Saturday, December 21, 2002

I'm So Family-Oriented

'Ello, folks! 'Appy Christmas and g'day to you and yours! *Drops the corny British accent* Look, I got to sneak on the computer while my dad was on his date! Hey, look, I even had enough time to fill out this luffly survey about my family! Check it out.

Back in the day, from left to right: Grandpa Shoup, me, Dad, Mom, Zach, Grandma Shoup, Grandma Z., Jen, Grandpa Z., Uncle Don, Lindsay and Aunt Barb.
1. What are your immediate family's names and ages? Mom--Wendy G. Killbreath--47, Dad--Kenneth William Zintel--47, brother--Zachary Kenneth Zintel--21.
2. Which one of them do you most get along with? Mom. She's my best friend, and she absolutely rocks in every way.

Me and Mommy

3. Which one do you least get along with? Dad. He's usually pretty angry about something, and I usually get yelled at for whatever it is.
4. Do(did) you have any of the same friends as a sibling? Yup! In elementary school, Zach was my best friend, and I was also friends with (and had a crush on) his best pal, Tim. And Zach was usually pretty good friends with my pals as well.
-did it ever cause any problems? Did it?! In high school, Zach dated my best friend, Sarah, on and off for about four years. They had a horrible breakup involving lots of terrible insults and such. Zach still is quite vengeful toward Sarah, but she's still my best friend, and so... well, it creates some problems.
5. Do you look like them? I don't think so. Do you?

Me and Zach

6. Do(did) you ever go to school with them? Yes. I was in elementary with him for most of the time, and I went to the same high school as him his senior year. Plus I go to the same college as him now.
-were teachers always comparing you with them? Comparing and contrasing, yes. In 3rd grade, when we were learning to write cursive, we wrote "Zachary Zintel" for the letter "Z". That was neat-o. *Chortles*
7. Out of you and your siblings who is the best at?
-academics? Zach.
-athletics? Heh... uh, I think we both suck equally at that.
-manipulating? Zach.
-being lazy? Eh... I think we tie! We're both sooooo lazy.
8. Describe a fight between you and them? In 2000, Mom and I wanted to go to Vegas to meet Mom's online dude, Mike (not the same guy she's married to now). Zach thought the idea was ridiculously proposterous, and tried to forbid us to go. However, it was Vegas, and by Fred and George, we were going.
9. Have you ever dated any of the same people? (not at the same time, of course) Um... well he's a guy, and he's straight, and I'm a girl, and I'm straight. So... no.
10. Truthfully, who do you think gets the most love from the parents? They both love us equally. Seriously.
11. Do(did) they embarrass you going up? In high school, my dad pulled this thing where he made me write down all my assignments, then have my teachers sign the assignment sheet, and that was ridiculously embarrasing. My mom has never embarrased me.
12. What is the most prevailing quality(personality and looks) you get from your dad? We both stand with our feet out to the side, like a penguin and we both tend to quote The Simpsons in everyday conversation.
-mom? Our eyes are quite similar in all their bluish green glory, and we're both all nice and such. *Beams*
13. Do you get along with them? With my dad--not usually. With my mom--always.
14. What is the biggest thing you have in common with your dad? We both think it's funny on Funniest Videos when people walk into sliding glass doors, and animals beat up people.
-mom? Our animal rightsiness. *Holds out arms for birds to perch on*
15. If you don't get along with them, how come? I don't get along with Dad very often because he's usually in a bad mood.
16. What are their tastes on music? Dad listens to oldies, and Mom listens to good music (ex: country, pop, etc.).
17. What kind of car does your dad drive? A silver Chevy Impala with a luffly sun roof and such.
-mom? 1994 white Buick with the trunk smashed in (thanks to Mike).
18. Do you think their cars describe their personality? Dad--absolutely. He all thinks he's Mr. Cool, and the car just screams, "I think I'm Mr. Cool!" Mom--absolutely not. Because... well... just no. Some sort of awesome red convertible would suit her personality much better.
19. What do they do for a living? My dad councils drug addicts and alcoholics at GM, and he's all a big shot there and crap. Mom's a 3rd shift stock worker at Target.
20. Are your parents happily married? Em... I'd say no, since they're not married to each other at all anymore.
21. If they aren't married, how would your life be different if they were? It would probably suck. When they were married, and Dad would get in his yelling-around-for-no-apparent-reason moods, I had to sit there and listen to it. Now I can just go to Mom's when he does that.
22. If you still live with your parents and they spilt up tomorrow, who would you go live with? Well, they're already split up, so... yup. But if anything happened to them (God forbid... seriously *crosses heart*), I'd live with my grandma and grandpa Shoup.
Holly :-D

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