Name: Holly
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Birthdate: February 28th, 1984
Height: 5'7"
Color: Pink
Color to Wear: Clear!
Lucky number: 2
Singer(s): Amy Grant, "Weird Al" Yankovic and Lifehouse (are we *counting* bands here?).
Movies: Harry Potter and the Sourceror's Stone, Shrek, Moulin Rouge, The Wedding Singer, Where the Heart Is, Pay It Forward, Empire Records, Dirty Work, Nothing to Lose, The Grinch, Heartbreakers... this list could get really long.
Piece of clothing: My "Mona Beana" Mr. Bean shirt.
Quote: "Ow! My eye! I'm not supposed to get pudding in it!"--Lenny
*Last time you...*
Had sex: Em... still haven't.
Kissed someone: Around 9:00 when I kissed Zach goodbye.
Danced: Geez, I don't know... I've been sick for too long!
Smiled: A little while ago, when I was watching The Parent Trap. *Sniff*, how sweet!
Laughed: An hour or so ago while watching football with Dad, 'cause those guys run funny.
Had a phone call: A few hours ago.
Who was it: Sarah.
*Which is better*
Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset.
Sweet or Sour? Sweet.
Old or New? Eh... it could be either one.
Hot or cold? Cold.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
Soft or Hard? Soft.
Yesterday or Tomorrow? Well, yesterday was okay, but I suppose tomorrow could be even better!
Red or Blue? Blue.
Fast or Slow? Slow. *Everything* I do is slow.
Blind or Deaf? I... *think* it'd be worse to be blind.
Open or Closed? Um... open.
Bath or Shower? Shower.
Black or White? White.
Ocean or Forest? Hmm... I don't really like either one of them.
Dogs or Cats? Both, but I'm a liiiiiiittle partial to cats, I think (shhhh, don't tell my dog!).
Day or Night? Night.
Cremation or Burial? I don't think I'd care, I'd be dead!
Even or Odd? Even.
City or Countryside? City.
Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla.
Sun or Rain? Sun.
Pen or Pencil? Keyboard.
Summer or Winter? Winter.
Destiny or Choice? Destiny.
Alone or Together? Together.
Silver or Gold? Silver.
*Finish the sentence*
Jerry Springer... would like to offer me his job, I'm sure.
Hanson... is Beck's last name.
Abortion... for some, miniature American flags for others!
God... is the Man.
Love... ly shoes you've got on.
My family... is cool, for the most part.
Step-parents... aren't usually as strange as Mike, are they?
*Yes or No*
You keep a diary: Um... *yeah*...
You sketch or do things while on the phone: I play the Sims, usually.
You have a secret: No, the people I know know everything about me, even if they don't want to.
You snore: Absolutely.
You procrastinate: My picture is next to the word in the dictionary.
You fold your underwear: Nope. Just cram it in the drawer.
You talk in your sleep: Occasionally. And I used to sing in my sleep, too!
You eat fast: Nope. Really, really slow.
A naked photo of you exists: Yes, well, I had an excellent figure for a two-minute-old!
When the alarm goes off you immediately get up: Well... I can't have alarms actually, because I sleep right through them.
You enjoy being photographed: Only if I get to make a goofy face.
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