Time: 2:05 P.M.
I'm wearing: My "Please! Don't eat the animals" shirt, jeans and the walking cast.
I last ate: Frosted flakes with soy milk for breakfast.
Holly's Song Pick for the Day: "I Believe in Love" by Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Check this out! I got this from Marie (dreaming.of.love) and it is so awesome! It's a name analysis thing. Look, it really fits me, too!
You are an 11th hour person, always succeeding just in the nick of time. The lesson of money is prominent in your life. You have a great deal of loyalty to those you love. You have much inner strength. You have a diplomatic flair to your nature. Equality and fairness are important to you. You must learn the lessons of self-worth; learn to love yourself before you can love others. Your independence and freedom are important to you.
You make impersonal decisions quickly, but not so with personal concerns. You like to think things over carefully, but tend to be indecisive. You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life. You are clever, inventive, imaginative and youthful. You enjoy socializing. You need to learn the true value of material possessions. You have a natural protection in life. You are always saved - especially from yourself. You have a need to be up front. You can be quite inventive and quite curious. You must learn the lessons of self-worth; learn to love yourself before you can love others.
You have much compassion and psychic ability. You may have extremes of luck. Bad luck can be the result of laziness or lack of faith. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You can handle details well. You have a methodical mind. Your privacy is important to you. You have a rich inner life. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood. You must learn the lessons of self-worth; learn to love yourself before you can love others.
Isn't that rockin'? Alright, later!
--Holly Rachael :-D
Tuesday, April 30, 2002
Mike the Sickling
Time: 1:37 A.M.
I'm wearing: Turquoise dragonfly pajamas.
I last ate: A couple of Tums for heartburn.
Holly's Song Pick of the Day: "Magic" by Olivia Newton John.
My pooooor step dad. Mike went to emergency a couple of days ago because his fever wouldn't go down with Tylenol, and the doctor told him he thought he might have Hepatitis. Mom, Carrie and I were all afraid we were going to get it if we hung around Mike too long.
Anyway, every time Mike eats, he pukes, so Mom and Grandma took him to the hospital this afternoon. There, they ran some tests on him, and now they're doubting that he has Hepatitis of any sort, but it's still possible. Anyway, now they think he has a Gull Stone. Ouch. So... I don't know, but I feel bad for him. My grandma put in a prayer for Mike at church, so at least he's got a lot of people praying for him.
Mom called a little while ago and said that they were still at the hospital. I think she's going to stay there with him overnight, but my grandma's gotta go home and get some rest.
We all think Mike is so sick because he eats at this really nasty Coney Island restaurant called Angelo's. It was even listed in the newspaper as the #1 dirtiest place to eat in Flint. Yet, he eats there daily. I'm not trying to say "I told you so," but we *did* all warn him. But I feel really bad for him. I hope he'll be okay...
Alright, later.
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: Turquoise dragonfly pajamas.
I last ate: A couple of Tums for heartburn.
Holly's Song Pick of the Day: "Magic" by Olivia Newton John.
My pooooor step dad. Mike went to emergency a couple of days ago because his fever wouldn't go down with Tylenol, and the doctor told him he thought he might have Hepatitis. Mom, Carrie and I were all afraid we were going to get it if we hung around Mike too long.
Anyway, every time Mike eats, he pukes, so Mom and Grandma took him to the hospital this afternoon. There, they ran some tests on him, and now they're doubting that he has Hepatitis of any sort, but it's still possible. Anyway, now they think he has a Gull Stone. Ouch. So... I don't know, but I feel bad for him. My grandma put in a prayer for Mike at church, so at least he's got a lot of people praying for him.
Mom called a little while ago and said that they were still at the hospital. I think she's going to stay there with him overnight, but my grandma's gotta go home and get some rest.
We all think Mike is so sick because he eats at this really nasty Coney Island restaurant called Angelo's. It was even listed in the newspaper as the #1 dirtiest place to eat in Flint. Yet, he eats there daily. I'm not trying to say "I told you so," but we *did* all warn him. But I feel really bad for him. I hope he'll be okay...
Alright, later.
--Holly Rachael :-D
Friday, April 26, 2002
The Joy of Harry Potter Fan Fiction
Time: 11:43 P.M.
I'm wearing: My black Luxor, Las Vegas shirt, jeans and the walking cast.
I last ate: A chik patti sandwich.
Holly's Song Pick For Today: "That's What Love is For" by Amy Grant.
Yes, nothing brings more joy than Harry Potter fan fiction that's Harry/Hermione oriented. However, I've been reading it for *glances at watch* two hours. So now it's time to take a break and fill out a survey. I don't remember who I stole it from, but... I'm sure they won't mind (hopefully).
It is always a pleasure to hear from ..... Mom.
The weather this month has been ..... Insane. It's like, "Today, I think I'll be ridiculously hot!" and then it'll be like, "Today I think I'll be ridiculously cold!"
I am hoping that ..... There are no spiders lurking nearby.
Right now I am listening to ..... Nothing because KaZaA is being stupid, and not letting me play anything.
I wish, intensely, that I had some ..... Pets at this house. It's so lonley over here!
There is something extraordinarily fascinating about ..... Harry Potter. Man, that guy never ceases to amaze, does he?
I recently found ..... A lot of spare change in between the couch cushions.
I have been wishing for ..... My mom's money promlems to straighten themselves out.
When I'm in New York, I'll ..... Go to MTV studios and harass them. "WHY DID YOU FEEL THE NEED TO GET RID OF DARIA?! IT WAS THE BEST SHOW *EVER*!"
I need not tell you how much I enjoy .... Harry/Hermione 'shipper fics.
I love to sit on ..... My butt while I watch Johnny Bravo.
As you know, I make a great ado about ..... My animal rights/vegetarian beliefs.
It makes me extremely proud to ..... Have ridden the Power Tower at Cedar Point twice. Although, it also makes me feel quite stupid. Why *would* anyone get on that *twice*?
I have been trying to get together ..... My friendship with Sarah, but I can't bring myself to talk to her yet, 'cause I'm sure I'll cry.
In my opinion, most people are ..... Relatively good.
I am wholly in favor of ..... Rafe coming back from the dead again on Port Charles. Alison *needs* him! And so do *I*!
How fortunate I am to ..... Have been born of my parents. My family's great.
I am somewhat lazy about ..... Everything. Wait, somewhat?
The last weird thing I ate was ..... I think most people would consider my vegetarian chicken (chik patti) sandwiches weird.
Today I am hoping to ..... Get some writing on "Harry Potter--The Bachelor" done before I go to bed.
Right now, I am feeling ..... Content.
One of the first things I do when I wake up is ..... Watch Port Charles, if it's a week day.
I shall be much interested in ..... Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, I'm sure.
Every now and then, I think of ..... Randi. Man, she was cool. Too bad I have no way to contact her anymore.
Right now, I am hearing ..... My very own typing.
Tomorrow I am going to ..... Go shorts/sandles shopping with my dad, before I head to my mom's.
The one thing I could not live without is ..... My mom.
What I'd really love this Christmas is ..... A hot tub. Yeeeeeeeah... that would be greeeeeat...
With best wishes, I am ..... Hopelessly obsessive. *Shakes hand*. Goodbye.
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: My black Luxor, Las Vegas shirt, jeans and the walking cast.
I last ate: A chik patti sandwich.
Holly's Song Pick For Today: "That's What Love is For" by Amy Grant.
Yes, nothing brings more joy than Harry Potter fan fiction that's Harry/Hermione oriented. However, I've been reading it for *glances at watch* two hours. So now it's time to take a break and fill out a survey. I don't remember who I stole it from, but... I'm sure they won't mind (hopefully).
It is always a pleasure to hear from ..... Mom.
The weather this month has been ..... Insane. It's like, "Today, I think I'll be ridiculously hot!" and then it'll be like, "Today I think I'll be ridiculously cold!"
I am hoping that ..... There are no spiders lurking nearby.
Right now I am listening to ..... Nothing because KaZaA is being stupid, and not letting me play anything.
I wish, intensely, that I had some ..... Pets at this house. It's so lonley over here!
There is something extraordinarily fascinating about ..... Harry Potter. Man, that guy never ceases to amaze, does he?
I recently found ..... A lot of spare change in between the couch cushions.
I have been wishing for ..... My mom's money promlems to straighten themselves out.
When I'm in New York, I'll ..... Go to MTV studios and harass them. "WHY DID YOU FEEL THE NEED TO GET RID OF DARIA?! IT WAS THE BEST SHOW *EVER*!"
I need not tell you how much I enjoy .... Harry/Hermione 'shipper fics.
I love to sit on ..... My butt while I watch Johnny Bravo.
As you know, I make a great ado about ..... My animal rights/vegetarian beliefs.
It makes me extremely proud to ..... Have ridden the Power Tower at Cedar Point twice. Although, it also makes me feel quite stupid. Why *would* anyone get on that *twice*?
I have been trying to get together ..... My friendship with Sarah, but I can't bring myself to talk to her yet, 'cause I'm sure I'll cry.
In my opinion, most people are ..... Relatively good.
I am wholly in favor of ..... Rafe coming back from the dead again on Port Charles. Alison *needs* him! And so do *I*!
How fortunate I am to ..... Have been born of my parents. My family's great.
I am somewhat lazy about ..... Everything. Wait, somewhat?
The last weird thing I ate was ..... I think most people would consider my vegetarian chicken (chik patti) sandwiches weird.
Today I am hoping to ..... Get some writing on "Harry Potter--The Bachelor" done before I go to bed.
Right now, I am feeling ..... Content.
One of the first things I do when I wake up is ..... Watch Port Charles, if it's a week day.
I shall be much interested in ..... Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, I'm sure.
Every now and then, I think of ..... Randi. Man, she was cool. Too bad I have no way to contact her anymore.
Right now, I am hearing ..... My very own typing.
Tomorrow I am going to ..... Go shorts/sandles shopping with my dad, before I head to my mom's.
The one thing I could not live without is ..... My mom.
What I'd really love this Christmas is ..... A hot tub. Yeeeeeeeah... that would be greeeeeat...
With best wishes, I am ..... Hopelessly obsessive. *Shakes hand*. Goodbye.
--Holly Rachael :-D
Thursday, April 25, 2002
Poor Zachary
Time: 4:52 P.M.
I'm wearing: My blue Madeira Beach, FL sweater, jeans, and the walking cast.
I last ate: A PBJ sandwich for breakfast.
Holly's Song Pick of the Day: "I'm Gonna Love You" by Jennifer Love Hewitt.
I got up today after I watched Port Charles in bed. Zach told me he was going to pick up Samantha from Skills Center, so I figured I'd better clean the house up a bit so we didn't look like total slobs.
When they got here, Zach was freaking out because he couldn't find his CDs. He has (or had) this 500 CD carrier, and he's always kept it in his car, which is always locked... except when it's in the garage. And we always shut the garage. But last night, when we got back from Funcoland, Zach didn't shut the garage. The passenger door was ajar on his car, and his CDs were gone.
They were the only things missing, but that's pretty bad. I mean, Zach had at least $3,000 worth of CDs in there. He called the police, but they don't answer their phone (how convienient). So Zach, Samantha and I went to Best Buy, Target, and Harmony House so he could buy some of his favorite CDs that had been stolen.
Thankfully, Zach's friends, Tim, Andy and Dave have a lot of the same CDs as Zach, so he can just borrow their CDs and burn them. I'd be really mad if that happened to me, though. Poor guy...
Okily dokily, see ya!
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: My blue Madeira Beach, FL sweater, jeans, and the walking cast.
I last ate: A PBJ sandwich for breakfast.
Holly's Song Pick of the Day: "I'm Gonna Love You" by Jennifer Love Hewitt.
I got up today after I watched Port Charles in bed. Zach told me he was going to pick up Samantha from Skills Center, so I figured I'd better clean the house up a bit so we didn't look like total slobs.
When they got here, Zach was freaking out because he couldn't find his CDs. He has (or had) this 500 CD carrier, and he's always kept it in his car, which is always locked... except when it's in the garage. And we always shut the garage. But last night, when we got back from Funcoland, Zach didn't shut the garage. The passenger door was ajar on his car, and his CDs were gone.
They were the only things missing, but that's pretty bad. I mean, Zach had at least $3,000 worth of CDs in there. He called the police, but they don't answer their phone (how convienient). So Zach, Samantha and I went to Best Buy, Target, and Harmony House so he could buy some of his favorite CDs that had been stolen.
Thankfully, Zach's friends, Tim, Andy and Dave have a lot of the same CDs as Zach, so he can just borrow their CDs and burn them. I'd be really mad if that happened to me, though. Poor guy...
Okily dokily, see ya!
--Holly Rachael :-D
Wednesday, April 24, 2002
No More Cast For Me!
Time: 11:31 P.M.
I'm wearing: Blue Old Navy T-shirt, jeans, and a WALKING cast, for a change.
I last ate: A chik patti (veggie chicken) sandwich.
Holly's Song Pick For Today: "Why" by 98 Degrees.
I went to the hottie orthopedic doctor the day before yesterday to get my cast taken off. Good Lord, do you know what they use to take the cast off?! This... round... chainsaw thing! I was like, "AAAAAAH!" when I saw it. However, he cut through most of my cast without cutting my leg.
But then he's like, "Ah, crap, the saw didn't get the whole cast off." So he took a rather large pair of scissors and started cutting the rest of my cast off. In the process, he cut my leg in two different places! I swear, the cuts are this big: ------------------------- and ---------. Ridiculous, right? Ouch.
Anyway, when the hottie (key word being "hottie") orthopedic doctor successfully got the cast off of my leg, I noticed that my leg was all gross and hairy. EEEEEEEEW! I mean, of course it was going to be hairy, there had been a cast on my leg for 5 weeks! But... ugh. I can't believe the hottie doctor saw that. How embarrassing.
So, the nurse took me into the X-ray room and checked out my ankle bone. She said it's doing fine, and it should be healed up soon. Then the hot doctor put a walking cast on my leg, and it's really comfortable. IT feels like a really comfy, cushy boot. I can walk really easily on it, too. That rocks, because my dad's getting us tickets to Cedar Point this summer, and I'll be able to walk around the place now.
I immediately went home and shaved my leg. I hope I never have to get another cast on my leg (or anywhere, for that matter), 'cause that was gross. Plus it hurt. Alright see ya!
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: Blue Old Navy T-shirt, jeans, and a WALKING cast, for a change.
I last ate: A chik patti (veggie chicken) sandwich.
Holly's Song Pick For Today: "Why" by 98 Degrees.
I went to the hottie orthopedic doctor the day before yesterday to get my cast taken off. Good Lord, do you know what they use to take the cast off?! This... round... chainsaw thing! I was like, "AAAAAAH!" when I saw it. However, he cut through most of my cast without cutting my leg.
But then he's like, "Ah, crap, the saw didn't get the whole cast off." So he took a rather large pair of scissors and started cutting the rest of my cast off. In the process, he cut my leg in two different places! I swear, the cuts are this big: ------------------------- and ---------. Ridiculous, right? Ouch.
Anyway, when the hottie (key word being "hottie") orthopedic doctor successfully got the cast off of my leg, I noticed that my leg was all gross and hairy. EEEEEEEEW! I mean, of course it was going to be hairy, there had been a cast on my leg for 5 weeks! But... ugh. I can't believe the hottie doctor saw that. How embarrassing.
So, the nurse took me into the X-ray room and checked out my ankle bone. She said it's doing fine, and it should be healed up soon. Then the hot doctor put a walking cast on my leg, and it's really comfortable. IT feels like a really comfy, cushy boot. I can walk really easily on it, too. That rocks, because my dad's getting us tickets to Cedar Point this summer, and I'll be able to walk around the place now.
I immediately went home and shaved my leg. I hope I never have to get another cast on my leg (or anywhere, for that matter), 'cause that was gross. Plus it hurt. Alright see ya!
