I don't exactly remember the precise moment when I met my best friend, Sarah. In fact, the first year I knew her, we weren't close at all. We ate lunch together with a number of our old friends, most of whom I can't even name now, even though I'd known a few of them almost my whole life. When set Sarah apart from those other friends was that she really seemed to care what happened to me, as she proved over the next five years. When my dad made me get my teacher's signatures on my assignment sheet, Sarah made sure I got those signatures so I wouldn't get in trouble. When I was struggling with restless leg syndrome, she didn't freak out and keep the heck away from me, she stayed with me and kept my mind off it. When I was too sick to pay attention in driver's ed, she took notes for the both of us and kept me from failing. And if she didn't have enough money to buy me a birthday present, she made me beautiful pillows, which I love more than anything she could have bought... except, perhaps, for this bloody awesome theatre ring she got me for my open house. *Pats it and snaps picture*
I thought Sarah was so cool, I set her up with my brother, one of my other best friends. For 3 years, Zach and I hung out with Sarah all day, every day. I had a blast with them, despite their constant "make out then break up" ritual. When Sarah and Zach had the mother of all breakups, it looked like I was going to have to choose between them, and I was alternately devastated and hysterical for weeks. I loved them both way too much to pick a favorite. I decided I couldn't, and would never choose one of them over the other, though I'm ashamed to say I haven't made time to hang out with Sarah since I started college, and I've missed her so much.
A couple weeks ago, I went to Sarah's diary and saw that she had rather huge news-- she's pregnant! I had to read the entry four times before it really sunk in. My best friend is pregnant. This is huge! At first, I way too worried to be happy. I kept thinking, Is her dad angry? Is she okay with this? Matt had better stay with her and be good to she and the baby... But as I read the entry over and over, I realized everything will be okay. She and Matt are really excited and they're both working; they'll be able to get their own place soon! When I finally actually realized that my best pal was going to be a mom, I became really thrilled too. A new mini-miracle kid... this is going to be so awesome! My worries immediately turned to excited plans-- What gifts am I going to spoil this kid with? What decorations will we put up at the baby shower? I'd better start shopping for this kid now, only nine months to go...
Of course, I'm going to do everything I can for Sarah, Matt and the baby... after all, look at all the great things Sarah's done for me. *Raises bottle of root beer* To best friends and miracles!
I thought Sarah was so cool, I set her up with my brother, one of my other best friends. For 3 years, Zach and I hung out with Sarah all day, every day. I had a blast with them, despite their constant "make out then break up" ritual. When Sarah and Zach had the mother of all breakups, it looked like I was going to have to choose between them, and I was alternately devastated and hysterical for weeks. I loved them both way too much to pick a favorite. I decided I couldn't, and would never choose one of them over the other, though I'm ashamed to say I haven't made time to hang out with Sarah since I started college, and I've missed her so much.
A couple weeks ago, I went to Sarah's diary and saw that she had rather huge news-- she's pregnant! I had to read the entry four times before it really sunk in. My best friend is pregnant. This is huge! At first, I way too worried to be happy. I kept thinking, Is her dad angry? Is she okay with this? Matt had better stay with her and be good to she and the baby... But as I read the entry over and over, I realized everything will be okay. She and Matt are really excited and they're both working; they'll be able to get their own place soon! When I finally actually realized that my best pal was going to be a mom, I became really thrilled too. A new mini-miracle kid... this is going to be so awesome! My worries immediately turned to excited plans-- What gifts am I going to spoil this kid with? What decorations will we put up at the baby shower? I'd better start shopping for this kid now, only nine months to go...
Of course, I'm going to do everything I can for Sarah, Matt and the baby... after all, look at all the great things Sarah's done for me. *Raises bottle of root beer* To best friends and miracles!
In other news, my dad surprised me with the gift that keeps on giving... or at least, it keeps taking... taking pictures! He said it was a late open house present, so that's fun. And not only does this digital camera take pictures, it also takes minute-and-a-half-long videos! So my camera is super neat, as opposed to just plain neat. This means that there will be lots of pics and videos of Sarah's baby (uh... you know, when she has the baby) and you online folk will be able to see part of my next play! Oh, aren't you just in fits of rapture? *Grins cheekily*