Wednesday, November 28, 2001

I like Santa.

Time: 10:51 A.M.

Song in my head: "If I'm Not the One You Want" by 'N Sync

I last ate: Peanut butter and jelly toast with soy milk for breakfast.

I'm wearing: My black 1997 Amy Grant shirt and jeans.

That's it, I'm officially addicted to Harry Potter. I had to see the movie again, so I took my mom, Mike, and my grandparents Shoup to it yesterday. Mike kept yelling stuff at the screen like an idiot, and Grandpa kept looking at his watch and sighing loudly. But Mom and Grandma say they liked it.

I finished the second Harry Potter book, and now I'm onto the third. Zach's all, "Holly, you moron, Harry Potter is for little kids." Well, you know what? Hand me a box of Crayola's and let's have dinner at Chuck E. Cheese, 'cause I can't help it, I *love* Harry Potter!

Since we've been reading and writing about Harry Potter in my English class, my grades have been going up like heck. It's amazing. So I guess this is one obsession that's good for me!

Well, see ya!

--Holly Rachael :-D

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