Sunday, September 15, 2002

*Swings Golf Club* FOUR!

If you haven't read "A Kiss Isn't Just a Kiss" by Elia Sheldon, you're a poophead! If you're tired of being such a poophead, then you can click on this link, then read and read and read until there is no more reading to do.
A Kiss Isn't Just a Kiss If you enjoy being an infernal poophead, and don't want to read the story, I'll understand. *Waits* REEEEAAAD IT! READ IT, I SAY!

Stolen from: aeva et maria

What are 4 things people call you and why?

1. Holly--because they know my name
2. Daria--because they obviously don't know my name, but know that I was obsessed with Daria for years.
3. Holly Rachael--because they like doing things the lengthy way
4. HR--because they like the 1st 2 innitials of my name, but not the last one.

Name 4 bad habits you have:

1. Cracking all of my joints
2. Quoting TV shows, Harry Potter and internet bumper stickers, in every-day conversations
3. Trying to convince my doctor that everyone eats ten meals a day
4. Filling out survey after survey after...

Name 4 people currently on your bad side:

1. Osoma Bin Laden
2. Sadam Hussane
3. Satan
4. Jon, the Sim I created, who's too lazy to do anything but sit in the freaking hot tub.

Name 4 scents you love:

1. Strawberry
2. Pumpkin
3. Peanut butter fudge
4. Freshly-baked sugar cookies

Name 4 things you'd never wear:

1. A thong. "Seems like it'd just cut ya in two every time you bowl!"--Jeff Foxworthy
2. A dickie.
3. Pants that are twelve sizes too big for me (sadly, I know many people who do this).
4. A T-shirt that proclaims, "I heart Eminem!"

Name 4 things you like:

1. Harry Potter
2. Theater class
3. Kitties
4. Doggies

Name 4 TV shows you love:

1. Daria
2. Port Charles
3. Johnny Bravo
4. The Simpsons

Name 4 celebrities you don't like:

1. Eminem
2. Kid Rock
3. Howard Stern
4. The American Idol A-hole

Name 4 drinks you regularly drink:

1. Vanilla soy milk
2. Iced tea
3. Diet, caffiene-free Coke (shut up, it's what my dad buys!)
4. Cafe caramel chillers from the Coffee Beanery

Name 4 places you'd like to visit:

1. Las Vegas (for the thousandth time, heh)
2. King's Cross Station so I can ask where I can find Platform 9 3/4.
3. Disney World (yes, again)
4. The Olive Garden, daily.

Give 4 random facts about your family:

1. My grandma Z. enjoys being contrary
2. My parents have been divorced for five years, but I live with both of them, on different days
3. My brother is a security guard
4. My grandpa Shoup can play just about every musical intrument there is.

Name 4 random facts about yourself:

1. I have obsessive-compulsive disorder
2. I have no musical talent, but enjoy singing 24/7, nevertheless.
3. I think gym should be banned from all schools, instead of required
4. I am a vegetarian

What are the 4 defining moments of your life?

1. Meeting my two favorite soap stars
2. Dancing on stage with my fave singer, Amy Grant
3. When I got that rock stuck in my knee
4. The time I broke my ankle in 2 places & sprained the other.

Name 4 other questions this survey should have had:

1. What are your 4 favorite pasta toppings?
2. Name your 4 favorite U.S. presidents
3. Name 4 things you liked when you were 4
4. What are your four favorite songs?

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