You Are 8% Republican |
You're a staunch liberal, and nothing is going to change that! |
You Are 72% Democrat |
You don't fit every Democrat stereotype, but you definitely belong in the Democrat party. |
Your Vote Score: 33% Republican, 67% Democrat |
Do be sure to research each candidate. A liberal Republican or independent candidate might fit you better at times. |
I freaking hate politics. My family is mainly republicans. My friends are mainly democrats. I've figured out that I'm a democrat who's mostly liberal but is very mildly conservative (drugs are bad, m'kay?). In the race for governor, I thought I could just go for Jennifer Granholm, since she is a democrat and all. But it turns out that she's the bi-atch who put that mourning dove bill on the ballot, so it's going to be her frickin' fault if Proposal 3 is passed, and I'll be forced to egg her house (with egg substitute, of course). What kind of tree-hugging hippie is this woman, anyway? I thought democrats were supposed to be against killing things! Have I been grossly misinformed, or what? Seriously- what the hell?
I've been doing internet research on both Dick DeVos and Granholm for the past couple of hours, and it's wearing me the crap out. I'm going to have to play mindless online games for the NEXT two hours just to clear my head of all the political boringness. Bo...ring...ness? Boringness, yes. I see no reason to vote for DeVos, and I do agree with some of Granholms policies, but I can't support someone who thinks hunting is okay. I mean, hunting is my #1 gripe! What am I going to do, vote for the green party?
Whatever. Look, I'm not even going to worry about it right now. I'm going to go, watch the Cartoon Network while I hug Christina's stuffed penguin and wish I was a kid again so I didn't have to worry about voting for the right person.
<3, Holly