--Holly Rachael :-D
Tuesday, April 23, 2002
About to Go to the Ankle Repairman
12 things that annoy you
01. Eminem.
02. Guys who claim that they "need porn".
03. When people refuse to watch cartoons simply because they *are* cartoons.
04. When my dog decides she wants out of my room when I'm still in bed, too tired to move.
05. Pap smears
06. Spiders
07. Thunder storms
08. Leg spasms
09. My dad when he gets in his "freak out about nothing" mode.
10. When Port Charles is interrupted because some political guy hurt his thumb.
11. That time of the month
12. When the caller ID shows "Error" or "Unknown caller."
11 people you'd want to stay alive
01. Mom
02. Zach
03. Dad
04. Grandma
05. Grandpa
06. Sarah
07. Mike
08. Carrie
10. Billy
11. Tim
10 things you'd like to change about yourself
01. My weight
02. Polycystic ovarian syndrome
03. Restless leg syndrome
04. The tendency my face has to get greasy
05. My attitude toward myself
06. The fact that I can't seem to finish anything
07. The weakness of my immune system
08. How easily I trust
09. My inability to pay attention
10. My small lips
9 things you wear daily
01. A shirt
02. Pants (or a skirt, shorts, etc.)
03. Bra
04. Underwear
05. Daria watch
06. Aids Awareness Bracelet
07. Birthstone (amethyst) ring
08. Cool Effects eye shadow
09. Lip gloss/stick/etc.
8 movies you'd watch over and over
01. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
02. Frequency
03. Xanadu
04. The Little Mermaid
05. Beauty and the Beast
06. Aladdin
07. Tarzan
08. Moulin Rouge
7 names you like to call people
01. Poophead
02. Dork
03. Fishbulb
04. Milpool
05. Moron
06. Groovy guy
07. Nutcase
6 objects you touch every day
01. The 'fridge
02. The sink
03. My bed
04. At least one of the Harry Potter books
05. The computer
06. The remote
5 things you do every day
01. Go online
02. Watch TV
03. Talk to a family member
04. My hair
05. My makeup
4 foods you couldn't live without
01. Mom's stuffed pumpkin shells
02. Breadsticks at Pizza Hut
03. Angel hair with marinara at the Olive Garden
04. Chik patties (vegetarian substitute for chicken)
3 of your favorite songs at the moment
01. "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore
02. "Simon" by Lifehouse
03. "Waffle King" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
2 people that have influenced your life the most
01. Mom
02. Amy Grant
1 person you would do in a second
01. I wouldn't do anyone without knowing them, loving them, and being married to them. But if I were all of those things with Jonathan Jackson (formerly Lucky on General Hospital) or Brian Gaskell (Rafe on Port Charles), then I'd go for it.
01. Eminem.
02. Guys who claim that they "need porn".
03. When people refuse to watch cartoons simply because they *are* cartoons.
04. When my dog decides she wants out of my room when I'm still in bed, too tired to move.
05. Pap smears
06. Spiders
07. Thunder storms
08. Leg spasms
09. My dad when he gets in his "freak out about nothing" mode.
10. When Port Charles is interrupted because some political guy hurt his thumb.
11. That time of the month
12. When the caller ID shows "Error" or "Unknown caller."
11 people you'd want to stay alive
01. Mom
02. Zach
03. Dad
04. Grandma
05. Grandpa
06. Sarah
07. Mike
08. Carrie
10. Billy
11. Tim
10 things you'd like to change about yourself
01. My weight
02. Polycystic ovarian syndrome
03. Restless leg syndrome
04. The tendency my face has to get greasy
05. My attitude toward myself
06. The fact that I can't seem to finish anything
07. The weakness of my immune system
08. How easily I trust
09. My inability to pay attention
10. My small lips
9 things you wear daily
01. A shirt
02. Pants (or a skirt, shorts, etc.)
03. Bra
04. Underwear
05. Daria watch
06. Aids Awareness Bracelet
07. Birthstone (amethyst) ring
08. Cool Effects eye shadow
09. Lip gloss/stick/etc.
8 movies you'd watch over and over
01. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
02. Frequency
03. Xanadu
04. The Little Mermaid
05. Beauty and the Beast
06. Aladdin
07. Tarzan
08. Moulin Rouge
7 names you like to call people
01. Poophead
02. Dork
03. Fishbulb
04. Milpool
05. Moron
06. Groovy guy
07. Nutcase
6 objects you touch every day
01. The 'fridge
02. The sink
03. My bed
04. At least one of the Harry Potter books
05. The computer
06. The remote
5 things you do every day
01. Go online
02. Watch TV
03. Talk to a family member
04. My hair
05. My makeup
4 foods you couldn't live without
01. Mom's stuffed pumpkin shells
02. Breadsticks at Pizza Hut
03. Angel hair with marinara at the Olive Garden
04. Chik patties (vegetarian substitute for chicken)
3 of your favorite songs at the moment
01. "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore
02. "Simon" by Lifehouse
03. "Waffle King" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
2 people that have influenced your life the most
01. Mom
02. Amy Grant
1 person you would do in a second
01. I wouldn't do anyone without knowing them, loving them, and being married to them. But if I were all of those things with Jonathan Jackson (formerly Lucky on General Hospital) or Brian Gaskell (Rafe on Port Charles), then I'd go for it.
The Bachelor is an A-hole
Time: 2:22 P.M.
I'm wearing: My new peach Madeira Beach sweater from Grandma Z.
I last ate: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with soy milk to dunk for breakfast.
Holly's Theme Song For Today: "Twister" by "Weird Al" Yankovic. Really, I feel like playing Twister.
Did anyone see The Bachelor last night? Well, it turns out that he's an A-hole! See, Shannon's been my favorite Bachelorette since the beginning because she's so moral, and she stands up for what she believes in.
Well, last night, Alex (the Bachelor) spent one day with Amanda, then Shannon, then Trista. On his date with Amanda, he broke out a card that said they had access to a private luxury suite for the night. Amanda was like, "Hee hee! Okay!" So, they went up and had a wild night.
The next day, he went out with Shannon. Again, at the end of the day, he broke out a card that invited them to a private luxury suite. Shannon read it and looked disgusted. They went to the suite, but just sat there. She seemed really angry about getting a card that said that, because she knew all of the girls were getting a card like that.
The next day came, and Alex spent the day with Trista. He got sick, though, so they didn't do anything.
Anyway, the end of the show rolled around, and Alex gave a rose to Trista and Amanda, meaning that they got to keep dating them, but Shannon had to go. He gave her this load of bullcrap about why he didn't pick her to stay. But you know why I think he kicked Shannon out of the running? She didn't put out. As soon as I saw Alex gettin' down and dirty with Amanda, I knew Shannon was too good for him. He was cheating on the other girls! You don't just have sex with one of the girls when you're still dating the others! Ugh!
So, in conclusion, I think Alex is a moron.
--Holly Rachael :-[] <---Angry, clenched up teeth face
I'm wearing: My new peach Madeira Beach sweater from Grandma Z.
I last ate: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with soy milk to dunk for breakfast.
Holly's Theme Song For Today: "Twister" by "Weird Al" Yankovic. Really, I feel like playing Twister.
Did anyone see The Bachelor last night? Well, it turns out that he's an A-hole! See, Shannon's been my favorite Bachelorette since the beginning because she's so moral, and she stands up for what she believes in.
Well, last night, Alex (the Bachelor) spent one day with Amanda, then Shannon, then Trista. On his date with Amanda, he broke out a card that said they had access to a private luxury suite for the night. Amanda was like, "Hee hee! Okay!" So, they went up and had a wild night.
The next day, he went out with Shannon. Again, at the end of the day, he broke out a card that invited them to a private luxury suite. Shannon read it and looked disgusted. They went to the suite, but just sat there. She seemed really angry about getting a card that said that, because she knew all of the girls were getting a card like that.
The next day came, and Alex spent the day with Trista. He got sick, though, so they didn't do anything.
Anyway, the end of the show rolled around, and Alex gave a rose to Trista and Amanda, meaning that they got to keep dating them, but Shannon had to go. He gave her this load of bullcrap about why he didn't pick her to stay. But you know why I think he kicked Shannon out of the running? She didn't put out. As soon as I saw Alex gettin' down and dirty with Amanda, I knew Shannon was too good for him. He was cheating on the other girls! You don't just have sex with one of the girls when you're still dating the others! Ugh!
So, in conclusion, I think Alex is a moron.
--Holly Rachael :-[] <---Angry, clenched up teeth face
Monday, April 22, 2002
Second Part
26 :: How many days until your birthday? Eh... I'll count later.
27 :: When's your last day of school? *Sadly* I already had it.
28 :: And you are the class of...20_ _? I was supposed to be 2002. *Cries*.
29 :: How many stuffed animals do you have and where did they come from? About 50 million. They came from various places.
30 :: What's your school's website? My school has a web site?
31 :: What is directly right behind you? A TV.
32 :: How many calendars do you have? Two. They're both Harry Potter, yet they're different.
33 :: How many beaches have you been to? I... think about... 3? Myrtle Beach, Tawas... I know there's another one.
34 :: "Damn it feels good to be a gangsta..." <- What movie is that from ;)? Office Space! Woo hoo!
35 :: What's the longest you've ever driven? Uh... probably like, an hour and a half, when I got stuck in that traffic jam on the way to Bay City.
36 :: Do you get sick easily? Absolutely! I've got all kinds of stupid diseases (not deadly or contagious ones). I'm sick every frickin' week!
37 :: What stereotype do you most easily (unfortunately) fit into? I think I'm in a class all by myself. I never used to hang out with people like me, 'cause there were none! Except for my mom.
38 :: Ever put glue on your hand just to peel it off when it dries? I don't believe I've ever done that, no.
39 :: Does your body get hotter easier or colder? Eh... probably hotter.
40 :: Do your gums show when you smile? A little bit, yeah.
41 :: What was the last channel your TV was on? 9 (UPN 50). I was watchin' The Simpsons.
42 :: What kind of education did your parents have? My mom went to high school and my dad both went to high school. My mom quit there, but my dad went to college.
43 :: What do they do for a living now? My dad works for GM (he's a big boss-man) and my mom does stock work at Target.
44 :: Do you own a checkbook or credit card? No.
45 :: What kind of sneakers do you have? Some white and purple ones from Meijers.
46 :: How opinionated would you say you are? Extremely! I seem to be a spokesperson for anyone (especially animals) less forunate than me. I'll fight for them to the end.
47 :: If you could work for any company (or person), who would you work for? ABC or MTV or CBS... I want a talk show! Being a VJ would be fun, too.
48 :: Ever experienced a tornado? I've never had any really close calls, but I get majorly freaked out whenever I hear of a tornado anywhere in Michigan. I head for the basement and start hyperventalating, heh.
49 :: What classes are you taking right now? I'm not. But I'm really studying math for my G.E.D.
50 :: Isn't government boring? Very much so. I had a serious problem with that class. My choice of social studies was Russian History. *That* was fun.
27 :: When's your last day of school? *Sadly* I already had it.
28 :: And you are the class of...20_ _? I was supposed to be 2002. *Cries*.
29 :: How many stuffed animals do you have and where did they come from? About 50 million. They came from various places.
30 :: What's your school's website? My school has a web site?
31 :: What is directly right behind you? A TV.
32 :: How many calendars do you have? Two. They're both Harry Potter, yet they're different.
33 :: How many beaches have you been to? I... think about... 3? Myrtle Beach, Tawas... I know there's another one.
34 :: "Damn it feels good to be a gangsta..." <- What movie is that from ;)? Office Space! Woo hoo!
35 :: What's the longest you've ever driven? Uh... probably like, an hour and a half, when I got stuck in that traffic jam on the way to Bay City.
36 :: Do you get sick easily? Absolutely! I've got all kinds of stupid diseases (not deadly or contagious ones). I'm sick every frickin' week!
37 :: What stereotype do you most easily (unfortunately) fit into? I think I'm in a class all by myself. I never used to hang out with people like me, 'cause there were none! Except for my mom.
38 :: Ever put glue on your hand just to peel it off when it dries? I don't believe I've ever done that, no.
39 :: Does your body get hotter easier or colder? Eh... probably hotter.
40 :: Do your gums show when you smile? A little bit, yeah.
41 :: What was the last channel your TV was on? 9 (UPN 50). I was watchin' The Simpsons.
42 :: What kind of education did your parents have? My mom went to high school and my dad both went to high school. My mom quit there, but my dad went to college.
43 :: What do they do for a living now? My dad works for GM (he's a big boss-man) and my mom does stock work at Target.
44 :: Do you own a checkbook or credit card? No.
45 :: What kind of sneakers do you have? Some white and purple ones from Meijers.
46 :: How opinionated would you say you are? Extremely! I seem to be a spokesperson for anyone (especially animals) less forunate than me. I'll fight for them to the end.
47 :: If you could work for any company (or person), who would you work for? ABC or MTV or CBS... I want a talk show! Being a VJ would be fun, too.
48 :: Ever experienced a tornado? I've never had any really close calls, but I get majorly freaked out whenever I hear of a tornado anywhere in Michigan. I head for the basement and start hyperventalating, heh.
49 :: What classes are you taking right now? I'm not. But I'm really studying math for my G.E.D.
50 :: Isn't government boring? Very much so. I had a serious problem with that class. My choice of social studies was Russian History. *That* was fun.
I Get My Cast Off Tomorrow!
Time: 7:17 P.M.
I'm wearing: My blue "26" graffiti sweatshirt, jeans and the cast.
I last ate: Breadsticks with marinara at Marios.
Holly's Theme Song of the Day: "Cling and Clatter" by Lifehouse.
Guess WHAT?! I get my cast off tomorrow! *Victory dance*. Oh ho, no more cast for ME! Guess what ELSE? I bought one of my top five favorite movies today! I got the Frequency DVD! Alright!
The only thing that really went wrong today was, I had STUPID FREAKING LEG SPASMS ALL AFTERNOON! I let everyone else's problems worry the heck outta me, and then I have leg spasms. I must stop that. And now, it's time for a survey I stole from Kettle Corn POPcorn! that Marie actually made herself!
1 :: Photo I.D. please ~ Um... just look at my main page. I'm the chick with the big "HOLLY!" under her.
2 :: Name 10 movies you've seen and say one thing about them all ~
1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: Oh, Harry, how I love you. I love the book more than the movie 'cause Hermione hugs Harry and stuff in it, but... oh, I still love you.
2. Frequency: What a bloody brilliant movie! Talking to your dead dad in the past must be rockin'. What a cool storyline. And I love the way everything turns out in the end!
3. Heartbreakers: Heheheheh. This movie gets the "Hollarious Stamp of Approval." Jennifer Love Hewitt is my *girl*, and it's hilarious while being utterly sweet at the same time.
4. Bring It On: I've always loved cheerleading, and Kirsten Dunst rocks. Not to mention that *guy*... whoa. Anyway, it's an all over feel-good movie.
5. The Little Mermaid: Ah, my favorite childhood movie... I love The Little Mermaid. Ariel has got to be the cutest cartoon chick of all time, and Eric's a hottie.
6. Xanadu: This lovable 80s movie got terrible reviews, and it didn't bring in a lot of dough. But I *love* it! Musicals make me giddy, especially that one. To quote Jasmine from Aladdin, "It's all so magical."
7. Pretty Woman: I don't know why I like movies about hookers falling in love, but I do. Plus, Julia Roberts kicks total and complete arse, and so does Richard Gere. This movie is super-sweet, and funny. Classic!
8. Moulin Rouge: Ooh, Ewan McGregor's singing voice is very lovable, isn't it? He's hot, too. Oh, about the movie! Shall we say, it's "Spectacular, spectacular!" Sweet, funny, musical... It's easy to become obsessed with it as I have.
9. Prince of Egypt: I love the Moses story. It's one of my favorite Bible stories, although I have a lot of them. Ztuppora and Moses are so sweet, and I love Moses' real siblings, Miriam and Aaron's characters, even though Aaron really had a more prominent role than Miriam.
10. Anastasia: How 'bout that Dimitri, eh? Ooh... Anyhoo, the magic, the romance, the history of Russian royalty! I *LOVE* it! *Hugs movie*.
3 :: How many movies do you own? 38.
4 :: What's the closest major road to your house? I... do not know. I'm not brilliant with the directions to my house.
5 :: Name any and all well-known cities you've visited ~ Las Vegas, Myrtle Beach (is that a city?), Orlando, Detroit, Toronto... I think that's pretty much it.
6 :: Where did you take your first steps? My old house, which is right around the corner from this one. :-)
7 :: What's that noise? It's the Underpants Gnomes! RUN!
8 :: How's the weather? It's hailing. *Pouts*.
9 :: Do you have a DVD player? Yes, two of them.
10 :: Which well-known city is closest to you? Eh... I think Flint *is* kind of well-known. Otherwise, I guess it'd be Detroit or something.
11 :: Have you ever been to Hawaii? Nope.
12 :: What was the first rated R movie you ever saw? Terminator. The Kreegs told us it *wasn't* rated R. I was scared poopless, 'cause I was like, 6.
