Sunday, August 19, 2001

Survey I took from Sarah's friend, Agent99

1. Name three good things about yourself.
1) I don't do drugs
2) I don't eat meat
3) I don't swear
2. Name three bad things about yourself.
1) I crack my joints *WAY* too much
2) I hardly ever get my stories straight
3) I'm too fat
3. Name three things you can do, or have done, that most people can't or haven't.
1) Well, I can write, like, half a Daria fan fiction
2) I can play Skee Ball
3) I can impersonate my grandma Z.
4. Name three emotions you feel most often.
1) Goofiness
2) Restlessness
3) Sickness
5. Name three people that have helped you to become a better person
1) My mom
2) Amy Grant
3) Rev. Timothy Sutton
6. Name three people (or groups, things, etc.) that you feel are worthy of praise and honor.
1) Amy Grant because she is like an angel on Earth. There is no one sweeter than that woman. She sticks to her morals, keeps her faith in God no matter what and helps out that group for homeless kids.
2) Jonathan Jackson because he may be hot as heck, but he's not stuck up about it, he's a vegetarian and he's got awesome morals.
3) 'N Sync. Dude, they've gotta work pretty dang hard at that dancing. I mean, wow. That's some good stuff. Plus, they're so totally sweethearts.
7. Name three works of art (books, songs, movies, etc.) that have changed your life.
1) "What About the Love?" by Amy Grant. I love this line-- "I looked into the mirror, proud as I could be... and I saw my pointing finger pointing back at me... sayin', 'Who named *you* accuser? Who gave *you* the scales?' I hung my head in sorrow. I could almost feel the nails."
2) Daria. I may have been really angry about the episode "Lane Miserables" but it did knock some sense into me... you can't hang onto crushes forever. :-(
3) Pay It Forward. Don't pay a favor back, pay it forward! Excellent moral.
8. Name three things you would buy if you won the lottery.
1) An amusement park
2) I'd donote a bunch of money to all my favorite causes
3) Enough houses in Las Vegas for all my family members and friends to live in. Oh yeah, and one for me, too.
9. Name three places you would like to go on vacation.
1) Las Vegas. I may have already been there two or more times every year since I was eleven, but I *love* that place!
2) New York.
3) Disney World (for my fouth time).
10. Name three jobs or careers you would like to have (assuming money, education, family, etc. were not an obstacle)
1) Big-screen actress (or cartoon character voice)
2) Movie director
3) Screen-play writer
11. Name three famous people, past or present, that interest you.
1) Amy Grant
2) Drew Barrymore
3) Albert Einstein
12. Name three things you would say to someone seeking your wisdom.
1) Don't eat meat!
2) Cut that swearing out!
3) Do you think I demand too much?!
13. Name three headlines you NEVER want to read in the newspaper.
1) MTV Cartoon "Daria" Sold to Howard Stern So He Can Lesbianize the Fashion Club
2) Rapper Eminem Becomes President and Decides to Kill Everyone
3) Soap Operas Have Been Replaced By Sports
14. Name three causes to which you might devote your life.
1)Humane Society
3) AIDS research
15. Name three things you believe with all your heart.
1) The greatest thing you'll ever know is to know and be loves in return
2) Everyone needs to go vegetarian and adopt a pet
3) I have no idea why Eminem is famous

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