1. Name: Holly Rachael Zintel
2. Age/DOB: February 28th, 1984
3. Height: 5'7"
4. Weight: 212. Yes, I *know* that's pathetic, I'm working on it!
5. Shoe Size: 10 1/2
6. Grade/Place of Employment: 10th. Yes, I know that's pathetic, too!
7. Zodiac: Pisces.
8. What's your age again? 17.
9. Girls' names: Autumn Kate and Ivy Heather... or the other way around, Autumn Heather and Ivy Kate!
10. Boys' names: Carson Scott. Jesse's cute, too.
11. Quote: "If there's anything good that happens in life, it's from Jesus."--Amy Grant.
12. Animal: Cat.
13. Jewelry (that *you* own): My Daria watch, my AIDS bracelet, my Scarlet Road necklace, my birthstone ring and my Australian crystal heart earrings.
14. Accent: Canadian and low-class British.
15. Scent: Honeydew.
16. Characters: Trent Lane, Daria Morgendorffer, Jane Lane, Johnny Bravo, Shaggy (from Scooby Doo) and many, many others that I'll think of at a time when it won't matter.
17. Color: Pink.
18. Food: My mom's homemade stuffed pumpkin shells.
19. Band: Lifehouse and Scarlet Road. But there're a lot of others, too. Like Mystik Spiral, 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, Savage Garden-- no, this is just going to take too long.
20. Movie: Moulin Rouge and Shrek.
21. Thing the opposite sex wears (in general, not a specific person): Baggy shorts and sandals.
22. Month: December.
23. Store: Best Buy.
24. TV Show: Daria.
26. Flower: Zinnias.
27. Shoe brand: Oh, Sketchers are always jolly good fun.
28. Ice cream flavour: Psychodelic sorbet.
29. Muffin flavour: Doubt chocolate and carrot.
20. Syrup flavor: Strawberry. Reminds me of a certain Daria story...
21. Cough syrup/drop flavour/brand: Hmm... this reminds me of the same series of Daria stories... Ludens, btw.
22. Record Label: I dunno... Jive, I guess.
23. Indie Record Store: Indie... record... store?
24. Mall: Great Lakes Crossing and the Fashion Show Mall.
25. Veggie: Corn on the cob.
26. Shape: ...of my heart! I'm here... with my confession...
27. Videogame: Crazy Taxi and The Sims.
28. Jello flavour: Ew! Yucky! (You know, the horrible geletin it's got in it.)
29. Actor: Jonathan Jackson.
30. Actress: Drew Barrymore and Julia Stiles.
31. Director: Is Mike Myers a director? If he is, I'll go with him.
~~~*~~~~*Skool*~~~~*~~~ (If you're out of skool, put the one you attended)
32. Where do/did you go?: Wenona High School.
33. Skool colors: I don't know. I actually haven't attended this school yet. I'll get back to ya in a few days.
34. Skool mascot: I dunno.
~~~*~~~~*Other Stuffs*~~~~*~~~
35. What's the best time you've had with friends? I dunno. Cedar Point was a good time.
36. Are your 'rents name? Wendy Shoup Zintel Wheeler Killbreath and Ken Zintel.
37. Do you own a miniskirt? Yeah.
38. Do you floss? Yeah.
39. (Pick one) Do you keep a diary or journal? Diary.
40. Do you know the difference? People who are embarrased (for some reason) to say "diary" say "journal."
41. What is it then, smart ass? Dude, I just told you. Jerk.
42. Would you appreciate being called a "punta"? Um... I... don't... *think*... so...
43. Where's the farthest you've traveled? Perhaps Las Vegas, Nevada.
44. Who is a DIVA? Mariah Carey.
45. What are you mostly likely to be, or were, voted in your senior yearbook? Maybe I'll be "Most Likely to Sell Used Cars" like it said about Zach in his yearbook.
46. Who is the voice of your generation? Mr. Bean.
47. What makes you happy? Daria/Trent 'shippers fics.
48. What are you scared of? Water, spiders, what I'm going to do when Daria's not on anymore...
49. What kind of shampoo do you use? Hold on... looks to be Suave.
50. Is 1 really the lonliest number that you'll ever meet? Yes.
Wednesday, August 22, 2001
Monday, August 20, 2001
Crap, crap, crap, crap, CRAP!!!!!!
Gah! I'm so stressed out right now, I can hardly believe it. I woke up this morning and my dad was gone, so when my mom called, we decided to go dress shopping for the wedding while Dad was wherever he was.
We went to David's Bridal, a beautiful, very elegant store. We bought a pink dress for me, and the same dress in yellow for Carrie. Mom is wearing an ice blue wedding dress, so it'll be like, a rainbow effect. We'd already ordered this gorgeous Australian crystal jewelery, and they just ordered the perfect wedding cake.
Well, we went back to my grandma Shoup's house for dinner, and while we were eating, Mike called and asked my mom, "Um... Wendy? How would you feel if someone were pretty late to the wedding?" Carrie is a cheerleader, and it turns out she has her first football game of the season scheduled for the night of the wedding! Carrie was sitting there crying because we didn't even think to ask her if she had plans for that day. We made sure Zach had the night of the wedding off of work, and we made sure Billy could come, but we forgot to check with Carrie!
We all feel really terrible about it. We've already sent out all of the wedding invitations, but we can't have the wedding without Carrie! She's Mike's *daughter* and we really want her there, and in the wedding! So we have to move the wedding to Friday, which means I'll have to call everyone on the guest list and ask them to come on Friday instead of Thursday.
Then Sarah called and was like, "Um, Holly? Can you do me a big favor? Can you ask someone to pick me up so I can spend the night with you tonight?" Her dad was drunk, so she didn't want to be there while he was. But my dad said she couldn't stay at his house, and my grandparents said they were scared to go to her house while her drunk father was there, especially at night time. And my mom had to get home to comfort Carrie and everything. I felt so terrible calling Sarah back and telling her no one could come and pick her up.
Oh man. What a day. I am stressed to the max just thinking about how stressed everyone else must be! Well... hopefully things will be better tomorrow. Later.
We went to David's Bridal, a beautiful, very elegant store. We bought a pink dress for me, and the same dress in yellow for Carrie. Mom is wearing an ice blue wedding dress, so it'll be like, a rainbow effect. We'd already ordered this gorgeous Australian crystal jewelery, and they just ordered the perfect wedding cake.
Well, we went back to my grandma Shoup's house for dinner, and while we were eating, Mike called and asked my mom, "Um... Wendy? How would you feel if someone were pretty late to the wedding?" Carrie is a cheerleader, and it turns out she has her first football game of the season scheduled for the night of the wedding! Carrie was sitting there crying because we didn't even think to ask her if she had plans for that day. We made sure Zach had the night of the wedding off of work, and we made sure Billy could come, but we forgot to check with Carrie!
