Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Spending Devil's Night @ School

Wheeeeeew, I tell ya what! Party hardy! Where'd everybody go this Devil's Night? I'll bet you crazy kids spent the night drinking an overcaffienated beverage like Mountain Dew and playing Spin the Empty Mountain Dew bottle or something totally uncalled for such as that! Well, I bet I can beat all of ya for fun tonight. That's right! I went to... MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE, BABY!

Now I know it's customary for me to spend Devil's Night hanging out at home, eating the candy I originally intended to hand out to kids on Halloween, but I decided to do something cool this year, so I went to school. I know, I know... I'm such a rebel. I bet that you folks would just love to hear me drone on and on about my theatre practice class, but I'm going to rant instead. Sorry to dissapoint you.

I was planning on going to Larry's party tomorrow night, but Morgan informed me tonight that, "It's going to be a party party, Holly. I mean, you know, with drinking and stuff." And well, we all know that the strongest thing I drink is pineapple/orange/banana juice. Speaking of which... *returns with juice* Mmm... juuuuuuiiice... And so, I will not be attending Larry's Halloween party. Instead, I will be holding a Courage the Cowardly Dog-athon at my mom's haus. T'will be much more fun than the party party, I assure you. *Is pensive* But you know what I've been wondering? Why is a party only considered cool amongst college kids if it's a drinking party? I mean, I always thought the "cool parties" were the ones where folks sit around, playing Scattergorries and eating chips & salsa while Lifehouse plays in the background. *Shrugs* I guess I'm not "hip". And I'm probably not "down" either. So I figure I don't have the "411" and I'm most likely not "jiggy with it". Oh well.

Maybe on my 21st birthday, I'll have a group of hot guys over to play Naked Uno or something. I'm very good at Uno, so... yes... *Cackles in a Halloween-like fashion* By the way, I have decided on my big Christmas present from my Dad for this year. You see, my brother and I are a bit... well... how should I put this...? Ah yes--SPOILED ROTTEN. And since Zach and I are spoiled, Dad buys us one big present each, every Christmas, along with little presents like DVDs and other not-so-ridiculously-expensive gifts. For my big present this year, I have decided on... *drum roll* a CD player for my car! It's true, I don't have a license yet, due to laziness... and loneliness. I don't like driving a car by myself, and so I've been having people drive me places for as long as possible. But most of my friends are chain-smokers. And I have asthma and a strong dislike for cancer, and so I just can't ride in a car with my chain-smoking friends any longer. I shall get my license soon. That is a promise.

Okay, bed time for Holly. Night-night.
--Holly :-D

Monday, October 28, 2002

Bowling For Burritos

Man, I wish I had the makings for a bean burrito, or a car to go to Taco Bell in. Oh well. I suppose I'll just fill out this survey that I stole from Living in Excess.

list your favorite memories.
1. Getting my first pet for Christmas when I was 7. She was a gorgeous yet rather violent purr-cat named Tinsel.

2. Spying on my mom and a guy she met online with Zach and Sarah. We used code names and sat in a corner booth with menus over our faces. T'was luffly until Zachary blew our cover.
3. Going on a Vegas Vacation with my entire family. Grandma Z. stole a bunch of Luxor "Do not disturb" signs for all us kids and Zach and Lindsay had fun knocking on people's doors and running away.
4. Staying up late in the summer with Zach, watching Conan and Letterman.
5. Shopping in Tawas with Mom when I was little.

list the components of your perfect day.
1. Waking up at the Rio in Las Vegas.
2. Eating at Planet Hollywood in Caesar's Forum with my family, friends and J.K. Rowling.
3. Spending most of the day buying all the toys and various merchandise in the Harry Potter room at FAO Shwartz.
4. Hanging out with Dave at the Flamingo Hilton garden/pool area so we could play with the flamingos, penguins and Japenese Koi.
5. Challenging various unsuspecting people to games of air hockey in the Luxor arcade.

list the music that has changed your life.
1. Amy Grant
2. Lifehouse
3. Avril Lavigne
4. Wilson Phillips
5. Savage Garden/Darren Hayes

list some people who have really changed your life.
1. Mom
2. All my favorite family members
3. Sarah
4. Randi
5. All my theatre pals

list your addictions.
1. Harry Potter
2. Daria
3. Port Charles
4. Disney movies
5. Music. You know, the good kind.

