Dude. Duuuuuude! Dude. Fanfiction.net is no longer accepting NC-17 rated fics! Now, don't get me wrong, I think porn is gross. But these fan fictions were so not porn. I mean, who can read the Harry/Hermione fic, "It Was You" and think it's dirty? It's like, the sweetest thing I've ever read in my entire life. *Throws a large gob of hair gel at fanfiction.net people*
I showed up to my 7:00 P.M. theater class wearing my "9/11/01" shirt, which features NYC firemen raising an American flag out of a pile of ash. *Shakes head* I can't believe it's been a whole year since the 9/11 tradgedy. *Glares* Stupid terrorists. All I can say is, thank God that Bush is in office. He's an awesome guy, and a great president.
Theater is a super class. I was mucho proud when the cool skater girl, Leah, told me I was hilarious. *Beams* The professor, Laurie, had us partner up, and do exactly what she said. My starting partner was Leah, but Laurie was like, "Back to back, toe to toe, thumb to thumb, sholder-to-shoulder, switch partner!" She said this all very fast, 5 times in a row. Larry, the 6'5" dude, stepped on my bad toe twice, heh. Yeah, ow. The partner I had in the end was Kyle, the volunteer fireman/class hottie.
Laurie then instructed us to study our partners. I was actually assigned to check out the hot boi. *Grins* I think I got an A+ on that one. Then we had to turn our backs on each other and change 3 things about the way we looked, then turn back to each other and spot what the other person had done to change their appearance. We did that like, 12 times in a row w/ the same partner. *Shrugs* What can I say, I like that class! Then we did some really fun pant-a-mime stuff... or... something. It was like, acting without talking. As we walked to the parking lot, though, I noticed that Kyle has one bad flaw-- he smokes. *Cries*
*Quickly recovers* That's okay, 'cause guess who I met?! I actually met a guy in Intro to Theater who IS A VEGAN! He wears an animal rights shirt every day! Today his shirt read: "FUR IS DEAD". Woo hoo! *Points and laughs at all family members & friends who said I'd never meet a vegetarian guy*
Tonight, I went to Samantha's birthday party. It was quite the jovial event! I really missed Sarah and Samantha! I hadn't seen either of them in like... well, a very long time! Good times, good times. Well, it seems that I am rather dead on my feet. So I shall see you all at a later time. G'bye!
--Holly Rachael ;-D
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