We all feel really terrible about it. We've already sent out all of the wedding invitations, but we can't have the wedding without Carrie! She's Mike's *daughter* and we really want her there, and in the wedding! So we have to move the wedding to Friday, which means I'll have to call everyone on the guest list and ask them to come on Friday instead of Thursday.
Then Sarah called and was like, "Um, Holly? Can you do me a big favor? Can you ask someone to pick me up so I can spend the night with you tonight?" Her dad was drunk, so she didn't want to be there while he was. But my dad said she couldn't stay at his house, and my grandparents said they were scared to go to her house while her drunk father was there, especially at night time. And my mom had to get home to comfort Carrie and everything. I felt so terrible calling Sarah back and telling her no one could come and pick her up.
Oh man. What a day. I am stressed to the max just thinking about how stressed everyone else must be! Well... hopefully things will be better tomorrow. Later.
Sunday, August 19, 2001
Mr. Bean Swore
While Zach was asleep this afternoon (poor dude, has to wrok 3rd shift), Dad and I went to see Rat Race. I must say that's the funniest movie I've ever seen! I have to give it the Hollarious stamp of approval.
The main reason I chose this movie was because Rowan Atkinson was in it. You know, Mr. Bean! Dude, before Daria existed, Mr. Bean was my favorite show! I love that man! Seth Green was in it, too, and I like him because, not only is he a vegan, but he's quite the hottie. And John Lovitz! I like him 'cause he did the voice of The Critic! My old favorite cartoon! Dude, this had all kinds of awesome people in it.
And dude, The Vinician is Las Vegas was in Rat Race! That's like, my fourth favorite casino! Rowan played some guy named Enriquo or something. He had narcolepsy (a sleeping disorder that Trent Lane has) so he kept falling asleep standing up and stuff. "What is he doing?! I bet on that guy!" Hehehe. That was funny. I'm going to see it again tomorrow with Zach and Sarah. See ya!
--Holly :-D
The main reason I chose this movie was because Rowan Atkinson was in it. You know, Mr. Bean! Dude, before Daria existed, Mr. Bean was my favorite show! I love that man! Seth Green was in it, too, and I like him because, not only is he a vegan, but he's quite the hottie. And John Lovitz! I like him 'cause he did the voice of The Critic! My old favorite cartoon! Dude, this had all kinds of awesome people in it.
And dude, The Vinician is Las Vegas was in Rat Race! That's like, my fourth favorite casino! Rowan played some guy named Enriquo or something. He had narcolepsy (a sleeping disorder that Trent Lane has) so he kept falling asleep standing up and stuff. "What is he doing?! I bet on that guy!" Hehehe. That was funny. I'm going to see it again tomorrow with Zach and Sarah. See ya!
--Holly :-D
Survey I took from Sarah's friend, Agent99
1. Name three good things about yourself.
1) I don't do drugs
2) I don't eat meat
3) I don't swear
2. Name three bad things about yourself.
1) I crack my joints *WAY* too much
2) I hardly ever get my stories straight
3) I'm too fat
3. Name three things you can do, or have done, that most people can't or haven't.
1) Well, I can write, like, half a Daria fan fiction
2) I can play Skee Ball
3) I can impersonate my grandma Z.
4. Name three emotions you feel most often.
1) Goofiness
2) Restlessness
3) Sickness
5. Name three people that have helped you to become a better person
1) My mom
2) Amy Grant
3) Rev. Timothy Sutton
6. Name three people (or groups, things, etc.) that you feel are worthy of praise and honor.
1) Amy Grant because she is like an angel on Earth. There is no one sweeter than that woman. She sticks to her morals, keeps her faith in God no matter what and helps out that group for homeless kids.
2) Jonathan Jackson because he may be hot as heck, but he's not stuck up about it, he's a vegetarian and he's got awesome morals.
3) 'N Sync. Dude, they've gotta work pretty dang hard at that dancing. I mean, wow. That's some good stuff. Plus, they're so totally sweethearts.
7. Name three works of art (books, songs, movies, etc.) that have changed your life.
1) "What About the Love?" by Amy Grant. I love this line-- "I looked into the mirror, proud as I could be... and I saw my pointing finger pointing back at me... sayin', 'Who named *you* accuser? Who gave *you* the scales?' I hung my head in sorrow. I could almost feel the nails."
2) Daria. I may have been really angry about the episode "Lane Miserables" but it did knock some sense into me... you can't hang onto crushes forever. :-(
3) Pay It Forward. Don't pay a favor back, pay it forward! Excellent moral.
8. Name three things you would buy if you won the lottery.
1) An amusement park
2) I'd donote a bunch of money to all my favorite causes
3) Enough houses in Las Vegas for all my family members and friends to live in. Oh yeah, and one for me, too.
9. Name three places you would like to go on vacation.
1) Las Vegas. I may have already been there two or more times every year since I was eleven, but I *love* that place!
2) New York.
3) Disney World (for my fouth time).
10. Name three jobs or careers you would like to have (assuming money, education, family, etc. were not an obstacle)
1) Big-screen actress (or cartoon character voice)
2) Movie director
3) Screen-play writer
11. Name three famous people, past or present, that interest you.
1) Amy Grant
2) Drew Barrymore
3) Albert Einstein
12. Name three things you would say to someone seeking your wisdom.
1) Don't eat meat!
2) Cut that swearing out!
3) Do you think I demand too much?!
13. Name three headlines you NEVER want to read in the newspaper.
1) MTV Cartoon "Daria" Sold to Howard Stern So He Can Lesbianize the Fashion Club
2) Rapper Eminem Becomes President and Decides to Kill Everyone
3) Soap Operas Have Been Replaced By Sports
14. Name three causes to which you might devote your life.
1)Humane Society
3) AIDS research
15. Name three things you believe with all your heart.
1) The greatest thing you'll ever know is to know and be loves in return
2) Everyone needs to go vegetarian and adopt a pet
3) I have no idea why Eminem is famous
1) I don't do drugs
2) I don't eat meat
3) I don't swear
2. Name three bad things about yourself.
1) I crack my joints *WAY* too much
2) I hardly ever get my stories straight
3) I'm too fat
3. Name three things you can do, or have done, that most people can't or haven't.
1) Well, I can write, like, half a Daria fan fiction
2) I can play Skee Ball
3) I can impersonate my grandma Z.
4. Name three emotions you feel most often.
1) Goofiness
2) Restlessness
3) Sickness
5. Name three people that have helped you to become a better person
1) My mom
2) Amy Grant
3) Rev. Timothy Sutton
6. Name three people (or groups, things, etc.) that you feel are worthy of praise and honor.
1) Amy Grant because she is like an angel on Earth. There is no one sweeter than that woman. She sticks to her morals, keeps her faith in God no matter what and helps out that group for homeless kids.
2) Jonathan Jackson because he may be hot as heck, but he's not stuck up about it, he's a vegetarian and he's got awesome morals.
3) 'N Sync. Dude, they've gotta work pretty dang hard at that dancing. I mean, wow. That's some good stuff. Plus, they're so totally sweethearts.