Well, that was fun, but now I suppose I should mention that fact that I got Lifehouse's new CD, Stanley Climbfall, and it... is... AWESOME! My favorite songs on it are "Anchor" and "Am I Ever Gonna Find Out?" The lyrics to "Anchor" are exactly what I think Harry thinks about Hermione. Yeah, yeah, I know you people think they're fictional, but are you absolutely certain? *Grins dorkily* AHEM. Anyhoo, check out the chorus to "Anchor" and tell me it doesn't sound perfect for Harry and Hermione:
"I know I will never be alone. You will never let me go. You are my anchor. Hold my hand while I'm sinking in the sand. No one else could understand. You are my anchor."
*Dorky grin returns* I love it. My dad bought me a luffly light blue sweater-jacket-thing. 'Tis wonderful. *Hugs and handshakes*

--Holly :-D

Friday, October 25, 2002


Hello, everyone! As you can see, Zach has helped me to Halloween my diary. *Hands him a pack of "fun-sized" Skittles from Halloween candy stash* Dad, Zach and I went to see The Tuxedo with Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt today. I heart that movie. Tis rockin'. And my dad decided today that I'm no longer grounded from the computer! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO! In honor of this awesome occasion, I have decided to fill out this Halloween survey that I filled out last year, once again. Happy "Holly"ween!

Section 1 - Obligatory Questions:

Name: Holly the Rachael Zintel

Age: 18

Location: Flint, MI.

Section 2 - This is my costume. Give me the damn candy!

What was your first Halloween costume? I was a Carebear. I couldn't eat any candy due to my lack of teeth, but it was still jolly good fun.

What was your costume last year? I was a costumeless dork last year.

What will your costume be this year? I shall be a Chinese person, for I have a cool Chinese novelty hat, and not enough time to put a good Hogwarts student costume together.

Has there ever been a reoccurring theme with your costumes? For three years in a row, I went as various characters from Daria--Daria, Jane and Andrea.

Through the years, what have your costumes been? A Carebear, a clown, Smurfette, Peter Pan, Ariel the Little Mermaid, a butterfly, Paula Abdul, a ballerina dinosaur, Miss America, a silly-looking witch, Todd from One Life to Live, a yin-yang... thing, some sort of freak made up of Smiley faces, an Egyptian chick, Daria Morgendorffer, a vampire version of Jane from Daria, my Grandma Z. and Andrea from Daria.

What was your favorite costume? Miss America. I was 7, and I loved the Miss America pageants. I felt all special, getting all dressed up in a glamorous-looking nightgown, heels and a cool, glittery sash.

What is your dream costume? A Hogwarts student. I'd be in Gryffindor.

Which do you prefer, store bought or home made costumes? Homemade. I've never had a store-bought costume in my life because I think they're uncreative.

Masks or make up? Make-up! Where's the fun in putting on a frickin' mask?

Have you ever dyed, cut or did anything else to your hair for a costume? My mom dyed my hair red when I was Ariel in kindergarten, and my dad dyed it black when I was Jane the vampire, but the dye got on my neck, and wouldn't wash off for weeks! Ah yes, and when I was Daria, I had my mom cut my bangs. I shouldn't have done that. It was not a pretty sight.

What is the longest time you ever spent working on a costume? I think it was when I was Todd from OLTL.

The shortest? The Egyptian one didn't take too long, because I just wore one of my dance recital costumes, and painted eye-makeup on.

What was the most expensive costume you wore? Grandma Z., I think.

The least expensive? Probably Smurfette.

Section 3 - Trick or Treat, smell my feet, gimme something good to eat.

What kind of bag or pail did you collect candy in? A pillowcase.

Did you ever get so much candy it spilled over the top? I don't believe so. I usually got too tired to stay out very long.

Broke the bag/pail? Nope.

Did you just Trick or Treat up your street or your street and everyone else's? Usually my whole neighborhood, but for the last few years, it was my aunt Barb's neighborhood, and once, my grandma Shoup's.

Candy that you hated to get? Rock candy. I felt like Charlie Brown.

Do you think Trick or Treating should only be done at night? Yes, but safely and responsibly. This 4 in the afternoon crap is getting ridiculous.

What is the perfect weather for Trick or Treating? Nice and warm so you don't have to put a coat or hat on and mess up your costume or makeup.

Section 4 - It's alive! ALIVE!!!

What is your favorite monster? The Cookie Monster.

Why do you like this monster so much? He bears cookies. What's not to like?

If you had the chance to be this monster for one day, what would you do? Eat a lot of cookies.

If you could be anywhere in the world on Halloween, where would you want to be? Home.