13 :: Whose birthday is coming up next in your calendar? Jennifer Boa's already came up, but we haven't celebrated it yet.
14 :: What upcoming movies do you want to see? Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (screams in excitement), and Scooby Doo.
15 :: What's the outside of your house look like? This one (my dad's) is sky blue with white trim. It's very lovely. My mom's house is a pretty creamy yellow color. It's purtay.
16 :: How spoiled are you? I am so spoiled, it'd ridiculous. Every year since I was born, my brother and I have been getting like, 50 presents for Christmas.
17 :: Do you live on a street, in a culdesac, a court, or nowhere near civilization? *Shamefully* I don't culdesac means. Anyway, I live in a suburban subdivision.
18 :: Where do you plan on going to college? I... dooon't know. I'll probably go to Mott Community College, and I'm hoping U of M Flint after that.
19 :: What color is the most prominent in your wardrobe? White. I'm the T-shirt Queen.
20 :: Where do most of your clothes come from? Las Vegas. I'm a sucker for souvenir clothes.
21 :: What's the capital of your state? Lansing.
22 :: Watch any TV shows religiously?...Which ones? Daria (I still watch my tapes), Port Charles, The Bachelor, The Simpsons, The Family Guy, and Once & Again when it was on.
23 :: What's the probability of a tornado in your area? *Teeth chattering-nervous* I.... I think the chances are pretty high. *Trembles*.
24 :: Which fast food restaurant did you most recently eat at and what did you get? Taco Bell last night. I *ordered* two bean burritos with no onions or cheese, but I *got* two bean burritos *with* onions, and MEEAAAT on the tortilla! *GGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRR*!
25 :: When was the last time you had the hiccups? I think it was like, the day before yesterday. I've been having them way too often lately.
I'm wearing: My blue "26" graffiti sweatshirt, jeans and the cast.
I last ate: Breadsticks with marinara at Marios.
Holly's Theme Song of the Day: "Cling and Clatter" by Lifehouse.
Guess WHAT?! I get my cast off tomorrow! *Victory dance*. Oh ho, no more cast for ME! Guess what ELSE? I bought one of my top five favorite movies today! I got the Frequency DVD! Alright!
The only thing that really went wrong today was, I had STUPID FREAKING LEG SPASMS ALL AFTERNOON! I let everyone else's problems worry the heck outta me, and then I have leg spasms. I must stop that. And now, it's time for a survey I stole from Kettle Corn POPcorn! that Marie actually made herself!
1 :: Photo I.D. please ~ Um... just look at my main page. I'm the chick with the big "HOLLY!" under her.
2 :: Name 10 movies you've seen and say one thing about them all ~
1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: Oh, Harry, how I love you. I love the book more than the movie 'cause Hermione hugs Harry and stuff in it, but... oh, I still love you.
2. Frequency: What a bloody brilliant movie! Talking to your dead dad in the past must be rockin'. What a cool storyline. And I love the way everything turns out in the end!
3. Heartbreakers: Heheheheh. This movie gets the "Hollarious Stamp of Approval." Jennifer Love Hewitt is my *girl*, and it's hilarious while being utterly sweet at the same time.
4. Bring It On: I've always loved cheerleading, and Kirsten Dunst rocks. Not to mention that *guy*... whoa. Anyway, it's an all over feel-good movie.
5. The Little Mermaid: Ah, my favorite childhood movie... I love The Little Mermaid. Ariel has got to be the cutest cartoon chick of all time, and Eric's a hottie.
6. Xanadu: This lovable 80s movie got terrible reviews, and it didn't bring in a lot of dough. But I *love* it! Musicals make me giddy, especially that one. To quote Jasmine from Aladdin, "It's all so magical."
7. Pretty Woman: I don't know why I like movies about hookers falling in love, but I do. Plus, Julia Roberts kicks total and complete arse, and so does Richard Gere. This movie is super-sweet, and funny. Classic!
8. Moulin Rouge: Ooh, Ewan McGregor's singing voice is very lovable, isn't it? He's hot, too. Oh, about the movie! Shall we say, it's "Spectacular, spectacular!" Sweet, funny, musical... It's easy to become obsessed with it as I have.
9. Prince of Egypt: I love the Moses story. It's one of my favorite Bible stories, although I have a lot of them. Ztuppora and Moses are so sweet, and I love Moses' real siblings, Miriam and Aaron's characters, even though Aaron really had a more prominent role than Miriam.
10. Anastasia: How 'bout that Dimitri, eh? Ooh... Anyhoo, the magic, the romance, the history of Russian royalty! I *LOVE* it! *Hugs movie*.
3 :: How many movies do you own? 38.
4 :: What's the closest major road to your house? I... do not know. I'm not brilliant with the directions to my house.
5 :: Name any and all well-known cities you've visited ~ Las Vegas, Myrtle Beach (is that a city?), Orlando, Detroit, Toronto... I think that's pretty much it.
6 :: Where did you take your first steps? My old house, which is right around the corner from this one. :-)
7 :: What's that noise? It's the Underpants Gnomes! RUN!
8 :: How's the weather? It's hailing. *Pouts*.
9 :: Do you have a DVD player? Yes, two of them.
10 :: Which well-known city is closest to you? Eh... I think Flint *is* kind of well-known. Otherwise, I guess it'd be Detroit or something.
11 :: Have you ever been to Hawaii? Nope.
12 :: What was the first rated R movie you ever saw? Terminator. The Kreegs told us it *wasn't* rated R. I was scared poopless, 'cause I was like, 6.
13 :: Whose birthday is coming up next in your calendar? Jennifer Boa's already came up, but we haven't celebrated it yet.
14 :: What upcoming movies do you want to see? Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (screams in excitement), and Scooby Doo.
15 :: What's the outside of your house look like? This one (my dad's) is sky blue with white trim. It's very lovely. My mom's house is a pretty creamy yellow color. It's purtay.
16 :: How spoiled are you? I am so spoiled, it'd ridiculous. Every year since I was born, my brother and I have been getting like, 50 presents for Christmas.
17 :: Do you live on a street, in a culdesac, a court, or nowhere near civilization? *Shamefully* I don't culdesac means. Anyway, I live in a suburban subdivision.
18 :: Where do you plan on going to college? I... dooon't know. I'll probably go to Mott Community College, and I'm hoping U of M Flint after that.
19 :: What color is the most prominent in your wardrobe? White. I'm the T-shirt Queen.
20 :: Where do most of your clothes come from? Las Vegas. I'm a sucker for souvenir clothes.
21 :: What's the capital of your state? Lansing.
22 :: Watch any TV shows religiously?...Which ones? Daria (I still watch my tapes), Port Charles, The Bachelor, The Simpsons, The Family Guy, and Once & Again when it was on.
23 :: What's the probability of a tornado in your area? *Teeth chattering-nervous* I.... I think the chances are pretty high. *Trembles*.
24 :: Which fast food restaurant did you most recently eat at and what did you get? Taco Bell last night. I *ordered* two bean burritos with no onions or cheese, but I *got* two bean burritos *with* onions, and MEEAAAT on the tortilla! *GGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRR*!
25 :: When was the last time you had the hiccups? I think it was like, the day before yesterday. I've been having them way too often lately.
Thursday, April 18, 2002
Grandma and Grandpa Are Coming Home!
Time: 10:01 P.M.
I'm wearing: Mr. Rogers "Hello Neighbor" shirt, blue shorts and the cast.
I last ate: Chips and bean dip. I sure am in a rut.
Holly's theme song of the day: "Cable TV" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Grandma Z. recently called and said she and Grandpa are coming home from Florida tomorrow! Woo hoo! I choose to celebrate by way of GIRLIE SURVEY!
***** Girlie Survey *****
Are you a girl or a guy pretending to be one? [looks down] I appear to be female.
(if you answered "yes" to either of the above questions, proceed)
How many hair products do you use? Shampoo, conditioner, mousse, gel, Dax... 5.
Blow-dryer? I do not like blow dryers. They cause my scalp to overheat. I prefer the towel-dry method.
Curling iron? Those are rockin', but it's too easy to burn yourself with 'em.
Straightening iron? Nah, my hair's curly and I like it that way.
Conditioner: Yes, I use it... right now, it's Lavender scented Suave.
At the moment, is your hair its natural color? Why, yes it is.
Generally, is your hair nice to you? (ie doesn't spontaneously frizz during one class period, brushes without breaking into a million shorter pieces)? It's usually pretty polite. But not in humidity.
How many makeup products do you use? *Counts on fingers* 5 or 6.
Eyes: I usually use Cool Effect eye shadow by Maybelline in Cold As Ice, then I curl my eyelashes and put water-proof mascara on.
Face: N.Y.C. concealer stick and prescribed Sulficette.
Lips: Usually either Lip D'Votion by Bonne Bell in Real Raspberry or a really light, shiny pink color.
Are your nails painted right now? Yup. I've got Maybelline Wet Shine on both my toes and fingers. It's like a peachy-pink color.
How many skin products do you use? Too many. I can't even count them all.
Face wash? Heh, Meijer brand Acne Wash.
Face moisturizer? I don't have one. I've gotta find a nice oil-free one.
Lotions? Secret Crush by Victoria's Secret and a bunch of fun Bath & Body Works ones.
Do you have more girl friends than guy friends? I think it's about equal, actually.
Do you tell your friends everything? Pretty much.
Girl power theme song: "Unpretty" by TLC is a good one.
Favorite girl group: Wilson Phillips and The Bangles! 80s bands! Woo hoo!
Best female performer in history? That'd be my role model, Amy Grant. Upliftingly catchy.
Most annoying girl singer: Nelly Furtado. And Shakira's climbin' the charts on this one.
(at this point I would like to apologize to my male audience members and ask that they skip ahead to the next section).
Is it? Yup, just started today. Blergh...
Do you keep track? No, but my parents get my pills out for me, and if my birth control pills (I use 'em for acne and period regulation), they tell me Aunt Flow will be visiting that day.
Do you usually get cramps? Abso-frickin'-lutely. They *SUCK*.
What food gets you through pms? I usually can't think too much about food when I'm having PMS. I just have to take a painkiller and lie down till the cramps subside.
Do you get bitchy during pms? No. I actually think I get a little nicer during PMS. It's weird.
Is your cycle the same as any of your friends'? My cousins, Lindsay and Allison.
Your mom's? My mom got a hysterectomy a few years back.
SHOPPING [drool] Yeah, shopping rocks right? Most definitely.
Have you shopped in the past week? Yes, I have. I went to Dots with my grandma Shoup and my mom. I bought some shorts, a couple pairs of really cute capris and hair ribbons, a necessity.
Are you an impulse buyer? Absolutely. "Look, something with Harry Potter's face on it! *Yoink*!"
Can you decide on what to buy? Usually, I want to buy about 150 things at once, but I only have enough money for 1 or 2 things. That's always a tough decision.
Who is your favorite shopping buddy? My mom! We have the exact same taste in just about everything. Sarah's really fun to shop with too, but we have almost totally different taste!
Gay/straight/bi? Straight.
Do you have a crush? Yes, that'd be Tim.
How many boyfriends have you had? Serious boyfriends? Sadly, none. *Pouts*.
What kind do you like? The nice, comfortable cotton kind.
Do you like buying it? No. For some reason, I get all embarrassed about buying underwear, and send my mom in to do it for me.
Which pair is your favorite? The ones with the pretty pink flowers on them.
Which bra is your favorite? My really comfortable lacy white one.
Do you wear underwear to bed: Yup.
Do you purposely expose your undies when you bend over: Heheheheheheheheheheheh. *Wipes tear from eye*. No.
***** ALL DONE *****
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: Mr. Rogers "Hello Neighbor" shirt, blue shorts and the cast.
I last ate: Chips and bean dip. I sure am in a rut.
Holly's theme song of the day: "Cable TV" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Grandma Z. recently called and said she and Grandpa are coming home from Florida tomorrow! Woo hoo! I choose to celebrate by way of GIRLIE SURVEY!
***** Girlie Survey *****
Are you a girl or a guy pretending to be one? [looks down] I appear to be female.
(if you answered "yes" to either of the above questions, proceed)
How many hair products do you use? Shampoo, conditioner, mousse, gel, Dax... 5.
Blow-dryer? I do not like blow dryers. They cause my scalp to overheat. I prefer the towel-dry method.
Curling iron? Those are rockin', but it's too easy to burn yourself with 'em.
Straightening iron? Nah, my hair's curly and I like it that way.
Conditioner: Yes, I use it... right now, it's Lavender scented Suave.
At the moment, is your hair its natural color? Why, yes it is.
Generally, is your hair nice to you? (ie doesn't spontaneously frizz during one class period, brushes without breaking into a million shorter pieces)? It's usually pretty polite. But not in humidity.
How many makeup products do you use? *Counts on fingers* 5 or 6.
Eyes: I usually use Cool Effect eye shadow by Maybelline in Cold As Ice, then I curl my eyelashes and put water-proof mascara on.
Face: N.Y.C. concealer stick and prescribed Sulficette.
Lips: Usually either Lip D'Votion by Bonne Bell in Real Raspberry or a really light, shiny pink color.
Are your nails painted right now? Yup. I've got Maybelline Wet Shine on both my toes and fingers. It's like a peachy-pink color.
How many skin products do you use? Too many. I can't even count them all.
Face wash? Heh, Meijer brand Acne Wash.
Face moisturizer? I don't have one. I've gotta find a nice oil-free one.
Lotions? Secret Crush by Victoria's Secret and a bunch of fun Bath & Body Works ones.
Do you have more girl friends than guy friends? I think it's about equal, actually.
Do you tell your friends everything? Pretty much.
Girl power theme song: "Unpretty" by TLC is a good one.
Favorite girl group: Wilson Phillips and The Bangles! 80s bands! Woo hoo!
Best female performer in history? That'd be my role model, Amy Grant. Upliftingly catchy.
Most annoying girl singer: Nelly Furtado. And Shakira's climbin' the charts on this one.
(at this point I would like to apologize to my male audience members and ask that they skip ahead to the next section).
Is it? Yup, just started today. Blergh...
Do you keep track? No, but my parents get my pills out for me, and if my birth control pills (I use 'em for acne and period regulation), they tell me Aunt Flow will be visiting that day.
Do you usually get cramps? Abso-frickin'-lutely. They *SUCK*.
What food gets you through pms? I usually can't think too much about food when I'm having PMS. I just have to take a painkiller and lie down till the cramps subside.
Do you get bitchy during pms? No. I actually think I get a little nicer during PMS. It's weird.
Is your cycle the same as any of your friends'? My cousins, Lindsay and Allison.
Your mom's? My mom got a hysterectomy a few years back.
SHOPPING [drool] Yeah, shopping rocks right? Most definitely.
Have you shopped in the past week? Yes, I have. I went to Dots with my grandma Shoup and my mom. I bought some shorts, a couple pairs of really cute capris and hair ribbons, a necessity.
Are you an impulse buyer? Absolutely. "Look, something with Harry Potter's face on it! *Yoink*!"
Can you decide on what to buy? Usually, I want to buy about 150 things at once, but I only have enough money for 1 or 2 things. That's always a tough decision.
Who is your favorite shopping buddy? My mom! We have the exact same taste in just about everything. Sarah's really fun to shop with too, but we have almost totally different taste!
Gay/straight/bi? Straight.
Do you have a crush? Yes, that'd be Tim.
How many boyfriends have you had? Serious boyfriends? Sadly, none. *Pouts*.
What kind do you like? The nice, comfortable cotton kind.
Do you like buying it? No. For some reason, I get all embarrassed about buying underwear, and send my mom in to do it for me.
Which pair is your favorite? The ones with the pretty pink flowers on them.
Which bra is your favorite? My really comfortable lacy white one.
Do you wear underwear to bed: Yup.
Do you purposely expose your undies when you bend over: Heheheheheheheheheheheh. *Wipes tear from eye*. No.
***** ALL DONE *****
--Holly Rachael :-D
Wednesday, April 17, 2002
Harry Potter--The Bachelor
Time: 11:21 P.M.
I'm wearing: Pajamas-- A red shirt and light blue sweat capris.
I last ate: Chips and bean dip.
Song that's in my head: "Somewhere Down the Road" by Amy Grant.
Holly's theme song of the day: "Soak Up the Sun" by Sheryl Crow.
I'm having a lot of fun writing my parody to the newest ABC reality show, The Bachelor. On The Bachelor, a guy chooses his wife from 25 women.