7. Name three works of art (books, songs, movies, etc.) that have changed your life.
1) "What About the Love?" by Amy Grant. I love this line-- "I looked into the mirror, proud as I could be... and I saw my pointing finger pointing back at me... sayin', 'Who named *you* accuser? Who gave *you* the scales?' I hung my head in sorrow. I could almost feel the nails."
2) Daria. I may have been really angry about the episode "Lane Miserables" but it did knock some sense into me... you can't hang onto crushes forever. :-(
3) Pay It Forward. Don't pay a favor back, pay it forward! Excellent moral.
8. Name three things you would buy if you won the lottery.
1) An amusement park
2) I'd donote a bunch of money to all my favorite causes
3) Enough houses in Las Vegas for all my family members and friends to live in. Oh yeah, and one for me, too.
9. Name three places you would like to go on vacation.
1) Las Vegas. I may have already been there two or more times every year since I was eleven, but I *love* that place!
2) New York.
3) Disney World (for my fouth time).
10. Name three jobs or careers you would like to have (assuming money, education, family, etc. were not an obstacle)
1) Big-screen actress (or cartoon character voice)
2) Movie director
3) Screen-play writer
11. Name three famous people, past or present, that interest you.
1) Amy Grant
2) Drew Barrymore
3) Albert Einstein
12. Name three things you would say to someone seeking your wisdom.
1) Don't eat meat!
2) Cut that swearing out!
3) Do you think I demand too much?!
13. Name three headlines you NEVER want to read in the newspaper.
1) MTV Cartoon "Daria" Sold to Howard Stern So He Can Lesbianize the Fashion Club
2) Rapper Eminem Becomes President and Decides to Kill Everyone
3) Soap Operas Have Been Replaced By Sports
14. Name three causes to which you might devote your life.
1)Humane Society
3) AIDS research
15. Name three things you believe with all your heart.
1) The greatest thing you'll ever know is to know and be loves in return
2) Everyone needs to go vegetarian and adopt a pet
3) I have no idea why Eminem is famous
Oh man, I've gotta cut this out. I've been sitting here going to sites like the one for the Humane Society, the Michigan Animal Rescue and just now, Pet Finder. Every time I go to those sites, I get all sad and start thinking about how much I want a pet at my dad's house, and how some of those animals aren't going to get adopted, and they'll be put to sleep, or they'll place them in bad homes. *Sniff*.
I already have three pets at my mom's house, and I always visit my grandparents' cat at their house. But I think a person can never have too many pets. And I don't know what the deal is, but ever since our cat, Tinsel died, my dad is like, "No, we can't get any more animals, ever!" Argh! Does he not realize that having a pet can prolong your life? Plus they're just nice to have around. And doesn't he understand that a bunch of animals at the Humane Society are being put to sleep because nobody wants to adopt them? Blargh! I want a pet at my dad's house! I won't even get three this time, I'll only get one!
But *sigh*, it's never going to happen. My dad is just too darned stubborn. You know what would be really great, though? If all the people without pets just went out and adopted at least one? That would make things a lot easier for me. I mean, think about it anyway!
--Holly :-D
I already have three pets at my mom's house, and I always visit my grandparents' cat at their house. But I think a person can never have too many pets. And I don't know what the deal is, but ever since our cat, Tinsel died, my dad is like, "No, we can't get any more animals, ever!" Argh! Does he not realize that having a pet can prolong your life? Plus they're just nice to have around. And doesn't he understand that a bunch of animals at the Humane Society are being put to sleep because nobody wants to adopt them? Blargh! I want a pet at my dad's house! I won't even get three this time, I'll only get one!
But *sigh*, it's never going to happen. My dad is just too darned stubborn. You know what would be really great, though? If all the people without pets just went out and adopted at least one? That would make things a lot easier for me. I mean, think about it anyway!
--Holly :-D
Saturday, August 18, 2001
Whaddya thinka that?
~What do you think of when you read these colors?~
Green -- Daria
Blue -- Jeans
Black -- Sky
Yellow -- Sun
Red -- Blood
Orange -- Atari shirt
Grey-- Rain
Pink -- 'Maters
Purple -- Royalty
White -- Clouds
Off-white -- Egg shells
Nearly black -- Andy
What color is/are your . . .
Sheets -- Pink
Bedroom -- Peach
Computer -- Off-white
Desk -- Brown wood
Keyboard -- Off-white
Mouse --Blue
Kitchen -- Off-white
Pillow -- Pink
Favorite teddy bear -- My green/blue and purple one, Jodie.
Cursor -- Black.
Diary description -- Black
Desktop background -- Blue
Eyes -- Blue/green
Hair -- Brown and blonde
Skin -- Peach
Nails -- Irridescant pink
Chair -- Black
Shirt -- Green
Socks -- There are no socks today
Shoes -- No shoes at the moment either
Your favorite color of . .
Pager -- Pink
Nail polish -- Pink
Hair -- Strawberry blonde
Hair on the oposite sex -- Red *giggles dorkily*
Drink -- Pink, as in strawberry.
Socks -- White.
Top -- Pink
Green -- Daria
Blue -- Jeans
Black -- Sky
Yellow -- Sun
Red -- Blood
Orange -- Atari shirt
Grey-- Rain
Pink -- 'Maters
Purple -- Royalty
White -- Clouds
Off-white -- Egg shells
Nearly black -- Andy
What color is/are your . . .
Sheets -- Pink
Bedroom -- Peach
Computer -- Off-white
Desk -- Brown wood
Keyboard -- Off-white
Mouse --Blue
Kitchen -- Off-white
Pillow -- Pink
Favorite teddy bear -- My green/blue and purple one, Jodie.
Cursor -- Black.
Diary description -- Black
Desktop background -- Blue
Eyes -- Blue/green
Hair -- Brown and blonde
Skin -- Peach
Nails -- Irridescant pink
Chair -- Black
Shirt -- Green
Socks -- There are no socks today
Shoes -- No shoes at the moment either
Your favorite color of . .
Pager -- Pink
Nail polish -- Pink
Hair -- Strawberry blonde
Hair on the oposite sex -- Red *giggles dorkily*
Drink -- Pink, as in strawberry.
Socks -- White.
Top -- Pink
Friday, August 17, 2001
Lyrics Survey
-What's your mind like?
"I'm looking past the shadows in my mind into the truth, and I'm trying to identify the voices in my head. God, which one's you? Let me feel one more time what it feels like to feel and break these calluses off of me one more time."--"Breathing" by Lifehouse.
-What do you think about life in general?
"Somewhere down the road, there'll be answers to the questions. And somewhere down the road, though we cannot see it now... somewhere down the road you will find mighty arms reaching for you... and they will hold the answers at the end of the road."--"Somewhere Down the Road" by Amy Grant
-Describe your love life:
"I'm living in the moment, keepin' my heart open, but I'm only seventeen."--"17" by Mandy Moore.
-How's your family situation?