What is your favorite Halloweenish song? "Nature Trail to Hell" by "Weird Al" Yankovic. It's playing on my front page.

What is your favorite horror movie? Ernest Scared Stupid.

What is your favorite horror novel? In a Dark, Dark Room.

Have you ever been to a theme parks Halloween celebration (i.e. HallowScream, Halloween Horror Nights, ect.)? No. That'd probably be cool, though.

Is Freddy really dead? The guy on Scooby Doo? No, I just saw him yesterday.

What about Bela Lugosi? I... figure as much. (I have no idea who that is.)

Have you ever been to a real haunted house? I hope not.

Did anything spooky happen? Um... yeah.

Is 13 an unlucky number to you? Not particularly.

Oh man... I just went to and it seems that Richard Harris, a.k.a. Professor Dumbledore, died! That's pretty dang upsetting. I don't want to sound like a jerk saying this, but... I wonder who will play him now?

--Holly :-0

Thursday, October 24, 2002

An Outing With the Theatre Folk

*Looks up from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets* Oh, hello! I just got back from Target with my mommy and grandma. Mom bought me a pumpkin so I can do all kinds of fun Halloweenie things with it, and she also got me some Virtual Eyes shadow. It's pretty. *Marvels at it* Ah yes, and Mom also bought me a magazine that's full of lovely Harry Potter stuff, and Grandma got me the big pack of Crayola Crayons. I amazed Grandma with my ability to name all the crayons before they came out of the box. One day, I'll be rich for that very special talent...

Yesterday was, of course, wondermous as usual. T'was Wednesday, and therefore, I had theatre practice. I didn't get to wow the class with my incredible fake-crying abilities this week, but that was okay because Morgan finally got to act out her part for us. She plays a slutty, obsessed-with-Elvis mechanic named Angel who performs table dances. *Applauds her*

When the class was nearing its end, Kyle suggested that we all go out for pizza, but only a few of us wanted to. Zach came to pick me up from school, but he didn't want to go out to eat with my theatre friends, so he went home, and I rode to John's Pizzeria with Kyle and Leah. It seems that most of my theatre pals are chain-smokers who are deaf. In the course of the 10-minute drive to the restaurant, I think it's safe to say that Leah and Kyle smoked about 3 cigarretes each while Kyle blared the Bloodhound Gang at a volume usually reserved for I-MAX theaters. Leah and I learned that Kyle has a very different rule about riding in his truck. He showed us a stuffed Pillsburry Dough Boy covered in spots, and informed us that each person who rides in his truck must put a new dot on the Dough Boy. I thought that was rather cute.

Walking into the restaurant, I realized that Morgan and Larry seemed awfully close, and that Kyle and Leah were flirting mercilessly with each other. I began to feel kind of uncomfortable... it seemed like I was intruding on a double-date. So I was really relieved to see that Don and Jim had arrived before us. I sat on the side of the booth with Don so the chain smokers could all sit together, and we discussed why neither of us smoke.
My Reasoning:
I rather enjoy life, and smoking causes cancer.
Don's Reasoning:
The first time he tried smoking, he accidentally set his workplace on fire.
Suddenly, everyone's attention was on Morgan and Larry who had begun kissing. "Are you guys going out?!" I blurted. When they said yes, I started shrieking like a 13-year-old girl at an 'N Sync concert, rambling on and on about how cute I thought it was that they met in theatre practice, and soon became a serious item! Everyone suddenly jumped into their own stories of how they met their current boi/girl. I wished I had a story to tell... *Sigh*

Larry gave me a ride home. It seems that Larry is even more deaf than Kyle. He played his music so loud, I couldn't hear myself think, and he, like Kyle, is an in-car smoker. While my asthma was acting up and a migrane was forcing itself into my brain, Larry decided to discuss the fact that his dad died a couple of years ago. I felt a bit disrespectful, yelling, "I'M SORRY ABOUT YOUR DAD!" over the racket White Zombie was making, but what could I do? I highly appreciate Larry and Kyle driving me all over, but I have come to the conclusion that I definitely need to get my license soon so I won't have to breathe all that smoke again any time soon, and so I can keep my eardrums unpunctured. Sheesh, and my family thinks I play my music loud!

Oh yes, I feel that I should probably mention this... I just got the mail and it seems that I got my high school equivalency certificate. In other words, I GOT MY G.E.D.! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Alrighty, laaaaaaaaater.