But in my story, Harry Potter-- The Bachelor, Hogwarts is having a prom, and way too many girls have asked Harry to accompany them to it. Fred and George convince Harry to have a sort of contest, where 25 girls must fill out applications to date Harry. In the course of the next 6 weeks, Harry must choose a date for the prom.
But I'm taking a small break from writing my story to... *pauses dramatically* BRUSH MY TEETH!
Ah, minty fresh. Alrighty, guess I'll get back to it then...
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: Pajamas-- A red shirt and light blue sweat capris.
I last ate: Chips and bean dip.
Song that's in my head: "Somewhere Down the Road" by Amy Grant.
Holly's theme song of the day: "Soak Up the Sun" by Sheryl Crow.
I'm having a lot of fun writing my parody to the newest ABC reality show, The Bachelor. On The Bachelor, a guy chooses his wife from 25 women.
But in my story, Harry Potter-- The Bachelor, Hogwarts is having a prom, and way too many girls have asked Harry to accompany them to it. Fred and George convince Harry to have a sort of contest, where 25 girls must fill out applications to date Harry. In the course of the next 6 weeks, Harry must choose a date for the prom.
But I'm taking a small break from writing my story to... *pauses dramatically* BRUSH MY TEETH!
Ah, minty fresh. Alrighty, guess I'll get back to it then...
--Holly Rachael :-D
Water-Flavored Gatorade
Time: 3:36 P.M.
I'm wearing: My red Planet Hollywood: Nashville shirt, jean shorts and the cast.
I last ate: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with soy milk to dunk for breakfast.
Song that's in my head: "Josie and the Pussycats" by... well, Josie and the Pussycats.
I was watching TV, and this Gatorade commercial came on. They've got some really good flavors, you know? I've always been partial to Lemon Lime, Ice and Freeze. Now I see that they have a "water" flavor. Hmm... wonder what that could taste like.
We were at Pizza Hut the other day, and my grandma said, "I don't think girls know where their waist line is supposed to be anymore. Their pants start well after their belly buttons." Heheh. My grandma's the chick.
Wow, I sure do wish I were on vacation. I mean, it's like 85 degrees right here in Michigan, so it's nice outside and everything, but there's nothing to do in this state! If I were in Florida right now, I'd be at Disney World, riding Splash Mountain to cool off. If I were in Vegas, I'd be cruisin' The Strip. But instead I'm sitting at home on the computer. *Sigh*.
Well, I suppose I'll go, check out Disney.com so it at least sort of seems like I'm on vacation. Bye!
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: My red Planet Hollywood: Nashville shirt, jean shorts and the cast.
I last ate: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with soy milk to dunk for breakfast.
Song that's in my head: "Josie and the Pussycats" by... well, Josie and the Pussycats.
I was watching TV, and this Gatorade commercial came on. They've got some really good flavors, you know? I've always been partial to Lemon Lime, Ice and Freeze. Now I see that they have a "water" flavor. Hmm... wonder what that could taste like.
We were at Pizza Hut the other day, and my grandma said, "I don't think girls know where their waist line is supposed to be anymore. Their pants start well after their belly buttons." Heheh. My grandma's the chick.
Wow, I sure do wish I were on vacation. I mean, it's like 85 degrees right here in Michigan, so it's nice outside and everything, but there's nothing to do in this state! If I were in Florida right now, I'd be at Disney World, riding Splash Mountain to cool off. If I were in Vegas, I'd be cruisin' The Strip. But instead I'm sitting at home on the computer. *Sigh*.
Well, I suppose I'll go, check out Disney.com so it at least sort of seems like I'm on vacation. Bye!
--Holly Rachael :-D
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Seven things that scare you:
1. Spiders (and bugs in general)
2. Being alone
3. Statues
4. My car
5. The movie Poltergeist
6. The bag lady who lives in the Arby's parking lot.
7. Centipedes
Seven things you love (in no order):
1. My family
2. My friends
3. My pets
4. Harry Potter
5. Daria
6. Vacations to Las Vegas and Disney World
7. Johnny Bravo
Seven things you hate:
1. Eminem
2. Satan
3. Osoma Bin Laden
4. Racism
5. Howard Stern
6. When you're eating and you run out of pop, but you don't want to get up.
7. The wrappers they put on DVDs.
Seven things in your room:
1. Bed
2. Desk
3. Book case
4. TV
5. Playstation
6. Clothes
7. Stuffed animals
Seven random facts about you:
1. I'm a vegetarian/animal rights activist
2. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, and other stupid things along that line.
3. I'm obsessed with Harry Potter
4. I'm obsessed with Daria
5. I'm a Christian
6. I once danced on stage with Amy Grant
7. My parents got divorced when I was 13.
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Get married
2. Have kids
3. Purchase a horse, and other cool pets
4. Do some acting
5. Meet J.K. Rowling
6. Move to Vegas... or at least, spend a huge amount of time there.
7. Donate a bunch of money to PETA
Seven things you can do well:
1. Type
2. Write
3. Impersonate my grandma Z.
4. Cheer people up
5. Memorize things
6. Play Crazy Taxi (this is getting pathetic)
7. ...Does sitting online for long periods of time count?
Seven Things You Can't Do:
1. Whistle
2. Snap my fingers
3. Finish what I started
4. Pay attention
5. Refrain from worrying about everything
6. Draw something that is not a person
7. Cook
Top Seven songs people should give a listen:
1. "Simon"--Lifehouse
2. "Only Hope"--Mandy Moore
3. "I Belive in Love"--Jennifer Love Hewitt
4. "Calling Down an Angel"--Plus One
5. "What About the Love?"--Amy Grant
6. "Insatiable"--Darren Hayes
7. "Waffle King"--"Weird Al" Yankovic
Seven Celebrity Kisses:
1. Jonathan Jackson (used to be Lucky on General Hospital)
2. Brian Gaskill (Rafe on Port Charles)
3. Nick Lachey (98 Degrees hottie)
4. Jason Wade (Lifehouse hottie)
5. J.C. Chasez ('N Sync hottie)
6. Shane West (Eli on Once & Again; Landon in A Walk to Remember)
7. Billy Campbell (Rick on Once & Again)
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. Hilariousness
2. Good manners
3. Animal lover
4. Family-oriented
5. Obsessed with similar things as me
6. Drug and alcohol free
7. Hotness (sorry, I had to say it. When it comes down to it, however, it doesn't matter).
Top Seven favorite movies (no particular order):
1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
2. Heartbreakers
3. Serendipity
4. The Little Mermaid
5. Aladdin
6. Shrek
7. Kate & Leopold
Top Seven things you say the most:
1. "Absolutely."
2. "Indeed."
3. "That was bloody brilliant!"
4. "Holy crap!"
5. "Let's go on vacation."
6. "I'm hungry."
7. "Rockin'."
Seven Places you would Love to Visit:
1. Las Vegas (again)
2. Disney World (again)
3. Disney Land (for a change)
4. London (to see where they filmed Harry Potter)
5. New York (I demand that you put Daria back on the air!)
6. Cedar Point (again)
7. Tawas (again. I'm in a rut)
Seven Questions you would ask God:
1. "Jesus was perfect, so did it hurt when Mary gave birth to Him?"
2. "Why do some people eat meat?"
3. "Harry Potter's not sinful, is it?"
4. "How do I deal with the relationship, or lack thereof, that my brother and my best friend have?"
5. "Who's the dude for me?"
6. "When, and how will Mom get the riches she deserves?"
7. "Why can't I seem to finish what I start? Can You help me with it?"
Seven Quotes:
1. "Ow! My eye! I'm not supposed to get pudding in it!"--Lenny from The Simpsons
2. "I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being."--Abraham Lincoln
3. "If you want to know what a man's like, judge him by how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."--Sirius Black (Harry Potter's godfather)
4. "Do not try to teach a pig to sing. It takes up all your time, and usually annoys the pig."--Ernest P. Worrel
5. "There's a reason for the banana in my ear. It's to lure the monkey out of my head."--Franklin Sherman (The Critic)
6. "Is it me, or does study hall go faster when you're somewhere else?"--Jane Lane (Daria)
7. "Okay, Daria's talking, so I have to leave now."--Quinn Morgendorffer (Daria)
1. Spiders (and bugs in general)
2. Being alone
3. Statues
4. My car
5. The movie Poltergeist
6. The bag lady who lives in the Arby's parking lot.
7. Centipedes
Seven things you love (in no order):
1. My family
2. My friends
3. My pets
4. Harry Potter
5. Daria
6. Vacations to Las Vegas and Disney World
7. Johnny Bravo
Seven things you hate:
1. Eminem
2. Satan
3. Osoma Bin Laden
4. Racism
5. Howard Stern
6. When you're eating and you run out of pop, but you don't want to get up.
7. The wrappers they put on DVDs.
Seven things in your room:
1. Bed
2. Desk
3. Book case
4. TV
5. Playstation
6. Clothes
7. Stuffed animals
Seven random facts about you:
1. I'm a vegetarian/animal rights activist
2. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, and other stupid things along that line.
3. I'm obsessed with Harry Potter
4. I'm obsessed with Daria
5. I'm a Christian
6. I once danced on stage with Amy Grant
7. My parents got divorced when I was 13.
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Get married
2. Have kids
3. Purchase a horse, and other cool pets
4. Do some acting
5. Meet J.K. Rowling
6. Move to Vegas... or at least, spend a huge amount of time there.
7. Donate a bunch of money to PETA
Seven things you can do well:
1. Type
2. Write
3. Impersonate my grandma Z.
4. Cheer people up
5. Memorize things
6. Play Crazy Taxi (this is getting pathetic)
7. ...Does sitting online for long periods of time count?
Seven Things You Can't Do:
1. Whistle
2. Snap my fingers
3. Finish what I started
4. Pay attention
5. Refrain from worrying about everything
6. Draw something that is not a person
7. Cook
Top Seven songs people should give a listen:
1. "Simon"--Lifehouse
2. "Only Hope"--Mandy Moore
3. "I Belive in Love"--Jennifer Love Hewitt
4. "Calling Down an Angel"--Plus One
5. "What About the Love?"--Amy Grant
6. "Insatiable"--Darren Hayes
7. "Waffle King"--"Weird Al" Yankovic
Seven Celebrity Kisses:
1. Jonathan Jackson (used to be Lucky on General Hospital)
2. Brian Gaskill (Rafe on Port Charles)
3. Nick Lachey (98 Degrees hottie)
4. Jason Wade (Lifehouse hottie)
5. J.C. Chasez ('N Sync hottie)
6. Shane West (Eli on Once & Again; Landon in A Walk to Remember)
7. Billy Campbell (Rick on Once & Again)
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. Hilariousness
2. Good manners
3. Animal lover
4. Family-oriented
5. Obsessed with similar things as me
6. Drug and alcohol free
7. Hotness (sorry, I had to say it. When it comes down to it, however, it doesn't matter).
Top Seven favorite movies (no particular order):
1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
2. Heartbreakers
3. Serendipity
4. The Little Mermaid
5. Aladdin
6. Shrek
7. Kate & Leopold
Top Seven things you say the most:
1. "Absolutely."
2. "Indeed."
3. "That was bloody brilliant!"
4. "Holy crap!"
5. "Let's go on vacation."
6. "I'm hungry."
7. "Rockin'."
Seven Places you would Love to Visit:
1. Las Vegas (again)
2. Disney World (again)
3. Disney Land (for a change)
4. London (to see where they filmed Harry Potter)
5. New York (I demand that you put Daria back on the air!)
6. Cedar Point (again)
7. Tawas (again. I'm in a rut)
Seven Questions you would ask God:
1. "Jesus was perfect, so did it hurt when Mary gave birth to Him?"
2. "Why do some people eat meat?"
3. "Harry Potter's not sinful, is it?"
4. "How do I deal with the relationship, or lack thereof, that my brother and my best friend have?"
5. "Who's the dude for me?"
6. "When, and how will Mom get the riches she deserves?"
7. "Why can't I seem to finish what I start? Can You help me with it?"
Seven Quotes:
1. "Ow! My eye! I'm not supposed to get pudding in it!"--Lenny from The Simpsons
2. "I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being."--Abraham Lincoln
3. "If you want to know what a man's like, judge him by how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."--Sirius Black (Harry Potter's godfather)
4. "Do not try to teach a pig to sing. It takes up all your time, and usually annoys the pig."--Ernest P. Worrel
5. "There's a reason for the banana in my ear. It's to lure the monkey out of my head."--Franklin Sherman (The Critic)
6. "Is it me, or does study hall go faster when you're somewhere else?"--Jane Lane (Daria)
7. "Okay, Daria's talking, so I have to leave now."--Quinn Morgendorffer (Daria)
Mom and Mike's Marriage in Mayhem
Time: 9:24 P.M.
I'm wearing: A new blue top and new jean shorts, with the FREAKING CAST!!!!!!
I last ate: Bean burritos at Don Pablos.
Song that's in my head: "Gone Away" by the Offspring.
Ew... what a night last night was...
I went shopping with Mom, Grandma and Grandpa yesterday. I had a lot of fun. We bought Serendipity on DVD, I got new shorts, a shirt, capri pajama bottoms and hair ribbons. Then Mom and I rushed home to see The Bachelor.
Since The Bachelor is one of my favorite shows, I sat on the couch closest to the TV, so I could hear it. But Mike was like, "You're in my spot! Get out of my spot!" Good Lord, it doesn't have his name on it, but he thinks it does. So, my mom pulled the loveseat right up to the TV so I could hear my show. But Mike complained that I was sitting too close to him.
He yakked all through The Bachelor. After Once & Again, I decided to lie down because I wasn't feeling too good... and Mike makes this disgusted face, goes "Ugh!" and storms off into the kitchen. Apparently, I had my feet near his face. Big deal. Since Mike's been all mean and unemployed lately, that was the last straw for Mom. She stood up and yelled at him, then told me, "Come on, Holly. We don't need this, we're going to Grandma's, pack your stuff up."
When she said that, it brought back all kinds of horrible memories. That's almost exactly what Mom said when she decided to leave Chuck. And when we left Chuck, he stormed out of the house after us, and left a huge fist imprint on the top of Mom's car. Scared me half to death. So, I freaked out and started having a panic attack.
But then Mom realized we had to take the videos back to the rental place, so she told Mike, "We're going to take the videos back." By then, I was hysterically crying because all of those awful Chuck memories were rushing back to me. I couldn't go back there, so I asked Mom to take me to my grandma's house.
At Grandma's, Mike called to talk to Mom. He said he'd walked to the video store (at midnight!) because he was worried that we'd been mugged or something, and he (eventually) apologized for being such an A-hole. So, me with a migraine the size of Texas, and Mom with a tear-streaked face, we headed back home.
What a sucky night, huh? I've said it before, I'll say it again: I need a vacation. And *dang*, it's 92 degrees outside!
--Holly Rachael :-} <---Half-hearted smile
I'm wearing: A new blue top and new jean shorts, with the FREAKING CAST!!!!!!
I last ate: Bean burritos at Don Pablos.
Song that's in my head: "Gone Away" by the Offspring.
Ew... what a night last night was...
I went shopping with Mom, Grandma and Grandpa yesterday. I had a lot of fun. We bought Serendipity on DVD, I got new shorts, a shirt, capri pajama bottoms and hair ribbons. Then Mom and I rushed home to see The Bachelor.
Since The Bachelor is one of my favorite shows, I sat on the couch closest to the TV, so I could hear it. But Mike was like, "You're in my spot! Get out of my spot!" Good Lord, it doesn't have his name on it, but he thinks it does. So, my mom pulled the loveseat right up to the TV so I could hear my show. But Mike complained that I was sitting too close to him.
He yakked all through The Bachelor. After Once & Again, I decided to lie down because I wasn't feeling too good... and Mike makes this disgusted face, goes "Ugh!" and storms off into the kitchen. Apparently, I had my feet near his face. Big deal. Since Mike's been all mean and unemployed lately, that was the last straw for Mom. She stood up and yelled at him, then told me, "Come on, Holly. We don't need this, we're going to Grandma's, pack your stuff up."
When she said that, it brought back all kinds of horrible memories. That's almost exactly what Mom said when she decided to leave Chuck. And when we left Chuck, he stormed out of the house after us, and left a huge fist imprint on the top of Mom's car. Scared me half to death. So, I freaked out and started having a panic attack.
But then Mom realized we had to take the videos back to the rental place, so she told Mike, "We're going to take the videos back." By then, I was hysterically crying because all of those awful Chuck memories were rushing back to me. I couldn't go back there, so I asked Mom to take me to my grandma's house.