"Oh, how the years go by. And oh, how the love brings tears to my eyes. All through the changes, the soul never dies. We fight, we laugh, we cry... as the years go by."--"Oh, How the Years Go By" by Amy Grant
-How do you feel right now?
"I feel good, yeah, I feel fine."--"You're a Star" Josie and the Pussycats.
-What's your favorite pastime?
"I like pianos in the evening sun. Draggin' my heels till the day is done. Saturday night in the captain's clothes. Tin horns blowin' with my jury 'fros."--"Hotwax" by Beck.
-What is on your mind?
"Somethin' stinks in the fridge today and it's been rottin' there all week. It could be liver cake or woolly mammoth steak. Well, maybe I should take another peek... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"--"Livin' in the 'Fridge" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.
-What's it like where you live?
"We live on South Hampton Avenue. We'll leave the welcome light on for you. Now that you think you know who we are, how do you like us so far?"--"South Hampton Avenue by Blessid Union of Souls.
-What question do you ask a lot?
"I'm on my cell phone... what the *$@# did you say?"--"What The *$@# Did You Say" by Cledus T. Judd
"I'm looking past the shadows in my mind into the truth, and I'm trying to identify the voices in my head. God, which one's you? Let me feel one more time what it feels like to feel and break these calluses off of me one more time."--"Breathing" by Lifehouse.
-What do you think about life in general?
"Somewhere down the road, there'll be answers to the questions. And somewhere down the road, though we cannot see it now... somewhere down the road you will find mighty arms reaching for you... and they will hold the answers at the end of the road."--"Somewhere Down the Road" by Amy Grant
-Describe your love life:
"I'm living in the moment, keepin' my heart open, but I'm only seventeen."--"17" by Mandy Moore.
-How's your family situation?
"Oh, how the years go by. And oh, how the love brings tears to my eyes. All through the changes, the soul never dies. We fight, we laugh, we cry... as the years go by."--"Oh, How the Years Go By" by Amy Grant
-How do you feel right now?
"I feel good, yeah, I feel fine."--"You're a Star" Josie and the Pussycats.
-What's your favorite pastime?
"I like pianos in the evening sun. Draggin' my heels till the day is done. Saturday night in the captain's clothes. Tin horns blowin' with my jury 'fros."--"Hotwax" by Beck.
-What is on your mind?
"Somethin' stinks in the fridge today and it's been rottin' there all week. It could be liver cake or woolly mammoth steak. Well, maybe I should take another peek... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"--"Livin' in the 'Fridge" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.
-What's it like where you live?
"We live on South Hampton Avenue. We'll leave the welcome light on for you. Now that you think you know who we are, how do you like us so far?"--"South Hampton Avenue by Blessid Union of Souls.
-What question do you ask a lot?
"I'm on my cell phone... what the *$@# did you say?"--"What The *$@# Did You Say" by Cledus T. Judd
Tuesday, August 14, 2001
My Little Ponies
The theme says to talk about my favorite childhood toy. Well, I actually had 375 favorite childhood toys called My Little Ponies. When we were little and my brother did something good, his reward was a lousy Reeses. Mine was a My Little Pony. He totally got gyped!
I had tons of favorite dolls and stuffed animals, too, like my stuffed Strawberry Shortcake that Zach won out of a Big Choice for me. And I had this blue/green stuffed duck that sang in quacks that my grandparents got me when I was home sick from school. I used to talk and cry with that duck all the time.
The duck is now displayed in the corner of my room, the Strawberry Shortcake is down the basement with the rest of my stuffed animals, and the My Little Ponies are piled up in a storage doll house fashioned like a dance studio. Yup.
Oh, and I don't know if they count as toys, but when Zach and I were little, we used to draw these things we called "Paper People." I had like, a million of them, and he had like, 30. My paper people didn't have any arms or legs because I said they got blown off in a tornado, but the real reason was that I was too lazy to draw them.
I had tons of favorite dolls and stuffed animals, too, like my stuffed Strawberry Shortcake that Zach won out of a Big Choice for me. And I had this blue/green stuffed duck that sang in quacks that my grandparents got me when I was home sick from school. I used to talk and cry with that duck all the time.
The duck is now displayed in the corner of my room, the Strawberry Shortcake is down the basement with the rest of my stuffed animals, and the My Little Ponies are piled up in a storage doll house fashioned like a dance studio. Yup.
Oh, and I don't know if they count as toys, but when Zach and I were little, we used to draw these things we called "Paper People." I had like, a million of them, and he had like, 30. My paper people didn't have any arms or legs because I said they got blown off in a tornado, but the real reason was that I was too lazy to draw them.
Monday, August 13, 2001
Daria Survey
1. First episode of Daria you ever saw: "Too Cute."
2. First Daria fan fiction you ever read: "Jane's Death" by... um... somebody.
3. First impression of Daria: I thought it was pretty nifty, but I didn't become obsessed until I saw "Road Worrier", which was the second episode I saw.
4. What's the last episode of Daria you watched? "Fire!"
5. Last Daria fan fiction you read: "Cyber Stacy" by Kemical Reaxion.
6. Daria fan fiction you're reading now: I... don't remember the name of it. Some sort of Sleeping With the Enemy crossover.
7. Have you ever written a Daria fan fiction? I've tried so many times, and I'm still trying. It's kinda pathetic, actually... I've been trying for 4 years now!
8. Favorite Daria character: Trent Lane.
9. Favorite Daria episode: "Pierce Me."
10. Why is that your favorite? I've always wanted Daria and Trent to hook up, and in "Pierce Me," Trent seemed so sweet with Daria. *Sniff*, it's beautiful.
11. Favorite Daria fan fiction: "Guard Duty" by Invisigoth Gypsy.
12. Why is that your favorite? That fan fic is packed full of good Daria/Trent stuff.
1. First episode of Daria you ever saw: "Too Cute."
2. First Daria fan fiction you ever read: "Jane's Death" by... um... somebody.
3. First impression of Daria: I thought it was pretty nifty, but I didn't become obsessed until I saw "Road Worrier", which was the second episode I saw.
4. What's the last episode of Daria you watched? "Fire!"
5. Last Daria fan fiction you read: "Cyber Stacy" by Kemical Reaxion.
6. Daria fan fiction you're reading now: I... don't remember the name of it. Some sort of Sleeping With the Enemy crossover.
7. Have you ever written a Daria fan fiction? I've tried so many times, and I'm still trying. It's kinda pathetic, actually... I've been trying for 4 years now!
8. Favorite Daria character: Trent Lane.
9. Favorite Daria episode: "Pierce Me."
10. Why is that your favorite? I've always wanted Daria and Trent to hook up, and in "Pierce Me," Trent seemed so sweet with Daria. *Sniff*, it's beautiful.
11. Favorite Daria fan fiction: "Guard Duty" by Invisigoth Gypsy.
12. Why is that your favorite? That fan fic is packed full of good Daria/Trent stuff.
Sunday, August 12, 2001
Head Over Heels
I stayed at my mom's house last night, and we rented Head Over Heels. Holy guacamole, that was a good movie! Not only was Freddie Prinze, Jr. the main dude, but this chick who looked, acted and sounded just like (but wasn't) Julia Roberts. It was weird. Her name was Monica Potter.