--Holly Rachael :-D

Monday, October 21, 2002

In 25 Days, the Chamber of Secrets Will Be Opened

*Hyperventilates* 25 days! I wonder if I should leave for the theater now so I can get a good parking spot. I'll need to buy my popcorn at least 5 hours prior to the first showing of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets... I might have to knock a few 8-year-olds out of the way to make sure I get a good seat, too. When I went to see Abandon the other day (it sucked quite badly, by the way), I noticed that they have these huuuuuge Harry Potter posters hanging up in the lobby! The movie theater doesn't know it yet, but those posters will be mine. Oh yes. They will be mine.

I know it's hard to believe, but I actually have bigger things going on in my life than my plot to steal the Harry Potter movie posters from Showcase West. *Hears everyone gasp* My step dad has no job and my mom only makes enough money to pay for groceries, gas and other necessities. Well, the guy they're buying the house from decided that if Mike doesn't pay the 3 bills that are due, he's getting a friendly little eviction notice. This is not really a problem for me or my mom, as I primarily live with my dad anyway, and Mom is welcome to move back in with my grandparents any time she wants.

However, this is quite a major problem for Mike and Carrie. The other night, while I was at Mom's house, Carrie came home and announced that she would like to move in with her mom. Now, the reason Mike and his ex-wife got divorced was that Alice (Carrie and Bill's mom) smoked pot. Carrie insists that she doesn't do that anymore, and wants to move in with her mom so she doesn't have to worry about being evicted. Mike thinks he can forbid her to do that. He was screaming at Carrie all... night... long.

Mom and I both agreed that Carrie was in the right. If she wants to move in with her mom, she can. She's 18! Plus, who can blame her for wanting to live without the worry of being evicted? Mike was pretty dang upset that neither Mom nor I told Carrie she shouldn't move in with her mom, so then he started screaming at us. When he began yelling at Mom, I freaked out and started yelling at him, defending my mom. When he got mad that I was mad, that's when Mom told him, "Mike, if you don't have the money to pay the bills in 15 days, I'm leaving and going to my parents' house. I don't care where you go." I think he may finally be worried that it's very possible that he could lose my mom, the best thing to ever happen to him.

During all of the arguing and yelling, Carrie started crying hysterically, and ended up getting so sick that she ran to the bathroom and puked for like, 15 minutes. And get this: Mike never apologized to her. I think the main thing that got her so upset was when Mike told her she'd never amount to anything if she moved in with her mom. He was being such an A-hole, and he doesn't think he did anything wrong.

Welllllll... I'm going to enjoy the rest of my computer time while I can. *Hugs and handshakes for all*

--Holly Rachael :-D

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

I Went to Los Angeles Last Night least in a dream! (By the way, this entry was ALSO The Hot Chocolate Theory, but FOD won't let me delete it, and so, I am editing it into a new entry.) I've been having these really vivid dreams lately, and they're usually nightmares. *Cowers under the covers* Nightmares are never good things.

Here's my dream from last night: My dad and brother had just picked me up from my mom's house, and we were on our way to dinner. But, as usual, we couldn't seem to agree on a restaurant. Somehow, we managed to get to the airport without me noticing... and then we boarded a plane without me noticing. *Shrugs* My dream self is pretty oblivious, isn't she? Anyhoo, I'm sitting in an aisle seat, talking to my dad when I realize I'm on a plane. I was like, "Um, Dad, why are we on a plane?" He replied, "Well, we couldn't agree on a restaurant, so I told Zach he could pick tonight. He chose a restaurant in Los Angelos, so that's where we're going."

On the plane, I made friends with a bunch of people who had been to LA previously. I kept whining to these people about how my family usually goes to Las Vegas, and how I was very angry that we were going to LA. One of my plane-friends decided to open up a Rainforest Cafe giftshop right there, on the plane. She told me I should lose my amethyst ring, because it wasn't meant to be my birthstone. For some reason, I was like, "Oh, okay then," and tossed me beloved amethyst ring in the trash. My plane-friend replaced my birthstone ring with an ugly green ring that I didn't like at all, but I gladly paid for it.

Once we reached LA, Zach, Dad and I got off the plane, and walked into the airport. Only it wasn't an airport. It was a mall. Every shop we went into, someone would sell us something without us knowing. After about 15 stores, I realized that I was carrying a bunch of stuffed animals and shoes that I didn't want.

And so, that was my dream. Stupid dream-Zach, making us go to Los Angeles for dinner... Next time, he'd better settle for the Olive Garden! Alright, I'm going to go to my mom's to have dinner because theater practice is going to be from 6:30 till 10:00 tonight, so I need to eat early. Laaaaater.