At Grandma's, Mike called to talk to Mom. He said he'd walked to the video store (at midnight!) because he was worried that we'd been mugged or something, and he (eventually) apologized for being such an A-hole. So, me with a migraine the size of Texas, and Mom with a tear-streaked face, we headed back home.
What a sucky night, huh? I've said it before, I'll say it again: I need a vacation. And *dang*, it's 92 degrees outside!
--Holly Rachael :-} <---Half-hearted smile
Friday, April 12, 2002
I'm Surveyously Addicted
Yoinked from: Kettle Corn POPcorn!
My name is: Holly Rachael Zintel.
I may seem: Hard of hearing.
but I'm really: Not paying attention.
People who know me think I'm: Obsessive.
If you knew me you'd probably: Agree with them.
Sometimes I feel: Hungry.
My days are pretty: much like my nights.
In the morning I: Sleep.
In school I: Skipped because I was scared of my teachers.
I like to sleep: on the job.
If I could be doing anything right now I would: be shopping in Vegas.
Money is: Nowhere to be found in my purse.
One thing I wish I had is: A large black dog that I could call Padfoot.
One thing i have that I wish I didn't is: That math GED book.
All you need is: Johnny Bravo.
All I need is: Stuffed pumpkin shells.
If I had one wish it would be: To get my mom out of debt, and into the mansion she deserves.
When I look in the mirror I see: Myself, along with any objects that happen to be directly behind me.
Love is: a many splendored thing.
My body is: Larger than the average bear's.
If an angel flew into my window at night I would: be like, "Hey. Can you tell Rafe to keep his arse on Port Charles?"
If a demon flew into my window I would: Slam the window on him and speed dial the Ghostbusters.
If I could see one person right now it would be: My mom. I'd be like, "Hey, why can't I get a hold of you?"
Something I want but I don't really need is: Some iron-on transfers for the computer so I could make myself a Harry Potter shirt or two.
Something I need but I don't really want is: An ultrasound. Dr. Veliz said I have a small uterus, so she feels the need to have it done.
I live for: Disney World vacations.
I dare you to: mooooooove...
I am afraid of: Just about everything.
It makes me angry when: people refuse to watch cartoons simply because they *are* cartoons.
I dream about: Time-travel and proms.
I daydream about: Similar things.
--Holly Rachael :-D
My name is: Holly Rachael Zintel.
I may seem: Hard of hearing.
but I'm really: Not paying attention.
People who know me think I'm: Obsessive.
If you knew me you'd probably: Agree with them.
Sometimes I feel: Hungry.
My days are pretty: much like my nights.
In the morning I: Sleep.
In school I: Skipped because I was scared of my teachers.
I like to sleep: on the job.
If I could be doing anything right now I would: be shopping in Vegas.
Money is: Nowhere to be found in my purse.
One thing I wish I had is: A large black dog that I could call Padfoot.
One thing i have that I wish I didn't is: That math GED book.
All you need is: Johnny Bravo.
All I need is: Stuffed pumpkin shells.
If I had one wish it would be: To get my mom out of debt, and into the mansion she deserves.
When I look in the mirror I see: Myself, along with any objects that happen to be directly behind me.
Love is: a many splendored thing.
My body is: Larger than the average bear's.
If an angel flew into my window at night I would: be like, "Hey. Can you tell Rafe to keep his arse on Port Charles?"
If a demon flew into my window I would: Slam the window on him and speed dial the Ghostbusters.
If I could see one person right now it would be: My mom. I'd be like, "Hey, why can't I get a hold of you?"
Something I want but I don't really need is: Some iron-on transfers for the computer so I could make myself a Harry Potter shirt or two.
Something I need but I don't really want is: An ultrasound. Dr. Veliz said I have a small uterus, so she feels the need to have it done.
I live for: Disney World vacations.
I dare you to: mooooooove...
I am afraid of: Just about everything.
It makes me angry when: people refuse to watch cartoons simply because they *are* cartoons.
I dream about: Time-travel and proms.
I daydream about: Similar things.
--Holly Rachael :-D
I Need a Vacation
Time: 2:21 P.M.
I'm wearing: My light blue Luxor, Las Vegas shirt, jean capris and the cast.
I last ate: Leftover shells with marinara from Mario's last night.
Song that's in my head: "Jesus Loves Me" for some reason. Where did I hear that...?
I'm going to Vegas this August with Dad and Zach, since Dad's got a business trip there at this time. But I wanna go *now*! It's gonna be *really hot* in Vegas in August. It should be just right in April! Arrrgh... Ah well. Wow, it's nice outside. Okay, here's a survey that's stolen from Desire'sDelirium.
1) Daria watch
2) Aids Awareness Bracelet
3) Birthstone (amethyst) ring
4) Birthstone earrings
5) A shirt
6) Some pants (or shorts, skirt, whatever)
7) Underwear
8) A bra
9) Shoes
1) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
2) The Little Mermaid
3) Moulin Rouge
4) Xanadu
5) Disney's Tarzan
6) Shrek
7) Heartbreakers
8) Empire Records
1) Lifehouse-- No Name Face
2) Amy Grant-- Lead Me On
3) Mandy Moore-- Mandy Moore
4) "Weird Al" Yankovic-- Off the Deep End
5) Michael W. Smith-- Live the Life
6) Britney Spears-- Britney
7) 'N Sync-- No Strings Attatched
1) Keyboard
2) CD wallet
3) The phone (whether I want to or not)
4) Comforter (blankets, and sheets too)
5) Remote
6) At least one of the four Harry Potter books
1) Eat
2) Drink
3) Go online
4) Sing
5) Watch TV
1) Lifehouse
2) 'N Sync
3) Backstreet Boys
4) Westlife
1) "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore
2) "Simon" by Lifehouse
3) "Insatiable" by Darren Hayes
1) Mom
2) Mrs. Martz (7th grade English teacher)
1) My computer. *Hugs computer*
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: My light blue Luxor, Las Vegas shirt, jean capris and the cast.
I last ate: Leftover shells with marinara from Mario's last night.
Song that's in my head: "Jesus Loves Me" for some reason. Where did I hear that...?
I'm going to Vegas this August with Dad and Zach, since Dad's got a business trip there at this time. But I wanna go *now*! It's gonna be *really hot* in Vegas in August. It should be just right in April! Arrrgh... Ah well. Wow, it's nice outside. Okay, here's a survey that's stolen from Desire'sDelirium.
1) Daria watch
2) Aids Awareness Bracelet
3) Birthstone (amethyst) ring
4) Birthstone earrings
5) A shirt
6) Some pants (or shorts, skirt, whatever)
7) Underwear
8) A bra
9) Shoes
1) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
2) The Little Mermaid
3) Moulin Rouge
4) Xanadu
5) Disney's Tarzan
6) Shrek
7) Heartbreakers
8) Empire Records
1) Lifehouse-- No Name Face
2) Amy Grant-- Lead Me On
3) Mandy Moore-- Mandy Moore
4) "Weird Al" Yankovic-- Off the Deep End
5) Michael W. Smith-- Live the Life
6) Britney Spears-- Britney
7) 'N Sync-- No Strings Attatched
1) Keyboard
2) CD wallet
3) The phone (whether I want to or not)
4) Comforter (blankets, and sheets too)
5) Remote
6) At least one of the four Harry Potter books
1) Eat
2) Drink
3) Go online
4) Sing
5) Watch TV
1) Lifehouse
2) 'N Sync
3) Backstreet Boys
4) Westlife
1) "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore
2) "Simon" by Lifehouse
3) "Insatiable" by Darren Hayes
1) Mom
2) Mrs. Martz (7th grade English teacher)
1) My computer. *Hugs computer*
--Holly Rachael :-D
Thursday, April 11, 2002
Holly's Top Ten Reasons To Live
Time: 6:54 P.M.
I'm wearing: Black 1998 Amy Grant tour shirt, black capris and the cast.
I last ate: Shells with marinara at Mario's for dinner.
Song that's in my head: "Where Are You?" by Bosson.
You know what? Surfing Open Diary, I find a lot of people who wish to kill themselves. I must say that, no matter how bad things have gotten in my life, I have never had the desire to commit suicide. Hopefully, these ten reasons that I have to live will inspire others not to intentionally bite the dust either.
10. The chance that you could go to Hell. I'm not sure if it's necessarily true, but The Bible says you'll go to Hell if you kill yourself. And Hell's gotta suck. I mean, it doesn't have a very good rep, does it?
9. Vacations. Plan yourself a really fun vacation. That way, you'll have something to look forward to. "I'd probably better hold off killing myself until I get back from Florida." And when you get back from Florida, odds are, you won't want to kill yourself anymore, 'cause Florida rocks.
8. Parfait. Like the donkey from Shrek says, everybody loves parfait. And what if there's no parfait when you die?
7. Family and friends. I'm tellin' ya, they may get on your nerves sometimes, but they're gonna care if you're not around anymore. Could you really be so selfish as to kill yourself when you know how upset your sweet old grandma would be if you did?
6. Pets, especially dogs. Whether you're lonely or not, they'll stick by your side through thick and thin, so you'll always have a friend in ol' Fluffy.
5. The news. Good Lord, watch the news! Those people *always* have it worse than you do, don't they?
4. That guy/girl you've had a crush on forever. Chances are, they will be yours one day. But not if you're dead!
3. Services like KaZaA and Morpheus. It's so easy to live these days. You don't even have to pay for your music anymore!
2. Church (or some type of religious place). Church *always* cheers me up. The people there are truly happy to see you, and so is God. It'll really cheer you up, believing in something. And my church has a coffee hour, which has unlimited free donuts! Woo hoo!
1. Johnny Bravo. You've gotta live, just to see what hilarious situtation that stupid guy'll get into next.
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: Black 1998 Amy Grant tour shirt, black capris and the cast.
I last ate: Shells with marinara at Mario's for dinner.
Song that's in my head: "Where Are You?" by Bosson.
You know what? Surfing Open Diary, I find a lot of people who wish to kill themselves. I must say that, no matter how bad things have gotten in my life, I have never had the desire to commit suicide. Hopefully, these ten reasons that I have to live will inspire others not to intentionally bite the dust either.
10. The chance that you could go to Hell. I'm not sure if it's necessarily true, but The Bible says you'll go to Hell if you kill yourself. And Hell's gotta suck. I mean, it doesn't have a very good rep, does it?
9. Vacations. Plan yourself a really fun vacation. That way, you'll have something to look forward to. "I'd probably better hold off killing myself until I get back from Florida." And when you get back from Florida, odds are, you won't want to kill yourself anymore, 'cause Florida rocks.
8. Parfait. Like the donkey from Shrek says, everybody loves parfait. And what if there's no parfait when you die?
7. Family and friends. I'm tellin' ya, they may get on your nerves sometimes, but they're gonna care if you're not around anymore. Could you really be so selfish as to kill yourself when you know how upset your sweet old grandma would be if you did?
6. Pets, especially dogs. Whether you're lonely or not, they'll stick by your side through thick and thin, so you'll always have a friend in ol' Fluffy.
5. The news. Good Lord, watch the news! Those people *always* have it worse than you do, don't they?
4. That guy/girl you've had a crush on forever. Chances are, they will be yours one day. But not if you're dead!
3. Services like KaZaA and Morpheus. It's so easy to live these days. You don't even have to pay for your music anymore!
2. Church (or some type of religious place). Church *always* cheers me up. The people there are truly happy to see you, and so is God. It'll really cheer you up, believing in something. And my church has a coffee hour, which has unlimited free donuts! Woo hoo!
1. Johnny Bravo. You've gotta live, just to see what hilarious situtation that stupid guy'll get into next.
--Holly Rachael :-D
Wednesday, April 10, 2002
The Not-So Hilarious Antics of Holly
Time: 3:29 A.M.
I'm wearing: My Beverly Hills Planet Hollywood shirt and jeans, with the cast, of course.
I last ate: Oatmeal. Comfort food.
Song that's in my head: I don't even know.
*Blows nose, wipes tears*. Ugh. I'm so depressed. I feel like I'm watching my life on TV. I mean, things can't possibly be this bad... can they?
*As more tears spill* Yeah. I guess they can be. My best friend wrote a horrible, extremely hurtful diary entry about my brother, her ex-boyfriend.
I can't believe Sarah wrote those things. It doesn't seem like something the person I call my best friend could do. Sarah's not only my best friend... she's the only person (besides my mom) that I felt I could ever trust, and really count on. After reading that entry, though, I don't know if I *can* trust and count on her anymore.
I don't know... I'm too upset to even be writing right now. I'll come back when I'm not so hysterically upset.
--Holly :-*(
I'm wearing: My Beverly Hills Planet Hollywood shirt and jeans, with the cast, of course.
I last ate: Oatmeal. Comfort food.
Song that's in my head: I don't even know.
*Blows nose, wipes tears*. Ugh. I'm so depressed. I feel like I'm watching my life on TV. I mean, things can't possibly be this bad... can they?
*As more tears spill* Yeah. I guess they can be. My best friend wrote a horrible, extremely hurtful diary entry about my brother, her ex-boyfriend.
I can't believe Sarah wrote those things. It doesn't seem like something the person I call my best friend could do. Sarah's not only my best friend... she's the only person (besides my mom) that I felt I could ever trust, and really count on. After reading that entry, though, I don't know if I *can* trust and count on her anymore.
I don't know... I'm too upset to even be writing right now. I'll come back when I'm not so hysterically upset.
--Holly :-*(
Saturday, April 6, 2002
Crush Survey
1. What is your crush's name? Tim.
2. Why do you like him? He's hilarious, and a real class act.
3. What color are his eyes? Blue.
4. What about his hair? Red.
5. Nice butt? Um... I don't think I've ever checked out his butt before. I'm not much of a butt chick.
6. How long have you liked him? For the past 6 years.
7. What do you like best about him: his looks or his personality? Personality.
8. If you had to describe him in one word, what would it be? Closetoperfection. <---Look, I made up a word!
9. Have you ever talked to him? Yup.
10. Have you asked him out? *Looks down*. No.
11. Do you have any classes with him? Nope.
12. Does he play any sports? I know he used to play hockey, but I don't know if he plays any right now.
13. Is he hot? I think he's really cute, but I wouldn't use the word hot.
14. Does he have a gf? I'm not entirely sure. Last I heard, he "almost had a girlfriend."
15. Do you daydream about him a lot? Yeah... pretty dang often. Yes, I know I'm pathetic...
16. Have you ever had a dream about him? Tons.
17. Do you flirt with him? I don't believe I've ever flirted with *anyone*.
18. Does he know you like him? Yeah... I cried when I found out he knew.
19. Have you ever bumped into him in the hall "accidentally"? Yes... it was an... "accident"...
20. What is the stupidest thing you've done in front of him? Well, I don't know how stupid it was, but I was really embarrased by it. I was talking to my cat, Tinsel, and I said, "I love you so much, Tinnsie," and Tim was like, "What? Did you just say, 'I love you so much, Timmy?'"
21. What do you think of his friends? Heh, you mean my brother? I think he's awesome.
22. Does he have one of those smiles that make you melt? Absolutely.
23. Have you ever seen him without his shirt on? *Thinks*... I don't *believe* so.
24. What's his best feature? His nose... it's really cute.
25. Is he more of a jock, prep, punk, goth, etc.? Um... I don't think he's any of those. He's just a hilarious, really nice guy.
26. Is he popular? I think he's fairly popular.
27. Why did you fall for him in the first place? Well, I'd known him my whole life; he's always been my brother's best friend. First day summer vacation '96, I was whining about how sad it was that I wasn't going to see my crush, Kyle, for the whole summer. And Tim was like, "Wow, I've never seen anyone so upset about leaving school for the summer. But c'mon, you'll be fine. You don't need the guy." At that moment, the bat of realization hit me over the head.
28. What is the sexiest thing he's ever done? Heh... how 'bout the radio sketch where he was like, "Come on down to my sushi bar and I'll rock your world... BABY!"