The movie was about a girl named Amanda, who had a history of falling in love with pathological liars. For a living, she restored paintings that had something wrong with them. When a painting came in that she really loved, she'd get weak in the knees over it.
When Amanda found her boyfriend sleeping with a lingerie model in their bed, she realized she had to look for a new place to live. She decided to rent an apartment with these four models: Holly, Candi, Jade and Roxanna.
When a Hamlet, a huge dog, jumped on Amanda and tried to hump her, she met Jim, the guy who walked him. He was Freddie Prinze, Jr., so naturally, she fell for him. In fact, he was the first guy she'd ever gotten weak in the knees over.
When Amanda realized she could see into Jim's apartment from hers, she and the models began spying on him, along with her hilarious model friends. The night Jim kissed Amanda and asked her out, she spied on him from her apartment. She saw him with another woman! And what he was doing with the other woman *really* bothered her... He appeared to be killing her!
So, a lot of the movie consisted of Amanda, Jade, Holly, Roxanna and Candi doing a background check on Jim to make sure it was safe for Amanda to go out with him.
This was definitely one of the best movies I've ever seen (of course Shrek and Moulin Rouge come first). Awesome. Go rent it now, and tell me that girl doesn't remind you of Julia Roberts. It's weird.
Okay, see ya.
--Holly Rachael ;-D
The movie was about a girl named Amanda, who had a history of falling in love with pathological liars. For a living, she restored paintings that had something wrong with them. When a painting came in that she really loved, she'd get weak in the knees over it.
When Amanda found her boyfriend sleeping with a lingerie model in their bed, she realized she had to look for a new place to live. She decided to rent an apartment with these four models: Holly, Candi, Jade and Roxanna.
When a Hamlet, a huge dog, jumped on Amanda and tried to hump her, she met Jim, the guy who walked him. He was Freddie Prinze, Jr., so naturally, she fell for him. In fact, he was the first guy she'd ever gotten weak in the knees over.
When Amanda realized she could see into Jim's apartment from hers, she and the models began spying on him, along with her hilarious model friends. The night Jim kissed Amanda and asked her out, she spied on him from her apartment. She saw him with another woman! And what he was doing with the other woman *really* bothered her... He appeared to be killing her!
So, a lot of the movie consisted of Amanda, Jade, Holly, Roxanna and Candi doing a background check on Jim to make sure it was safe for Amanda to go out with him.
This was definitely one of the best movies I've ever seen (of course Shrek and Moulin Rouge come first). Awesome. Go rent it now, and tell me that girl doesn't remind you of Julia Roberts. It's weird.
Okay, see ya.
--Holly Rachael ;-D
Monday, August 6, 2001
In a pickle with Daria fan fiction
You know what really sucks? I've been trying to write this Daria fan fic', "You Snooze, You Lose" for a little more than a year. But it seems I'm unable to write it! *Pouts* I need inspiration. Where in the heck do ya *find* inspiration? It's like inspiration took one look at me and ran off screaming into the night. Anyway, here's a movie-type preview to my tough-to-write story, "You Snooze, You Lose."
(Music: "Leave it All Behind" by Amy Grant."
Daria goes with Tom to The Cove to stay with him and his family for a weekend. It's obvious that Tom's family isn't taking too kindly to anything Daria does. Upset by this, Daria asks Tom to take her home, but he promises he'll make this humiliating weekend up to her later, and they stay.
The next day at breakfast, Daria offhandedly mentions her fear of the water. The next thing she knows, the Sloanes are excitedly talking about going sailing to get Daria over her fear. After a lot of begging, they talk her into it. Unfortunately, Tom's uncle doesn't have a TV at his boathouse, so they can't check the weather reports before they set sail. A huge storm hits while they're out on the water, and Tom falls out of the ship. Daria freaks, and jumps in to save her boyfriend, despite her fear of the water. When Elsie (Tom's sister) realizes Daria's not doing too good out there, she jumps in to rescue her. Elsie manages to drag Daria out of the water, but Tom's nowhere in sight...
After Tom's funeral, everyone at the Morgendorffer house acts awkward around Daria, so she spends most of her time at Jane's. Even though Jane's being a great friend, Daria seems even more depressed than usual. The only person she doesn't seem heartbroken around is Trent. Trent's always been happy to be around Daria, but now he almost seems smitten with her... awesome...
(Music: "Somebody Else's Song" by Lifehouse.")
...but is she cracking up or does Trent seem... different somehow? Nearly every time she's around him, it feels like deja vu. And since when does Trent read Poe? Trent used to sleep eighteen hours a day, not eighteen *minutes*! He hardly ever even plays his guitar anymore. All of this is strange behavior for Trent, but when he gets thrown in prison for attempted murder of the Sloanes, Daria and Jane know something's up.
(Music: "Leave it All Behind" by Amy Grant."
Daria goes with Tom to The Cove to stay with him and his family for a weekend. It's obvious that Tom's family isn't taking too kindly to anything Daria does. Upset by this, Daria asks Tom to take her home, but he promises he'll make this humiliating weekend up to her later, and they stay.
The next day at breakfast, Daria offhandedly mentions her fear of the water. The next thing she knows, the Sloanes are excitedly talking about going sailing to get Daria over her fear. After a lot of begging, they talk her into it. Unfortunately, Tom's uncle doesn't have a TV at his boathouse, so they can't check the weather reports before they set sail. A huge storm hits while they're out on the water, and Tom falls out of the ship. Daria freaks, and jumps in to save her boyfriend, despite her fear of the water. When Elsie (Tom's sister) realizes Daria's not doing too good out there, she jumps in to rescue her. Elsie manages to drag Daria out of the water, but Tom's nowhere in sight...
After Tom's funeral, everyone at the Morgendorffer house acts awkward around Daria, so she spends most of her time at Jane's. Even though Jane's being a great friend, Daria seems even more depressed than usual. The only person she doesn't seem heartbroken around is Trent. Trent's always been happy to be around Daria, but now he almost seems smitten with her... awesome...
(Music: "Somebody Else's Song" by Lifehouse.")
...but is she cracking up or does Trent seem... different somehow? Nearly every time she's around him, it feels like deja vu. And since when does Trent read Poe? Trent used to sleep eighteen hours a day, not eighteen *minutes*! He hardly ever even plays his guitar anymore. All of this is strange behavior for Trent, but when he gets thrown in prison for attempted murder of the Sloanes, Daria and Jane know something's up.
Saturday, August 4, 2001
Parfait and Survey
Except for the parfait part. Yeah, here's another survey.
(1) The singular boring question: What is your name? Holly Rachael Zintel.
(2) If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been? Zeke, because my brother's name is Zach. Then we would have been Zeke and Zach. I sure I'm glad I'm a girl.
(3) Would you name a child of yours after you? No, I would not.