--Holly Rachael :-D

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

The Hot Chocolate Theory

It is my belief that hot chocolate heals all wounds... well, you know, except for those external wounds. If you have those, I would advise you to get some Harry Potter band-aids and Neosporin immediately. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, Chris Rock's dad might think that Robitussen is the only medicine to use, but I think hot chocolate is.

My Hot Chocolate Theory started way back in the year of 19 and 99. My brother, Zach, and my best friend, Sarah, had started dating at the beginning of that year. Now, these two crazy kids didn't seem to go together at all. They were like vinegar and water, fire and ice, Ron and Hermione. They would make out, fight, make out, fight, day in and day out. And every weekend, my mom, Zach's best friend, Bobby and I would all have to put up with Sarah and Zach's fighting.

Well, one day, I just got tired of it. I wasn't sure I liked Zach and Sarah's makeout sessions any better than their fighting, but I was going to put a stop to one of 'em! Since I didn't know how to stop the makeout sessions, I decided to work on stopping the fighting. In the midst of one of Zach and Sarah's fights, I asked them both to come out to the living room, and I made them each a mug of hot chocolate. Once they were both well into their hot chocolate, I acted as Relationship Counceler, talking out their problems with them. This always seemed to help, right up until the day that Sarah and Zach broke up for good last year.

I'd forgotten about The Hot Chocolate Theory until last night, when I had a terrible migrain. I was watching Grumpier Old Men on TV with my dad. It was very cold in the family room, and the afghan my grandma made for the baby version of myself, wasn't helping much. After taking a Zomig (a migrain pill), I made myself some hot chocolate to help the fact that it was frickin' freezing in here, Mr. Biggelsworth. My dad went to bed, Zach went to work, and My Girl 2 magically appeared on the TV. The first mug of hot chocolate had really helped, so I made another one. The combined effect of the hot chocolate and the awesomely sentimental movie gave me feel very warm and at peace with the world. So, I'm glad I remembered The Hot Chocolate Theory. Everyone must try this, it works wonders.

Say, you know what? To completely change the subject, I just realized something. I'm totally paranoid! As some of you may know, I am grounded from the computer for the month of October, yet here I am, typing away while my dad's at work. Well, I keep hearing car doors, and every time I do, I peer anxiously out the window, afraid that it's my dad. He doesn't even get home until 5:00 or later, but I keep thinking, What if he came home early in some sadistic plot to catch me on the computer? He knows! Dear God, he KNOWS! Okay, folks. I have officially flipped out. I'd better go before I make everyone else paranoid. So... ta!

--Paranoid Android,
Holly Rachael

Monday, October 14, 2002

Drug Addicts Have Taken Over the TV

Wow, I got up at 9:00 today, and I don't even have to go to school! *Rewards self with Skittles*. I can't believe I went to bed at 1:00 A.M. I believe that's a new record for me, at least in 2002! I usually don't go to bed until VH1's Insomniac Music Theater has been on for quite some time. If this new behavior of mine keeps up, maybe I could even get on *gasp* a regular sleeping schedule! Or not.

Zach'ry brought his car home this morn'. I missed Zach's car while it was getting fixed. He accidentally broke it a couple weeks ago, and he's been having to drive my piece-of-crap car ever since. Perhaps someday soon, I'll go to get my frickin' driving test so I can get my license. Then I'll be most prestigious, driving around proudly in my piece-of-crap car.

Dude, Zach and I were watching TV this morning, and the Tellytubbies were on. In the course of the half hour that this show was on, these little multi-colored gnomes (or something) did nothing but jump around pointlessly on some astroturf, being amused by weird crap like the sun... which seemed to be a baby. When I noticed that there was a baby's head in the sky, surrounded by rays of sunlight, I was like, "Um... why is there a baby in the sky?" to which Zach replied, "Oh, didn't you know? The sun is a baby. That's why you're not supposed to look directly at it; you're not supposed to see the baby." Then the Tellytubbies decide to prance around this wall that was there for no reason. When they were done prancing around the wall, they're like, "Hey, let's do that again!" I have to wonder, what kind of drug addicts thought this stuff up?

I was at Target with Mom and Mike the other day when Mike spontaneously decided that we should all go to a Flint Generals game that night. I didn't much like that idea, but Mom was like, "It'll make Mike happy, so let's go with him." So, I purchased my Harry Potter wand, and tried to put the full body bind of Mike so we wouldn't have to go to the friggin hockey game, but it didn't work. And so, there we were at the Flint Generals game, Mom with her migrain pills, me with my earplugs & Gameboy, and Mike with a big goofy grin. Since there were so many annoying things at this hockey game, I've compiled a list to remind myself to never go to a hockey game again, no matter what.