29. Tell the truth.... have you ever imagined him naked? To tell ya the truth, no.
30. Do you talk about him all the time? Yes... every day, even though I haven't seen him since last year.
--Holly Rachael :-D
2. Why do you like him? He's hilarious, and a real class act.
3. What color are his eyes? Blue.
4. What about his hair? Red.
5. Nice butt? Um... I don't think I've ever checked out his butt before. I'm not much of a butt chick.
6. How long have you liked him? For the past 6 years.
7. What do you like best about him: his looks or his personality? Personality.
8. If you had to describe him in one word, what would it be? Closetoperfection. <---Look, I made up a word!
9. Have you ever talked to him? Yup.
10. Have you asked him out? *Looks down*. No.
11. Do you have any classes with him? Nope.
12. Does he play any sports? I know he used to play hockey, but I don't know if he plays any right now.
13. Is he hot? I think he's really cute, but I wouldn't use the word hot.
14. Does he have a gf? I'm not entirely sure. Last I heard, he "almost had a girlfriend."
15. Do you daydream about him a lot? Yeah... pretty dang often. Yes, I know I'm pathetic...
16. Have you ever had a dream about him? Tons.
17. Do you flirt with him? I don't believe I've ever flirted with *anyone*.
18. Does he know you like him? Yeah... I cried when I found out he knew.
19. Have you ever bumped into him in the hall "accidentally"? Yes... it was an... "accident"...
20. What is the stupidest thing you've done in front of him? Well, I don't know how stupid it was, but I was really embarrased by it. I was talking to my cat, Tinsel, and I said, "I love you so much, Tinnsie," and Tim was like, "What? Did you just say, 'I love you so much, Timmy?'"
21. What do you think of his friends? Heh, you mean my brother? I think he's awesome.
22. Does he have one of those smiles that make you melt? Absolutely.
23. Have you ever seen him without his shirt on? *Thinks*... I don't *believe* so.
24. What's his best feature? His nose... it's really cute.
25. Is he more of a jock, prep, punk, goth, etc.? Um... I don't think he's any of those. He's just a hilarious, really nice guy.
26. Is he popular? I think he's fairly popular.
27. Why did you fall for him in the first place? Well, I'd known him my whole life; he's always been my brother's best friend. First day summer vacation '96, I was whining about how sad it was that I wasn't going to see my crush, Kyle, for the whole summer. And Tim was like, "Wow, I've never seen anyone so upset about leaving school for the summer. But c'mon, you'll be fine. You don't need the guy." At that moment, the bat of realization hit me over the head.
28. What is the sexiest thing he's ever done? Heh... how 'bout the radio sketch where he was like, "Come on down to my sushi bar and I'll rock your world... BABY!"
29. Tell the truth.... have you ever imagined him naked? To tell ya the truth, no.
30. Do you talk about him all the time? Yes... every day, even though I haven't seen him since last year.
--Holly Rachael :-D
Friday, April 5, 2002
If I Weren't Me, I'd Be Somebody Else
Or something else, anyway. Check out this survey I stole from someone I forgot the name of!
If I were a ______, I'd be...
crayon color: Razzmatzz or Tickle Me Pink.
animal: An iguana. They just lay around all day, being vegetarians.
object: A doormat, heh.
clothing: This 2XL many-shades-of-pink shirt I have on. 'Cause I'm quite large, and I'm usually embarrased.
accessory: Bangle bracelets. Sometimes, a little on the noisy, annoying side. Other times, on the nifty and fashionable side.
body part: Nose. They don't really do anything except for breath. Just like me...
makeup: Blush. Even though I never wear it, 'cause I don't need it... I'm *always* blushing.
word: Antidisestablishmentism. Hard to figure out, but fun to talk about behind its back.
food: Stuffed pumpkin shells. Quite fat, and hard to pick up, but great... and vegetarian!
drink: Tea or hot chocolate. I can usually calm people down pretty well when they're upset.
scent: Some rip-off brand of perfume, like Wind Song. "Dude, what's that smell?"
feeling: Thrilled. I'm contantly happy about something.
cartoon character: I'd say I'm like Lisa Simpson, but she's a Buddhist now. So... how 'bout Jane Lane from Daria.
book character: Hmm... I think I'd be a combination of Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom, both from Harry Potter. Hermione really stands up for what she believes in, and Neville's always confused, and forgetting something.
element: I'll... have to get back to you.
place: Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Cartoon mania and tonsa rides 'n' food! Woo hoo!
tree: Um. Hmm... maple? I wonder if there's syrup inside of me, though... huh.
bird: Parrot. Repeats everything she hears...
flower: Rose. Handle with care, I've got thorns! Well... actually, just a lot of weird medical problems, but you know.
art tool: A pencil with an eraser. I make a *lotta* mistakes.
song: "Simon" by Lifehouse. No, my name's not Simon, but the words match my life pretty dang well.
musical instrument: Picalo. Not extremely popular, but really fun.
--Holly Rachael :-D
If I were a ______, I'd be...
crayon color: Razzmatzz or Tickle Me Pink.
animal: An iguana. They just lay around all day, being vegetarians.
object: A doormat, heh.
clothing: This 2XL many-shades-of-pink shirt I have on. 'Cause I'm quite large, and I'm usually embarrased.
accessory: Bangle bracelets. Sometimes, a little on the noisy, annoying side. Other times, on the nifty and fashionable side.
body part: Nose. They don't really do anything except for breath. Just like me...
makeup: Blush. Even though I never wear it, 'cause I don't need it... I'm *always* blushing.
word: Antidisestablishmentism. Hard to figure out, but fun to talk about behind its back.
food: Stuffed pumpkin shells. Quite fat, and hard to pick up, but great... and vegetarian!
drink: Tea or hot chocolate. I can usually calm people down pretty well when they're upset.
scent: Some rip-off brand of perfume, like Wind Song. "Dude, what's that smell?"
feeling: Thrilled. I'm contantly happy about something.
cartoon character: I'd say I'm like Lisa Simpson, but she's a Buddhist now. So... how 'bout Jane Lane from Daria.
book character: Hmm... I think I'd be a combination of Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom, both from Harry Potter. Hermione really stands up for what she believes in, and Neville's always confused, and forgetting something.
element: I'll... have to get back to you.
place: Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Cartoon mania and tonsa rides 'n' food! Woo hoo!
tree: Um. Hmm... maple? I wonder if there's syrup inside of me, though... huh.
bird: Parrot. Repeats everything she hears...
flower: Rose. Handle with care, I've got thorns! Well... actually, just a lot of weird medical problems, but you know.
art tool: A pencil with an eraser. I make a *lotta* mistakes.
song: "Simon" by Lifehouse. No, my name's not Simon, but the words match my life pretty dang well.
musical instrument: Picalo. Not extremely popular, but really fun.
--Holly Rachael :-D
Mom's B-Day, G&G's Anniversary & Zach & Samantha
Time: 10:07 P.M.
I'm wearing: My glittery pink-striped shirt with dress pants and the freaking cast.
I last ate: Cake at Grandma and Grandpa's.
Song that's in my head: "I'm Gonna Love You" by Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Welp, today was Mommy's 47th birthday, Grandma and Grandpa Shoup's 50th anniversary and Zach and Samantha's first date. Well, actually, I don't know if you can count it as a date, because they weren't by themselves, they were with us at Grandma's.
I got Mom Amy Grant's new CD and new sunglasses (since I borrowed hers and managed to lose them). I felt like I hadn't gotten her enough, so I burned her a mix CD of her favorite songs, and drew a picture of her for the cover of the CD. Zach got her a new PETA membership, since her subscription ran out like, months ago.
After Mom opened the rest of her presents, and we'd all eaten dinner (subs for everyone but me and Mom... we had veggie burgers from Burger King), we ate the awesome cake my Grandma made, with soy ice cream. Well, everyone except Samantha... that girl would not eat! Then we played Big Boggle, despite the fact that I HATE THAT GAME! I always LOSE, no matter WHAT! *Huffs angrily*.
I really hope it works out with Samantha and Zach, because I think she might be able to straighten him out! Hopefully, after a few dates with her, he won't hate Sarah anymore, and then I won't have to walk on eggshells around him. She's really sweet, and he needs a girl like that in his life. So, good luck to Zach and Samantha!
Anyway, tomorrow, Mom, Zach and I are going out with Grandma and Grandpa for their anniversary. We're going to this incredibly expensive Italian place in Grand Blanc... AND GRANDMA AND GRANDPA ARE PAYING FOR DINNER! I mean, dude, it's their 50th anniversary. We should be buying *them* dinner. But we're all broke, and they insist on paying for everyone, anyway. My grandparents are like, the best people in the world. Alrighty, later!
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: My glittery pink-striped shirt with dress pants and the freaking cast.
I last ate: Cake at Grandma and Grandpa's.
Song that's in my head: "I'm Gonna Love You" by Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Welp, today was Mommy's 47th birthday, Grandma and Grandpa Shoup's 50th anniversary and Zach and Samantha's first date. Well, actually, I don't know if you can count it as a date, because they weren't by themselves, they were with us at Grandma's.
I got Mom Amy Grant's new CD and new sunglasses (since I borrowed hers and managed to lose them). I felt like I hadn't gotten her enough, so I burned her a mix CD of her favorite songs, and drew a picture of her for the cover of the CD. Zach got her a new PETA membership, since her subscription ran out like, months ago.
After Mom opened the rest of her presents, and we'd all eaten dinner (subs for everyone but me and Mom... we had veggie burgers from Burger King), we ate the awesome cake my Grandma made, with soy ice cream. Well, everyone except Samantha... that girl would not eat! Then we played Big Boggle, despite the fact that I HATE THAT GAME! I always LOSE, no matter WHAT! *Huffs angrily*.
I really hope it works out with Samantha and Zach, because I think she might be able to straighten him out! Hopefully, after a few dates with her, he won't hate Sarah anymore, and then I won't have to walk on eggshells around him. She's really sweet, and he needs a girl like that in his life. So, good luck to Zach and Samantha!
Anyway, tomorrow, Mom, Zach and I are going out with Grandma and Grandpa for their anniversary. We're going to this incredibly expensive Italian place in Grand Blanc... AND GRANDMA AND GRANDPA ARE PAYING FOR DINNER! I mean, dude, it's their 50th anniversary. We should be buying *them* dinner. But we're all broke, and they insist on paying for everyone, anyway. My grandparents are like, the best people in the world. Alrighty, later!
--Holly Rachael :-D
Thursday, April 4, 2002
Don't Have a Cow, Man. Go Vegetarian!
So, anyway, I stole this from Collector of Surveys.
1. WHAT'S THE STORY BEHIND YOUR OD USERNAME? My name is Holly. I like hilarious things and some believe me to be hilarious. So, I combined "Holly" with "Hilarious."
1) Stuffed Pumpkin Shells
2) Olive Garden linguini with marinara
3) Breadsticks at Pizza Hut
4) Strawberry Sorbet
5) Candy like Skittles and Starburst.
3. HAVE YOU EVER HAD A MAKEOVER? Yeah. At a slumber party I had in fifth grade, my mom made all of us over. It was fun.
4. HAVE YOU EVER WITNESSED DEATH? No. And I hope I never do!
5. WHAT'S THE LONGEST TIME YOU'VE STAYED OUT OF THE COUNTRY/WHERE? I went to Canada to pick up some hockey players from the train station with my family. I was there for like... half an hour to 45 minutes, heh.
6. ONE THING YOU'RE GRATEFUL FOR, TODAY. Having such good friends, family members, pets, and church members.
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL MEMORY? I had a lot of fun in Mrs. Stone's class with Zach, Sarah and Harley. Oh, and at Mott when Heather and I walked around, talking to random people we didn't know. And at lunch with Randi, Anthonie and Brendon.
8. WHAT IS THE MOST INSANE THING YOU'VE DONE FOR/TO YOUR LOVE? We talkin' boyfriend love? I haven't had one yet.
9. DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM WEDDING. I want to get married in the garden/pool area at the Flamingo Hilton in Las Vegas, NV. I'd invite all my old friends, present friends, and family members. That would *rock*.
10. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE DOING WHEN YOU ARE 60? Hanging out with my husband, children, grandchildren, parents and friends while watching Soap Operas, with a cat in my lap and a dog by my side.
11. WHAT IS YOUR FIRST MEMORY? I remember hitting my head on this little fire truck we had.
12. DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE QUOTE? WHAT IS IT? "If you want to know what a man's like, judge him by the way he treats his inferiors, not his equals."--Sirius Black, Harry Potter's godfather.
13. MY FIRST HEARTBREAK HAPPENED WHEN I WAS... 5. I was totally in love with this kid, Danny Drevon. But he *hated* me. Then, by second grade, he liked me, and I didn't like him anymore. That poop head!
14. THE SCHOOL PICTURE YOU BURIED IN YOUR BOTTOM DRAWER? I have one of Kyle (my 6th grade crush) and I on the playground.
15. DO YOU HAVE ANY WEIRD PREFERENCES? WHAT ARE THEY? Preferences, you say? Preferences in what? How 'bout guys? I like guys who are vegetarian non-smoker, non-drug-doer, non-drinker, non-swearers who love cartoons and are hilarious. Do you think I'll ever find one of those?
16. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Why they act like morons when they're around each other.
18. NAME ONE CHARACTER IN A BOOK YOU'D MOST WANT TO BE. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. She really stands up for what she believes in, and she's the smartest chick at Hogwarts. Plus, if I were her, I could make her hook up with Harry! Woo hoo! (Yes, I know I'm a psycho.)
19. IF YOU WERE FAMOUS, AND WERE TO BE A GUEST ON A TALK SHOW, WHOSE SHOW WOULD YOU CHOOSE? WHY? Oh, geez... either Rosie O'Donnel's, Conan O'Brien's or David Letterman's. I love them all!
21. DO YOU HAVE ANY WEIRD SLEEPING HABITS? I have leg spasms in my sleep, due to my restless leg syndrome, I sometimes sing in my sleep, and I always manage to kick all of the covers and stuffed animals off of the bed by morning.
22. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FLAW? I'm too fat. But I'm working on it.
23. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SONG RIGHT NOW? "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore and "Everything" by Lifehouse.
Humor: Dirty Work, Nothing to Lose, UHF and Office Space.
Romance: Moulin Rouge, Kate & Leopold and Xanadu.
Drama: Save the Last Dance, Pay It Forward, Family Man.
Action: Frequency, Chase and Speed.
Horror: Um... does Final Destination count?
25. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DISNEY SONG? I really like "I Won't Say It" by Meg in Hercules. But I'm also into "Part of Your World" by Ariel in The Little Mermaid. I actually could go on forever like this.
26. DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM HOUSE. I'd like to have a house that's a lot like my dad's house here. One-story, but big... but I'd like to have a horse ranch, too. Ooh, and a hot tub!
27. YOUR TYPICAL SLEEPWEAR: A nightgown, pajamas, or the clothes I wore that day. Depends on how lazy I feel.
28. WHAT'S IN YOUR CLOSET? Clothes, millions of purses, shoes, and lots of blankets.
29. WHAT IS THE MOST INTERESTING THING YOU'VE EVER WORN IN PUBLIC? Probably something I wore on Kooky Clothes Day at Carman-Ainsworth.
31. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PAIR OF SHOES? My brown velour four-inch sandals.
32. WHAT ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF IN YOUR LIFE? Heh, probably that I survived the Power Tower at Cedar Point twice.
33. HOW WAS YOUR SENIOR PROM? Um... I... didn't get to go, 'cause I kinda had too many health problems to stay in school. This year would be my senior year... I'd do like, *anything*, to get to a prom, though! I've been planning mine since I was three.
34. TELL US ABOUT ANY OF YOUR BIRTHDAYS. On my 11th (I think) birthday, I had a One Life to Live party theme. My house was all decked out in pictures of my favorite soap stars.
35. WHAT DO YOU MOST ENJOY ABOUT LOOKING AT OTHER PEOPLE? It depends on who the person is that I'm looking at.
1) A trip to Vegas for all my family and friends.
2) More pets!
3) Huge donations to the Humane Society and PETA!
4) Sponsor a Child.
5) Lifehouse, Amy Grant and "Weird Al" concert tickets.
37. WHAT IS YOUR DAILY BEFORE-GOING-TO-BED RITUAL? Take shower, brush teeth, put on PJs, go to bed.
38. WHAT IS THE WEIRDEST/FUNNIEST NICKNAME ANYONE HAS EVER CALLED YOU? When the term "Dawg" came out, Tim called all of his guys friends that. But I'm a girl, so he called me "Cat." I loved that.
1) Trent Lane (Daria)
2) Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)
3) Jon Arbuckle (Garfield)
1. WHAT'S THE STORY BEHIND YOUR OD USERNAME? My name is Holly. I like hilarious things and some believe me to be hilarious. So, I combined "Holly" with "Hilarious."
1) Stuffed Pumpkin Shells
2) Olive Garden linguini with marinara
3) Breadsticks at Pizza Hut
4) Strawberry Sorbet
5) Candy like Skittles and Starburst.
