This survey has been stolen from: Cleopatra789er
How many times have you read the HP series? Uh... let's see... about... 15, each book? Or more?
Do you own more than one version of any of the books (audio, different language, etc.)? Yes, I do. See, I started off by just buying the paperbacks, but then I realized I had to have the hard backs too.
Do you ever go back and re-read certain parts? Absolutely!
Which of the books so far is your favorite? Prisoner of Azkaban. Lots of Harry/Hermione time, and Sirius Black and Remus Lupin... those guys are probably hot.
Do you own/have you read the book Quidditch Through the Ages and/or Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them? *Tears up* Shut up! It's not my fault that I still can't afford them!
Do you own the video or DVD of the movie? Of course! The DVD.
How many times did you see it in the theater? Four. I would have seen it more times, but I just didn't have the money. Say, maybe I should get a job! ...Nah.
Have you visited any of the filming locations? No, but that's my dream.
Do you waste lots of time looking at HP-related stuff on the internet? Hey, that's not a waste of time! Although, it is just about all I ever do...
Have you ever drawn a piece of HP fan art? Well, I tried, but I suck at drawing. So I've asked my soon-to-be-cartoonist brother and awesome-artist mom to draw the illustration for my fan fic!
Have you ever written a piece of HP fan fiction? Yes, I'm writing one right now called "Harry Potter--The Bachelor" and one called "I'll Have the Veela." I've also just begun writing one that has no title as of yet.
If yes, did it involve you in any way? Well, in "Harry Potter--The Bachelor", there's a character who's obsessive-compulsive to the highest degree, and that's how I am.
Have you ever made a web page/site dedicated to HP? I'm still working on it. It's called Potterheads.
Have you ever quoted HP in an assignment for school? Absolutely! Actually, it was required to quote HP in my English class last year. But I quoted Harry and his pals in other class assignments as well.
Have you stopped calling mean teachers (or other people) witches and warlocks because you know all witches and warlocks are not evil? Actually, I never did call anyone a witch or a warlock.
Do you frequently use parchment paper for writing on? No, but I'd like to get some. Do you know where I can? ...No? Crap. *Hangs head*
Have you ever eaten Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans? Well, I'm planning on making a Bertie Bott's package to keep Jelly Bellies in.
If yes, what's the worst flavored one you've eaten? Buttered popcorn.
Have you ever named a pet after an HP character? No, but I told my mom I'd like to get a big, shaggy black dog and name him Padfoot. I'd also like to get a big, fluffy cat and name him Crookshanks. And who doesn't want an owl named Pig?
Have you ever called someone a Muggle? Heh, no, but I have an internet bumper sticker that says "You're Such a Muggle!" and my brother has taken to making fun of me for that every chance he can, telling me "You're such a Muggle! Retard..." He sucks.
Do you have lots of HP merchandise? Yes. My bedding, notebooks, posters, toothbrushes, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans pillow, Quidditch pillow, Harry Potter pillow, stickers, magazines completely dedicated to HP... I plan to get a lot more than that, though.
What do you think of people who want the books banned or think they’re evil? I think they're some stupid cousins of mine. They need to be smacked for being such idiots.
Do you know the difference between a griffin and a hippogriff? Of course! A griffin is a lion with wings while a hippogriff is half bird, half horse, and gets easily offended, so you must bow to it before you touch/ride/pet it.
Do you scoff at so-called magicians that do card tricks and pull rabbits out of hats? No, I find them amusing. Anyone who can do crap like that is a hero in my book!
Does the occasional use of a swear word in the books make you smile? Hahahahahahahaha! No. Do you?
Do you find Harry attractive? Yes, Hermione should realize that too. *Glares at Hermione until she realizes that Harry is the dude for her*.
Do you know what Harry Potter=6 means? It means somebody needs to learn how to ask better survey questions.
Do you think Harry telling Malfoy to “get stuffed” (book 4) is ambiguous? No. *Looks strangely at survey creator*
If yes, do you think maybe JKR meant it that way? No.
Have you ever had a dream about HP? Yeah, quite a few, actually. They're greeeeeeeat.
Have you ever thought ‘wand’ and ‘broomstick’ could be euphemisms? No, but my mom does.
Do you think it would be funny if Cho and Ginny got in a catfight over Harry? Sure, anything to keep them both away from him so Hermione can hook up with him!
Have you ever heard the song Abracadabra by Sugar Ray? Yes, I have it on my Sabrina the Teenage Witch soundtrack.
If yes, do you like it? Yeah, it's rockin'.
Is Harry your hero or at least one of your heros? Absolutely!
Is your school anything like Hogwarts? My old schools? Um... no. Nope, nothing. My old schools sucked.
Have you read/do you own the book Conversations With JK Rowling? No, but I do plan to buy it.
Does the Hewlitt-Packard logo make you smile? Yes. *Points giddily at it*
--Holly Rachael :-D
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