(4) If you had to switch first names with a friend of yours, who would you switch with? Heather.
(5) What's the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name? They say "Zin-til" instead of Zin-tell."
(6) If you were to become famous, would you drop your last name (like Madonna, Cher, Roseanne)? No.
(7) Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? Ya know... I don't know. I kind of like the way it was in that movie, "What Dreams May Come." You know, everybody's Heaven looked different, and everybody's Hell was their worst fear.
(8) Do you think God has a gender? Yes. Male.
(9) Do you think science counteracts religion? No, I don't.
(10) Do you believe in organized religion? I don't know what "organized religion" means, so probably not.
(11) Where do you think we go when we die? The good go to Heaven, the bad go to Hell. And if we're good, and we want to, I think we can come back to Earth in a different body.
(12) Do you feel a little funny thinking about the questions in this section? No.
(13) How easy is it to make you laugh? Easier than liking my cat, Daria. In other words, it's very, *very* easy.
(14) What person you know makes you laugh the most? Probably Zach.
(15) Do you laugh at jokes you know you shouldn't? Sometimes. And then I feel really bad.
(16) Do you tell jokes you know you shouldn't? I have before. I felt bad then, too.
(17) What words instantly make you laugh or at least smile? Words like "poop," I'm ashamed to say.
(18) What do you think is the funniest thing you've ever said or written? People seem to like it when I do my Grandma Z. impression of, "KE-E-EN, YOU'RE GETTIN' OFF AT THE WRONG EXIIIT!"
(19) Do you ever dance to music when nobody's watching? Too often for my own good.
(20) What is/are the worst song(s) you have ever heard? Every single song by Eminem.
(21) What song(s) do you wish you could understand a little better? Creed's usually a little hard to understand.
(22) What song(s) are constantly in your head? "Pretend to Be Nice" by Josie and the Pussycats.
(23) What song(s) do you think describe your personality best? "Hope Set High" by Amy Grant.
(24) If you were to serenade the object of your affections, which song(s) would you use? "This Song's Just Six Words Long" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.
(25) If the object of your affections were to serenade you, what song(s) would you hope he or she used? "Meet Me at DQ!"
(26) What movie(s) do you love that nobody else seems to? A Midsummer Night's Dream and Bean.
(27) Do you agree with the idea that sequels are always worse than the original? No. I think sequels rock.
(28) Who's your favorite Star Wars character? C3P0.
(29) What kind of movie do you think there should be more of? Awesomely drawn cartoon fairy tale ones.
(30) What movie(s) do you simply not understand the appeal of? There's Something About Mary and John Wayne movies.
(31) When eating, are you more concerned with taste or healthiness? I'm more concerned with, "Does this have any animal products in it?"
(32) What's your favorite kind of cheese? Soy.
(33) What do you think your answer to the previous question reveals about your personality? I prefer the stuff that's really hard to find in life.
(34) If you knew exactly what went into Chinese food, hamburger meat, etc., would you still eat it? I don't eat it now, why should I start?
(35) Do you ever feel guilty eating meat? Since I *don't* eat meat, no. But if I did, I'd probably feel so guilty, I'd throw myself in front of a train.
(36) Mac or PC? PC, I guess. That's what I have. But Mac looks prettier.
(37) How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer, as long as it works? I couldn't care less as long as it runs fast.
(38) Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversation? No. I usually turn my IMs off so nobody bothers me while I'm reading Daria fan fiction.
(39) Do you find you're different talking through IMs than face-to-face or on the telephone? No. I talk exactly the same. Yes, that's right, I say "brb" in regular conversations.
(40) Have you ever ended bid on something on eBay and regretted it later? No, I don't use eBay.
(41) Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? When I was little, I thought it would suck to get pregnant, yet I knew I someday wanted kids, so I wished I were a guy. Now I'm *thrilled* I'm a girl.
(42) What do you love most about the other gender? I don't know. Sometimes they're hot and sweet, I guess.
(43) What do you dislike most about the other gender? The fact that they seem to turn into jerks around their friends.
(44) What do you understand least about the other gender? Why the heck *do* they turn into jerks around their friends?
(45) Do you sometimes see a movie or watch a show just because a good-looking celebrity is in it? Yeah. That's what happened with "The Legend of Bagger Vance" and "The Talented Mr. Ripley." And "The Beach." But I gave up about half-way through every one of those.
(46) What celebrity's autograph do you want most? "Weird Al" Yankovic's.
(47) Have people ever said you looked like a celebrity, and if so, who? No.
(48) If there was to be a movie about you, who do you think should play you (in personality, looks or both)? Rosie O'Donnel.
(49) Does it ever annoy you when you know someone is a celebrity but you can't remember why? Yes. Eminem and Howard Stern.
(50) If you could enter any celebrity's mind like in "Being John Malkovich", whose would you enter? Is that what happened in that movie? I'm going to have to rent that, it sounds cool. Oh yeah, does Glenn Eiclher (the creater of Daria) count? I'd be like, "Glenn, taking Daria off the air is a bad idea! Having Daria and Trent hook up is a good idea!"
(51) Do you want to be John Malkovich? No thank you.
(1) The singular boring question: What is your name? Holly Rachael Zintel.
(2) If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been? Zeke, because my brother's name is Zach. Then we would have been Zeke and Zach. I sure I'm glad I'm a girl.
(3) Would you name a child of yours after you? No, I would not.
(4) If you had to switch first names with a friend of yours, who would you switch with? Heather.
(5) What's the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name? They say "Zin-til" instead of Zin-tell."
(6) If you were to become famous, would you drop your last name (like Madonna, Cher, Roseanne)? No.
(7) Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? Ya know... I don't know. I kind of like the way it was in that movie, "What Dreams May Come." You know, everybody's Heaven looked different, and everybody's Hell was their worst fear.
(8) Do you think God has a gender? Yes. Male.
(9) Do you think science counteracts religion? No, I don't.
(10) Do you believe in organized religion? I don't know what "organized religion" means, so probably not.
(11) Where do you think we go when we die? The good go to Heaven, the bad go to Hell. And if we're good, and we want to, I think we can come back to Earth in a different body.
(12) Do you feel a little funny thinking about the questions in this section? No.
(13) How easy is it to make you laugh? Easier than liking my cat, Daria. In other words, it's very, *very* easy.
(14) What person you know makes you laugh the most? Probably Zach.
(15) Do you laugh at jokes you know you shouldn't? Sometimes. And then I feel really bad.
(16) Do you tell jokes you know you shouldn't? I have before. I felt bad then, too.
(17) What words instantly make you laugh or at least smile? Words like "poop," I'm ashamed to say.
(18) What do you think is the funniest thing you've ever said or written? People seem to like it when I do my Grandma Z. impression of, "KE-E-EN, YOU'RE GETTIN' OFF AT THE WRONG EXIIIT!"
(19) Do you ever dance to music when nobody's watching? Too often for my own good.
(20) What is/are the worst song(s) you have ever heard? Every single song by Eminem.