3. HAVE YOU EVER HAD A MAKEOVER? Yeah. At a slumber party I had in fifth grade, my mom made all of us over. It was fun.
4. HAVE YOU EVER WITNESSED DEATH? No. And I hope I never do!
5. WHAT'S THE LONGEST TIME YOU'VE STAYED OUT OF THE COUNTRY/WHERE? I went to Canada to pick up some hockey players from the train station with my family. I was there for like... half an hour to 45 minutes, heh.
6. ONE THING YOU'RE GRATEFUL FOR, TODAY. Having such good friends, family members, pets, and church members.
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL MEMORY? I had a lot of fun in Mrs. Stone's class with Zach, Sarah and Harley. Oh, and at Mott when Heather and I walked around, talking to random people we didn't know. And at lunch with Randi, Anthonie and Brendon.
8. WHAT IS THE MOST INSANE THING YOU'VE DONE FOR/TO YOUR LOVE? We talkin' boyfriend love? I haven't had one yet.
9. DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM WEDDING. I want to get married in the garden/pool area at the Flamingo Hilton in Las Vegas, NV. I'd invite all my old friends, present friends, and family members. That would *rock*.
10. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE DOING WHEN YOU ARE 60? Hanging out with my husband, children, grandchildren, parents and friends while watching Soap Operas, with a cat in my lap and a dog by my side.
11. WHAT IS YOUR FIRST MEMORY? I remember hitting my head on this little fire truck we had.
12. DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE QUOTE? WHAT IS IT? "If you want to know what a man's like, judge him by the way he treats his inferiors, not his equals."--Sirius Black, Harry Potter's godfather.
13. MY FIRST HEARTBREAK HAPPENED WHEN I WAS... 5. I was totally in love with this kid, Danny Drevon. But he *hated* me. Then, by second grade, he liked me, and I didn't like him anymore. That poop head!
14. THE SCHOOL PICTURE YOU BURIED IN YOUR BOTTOM DRAWER? I have one of Kyle (my 6th grade crush) and I on the playground.
15. DO YOU HAVE ANY WEIRD PREFERENCES? WHAT ARE THEY? Preferences, you say? Preferences in what? How 'bout guys? I like guys who are vegetarian non-smoker, non-drug-doer, non-drinker, non-swearers who love cartoons and are hilarious. Do you think I'll ever find one of those?
16. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Why they act like morons when they're around each other.
18. NAME ONE CHARACTER IN A BOOK YOU'D MOST WANT TO BE. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. She really stands up for what she believes in, and she's the smartest chick at Hogwarts. Plus, if I were her, I could make her hook up with Harry! Woo hoo! (Yes, I know I'm a psycho.)
19. IF YOU WERE FAMOUS, AND WERE TO BE A GUEST ON A TALK SHOW, WHOSE SHOW WOULD YOU CHOOSE? WHY? Oh, geez... either Rosie O'Donnel's, Conan O'Brien's or David Letterman's. I love them all!
21. DO YOU HAVE ANY WEIRD SLEEPING HABITS? I have leg spasms in my sleep, due to my restless leg syndrome, I sometimes sing in my sleep, and I always manage to kick all of the covers and stuffed animals off of the bed by morning.
22. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FLAW? I'm too fat. But I'm working on it.
23. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SONG RIGHT NOW? "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore and "Everything" by Lifehouse.
Humor: Dirty Work, Nothing to Lose, UHF and Office Space.
Romance: Moulin Rouge, Kate & Leopold and Xanadu.
Drama: Save the Last Dance, Pay It Forward, Family Man.
Action: Frequency, Chase and Speed.
Horror: Um... does Final Destination count?
25. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DISNEY SONG? I really like "I Won't Say It" by Meg in Hercules. But I'm also into "Part of Your World" by Ariel in The Little Mermaid. I actually could go on forever like this.
26. DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM HOUSE. I'd like to have a house that's a lot like my dad's house here. One-story, but big... but I'd like to have a horse ranch, too. Ooh, and a hot tub!
27. YOUR TYPICAL SLEEPWEAR: A nightgown, pajamas, or the clothes I wore that day. Depends on how lazy I feel.
28. WHAT'S IN YOUR CLOSET? Clothes, millions of purses, shoes, and lots of blankets.
29. WHAT IS THE MOST INTERESTING THING YOU'VE EVER WORN IN PUBLIC? Probably something I wore on Kooky Clothes Day at Carman-Ainsworth.
31. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PAIR OF SHOES? My brown velour four-inch sandals.
32. WHAT ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF IN YOUR LIFE? Heh, probably that I survived the Power Tower at Cedar Point twice.
33. HOW WAS YOUR SENIOR PROM? Um... I... didn't get to go, 'cause I kinda had too many health problems to stay in school. This year would be my senior year... I'd do like, *anything*, to get to a prom, though! I've been planning mine since I was three.
34. TELL US ABOUT ANY OF YOUR BIRTHDAYS. On my 11th (I think) birthday, I had a One Life to Live party theme. My house was all decked out in pictures of my favorite soap stars.
35. WHAT DO YOU MOST ENJOY ABOUT LOOKING AT OTHER PEOPLE? It depends on who the person is that I'm looking at.
1) A trip to Vegas for all my family and friends.
2) More pets!
3) Huge donations to the Humane Society and PETA!
4) Sponsor a Child.
5) Lifehouse, Amy Grant and "Weird Al" concert tickets.
37. WHAT IS YOUR DAILY BEFORE-GOING-TO-BED RITUAL? Take shower, brush teeth, put on PJs, go to bed.
38. WHAT IS THE WEIRDEST/FUNNIEST NICKNAME ANYONE HAS EVER CALLED YOU? When the term "Dawg" came out, Tim called all of his guys friends that. But I'm a girl, so he called me "Cat." I loved that.
1) Trent Lane (Daria)
2) Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)
3) Jon Arbuckle (Garfield)
The Glass House and Frequency
Time: 12:27 A.M.
I'm wearing: My puppy-print night shirt and the cast.
I last ate: Leftover pizza from Fazoli's.
Song that's in my head: "Pictures to Prove It" by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
My dad and I were talking about renting a movie tonight. Well, I knew On the Line was out on video, and even though Mom, Sarah and I had already seen it in the theater, I *really* wanted to watch it again, with my dad, so I told him I wanted to rent *that*. But Dad wanted The Glass House. He said he'd try to get both movies. I rode along to the video store, but I didn't go in, 'cause I'd be in people's way with my crutches. So, I waited in the car until Dad got back with the videos.
Dad handed me the videos, and I glanced at both of them. They read "The Glass House" and "Frequency". I was like, "They didn't have On the Line?" and Dad was like, "Yeah, they had it." I was like, "Then why didn't you get it?!" and he was like, "You've seen it!" Oooooh! I was so mad, 'cause he got Frequency instead. Maybe I'm psycho, but that got me really upset.
Anyway, we watched The Glass House first. Although it was creepy, it was really good. Then we watched Frequency. I'd never heard of it, but I'm *so* glad I watched it! It was *awesome*! This guy's dad was a fireman, and he died in a fire when the guy was just a little kid. Then he got out this old radio thing, and he could talk to his dad on it! He saved his dad's life by using it. It was *really* cool!
Dude, Samantha's got these online quizzes on her site. One of them is called "Which one of my guy friends are you most compatible with?" or something like that. I took the quiz, and it turned out that I matched perfect with MY BEST FRIEND'S *BOYFRIEND*, Justin! Heheheheh. I can't wait to tell Sarah that. That's just too ridiculously hilarious.
Okay, later.
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: My puppy-print night shirt and the cast.
I last ate: Leftover pizza from Fazoli's.
Song that's in my head: "Pictures to Prove It" by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
My dad and I were talking about renting a movie tonight. Well, I knew On the Line was out on video, and even though Mom, Sarah and I had already seen it in the theater, I *really* wanted to watch it again, with my dad, so I told him I wanted to rent *that*. But Dad wanted The Glass House. He said he'd try to get both movies. I rode along to the video store, but I didn't go in, 'cause I'd be in people's way with my crutches. So, I waited in the car until Dad got back with the videos.
Dad handed me the videos, and I glanced at both of them. They read "The Glass House" and "Frequency". I was like, "They didn't have On the Line?" and Dad was like, "Yeah, they had it." I was like, "Then why didn't you get it?!" and he was like, "You've seen it!" Oooooh! I was so mad, 'cause he got Frequency instead. Maybe I'm psycho, but that got me really upset.
Anyway, we watched The Glass House first. Although it was creepy, it was really good. Then we watched Frequency. I'd never heard of it, but I'm *so* glad I watched it! It was *awesome*! This guy's dad was a fireman, and he died in a fire when the guy was just a little kid. Then he got out this old radio thing, and he could talk to his dad on it! He saved his dad's life by using it. It was *really* cool!
Dude, Samantha's got these online quizzes on her site. One of them is called "Which one of my guy friends are you most compatible with?" or something like that. I took the quiz, and it turned out that I matched perfect with MY BEST FRIEND'S *BOYFRIEND*, Justin! Heheheheh. I can't wait to tell Sarah that. That's just too ridiculously hilarious.
Okay, later.
--Holly Rachael :-D
Wednesday, April 3, 2002
Ah, the Joy of Online Quizzes
Time: 3:59 P.M.
I'm wearing: My "United We Stand" shirt with the glittery flag on it, jean capris and the freaking cast.
I last ate: Corn flakes with soy milk and bananas for breakfast.
Song that's in my head: "How Do I Deal?" by Jennifer Love Hewitt.
So, I went to my therapist appointment last night, and I told her I've been having trouble sleeping because of... well, troubles and worries I'd rather not mention. Turns out, I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, to add to all my wondermous problems. Woo hoo.
Zach's going out on a *date* Friday night! He's going out with mine and Sarah's friend, Samantha! Nift-ay, eh? Do you think it's bad that my brother is dating one of my friends again? Heh. Nah, I'm pretty confident that it'll work out great. Anyway, my mom called last night and told me that Friday night we were all going out to eat for her birthday and my grandparents' anniversary! Uh-oh. So, Mom suggested that Zach bring Samantha along with us. But that's supposed to be their date time... I don't know. We'll figure somethin' out.
Look! I put a new online quiz result on my diary! Huzzah!
Alrighty, I'm gonna, go write commentary on my favorite Daria fan fictions. Later!
--Holly Rachael :-D
I'm wearing: My "United We Stand" shirt with the glittery flag on it, jean capris and the freaking cast.
I last ate: Corn flakes with soy milk and bananas for breakfast.
Song that's in my head: "How Do I Deal?" by Jennifer Love Hewitt.
So, I went to my therapist appointment last night, and I told her I've been having trouble sleeping because of... well, troubles and worries I'd rather not mention. Turns out, I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, to add to all my wondermous problems. Woo hoo.
Zach's going out on a *date* Friday night! He's going out with mine and Sarah's friend, Samantha! Nift-ay, eh? Do you think it's bad that my brother is dating one of my friends again? Heh. Nah, I'm pretty confident that it'll work out great. Anyway, my mom called last night and told me that Friday night we were all going out to eat for her birthday and my grandparents' anniversary! Uh-oh. So, Mom suggested that Zach bring Samantha along with us. But that's supposed to be their date time... I don't know. We'll figure somethin' out.
Look! I put a new online quiz result on my diary! Huzzah!
Alrighty, I'm gonna, go write commentary on my favorite Daria fan fictions. Later!
--Holly Rachael :-D
Tuesday, April 2, 2002
What does your name mean? "A plant." Woo hoo.
How old are you? 18.
How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?)? ...16.
Describe yourself in 5 words. Oblivious, optimistic, obsessive, opinionated and overweight. Oh, wait... sorry, I did all "O"s. I think I'm playing Scattergories here.
What are your worst qualities? I eat too often and I cry too often.
What are your best qualities? I'm a really forgiving person, I've got a good sense of humor, and I'm a vegetarian.
How long does it take you get get ready in the morning? Like, 15-20 minutes.
Do you dream at night? *Every* night, lately.
Do you remember your dreams? All of 'em.
Describe one. I went to my step-sister, Carrie's prom with her and her friends. I had what I thought was a really pretty teal dress on when this guy called my name, along with some others, over the loud-speaker. We all went to this room where there were camera men all around. All the other girls had *really* ugly dresses on, and we were informed, after the photo shoot, that we all had won the prize for Ugliest Dresses At Prom. That sucked.
What time do you go to bed usually? Like, 4 A.M.
What time do you wake up normally? About 12:30 to 2 P.M.
What time do you wake on weekends? About 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, 'cause my dad makes me get up. On Sunday, I get up at about 8:30 A.M. so I can get ready for church.
Do you find waking late nice or annoying? Nice... unless I miss Port Charles.
Do you sleep with one pillow or two? Two.
Do you like school? No.
Why/why not? All the kids were jerks, and they would never shut up, so I could never get any work done.
Whats ur fave subject? English, theater, screen-writing and writing lab.
Most hated subject? Math and gym.
Do you have a fave teacher? My favorite teacher of all time was Mrs. Martz, my 7th grade English teacher.
Ever had a crush on a teacher? Well, there was that tutor dude at Sylvan...
Are you a maths/science person or an english/drama person? English/drama.
Do you like your parents? Yup. My mom's my best friend (besides Sarah, of course) and my dad's generally pretty cool.
Ever run away from home? No. I'm far too lazy for that. Plus, I'm content here.
Ever thought about it? Nope.
Do you have any siblings? Yeah. I have a brother named Zach, and two step siblings named Billy and Carrie.
If so, do you like or get annoyed with them? Both.
How old are they? Zach: 20, Carrie: 17, Billy: 19.
Do you feel your parents spoil you? They sure do!
Do you get along with any of your family? Yeah.
Do you have big family get togethers ever? Yup.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No, I do not.
Do you have a crush? I do indeed.
If so, are you in love? Nah. He's just hilarious.
Do they know you like them? Yeah (Sarcastically: Thanks for telling, Sarah).
Is it serious or playful? Half serious?
How long have you liked them? Since the summer between 6th and 7th grade. So... six years.
Ever done something stupid to impress them? Yeah. I won't mention what that is...
Have you ever experienced unrequited love? I... don't believe so.
Do u find it romantic or hurtful? Probably hurtful.
Even know what it is? *Mumbles* Um... no, not really.
Ever had sex? Nope.
Believe that a person shouldnt have sex before marriage? Yup, that's my belief.
Believe in casual sex? No. I believe in Casual Fridays.
When do you plan/when did you lose your virginity? After I'm married.
Did you regret it? Did I regret what?
Do you have a religion? Indeed I do.
Do you practice it i.e go to church? Yep.
Do you believe in God? Sure do.
Jesus? Yesiree.
Satan? AAAAAAH! Oh, uh... yeah.
Heaven? Yep.
Hell? AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Crap, I've gotta stop being so jumpy. Anyway, yeah.
If you died tomorrow what do you beleive will happen to you? I'd go to a place filled with donuts and Olive Garde-type angel hair.
Does death scare you? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Sorry. Yes.
Have you ever been drunk? Nope.
taken drugs? No.
stolen? Nope.
shoplifted? No.
tried to commit suicide? Nuh-uh.
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? Nope.
gotten into a fight? No.
are you more innocent or guilty? Innocent.
Would you date a drug addict? No.
have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict? Nope.
Are you racist? No.
Are you discriminatory to anyone? Nope. Except for ducks who wear pants.
Have you been a hypocrite in the past? Ineed.
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings? Open.
Whats your fave style of music? Pop.
Do you play an instrument? Nope.
Do you sing? Yes, but not very well.
Whats your fave band? Lifehouse.
Why? Because Jason Wade has the coolest voice of all time. And the songs are catchy, meaningful and uplifting.
Have you met them before? No.
Name 3 cds that youve bought in that last year. Nickelback, Rachael Lampa and the Walk to Remember soundtrack.
Why did you buy them? Because I couldn't download all the songs on the CDs.
Whats your fave sport? Figure skating.
Whats your fave sport to watch? Quidditch.
Do you have a fave team of any sort? No.
Do you play a lot of sports? No, I do not.
ever won anything for sport? You've gotta be kidding.
Are you funny or serious? Both.
Creative or not? Creative.
Logical thinker or lateral thinker? Lateral.
Are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing.
Are you lazy or active? Lazy.
Have you ever been hyperactive? Heck no.
Are you a naturally hyperactive person? Nope.
Are you happy with the way you look? Well, I have quite a few pounds to take off, but other than that, I'm good.
What would you change? The weight problem.
Do you wear makeup regularly? Yep.