Annoying Crap @ the Friggin Hockey Game
*The psycho girls in front of me who wouldn't stop screaming their heads off.
*The people all around me who kept jumping up and knocking my Gameboy out of my hands.
*The ear-splittingly loud announcer.
*The musically-challenged DJ who insisted on playing the worst music he could.
*The ridiculously cold arena.
*The drunken idiot at the end of our row who kept screaming obscenities at anyone who dared to come near him.

Alright, I think that about covers it. Laaaaater!

--Holly :-O

Friday, October 11, 2002

You Impotent Little Know-It-All!

Heh. My character in The Elvis Monolouges is cool. She's like, "No, it wasn't a command performance! My little brother introduced his act, you impotent little know-it-all!" T'will be fun to play her, for she is a jerk. Most of this week's theater practice was spent listening to Morgan's and Kyle's dirty jokes, watching Jason and Kyle act out their monolouges and editing the swearin' out of my script. Laurie informed me that I shall be acting out my monolouge first next Wednesday, so I haven't been doing much for the last two days besides working on memorizing my script.

I'm rather proud of myself. The other day, my dad started yelling at me about how irresponsible I am, which is a common occurance around this house, which almost always results in me crying hysterically in my room. However, this day was different. I don't know if it was the Lifehouse playing in the background, or the chamomile tea I'd just enjoyed, but I kept very mellow throughout the entire lecture.

When Dad stopped yelling to take a breath, I calmy reminded him that I could be a whole lot more irresponsible than I am. For instance, my step brother has been arrested twice for doing drugs, and being a drunk minor. I also pointed out that I don't compromise my morals for anything/anyone, I always stand up for who and what I believe in and that I think I'm a pretty good kid. In the end, he had to agree. *Beams proudly*

Oh yeah! Guess what?! I was watching the telly last night, and the news chick said "It looks like Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is going to outsell the Sorcerer's Stone, as Showcase movie theaters are now selling advance tickets for the sequel!" *Does the Super-Mega-Happy Dance* The only problem is, I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY! And after I do work around the house and get my weekly allowance, I'll only have enough mula to buy my Halloween costume! Here's a list of all the things I desperately need before I go insane:
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets tickets
Hogwarts school uniform for my Halloween party
New Lifehouse CD
New Jennifer Love Hewitt CD
Michelle Branch CD
Hoobastank CD
The New Guy on DVD
Beauty and the Beast special edition DVD

What to do? Hmm... maybe I should get a job. ...Nah. I think I'll just sell some plasma.

--Holly Rachael :-D

Wednesday, October 9, 2002

I Buy Monogrammed Kleenex By the Ton

There's so much that needs to be done. I've got to drop that voucher off at school, I should clean this house before the dust gets too thick to breathe, my dog could really use a bath and I've got quite a bit of homework to do. But I figure, the thing that needs to be done most is this survey that I stole from Marie.

Chances are you probably have a crush on someone, what qualities does that person has that draw you to them? He's friendly, has a magnetic personality and shares my values. Oh yes, and he's very hot. Can't forget that...
A wall stands before you that goes endlessly in all directions. It cannot be surmounted in any way. What do you do? Cry. And if at first I don't succeed, cry, cry again.
If you were moving in a week, what things would you miss? Nothing! Because I would bring all the people and things I would miss with me. Ha! Guess I showed you...
Do you prefer hugs or kisses? Are we talkin' Hershey's here? 'Cause those hugs are might-ay good.
Mean people are taking over the world! If you could be a super hero, what would your super power be? I'd like to be able to eat my own weight in Bon-Bons so I could scare the mean people away while enjoying a large quanity of Bon-Bons.
There is a turtle lying flipped over in the desert. He cannot right himself and is dying in the sun. Will you walk on and leave him there? No, poophead. I shall bring the turtle home to live with me.
Which of your friends has the biggest hidden perverted side? None of them. They're all very out in the open with their perversion.
When you have the house to yourself what do you do? Hide under the covers, for being alone is not fun.
If you had only two days to live, what would you do? Call the Powerpuff Girls. There's got to be some way around this.
Who do you know that is the worst video game freak ever? I'd say it's a tie betweem Zach and Bobby. When they die on a video game, they tend to put holes through the wall.
Do you consider yourself to be popular, in the "middle class" of popular, just there, a dork, or an outcast? I'm in the "upper class" of dorkdom.
What was your favorite fortune from a fortune cookie? "Eat me."
What is the all around stupidest thing you have ever done out of all the stupid things we know you did throughout your life? I've never done anything stupid. *Goes to stick head in the microwave to get a tan*.
What would you do if you had a seventeen year old boy/girl in your bed? Oh, that happens to me every day at Mom's house. I just tell Billy's friends to go home.
Would you rather date the boy next door or the most popular guy in school? The boy next door is the most popular boy in school.
Your dream date? 9/9/99 because of all the 9s.
What's next to you right now? A plate that used to have a peanut butter sandwich on it.
If you could turn back time? I'd go back to last Thursday night so I could pay my phone bill on time.
What scares you? The end of a survey. I don't know what to do next.

