitties here at Dad's house.
5. Lots of money so I could give it to my mom, and then perhaps she wouldn't have to work anymore.
5 current songs
1. "Avenue of the Stars"--Jennifer Love Hewitt
2. "I'm Still Here"--Johnny Rzeznik
3. "Free"--Faith Hill
4. "What a Way to Wanna Be"--Shania Twain
5. "How Long"--Lifehouse
5 Current Thoughts
1. My birthday is so totally happening in 8 days!*Throws confetti everywhere*
2. Wow... I hope to one day find a guy as good as Don.
3. Cramps are 0 fun.
4. I just joined "Kindred Spirits", the best dang Harry/Hermione fan site anywhere!
5. I've got to get started on my research paper for English (on the historical figures that the Clone High characters are clones of). This is going to be sooper fun!
5 Most Wanted Items
1. Pretty new aqua-colored sources of light for my room @ Dad's.
2. A good part in the upcoming play.
3. Some iron-on transfers so I can make numerous Harry Potter shirts & hoodies.
4. The Anastasia DVD.
5. $5,000,000,000 to give to Mom.
Hi kids! How are things? Things are going just swimmingly for me, thank you... if you ignore the fact that for the past few days, I've had a sty on the inside of my freaking eyelid! Can you saw, "YEEEEEE-OUUUUUUCH"? But I'm better now...
Theatre is still the proud owner of my Best Class Ever award. The antics of my nutty fellow classmates this past Wednesday were over-the-top hilarious! *Chortles* We played a wonferfully creative version of Charades that can only be compared to Mad Libs. One member of the class would go outside the auditorium while those of us still inside thought up a noun, an adjective and a verb. Our first Charades character was played by Jason, who portrayed a "Gay, Romping Squirrel"... which wasn't too much of a stretch for him. *Snorts* Then the person who'd waited outside would have to guess what the heck Jason was doing. *Puts Hollarious Stamp of Approval on theatre kids' foreheads.
--Holly :-D