Do you have a large wardrobe? No, but I have an extensive collection of funny T-shirts.
Do you have a job? No.
Do you like it? ...Yes.
Are you a saver or a spender? Spender.
Do you work hard or slack off? Slack off.
Have you ever been fired? Nope.
In trouble at work? Nuh-uh.
Made a major mistake? Oh yeah.
Ever had money stolen from you? Nope.
Are you always broke? Usually.
Your all time most embarassing moment? Yeah. I went on vacation to Vegas with my dad and Zach. I got my period the first day there, so we went to a store and got some pads. But the grocery store was out of bags! So I had
How old are you? 18.
How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?)? ...16.
Describe yourself in 5 words. Oblivious, optimistic, obsessive, opinionated and overweight. Oh, wait... sorry, I did all "O"s. I think I'm playing Scattergories here.
What are your worst qualities? I eat too often and I cry too often.
What are your best qualities? I'm a really forgiving person, I've got a good sense of humor, and I'm a vegetarian.
How long does it take you get get ready in the morning? Like, 15-20 minutes.
Do you dream at night? *Every* night, lately.
Do you remember your dreams? All of 'em.
Describe one. I went to my step-sister, Carrie's prom with her and her friends. I had what I thought was a really pretty teal dress on when this guy called my name, along with some others, over the loud-speaker. We all went to this room where there were camera men all around. All the other girls had *really* ugly dresses on, and we were informed, after the photo shoot, that we all had won the prize for Ugliest Dresses At Prom. That sucked.
What time do you go to bed usually? Like, 4 A.M.
What time do you wake up normally? About 12:30 to 2 P.M.
What time do you wake on weekends? About 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, 'cause my dad makes me get up. On Sunday, I get up at about 8:30 A.M. so I can get ready for church.
Do you find waking late nice or annoying? Nice... unless I miss Port Charles.
Do you sleep with one pillow or two? Two.
Do you like school? No.
Why/why not? All the kids were jerks, and they would never shut up, so I could never get any work done.
Whats ur fave subject? English, theater, screen-writing and writing lab.
Most hated subject? Math and gym.
Do you have a fave teacher? My favorite teacher of all time was Mrs. Martz, my 7th grade English teacher.
Ever had a crush on a teacher? Well, there was that tutor dude at Sylvan...
Are you a maths/science person or an english/drama person? English/drama.
Do you like your parents? Yup. My mom's my best friend (besides Sarah, of course) and my dad's generally pretty cool.
Ever run away from home? No. I'm far too lazy for that. Plus, I'm content here.
Ever thought about it? Nope.
Do you have any siblings? Yeah. I have a brother named Zach, and two step siblings named Billy and Carrie.
If so, do you like or get annoyed with them? Both.
How old are they? Zach: 20, Carrie: 17, Billy: 19.
Do you feel your parents spoil you? They sure do!
Do you get along with any of your family? Yeah.
Do you have big family get togethers ever? Yup.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No, I do not.
Do you have a crush? I do indeed.
If so, are you in love? Nah. He's just hilarious.
Do they know you like them? Yeah (Sarcastically: Thanks for telling, Sarah).
Is it serious or playful? Half serious?
How long have you liked them? Since the summer between 6th and 7th grade. So... six years.
Ever done something stupid to impress them? Yeah. I won't mention what that is...
Have you ever experienced unrequited love? I... don't believe so.
Do u find it romantic or hurtful? Probably hurtful.
Even know what it is? *Mumbles* Um... no, not really.
Ever had sex? Nope.
Believe that a person shouldnt have sex before marriage? Yup, that's my belief.
Believe in casual sex? No. I believe in Casual Fridays.
When do you plan/when did you lose your virginity? After I'm married.
Did you regret it? Did I regret what?
Do you have a religion? Indeed I do.
Do you practice it i.e go to church? Yep.
Do you believe in God? Sure do.
Jesus? Yesiree.
Satan? AAAAAAH! Oh, uh... yeah.
Heaven? Yep.
Hell? AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Crap, I've gotta stop being so jumpy. Anyway, yeah.
If you died tomorrow what do you beleive will happen to you? I'd go to a place filled with donuts and Olive Garde-type angel hair.
Does death scare you? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Sorry. Yes.
Have you ever been drunk? Nope.
taken drugs? No.
stolen? Nope.
shoplifted? No.
tried to commit suicide? Nuh-uh.
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? Nope.
gotten into a fight? No.
are you more innocent or guilty? Innocent.
Would you date a drug addict? No.
have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict? Nope.
Are you racist? No.
Are you discriminatory to anyone? Nope. Except for ducks who wear pants.
Have you been a hypocrite in the past? Ineed.
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings? Open.
Whats your fave style of music? Pop.
Do you play an instrument? Nope.
Do you sing? Yes, but not very well.
Whats your fave band? Lifehouse.
Why? Because Jason Wade has the coolest voice of all time. And the songs are catchy, meaningful and uplifting.
Have you met them before? No.
Name 3 cds that youve bought in that last year. Nickelback, Rachael Lampa and the Walk to Remember soundtrack.
Why did you buy them? Because I couldn't download all the songs on the CDs.
Whats your fave sport? Figure skating.
Whats your fave sport to watch? Quidditch.
Do you have a fave team of any sort? No.
Do you play a lot of sports? No, I do not.
ever won anything for sport? You've gotta be kidding.
Are you funny or serious? Both.
Creative or not? Creative.
Logical thinker or lateral thinker? Lateral.
Are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing.
Are you lazy or active? Lazy.
Have you ever been hyperactive? Heck no.
Are you a naturally hyperactive person? Nope.
Are you happy with the way you look? Well, I have quite a few pounds to take off, but other than that, I'm good.
What would you change? The weight problem.
Do you wear makeup regularly? Yep.
Do you have a large wardrobe? No, but I have an extensive collection of funny T-shirts.
Do you have a job? No.
Do you like it? ...Yes.
Are you a saver or a spender? Spender.
Do you work hard or slack off? Slack off.
Have you ever been fired? Nope.
In trouble at work? Nuh-uh.
Made a major mistake? Oh yeah.
Ever had money stolen from you? Nope.
Are you always broke? Usually.
Your all time most embarassing moment? Yeah. I went on vacation to Vegas with my dad and Zach. I got my period the first day there, so we went to a store and got some pads. But the grocery store was out of bags! So I had
Orthopedic Doctors Are Hot
Time: 3:14 P.M.
I'm wearing: My blue Luxor, Las Vegas shirt, black capris, and still this stupid cast.
I last ate: Cheeseless pizza, breadsticks and salad at Pizza Hut for lunch.
Song that's in my head: "Alive" by P.O.D.
I just got back from the orthopedic doctors office, so they could check on my broken ankle, and see if I'd abused it in any way. The nurse smelled like peaches, and the assistant orthopedic doctor was pretty dang hot. So was the actual orthopedic doctor. I've gotta break my ankle more often, rrrrrrrrowwwwrrrrr...
Dude, Once & Again was so good last night! Grace and her teacher were all into each other. That was fun while it lasted, but those lousy people who are in charge of the school broke them up. I cried for like, 20 minutes. I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY'RE CANCELING ONCE & AGAIN! THAT'S ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS ON! THOSE FREAKING TV PEOPLE! AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!
I've gotta go, see my therapist at 5:30. She's not hot like my orthopedic doctor, but at least she'll fix my brain. A little. Hopefully.
Whoa, did you see The Bachelor last night? That show is awesome, but I was telling my grandma that I'd like it better if the show were fiction. So Grandma said, "Well, Holly, you're a writer. Write a fiction version." So now I'm writing the Harry Potter version of The Bachelor. It's really fun to write. Hey, quit laughing at me!
My dad just got a new car. His friend told him he wasn't going to pick any chicks up in his blue 1998 Buick LeSabre, so he got a silver 2002 LS Impala. Dad gave Zach the LeSabre, and now I get Zach's piece of junk blue '89 Cutless Supreme. Oh well. At least it's a car.
Well, I think I'm going to go, play the Sims or something. Later!
--Holly Rachael :-D

Find out which LifeSaver you are.
"Now, what would a creeply old one-legged sea captain do?"--Johnny Bravo
I'm wearing: My blue Luxor, Las Vegas shirt, black capris, and still this stupid cast.
I last ate: Cheeseless pizza, breadsticks and salad at Pizza Hut for lunch.
Song that's in my head: "Alive" by P.O.D.
I just got back from the orthopedic doctors office, so they could check on my broken ankle, and see if I'd abused it in any way. The nurse smelled like peaches, and the assistant orthopedic doctor was pretty dang hot. So was the actual orthopedic doctor. I've gotta break my ankle more often, rrrrrrrrowwwwrrrrr...
Dude, Once & Again was so good last night! Grace and her teacher were all into each other. That was fun while it lasted, but those lousy people who are in charge of the school broke them up. I cried for like, 20 minutes. I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY'RE CANCELING ONCE & AGAIN! THAT'S ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS ON! THOSE FREAKING TV PEOPLE! AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!
I've gotta go, see my therapist at 5:30. She's not hot like my orthopedic doctor, but at least she'll fix my brain. A little. Hopefully.
Whoa, did you see The Bachelor last night? That show is awesome, but I was telling my grandma that I'd like it better if the show were fiction. So Grandma said, "Well, Holly, you're a writer. Write a fiction version." So now I'm writing the Harry Potter version of The Bachelor. It's really fun to write. Hey, quit laughing at me!
My dad just got a new car. His friend told him he wasn't going to pick any chicks up in his blue 1998 Buick LeSabre, so he got a silver 2002 LS Impala. Dad gave Zach the LeSabre, and now I get Zach's piece of junk blue '89 Cutless Supreme. Oh well. At least it's a car.
Well, I think I'm going to go, play the Sims or something. Later!
--Holly Rachael :-D
Find out which LifeSaver you are.
"Now, what would a creeply old one-legged sea captain do?"--Johnny Bravo
Monday, April 1, 2002
My Dog Can Talk. Can YOURS?
Time: 3:42 P.M.
I'm wearing: Mismatched pajamas. I need to get dressed.
I last ate: Instant maple oatmeal and toast.
Song that's in my head: "Blessed" by Mandy Moore.
It's true, my dog can say "I love you." She sounds like Scooby Doo. Anyway, I stole this survey from one of Moobabe's old entries.
1. Would you rather freeze or burn?: I'd rather have freezer burn.
2. You've just finished your ice pop and you're throwing the wrapper in the bin when you find a picture of you cut up into pieces. What do you do?: Think, "Thank God, I hated that picture."
[hey, wheres number three??] Moron.
4. You go back in time to any year that you haven't lived before. What year?: 1973, so I could hang out with my mom at high school. That'd be creepy and cool at the same time.
5. You've just died, and you're given the choice of reincarnation, being a spirit or going to heaven/hell, wherever you belong. You don't find out whether you're going to heaven/hell until you've picked, and you get to choose what you're reincarnated into. What would you choose?: I'd come back as a butterfly. 'Cause nobody ever suspects the BUTTERFLY! Muahahahaha!
6. You're stuck on a desert island. You take three things with you. What are they? They can't be anything used to escape the island, you're trapped there FOREVER: Wow, that sucks. I guess I'll take my house, the Olive Garden and the Harry Potter books.
7. Would you rather be stuck in a dull job but getting loads and loads of money or in a super duper dream job but getting hardly any money?: A super duper dream job where I don't make hardly any money. But it does seem like any super duper dream job would dish out the cash.
8. If you found out the world was gonna end in seven days what would you do?: I'd probably spend a couple of days running around, screaming "AAAAAAAH! THE WORLD'S GONNA END!" But then I'd get tired and hang out with my family and friends in Vegas. Then, for the last few days, I'd try to find a way to keep the world from ending.
9. You find out there is life on Mars. Do you go?: Nah, I'm set, thanks.
10. You're one of those super duper scientists and you find signals from some ickle aliens. They say, come to Neptune. If it's not that cold, would you go there?: No. Ickle aliens creep me out.
11. A little green monster thing asks you for a hug, would you hug it?: Only after it put a garbage bag on.
12. You're in prison. Would you think about trying to escape and running away?: Yeah, but then I'd get tired and take a nap. Thinking about running tires me out.
13. Your life sucks. Would you consider running away and joining the circus?: Nah, I'm good, thanks.
14. There's a pencil floating in the air. What's the first thing you think of?: "Holy crap! Better get off those sleeping pills."
15. They've decided to cancel all TV programmes apart from one, and they ask you which one they should keep. What do you choose?: Port Charles, since my Daria is already gone... *sob*.
16. They've decided to take away all food apart from one meal and you get to decide, which meal would you pick? Stuffed pumpkin shells. Then I'd cry.
17. You have to meet one TV star. Who do you choose? Jonathan Jackson, the dude who used to play Lucky on General Hospital. He will be mine... oh yes. He will be mine.
18. What is the most frequent dream you've had, or a subject of a dream, like being chased or something?: Zach and I are always in a time machine for some ridiculous reason. And I'm at prom quite often, too.
19. If your family were really poor and you had no food or money, would you consider prostitution?: Heavens, no! I'd never stoop so low! I'd just apply at Hooters.
Hey, look! I'm a "So Lazy" slacker.

Take the What Kind of Slacker are you? Quiz
I'm wearing: Mismatched pajamas. I need to get dressed.
I last ate: Instant maple oatmeal and toast.
Song that's in my head: "Blessed" by Mandy Moore.
It's true, my dog can say "I love you." She sounds like Scooby Doo. Anyway, I stole this survey from one of Moobabe's old entries.
1. Would you rather freeze or burn?: I'd rather have freezer burn.
2. You've just finished your ice pop and you're throwing the wrapper in the bin when you find a picture of you cut up into pieces. What do you do?: Think, "Thank God, I hated that picture."
[hey, wheres number three??] Moron.
4. You go back in time to any year that you haven't lived before. What year?: 1973, so I could hang out with my mom at high school. That'd be creepy and cool at the same time.
5. You've just died, and you're given the choice of reincarnation, being a spirit or going to heaven/hell, wherever you belong. You don't find out whether you're going to heaven/hell until you've picked, and you get to choose what you're reincarnated into. What would you choose?: I'd come back as a butterfly. 'Cause nobody ever suspects the BUTTERFLY! Muahahahaha!
6. You're stuck on a desert island. You take three things with you. What are they? They can't be anything used to escape the island, you're trapped there FOREVER: Wow, that sucks. I guess I'll take my house, the Olive Garden and the Harry Potter books.
7. Would you rather be stuck in a dull job but getting loads and loads of money or in a super duper dream job but getting hardly any money?: A super duper dream job where I don't make hardly any money. But it does seem like any super duper dream job would dish out the cash.
8. If you found out the world was gonna end in seven days what would you do?: I'd probably spend a couple of days running around, screaming "AAAAAAAH! THE WORLD'S GONNA END!" But then I'd get tired and hang out with my family and friends in Vegas. Then, for the last few days, I'd try to find a way to keep the world from ending.
9. You find out there is life on Mars. Do you go?: Nah, I'm set, thanks.
10. You're one of those super duper scientists and you find signals from some ickle aliens. They say, come to Neptune. If it's not that cold, would you go there?: No. Ickle aliens creep me out.
11. A little green monster thing asks you for a hug, would you hug it?: Only after it put a garbage bag on.
12. You're in prison. Would you think about trying to escape and running away?: Yeah, but then I'd get tired and take a nap. Thinking about running tires me out.
13. Your life sucks. Would you consider running away and joining the circus?: Nah, I'm good, thanks.
14. There's a pencil floating in the air. What's the first thing you think of?: "Holy crap! Better get off those sleeping pills."
15. They've decided to cancel all TV programmes apart from one, and they ask you which one they should keep. What do you choose?: Port Charles, since my Daria is already gone... *sob*.
16. They've decided to take away all food apart from one meal and you get to decide, which meal would you pick? Stuffed pumpkin shells. Then I'd cry.
17. You have to meet one TV star. Who do you choose? Jonathan Jackson, the dude who used to play Lucky on General Hospital. He will be mine... oh yes. He will be mine.
18. What is the most frequent dream you've had, or a subject of a dream, like being chased or something?: Zach and I are always in a time machine for some ridiculous reason. And I'm at prom quite often, too.
19. If your family were really poor and you had no food or money, would you consider prostitution?: Heavens, no! I'd never stoop so low! I'd just apply at Hooters.
Hey, look! I'm a "So Lazy" slacker.
Take the What Kind of Slacker are you? Quiz
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