(21) What song(s) do you wish you could understand a little better? Creed's usually a little hard to understand.
(22) What song(s) are constantly in your head? "Pretend to Be Nice" by Josie and the Pussycats.
(23) What song(s) do you think describe your personality best? "Hope Set High" by Amy Grant.
(24) If you were to serenade the object of your affections, which song(s) would you use? "This Song's Just Six Words Long" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.
(25) If the object of your affections were to serenade you, what song(s) would you hope he or she used? "Meet Me at DQ!"
(26) What movie(s) do you love that nobody else seems to? A Midsummer Night's Dream and Bean.
(27) Do you agree with the idea that sequels are always worse than the original? No. I think sequels rock.
(28) Who's your favorite Star Wars character? C3P0.
(29) What kind of movie do you think there should be more of? Awesomely drawn cartoon fairy tale ones.
(30) What movie(s) do you simply not understand the appeal of? There's Something About Mary and John Wayne movies.
(31) When eating, are you more concerned with taste or healthiness? I'm more concerned with, "Does this have any animal products in it?"
(32) What's your favorite kind of cheese? Soy.
(33) What do you think your answer to the previous question reveals about your personality? I prefer the stuff that's really hard to find in life.
(34) If you knew exactly what went into Chinese food, hamburger meat, etc., would you still eat it? I don't eat it now, why should I start?
(35) Do you ever feel guilty eating meat? Since I *don't* eat meat, no. But if I did, I'd probably feel so guilty, I'd throw myself in front of a train.
(36) Mac or PC? PC, I guess. That's what I have. But Mac looks prettier.
(37) How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer, as long as it works? I couldn't care less as long as it runs fast.
(38) Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversation? No. I usually turn my IMs off so nobody bothers me while I'm reading Daria fan fiction.
(39) Do you find you're different talking through IMs than face-to-face or on the telephone? No. I talk exactly the same. Yes, that's right, I say "brb" in regular conversations.
(40) Have you ever ended bid on something on eBay and regretted it later? No, I don't use eBay.
(41) Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? When I was little, I thought it would suck to get pregnant, yet I knew I someday wanted kids, so I wished I were a guy. Now I'm *thrilled* I'm a girl.
(42) What do you love most about the other gender? I don't know. Sometimes they're hot and sweet, I guess.
(43) What do you dislike most about the other gender? The fact that they seem to turn into jerks around their friends.
(44) What do you understand least about the other gender? Why the heck *do* they turn into jerks around their friends?
(45) Do you sometimes see a movie or watch a show just because a good-looking celebrity is in it? Yeah. That's what happened with "The Legend of Bagger Vance" and "The Talented Mr. Ripley." And "The Beach." But I gave up about half-way through every one of those.
(46) What celebrity's autograph do you want most? "Weird Al" Yankovic's.
(47) Have people ever said you looked like a celebrity, and if so, who? No.
(48) If there was to be a movie about you, who do you think should play you (in personality, looks or both)? Rosie O'Donnel.
(49) Does it ever annoy you when you know someone is a celebrity but you can't remember why? Yes. Eminem and Howard Stern.
(50) If you could enter any celebrity's mind like in "Being John Malkovich", whose would you enter? Is that what happened in that movie? I'm going to have to rent that, it sounds cool. Oh yeah, does Glenn Eiclher (the creater of Daria) count? I'd be like, "Glenn, taking Daria off the air is a bad idea! Having Daria and Trent hook up is a good idea!"
(51) Do you want to be John Malkovich? No thank you.
Friday, August 3, 2001
Oy vey! A survey!
1.What is your full name? Holly Rachael Zintel.
2.Backstreet Boys or N'SYNC? Well, since A.J. seems to have gone insane, I'm gonna go with 'N Sync.
3.What color pants are you wearing right now? Blue.
4.What song are u listening to right now? Why, no song at all.
5.What are the last four digits of your phone number? 7702.
6.What was the last thing u ate? Two bean burritos with no onions or cheese from Taco Bell.
7.Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? No, I do not.
8.If u were a crayon, what color would u wanna be? Peach, because peaches are good. I wouldn't want to be Tickle Me Pink.
9.Where do u want to go on your honeymoon? Vegas.
10.Do u like snow, sun or rain? Snow and sun are both greeeeeeat.
11.How is the weather right now? Painfully hot.
12.Last person u talked to on the phone? My mom.
13.What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Whether or not they're Mr. Bean.
14.How are u today? I'm alright, how 'bout you?
15.Your fave. drink? Root beer and smoothies.
16.Alcoholic: Hey, shut up! I am not.
17.How do u eat an oreo? I put it in my mouth, chew it, and let it slide down my throat hole.
18.Favorite sport: Pro beach hockey. Heheheh.
19.What makes u happy? Knowing that the cockroaches go in, but they do not exit.
20.What's the next cd you're gonna get? Frankie Yankovic's Polka Collection.
21.Birthdate?: I was too young to date at birth.
22.Hair color? Brown and artificial blonde.
23.Eye color? Blue... or at times, green. And sometimes there's red in them.
24.Height? 7'5". Oh, wait, let me take my shoes off. Okay, I'm 5'7".
25.Do u wear contacts?: No, I don't.
26.Siblings and their ages?: Zacharino, 19 till August 27th.
27.What school do u attend? I'm supposed to be *attending* my school? CRAP!
28.Who do u consider your closest friend? Drop Dead Fred. He's real, I tell you!
29.What do u like to do? I like to eat.
30.What's the best advice given to u? "Watch out for that big monster behind you."
31.What do u want to be when u grow up? Oh, I don't want to grow up. You see, I'm a Toys "R" Us kid.
32.What are your future goals? To find a banana to stick in my ear so I can lure that monkey out of my head.
33.Fav music? Dirty pop. As opposed to clean pop.
34.Fav food? Stuffing.
35.Fave movie? Moulin Rouge and Shrek.
36. Fav Month? February and December.
37. Fave woman's perfume? I prefer men's perfume.
38.Fave men's cologne? I prefer women's cologne.
39.Do u like to dance? Uh... yeah. I just... don't feel like it right now...
40.Are u shy to ask someone out?: Unfortunately, no.
41.Have u ever been in love? Probably not.
42.What is the stupidest thing u have ever done? I don't do stupid things. Hold on, I've gotta go, buy some flood pants...
43.Do u like scary or happy movies better? I feel my best when I'm happy.
44.On the phone or in person or in email? In singing telegram or mime-talk.
45.Summer or winter?: Winter.
46.Hugs or kisses? Handshakes.
47.If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be? That big scar on my neck that looks like a division sign.
48.Is cheerleading a sport?: I hope so, I've been betting lots of money on which group of cheerleaders will win.
49.What did u think of this survey? It was jolly good fun.
2.Backstreet Boys or N'SYNC? Well, since A.J. seems to have gone insane, I'm gonna go with 'N Sync.
3.What color pants are you wearing right now? Blue.
4.What song are u listening to right now? Why, no song at all.
