Time: 11:43 P.M.
I'm wearing: My black Luxor, Las Vegas shirt, jeans and the walking cast.
I last ate: A chik patti sandwich.
Holly's Song Pick For Today: "That's What Love is For" by Amy Grant.
Yes, nothing brings more joy than Harry Potter fan fiction that's Harry/Hermione oriented. However, I've been reading it for *glances at watch* two hours. So now it's time to take a break and fill out a survey. I don't remember who I stole it from, but... I'm sure they won't mind (hopefully).
It is always a pleasure to hear from ..... Mom.
The weather this month has been ..... Insane. It's like, "Today, I think I'll be ridiculously hot!" and then it'll be like, "Today I think I'll be ridiculously cold!"
I am hoping that ..... There are no spiders lurking nearby.
Right now I am listening to ..... Nothing because KaZaA is being stupid, and not letting me play anything.
I wish, intensely, that I had some ..... Pets at this house. It's so lonley over here!
There is something extraordinarily fascinating about ..... Harry Potter. Man, that guy never ceases to amaze, does he?
I recently found ..... A lot of spare change in between the couch cushions.
I have been wishing for ..... My mom's money promlems to straighten themselves out.
When I'm in New York, I'll ..... Go to MTV studios and harass them. "WHY DID YOU FEEL THE NEED TO GET RID OF DARIA?! IT WAS THE BEST SHOW *EVER*!"
I need not tell you how much I enjoy .... Harry/Hermione 'shipper fics.
I love to sit on ..... My butt while I watch Johnny Bravo.
As you know, I make a great ado about ..... My animal rights/vegetarian beliefs.
It makes me extremely proud to ..... Have ridden the Power Tower at Cedar Point twice. Although, it also makes me feel quite stupid. Why *would* anyone get on that *twice*?
I have been trying to get together ..... My friendship with Sarah, but I can't bring myself to talk to her yet, 'cause I'm sure I'll cry.
In my opinion, most people are ..... Relatively good.
I am wholly in favor of ..... Rafe coming back from the dead again on Port Charles. Alison *needs* him! And so do *I*!
How fortunate I am to ..... Have been born of my parents. My family's great.
I am somewhat lazy about ..... Everything. Wait, somewhat?
The last weird thing I ate was ..... I think most people would consider my vegetarian chicken (chik patti) sandwiches weird.
Today I am hoping to ..... Get some writing on "Harry Potter--The Bachelor" done before I go to bed.
Right now, I am feeling ..... Content.
One of the first things I do when I wake up is ..... Watch Port Charles, if it's a week day.
I shall be much interested in ..... Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, I'm sure.
Every now and then, I think of ..... Randi. Man, she was cool. Too bad I have no way to contact her anymore.
Right now, I am hearing ..... My very own typing.
Tomorrow I am going to ..... Go shorts/sandles shopping with my dad, before I head to my mom's.
The one thing I could not live without is ..... My mom.
What I'd really love this Christmas is ..... A hot tub. Yeeeeeeeah... that would be greeeeeat...
With best wishes, I am ..... Hopelessly obsessive. *Shakes hand*. Goodbye.
--Holly Rachael :-D
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