I shall end this entry by saying that Dave was decked out in Michigan garb yesterday, and so my father would highly approve of him. I just hope Dave's not as much into football as Dad is... *looks panicked*

--Holly Rachael :-D

Monday, October 7, 2002

A Walk to Remember and a Drive to Forget

Last week was quite the eventful one, yet I didn't get to write about it due to the ever-so "convenient" fact that my dad grounded me from the computer. *Shakes fist at him* Oh well, I shall write now, while Father Dearest is at work. *Cackles evilly*

Wednesday, of course, was good ol' theatre practice. It wasn't nearly as much fun as it usually is because it was Role-Assigning For the Elvis Monolouges Day. So there was no pantomiming or improv. That was okay, though, because now I know who I'm playing!

I play this disgruntled, sarcastic 58-year-old woman named Tiny Pickins. Laurie told us we could edit our scripts if we wanted to. My character tends to talk like a drunken sailor, and my mom doesn't approve of swearing... and neither do my grandparents, cousins, aunt, uncle or even me, come to think of it. So Zach said, "When the script says 'sh*t', you could put in a funny word." I agreed to this lovely idea, and my script is now full of words such as "bullplop". Heheh... bullplop.

Thursday morning, I was ridiculously tired, and the last thing I felt like doing was going to school. But am I ever glad I did. *Grins* I was wearing my shirt that says, "Think you can be a meat-eating environmentalist? Think again. Give a damn-- go vegetarian!" I was sitting in intro to theatre, waiting for Mr. "Always 20-Minutes Late" Chapel, when I felt someone's presence in front of my desk. I looked up from my Gameboy and was suddenly face-to-face with none other than... *echo effect* .:::THE HOT VEGAN DUDE:::. He said, "So you're a hardcore animal rights supporter then?" When I said "Yeah," he gave me a high five, said, "You're awesome" and went back to his seat. *Is ecstatic*

When the class ended, I began my walk to the Prahl Center, and was super-happy to see the Hot Vegan Dude walking in front of me... but I was much less happy to see that he was walking with the attractive blonde chick that Mr. Chapel seems to have a crush on. By some miracle, though, the Hot Vegan Dude glanced at me, said goodbye to the attractive blonde chick, and began walking with... *gasp* me. He said, "Hello, there! I wanted to get your name." Once I told him, he introduced himself as Dave and shook my hand. As we ventured toward the Prahl Center, we talked about animal rights and what made us decide to go vegetarian. We stood and talked until he had to get to class, and in the ten minutes that I talked to him, I've come to this decision: Dave is perfect.

Friday was much less fun, but it was definitely eventful as all get-out. My mom came home from work that morning to see cop cars surrounding my step brother's truck. Apparently, Thursday night, Bill (my step brother) and his friend got absurdely drunk, then Bill drove the both of them straight into the strip club Deja Vu. Yes, into the side of the building. After using their fake I.D.s to get into the Deja Vu, Bill and his friend got back into the truck, and then Bill drove the truck straight into the side of the gas station. He did serious damage to both the Deja Vu and the gas station. Then the cops caught Bill and his friend, and thew 'em in jail.

Bill had to spend a little over 24-hours in jail due to the fact that he was legally drunk all that time. Since he was driving drunk at the age of 19, did serious damage to two buildings, used a fake I.D. to get into a strip club & was driving without a license (he had it revoked 4 months ago), he's in deep trouble. He'll have his arraignment soon, and then we'll see how long he's going to be in jail.

Whew! I think that's all that's happened. So... later!