5.What are the last four digits of your phone number? 7702.
6.What was the last thing u ate? Two bean burritos with no onions or cheese from Taco Bell.
7.Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? No, I do not.
8.If u were a crayon, what color would u wanna be? Peach, because peaches are good. I wouldn't want to be Tickle Me Pink.
9.Where do u want to go on your honeymoon? Vegas.
10.Do u like snow, sun or rain? Snow and sun are both greeeeeeat.
11.How is the weather right now? Painfully hot.
12.Last person u talked to on the phone? My mom.
13.What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Whether or not they're Mr. Bean.
14.How are u today? I'm alright, how 'bout you?
15.Your fave. drink? Root beer and smoothies.
16.Alcoholic: Hey, shut up! I am not.
17.How do u eat an oreo? I put it in my mouth, chew it, and let it slide down my throat hole.
18.Favorite sport: Pro beach hockey. Heheheh.
19.What makes u happy? Knowing that the cockroaches go in, but they do not exit.
20.What's the next cd you're gonna get? Frankie Yankovic's Polka Collection.
21.Birthdate?: I was too young to date at birth.
22.Hair color? Brown and artificial blonde.
23.Eye color? Blue... or at times, green. And sometimes there's red in them.
24.Height? 7'5". Oh, wait, let me take my shoes off. Okay, I'm 5'7".
25.Do u wear contacts?: No, I don't.
26.Siblings and their ages?: Zacharino, 19 till August 27th.
27.What school do u attend? I'm supposed to be *attending* my school? CRAP!
28.Who do u consider your closest friend? Drop Dead Fred. He's real, I tell you!
29.What do u like to do? I like to eat.
30.What's the best advice given to u? "Watch out for that big monster behind you."
31.What do u want to be when u grow up? Oh, I don't want to grow up. You see, I'm a Toys "R" Us kid.
32.What are your future goals? To find a banana to stick in my ear so I can lure that monkey out of my head.
33.Fav music? Dirty pop. As opposed to clean pop.
34.Fav food? Stuffing.
35.Fave movie? Moulin Rouge and Shrek.
36. Fav Month? February and December.
37. Fave woman's perfume? I prefer men's perfume.
38.Fave men's cologne? I prefer women's cologne.
39.Do u like to dance? Uh... yeah. I just... don't feel like it right now...
40.Are u shy to ask someone out?: Unfortunately, no.
41.Have u ever been in love? Probably not.
42.What is the stupidest thing u have ever done? I don't do stupid things. Hold on, I've gotta go, buy some flood pants...
43.Do u like scary or happy movies better? I feel my best when I'm happy.
44.On the phone or in person or in email? In singing telegram or mime-talk.
45.Summer or winter?: Winter.
46.Hugs or kisses? Handshakes.
47.If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be? That big scar on my neck that looks like a division sign.
48.Is cheerleading a sport?: I hope so, I've been betting lots of money on which group of cheerleaders will win.
49.What did u think of this survey? It was jolly good fun.
Thursday, August 2, 2001
Am I 17 or 71?
Uh... what's my age again? I checked my birth certificate... I was apparently born in '84. I checked with my parents... they said I'm 17. But I don't get it. I act like an old woman. Here are the following signs that I'm really a 71 year old in an overweight 17-year-old's body.
1. I don't like swearing. I simply can't understand why people swear. It sounds to me like they have quite the lack of vocabulary.
2. I watch football and say, "Those boys must have so many bruises. Oooh! Is he okay?!"
3. I'm very opposed to drugs (counting alcohol). They warn us in health class and D.A.R.E. about the dangers of drugs. But then kids do it anyway!
4. I'd much rather watch The Little Mermaid than Road Trip.
5. I hear stuff like Korn and Eminem and say, "You call this music?! It's just noise!"
6. I've often pulled so much hair out of my brush, I used to think I was going bald.
7. Madanna? She's not someone to idolize! What about that nice man, Fred Rogers? Now there's a role model!
8. I sometimes catch myself watching QVC and infomercials.
9. I think Barbara Walters is one of the coolest television personalities on the air.
10. I say things like "Yes, my dear!" and "Splendid!"
Isn't there something a bit peculiar about me? My eighteenth birthday will be this winter! I must be getting old!
--Holly :-D
1. I don't like swearing. I simply can't understand why people swear. It sounds to me like they have quite the lack of vocabulary.
2. I watch football and say, "Those boys must have so many bruises. Oooh! Is he okay?!"
3. I'm very opposed to drugs (counting alcohol). They warn us in health class and D.A.R.E. about the dangers of drugs. But then kids do it anyway!
4. I'd much rather watch The Little Mermaid than Road Trip.
5. I hear stuff like Korn and Eminem and say, "You call this music?! It's just noise!"
6. I've often pulled so much hair out of my brush, I used to think I was going bald.
7. Madanna? She's not someone to idolize! What about that nice man, Fred Rogers? Now there's a role model!
8. I sometimes catch myself watching QVC and infomercials.
9. I think Barbara Walters is one of the coolest television personalities on the air.
10. I say things like "Yes, my dear!" and "Splendid!"
Isn't there something a bit peculiar about me? My eighteenth birthday will be this winter! I must be getting old!
--Holly :-D
Wednesday, August 1, 2001
Red Mill... or in French, Moulin Rouge!
Molin Rouge was *such* a good movie! Oh, man! It's like... the best movie I've ever seen in my life! And whoa! That main guy is such a hottie. Dang.
I must have cried about ten times during that movie. I went to see it today with my grandparents Shoup and my mom. Grandma kept having to pass my more and more Kleenexes because every time I stopped crying, I just started back up again. I felt really refreshed after all that crying, though, heheh.
I thought Nicole Kidman's character's name was cool... Satine. I really liked that. Her singing voice really surprised me... she's awesome. And every time that guy, Christian sang, I was like, "Whoa..." It wasn't just that he was hot and had an amazing singing voice, though. What got me was that he was so sweet.
Another thing that I thought was cool about Moulin Rouge was that it was a musical. There aren't very many musicals anymore, and they're my favorite type of movie.
I can't wait till Moulin Rouge comes out on video. I'm so totally going to buy it.
Okay, see ya.
--Holly Rachael :-D
I must have cried about ten times during that movie. I went to see it today with my grandparents Shoup and my mom. Grandma kept having to pass my more and more Kleenexes because every time I stopped crying, I just started back up again. I felt really refreshed after all that crying, though, heheh.
I thought Nicole Kidman's character's name was cool... Satine. I really liked that. Her singing voice really surprised me... she's awesome. And every time that guy, Christian sang, I was like, "Whoa..." It wasn't just that he was hot and had an amazing singing voice, though. What got me was that he was so sweet.
Another thing that I thought was cool about Moulin Rouge was that it was a musical. There aren't very many musicals anymore, and they're my favorite type of movie.
I can't wait till Moulin Rouge comes out on video. I'm so totally going to buy it.
Okay, see ya.
--Holly Rachael :-D
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