Time: 4:52 P.M.
I'm wearing: My blue Madeira Beach, FL sweater, jeans, and the walking cast.
I last ate: A PBJ sandwich for breakfast.
Holly's Song Pick of the Day: "I'm Gonna Love You" by Jennifer Love Hewitt.
I got up today after I watched Port Charles in bed. Zach told me he was going to pick up Samantha from Skills Center, so I figured I'd better clean the house up a bit so we didn't look like total slobs.
When they got here, Zach was freaking out because he couldn't find his CDs. He has (or had) this 500 CD carrier, and he's always kept it in his car, which is always locked... except when it's in the garage. And we always shut the garage. But last night, when we got back from Funcoland, Zach didn't shut the garage. The passenger door was ajar on his car, and his CDs were gone.
They were the only things missing, but that's pretty bad. I mean, Zach had at least $3,000 worth of CDs in there. He called the police, but they don't answer their phone (how convienient). So Zach, Samantha and I went to Best Buy, Target, and Harmony House so he could buy some of his favorite CDs that had been stolen.
Thankfully, Zach's friends, Tim, Andy and Dave have a lot of the same CDs as Zach, so he can just borrow their CDs and burn them. I'd be really mad if that happened to me, though. Poor guy...
Okily dokily, see ya!
--Holly Rachael :-D
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