My alarm went off at 8:00 A.M. I sleepily punched the snooze button and pulled my blankets closer to myself as I snuggled up to my cats, desperately wishing my dog would stop crying to get out of my room so I could go back to sleep. When Chyna went into her usual early morning barking/whining routine, I realized I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and went to tear my blanket off of me when I met a pair of brilliant green eyes, which belonged to none other than Mr. Harry Potter, who was printed all over my blanket. And then it hit me like the lightening bolt on Harry's forehead... IT WAS HARRY POTTER DAY!
I had to hurry up and get ready! It was already 8:04, and I had advance Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets tickets for the 11:30 A.M. showing! I hurriedly scarfed down my Multigrain Cheerios, took a shower and brushed my teeth. I let Chyna outside and saw that there was snow on the ground! I love snow, as it's a sure sign that Christmas and my birthday are coming soon! I had snow, Harry Potter tickets and Multigrain Cheerios, and so I knew it was going to be a great day.
Mom and I arrived at the theater an hour and a half early, just to make sure we got good seats. In the lobby, right under the larger than life Harry Potter posters, were two teenage girls all decked out in perfect replicas of Hogwarts (Gryffindor) uniforms. I was like, "DUDE! Where did you find all this stuff?" They informed Mom and I that they had made most of their attire from scratch, and I wished I knew how to do that sort of thing. Mom and I purchased two Harry Potter buckets of popcorn and watched as bunches of Hogwarts students pile in through the entrances. It seemed that everyone was in Gryffindor, and that they all either knew someone who was handy with a needle and thread, or went shopping in the Central Michigan University gift shop (CMU's colors as the same as Gryffindor's). I enviously chatted with these creative Potterheads, thinking how cool Sadora must look in her Slytherin-wear until it was almost time for the show, and the ticket-taking chick let us in.
We got very good seats, and Mom and I sat, listening to the folks around us chatter excitedly about the fact that we would all soon be witnessing the famous Flying Ford Anglia, the Burrow, Dobby, Knockturn Ally, Moaning Myrtle, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Colin Creevy, Aragog and the Basilisk, among other things that we had all only, so far, pictured in our heads. And then came the moment of truth. The previews ended, and we finally got to view the wonders of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Sure, there were things that were inaccurate about the movie... They didn't follow the entire book, and the took a lot of scenes out, but I had expected that. What I hadn't expected was how cool the Chamber of Secrets looked, nor had I expected how sweet and sad it was when Harry brushed his fingers over Hermione's frozen ones as she lay, petrified in the hospital wing and told her he needed her now more than ever. *Tear* I hadn't expected Lockhart, the Cornish Pixies and Moaning Myrtle to look exactly the way I'd pictured them. And did everyone see Harry and Hermione hugging in the Great Hall after she was released from the Hospital Wing? Heh... poor Ron, he only got a handshake.
The movie was, as Paula Abdul would say, two words: "phe" and "nominal". I'll probably have nightmares for the next 50 years after seeing that Aragog scene, but it was definitely worth it! Absolutely awesome, it was. Mom has said she's going to knit me a Gryffindor scarf for Christmas, so I'm rather happy. I must now go to bed, as it's past 3:00 A.M., so I'll leave you with this link to one of the best fan fics I have ever read. Fell So Deep by Fuyimi. Later!
--Holly :-D
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