I know I've written in here before about my School Days book that consists of surveys that I filled out from age 4-18, but I thought I'd share more of the contents of that book with you neat-o FOD kids!
Pre-School Days
What I like least about going to school is: Leaving my mom and toys behind & getting up.
What I like most about going to school is: Seeing my teacher & friends.
When I grow up, I would like to be: A teacher.
On Halloween, I dressed up as: Peter Pan at school, for trick or treating & a party at home. I was a ballerina dinosaur when I went to Crossroads Villiage.
On my birthday: I had a Little Mermaid/unicorn party, cakes & a flower pinata. The Tooth Fairy came: 2 times And I got: My Little Ponies & money!
Pets I had or wished I had: I wish I had a white kitten with a pink ribbon! Zach and I had fish for a while this year.
Things I like to do with my mom are: Bake, sew, read & shop.
Things I like to do with my dad are: Swim, ride bikes & play Frisbee.
At school, I learned: To write, sing songs, make a sachet for my mom & my numbers and letters.
These are a few of my favorite things...
Toys: Ribbons, ponies & rats.
TV show Full House, Alvin & the Chipmunks and Muppet Babies.
Ice cream: Superman and vanilla.
Game: Super Mario Bros.
Cookie: Chocolate chip.
Dolls: The Little Mermaid & P.J. Sparkles.
Movie:The Little Mermaid.
Restaurant: Chuck E. Cheese.
Monday was full of hilariousness. Bobby brought his game, Taboo over, and Zach, Tracey and I spent a good portion of the night playing it. The object of the game is to try and get your team mate to guess a word. I was on Bobby's team & he kept coming up with all these crazy-arsed descriptions of the words. When he was trying to get me to say the word "tea", his description was, "You know, it's that stuff inside the thing... with the thing hanging out of it, you know?" *Snorts* Then he would get frustrated because I just laughed at his descriptions, and hardly guessed any of the words. It was very humorous, although not nearly as humorous as when Zach got his hair highlighted last night. I actually think the change looks really sweet, but it was funny as all getout watching him suffer through the highlighting process.
My mom is such a neat kiddo. She and I headed over to Target to purchase birthday presents for me so she can give them to me at my party with her side of the family this Saturday. I picked out my own presents at my request, so on Saturday, I know I'll be receiving the following things: 2 blank shirts to iron computer transfers onto, the awesome board game Mad Gab, a wonferfully cushy & plush stuffed fish, and some fish-print toe socks. Plus she got me some surprises! *Hugs and pie and things for Mom*
Yesterday, a big chunk of us (Mom, Mike, Grandma, Grandpa, Zach, Tracey, and I) all went to see Chicago. Wow. All those folks weren't kidding when they said it's the best thing since sliced bread! I tell ya what, I cracked up when all those chicks sang about how they "didn't kill" their husbands. "And then he ran into my knife... 10 times!" *Falls out of chair laughing*
--Holly :-D
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