--Holly Rachael :-D

Tuesday, October 1, 2002

The Hot Vegan Dude and Fun Galore

Isn't it awesome how different college is from high school? I mean... all through high school, I was either totally ignored, or made fun of for all my various obsessions and animal rights issues. But now that I'm in college, people are suddenly nice. It's like a completely different world. People I don't even know stop and say, "I like your shirt." You know, I never did understand why people in high school disliked my Mr. Rogers shirt. *Smiles and waves at the Mr. Rogers on my shirt*.

In high school, when I'd look around, I'd see cliques. A cluster of giggling preps, a herde of wild drug addicts, a big shadow of goths all dressed in Marilyn Manson shirts with pants covered in safety pins... And everywhere I turned, one group of people was looking down on another group of people, either making fun of them for the way they dressed and the music they listened to, or glaring at them for simply daring to exist.

College is like a breath of fresh air to me. There are no cliques. It's not unusual to see a 60-year-old guy walking and talking with a pierced-up kid who's wearing jeans that are three sizes too big for him. I love the way college students are. They all seem content with themselves, and with everyone else. I went to my Intro to Theater class today, and immediately spotted... *echo effect* .:::THE HOT VEGAN DUDE:::. *end echo effect*. I'm very proud of myself... I actually talked to him. *Beams proudly and high fives the first person she sees* I wish to marry him someday. *Nods decidedly, grinning from ear to ear*

And now, it's time for a lovely, fun Birthday Survey that I have stolen from my buddy, Samantha.

1. Date of birth: February 28th, 1984.
2. Current age: 18
3. Zodiac sign: Pisces. I'm a fish! *Splashes around to get point across*
4. Birthstone: Amethyst.
5. Do you like to make a big deal out of your birthday? Um... not a huge deal. But I do enjoy making it known that it is Holly Day every Feb. 28th.
6. Do you like it when people bring you balloons? Yes. Balloons rock my world.
7. What kind of cards do you like, sappy or funny? Funny, all the way!
8. Have you ever had a surprise party? Yes. When I turned 6, I believe. I was rather angry about it.
8. Do you want one? No, thanks.
9. Where would your dream birthday party take place? At the Flamingo Hilton garden/pool area in Las Vegas, baby!
10. What do you want for your birthday? Well, it's quite a ways away, but I always like getting funny shirts and novelty hats.
11. Do you like getting any of the following as gifts?
Jewelry: Absolutely!
CD's: If I've specifically requested them.
DVD's: Yesiree! DVDs are my passion in life.
Clothes: If we're talkin' funny, or animal rights shirts, yeah.
Books: Yes, bring on the books! ...Please.
Perfume: Oh yeah, Cancun! *Waves at Boas*
Flowers: Sure, flowers are lovely things.
Candy: I'm always up for candy, yes.
Money: I'd actually rather not get money. I like getting gifts because buying or making something seems more creative, and from the heart to me than saying "Here's $20, have fun with that."
12. What was the best gift you've ever received? My first cat, Tinsel. She was a Christmas present. Does that count?
13. What was the worst gift? That math G.E.D. study book I got from my dad last year.
14. What is your favourite store? FAO Shwartz.
15. What is your favourite colour? Pink.
16. How much money do you expect your friends to spend on you? None at all. It's the thought that counts, pal.
17. What kind of cake do you like? White cake! Ooh, and that confetti cake is good too.
18. If there were a picture on the cake what would you want it to be of? My mom is the world's best cake decorater, and I've loved every picture she put on my cakes. But my favorite was the one with Daria daydreaming about Trent.
19. If you could invite one celebrity to your birthday party and they would come, who would it be? J.K. Rowling. Ooh, can I have "Weird Al" too? That'd be great.
20. Do you prefer store bought or homemade gifts? They're both great.
21. Do you hate it when presents are wrapped in newspaper? Heh, no, I prefer it! Just wrap it in the comics so I can read 'em when I'm done opening it.
22. Do you like it when the waiter sings happy birthday? I like it when they do it to someone who isn't me.
23. What's the coolest thing you've ever done for someone's birthday? We all threw this huge surprise party at Fuddrucker's for my dad's 40th B-day. It was super-fun, trying to keep it a secret... and we all managed it!
24. What's the coolest thing someone has done for yours? When I was 11, I was OBSESSED with One Life to Live. On my B-day, my mom decked out the entire house, inside and out, with pictures of my two favorite couples from the show. My mom is like, the coolest person of all time. *Hugs her*
25. What do you think you will wish for when you blow out the candles? That no wax gets on the frosting. *Shudders* I hate it when that happens.
--Holly Rachael :-D