Tuesday, August 6, 2002

Holly the College Student

Time: 6:42 P.M.
I'm Wearing: Red Mirage, Las Vegas shirt & jean shorts.
My Hair Is: In French braids
I Last Ate: Spaghetti w/ marinara sauce @ Mom's haus
Holly's Song Pick of the Day: "Alternative Polka" by "Weird Al" Yankovic

No, you're not hallucinating... I really am an official college student! In your face, you dork-faced high school counciler that said I'd never make it to college! I went to Mott today and took my placement test. Just as I suspected, I suck at math, and rock at English. I talked to a very nice counciler person who helped me pick out my classes. All the English classes were booked full, but I got some pretty gnarley classes anyway. Check 'em out:

General Psychology
Inrto to Sociology
Intro to Theater
Theater Practice
Career Exploration

And get this-- I only have to go to school 3 days a week! Woo hoo, I've still got plenty of fan fic-readin' time! Duuude, my books are going to cost $150. I'm glad I'm not payin' for 'em! My poor dad... Well, at least he doesn't have to pay for my classes. Apparenly, GM's got this new thing where they pay for my college education, since my dad works there or something. Neato, huh?

Now all I need to do is re-take the evil math portion of my G.E.D. test, and get my driver's license. Yes, I realize I should have gotten it a long time ago... but I didn't feel like it. I kind of like it how my brother and my mom give me a ride everywhere I need to go. But I guess it is kind of mean to make other people take time outta their day to drive me all around town.

DUDE! I was at Meijer's @ the end of last week with my mom, and the frozen food aisle was covered in this icky black water that I failed to notice. I fell and hurt my knee so bad that it's now all bruised up and gross. But after I fell down, I felt myself being pulled up... This enourmous (he was like, 7'2"!) black guy who strongly resembled the guy from The Green Mile had pulled me up! When I had gotten myself together, I looked back to say thank you, but the guy was gone! And I didn't see him again in the whole store! Whoa. It was cool. I couldn't really walk, so my mom helped me to this bench while she finished her shopping. She brought me a book from the book section called Barry Trotter! It was this hilarious parody of Harry Potter, and I read like, 10 pages of it in the store! But now that I have the money to buy it, I can't find it anywhere! *Throws a fit*

Oh yes, and I should probably explain about that "Herm-own-ninny" entry I posted twice. Well, it was an accident, but now FOD won't let me delete one of 'em! AAAAARRRRRRRRGH! Alrighty, laaaaaater.

--Holly Rachael :-D

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